idk hows on other servers but on Dragon,for me,things are awful...i can't do any dungeon,skirmish even questing without "server not responding",horrible lag.low fps...and its you Cryptic not me,i lowered everything even tho my pc is good enough for NW requierment and my connection is stable.
I started having this issue yesterday. On Dragon server... everything loads fine up until it says Loading Protector's Enclave... where it stays for quite sometime... then red warnings appear saying server not responding... then the words press any key to enter appear, and when I press the "any key" it says disconnected from server... and I have to start all over again.
when i switch proxy to eu,i had another problem,i couldn't log in,i notice in lower left corner it says proxy:eu1... and when i switch proxy to none than i log in with proxy:eu2.funny thing is when i exit game(with proxy:none) and start again i change proxy to eu i manage to log in and game works fine.So that means i have to start game,log in than exit.start again switch proxy to eu,log in and play LOL...also one very frustrating thing that continue to happen is crash in dungeon and skirmish,man how i get angry,i love this game but if problem doesn't solve soon,i will have to say goodbye,at least until it becomes full game.
Well this is interesting. I have just discovered that I have an internet problem. :-( I hope it is my modem. I'm switching it out tomorrow. If my connection is fixed, I hope it really was a problem on my end and not with the game! haha
I know not everyone will need a new modem...unless there was a conspiracy by Cryptic to destroy all our modems! :-)
I started having this today after the patch, too. And when I'm not getting server not responding, I'm rubberbanding like crazy.
I wonder what they screw up this time... i have been unable to play due to rubber banding and server not responding issues for the last 3 days. PVP maps i get this same problem but in a more pronounced way, get dced within 15 seconds. This is really crappy beginning to wonder if I should continue this game.
when i switch proxy to eu,i had another problem,i couldn't log in,i notice in lower left corner it says proxy:eu1... and when i switch proxy to none than i log in with proxy:eu2.funny thing is when i exit game(with proxy:none) and start again i change proxy to eu i manage to log in and game works fine.So that means i have to start game,log in than exit.start again switch proxy to eu,log in and play LOL...also one very frustrating thing that continue to happen is crash in dungeon and skirmish,man how i get angry,i love this game but if problem doesn't solve soon,i will have to say goodbye,at least until it becomes full game.
eu2 is the only server working for me. when u do a fresh start of a game it will always connect to eu1 and game will always stuck on "connecting to srever". do alt+ctr+delete change to server "none" repeat and back to EU is good idea because at the 2,3 time u will connect to eu2 and have stable game without any issues (at least for me). but a bit qucker is at the first attempion of connection (proxy "EU" and eu1) when u stuck on "connecting to server"stay there for at least 15sec. and do alt+ctr+del restart the game with same "EU" proxy settings at the 2 or 3 time game wiill connect to eu2 servers. sorry for gibberish english
Not only do I sometimes get a "server not responding" in the middle of the game, but lately every time I try to join a Skirmish I get logged out and it says "lost connection with server"... been happening ever since 11:00 PM GMT+2.
I am having the same problem. Has Perfect World made any comments on this issue? This is quite a few people having the same problem... I am trying to the proxy settings and Demand Patch thing. Hopefully that works. I guess this is what beta is all about... finding problems like this. But don't give up the faith... this game looks incredible.
I have not even looked at my ping... just rubberbanding. I will be moving and then every minute or two I get about 10 seconds of "Server not responding" and then it throws me back to where I was when it started.
eu2 is the only server working for me. when u do a fresh start of a game it will always connect to eu1 and game will always stuck on "connecting to srever". do alt+ctr+delete change to server "none" repeat and back to EU is good idea because at the 2,3 time u will connect to eu2 and have stable game without any issues (at least for me). but a bit qucker is at the first attempion of connection (proxy "EU" and eu1) when u stuck on "connecting to server"stay there for at least 15sec. and do alt+ctr+del restart the game with same "EU" proxy settings at the 2 or 3 time game wiill connect to eu2 servers. sorry for gibberish english
np your english is fine to me tnx for tip,only thing is,on EU2 game knows to crash in dungeon/skirmish,that happen couple times.but still i will try,maybe some future patch will fix that issue
I am now also unable to log into the game. the launcher is taking a long time to connect then when I get to character selection it takes a while some times to show my toons. then after clicking on enter world. it gets disconnected. in ten tries I got to my toon and then I qued for a dungon and while loading and patching for that it got server no response a few times till I was disconnected. and this is all after I canceled my subscription to dcuo which I have prepaid up to middle of next month. now not too sure if I should stop playing dcuo.
Yeah, having terrible, strange lag yesterday. Can't even log in today. Not sure what this is, but getting a little frustrating.
godtacticsMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 4Arc User
edited June 2013
yesterday it was rubberbanding. I fixed that through force verify but today it's this server not responding. I don't know how to fix this one yet so I'm stuck playing other games for the meanwhile.
silknightMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 199
edited June 2013
Also not able to log in, ran the cryptic net test from the other thread, times out on port 443
I am having the same problem now. Why is this happening? I just installed the game and while playing the game suddenly freezes and says; Server is not responding (x seconds).
Same problem happening to me as of today. Severe lag suddenly, server not responding, constantly being kicked from game. I have a pretty fast laptop too, meant for gaming, so this is very frustrating.
I edited the host Windows file adding:
Then the client connected to eu2 and all worked perfect... but only yesterday.
Today, now, all the time I connect to eu1 and have all the time, as before yesterday, the server not responding issue
I spent $$ on this stupid game. They need to get their act together and address this issue. This is a MAJOR issue.
Okay....US Proxy is worse!
I know not everyone will need a new modem...unless there was a conspiracy by Cryptic to destroy all our modems! :-)
I wonder what they screw up this time... i have been unable to play due to rubber banding and server not responding issues for the last 3 days. PVP maps i get this same problem but in a more pronounced way, get dced within 15 seconds. This is really crappy beginning to wonder if I should continue this game.
eu2 is the only server working for me. when u do a fresh start of a game it will always connect to eu1 and game will always stuck on "connecting to srever". do alt+ctr+delete change to server "none" repeat and back to EU is good idea because at the 2,3 time u will connect to eu2 and have stable game without any issues (at least for me). but a bit qucker is at the first attempion of connection (proxy "EU" and eu1) when u stuck on "connecting to server"stay there for at least 15sec. and do alt+ctr+del restart the game with same "EU" proxy settings at the 2 or 3 time game wiill connect to eu2 servers. sorry for gibberish english
Update: Got hit with 4 or 5 disconnects in under an hour. Dungeon Delves were going on. After DD, I haven't gotten disconnected.
And when i get in i have fu****g 1500 3000 ping :mad:
Now, in the past few days, >> LAG SPIKES << Every 4-6 Second I get 1 Second lag spike.
When zoning to Dungeons i get "Server does not Respond" for up to 200-300 seconds and sometimes dropping me from the game.
This is a very annoying Issue, Anyone have a fix for this? Not letting me enjoy the game AT ALL!
My internet connection is fine and steady. Must be Connection to the servers some how.
/netgraph 1 and noticed my ping jumping from 100-200 to 700-2000
np your english is fine to me
I seem to be experiencing the same issue. Just started doing it yesterday. Did you end up resolving it somehow?