I have a question about Masterful Arcane Theft (5/5), This talent is very usefull if you can keep some chill on your target, but with this build you just have Chill Strike and it's not enought.
Masterful Arcane Theft grants damage bonus to RoE and Steal Time based on the stacks of chill on targets and stacks of Arcane Mastery on the caster. When you cast Steal Time with more than one target in range, you'll have a max stack of AM by the time you deal damage.
Masterful Arcane Theft grants damage bonus to RoE and Steal Time based on the stacks of chill on targets and stacks of Arcane Mastery on the caster. When you cast Steal Time with more than one target in range, you'll have a max stack of AM by the time you deal damage.
Did anyone even test this out though? That the additional damage from AM works even without a chill stack? The wording seems to suggest that if the target is chilled, your ST/ROE deals 10% more damage AND whatever amount of AM stacks you have *5%. There is a big difference there, depending on how it works.
Given that Astral Shield is a Divine Cleric power that affects defenses and Evocation is a Control Wizard power that affects offense, I'd say that the two have no interaction at all.
Arf feeling so HAMSTER now change astral shield for shield only the CW skill >.<
Wouldn't Bitter Cold be a better option than Snap Freeze atm for Tieflings considering Snap Freeze is apparently buggy as well. I know bosses can't be frozen or have stacks of Chill built on them, but they are still "afflicted" by Chill until they wipe the effect.
So the one thing I didn't see in this guide is State Ratings and which order you should prioritize them. Currently I'm at 4.1k Power, 2.5k Recovery, 700 Crit and 500 Armor Pen. From what I can figure out there seems to be a soft cap on Recovery around 35% (like 2100 ish), but I may be wrong. So at this point I'm looking for more crit than recovery.
How good is armor pen has anyone been able to test it out?
So the one thing I didn't see in this guide is State Ratings and which order you should prioritize them. Currently I'm at 4.1k Power, 2.5k Recovery, 700 Crit and 500 Armor Pen. From what I can figure out there seems to be a soft cap on Recovery around 35% (like 2100 ish), but I may be wrong. So at this point I'm looking for more crit than recovery.
How good is armor pen has anyone been able to test it out?
It's extremely good, it scaled just as well as crit does. The OP seems to think you only want to have around 1550, not sure why, the soft cap is quite a bit higher than that, but I am using it (cleared 4/4 CN) and I'm loving it.
People who stack recovery are just doing it wrong, it DR's hard after the softcap, which is actually closer to 3k. I am running similar stats to the OP, with a bit more recovery because I have the CN MH/OH and my armor pen is at 2k (probably just from higher quality gems).
I think that it's funny that Pyrotechnic Band only goes to 70-80k AD on the AH here on Dragon, when it's basically the best DPS ring for you and your pet in the game.
honoraryorangeMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
I tend to agree about most of the stats and staying far from when the softcaps get harder. I'm not a fan of Armor Penetration though, so right now my stats (with stat pet) are:
Power 3572
Crit: 3027
Armor Pen: 282
Recovery 3573
Which leaves me at 36.2% crit, 45.3% Recharge and 34.3% Action Paint Gain.
Overall I feel pretty good about it. I've got most of the main abilities up to decent levels before the falloffs really hit hard, and it has worked out pretty well so far.
which Orb is best at lvl 60 when I have renegade build. Is it better to go for max power because I already have enough crit? Or better choose an Orb with crit on it.
honoraryorangeMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 0Arc User
which Orb is best at lvl 60 when I have renegade build. Is it better to go for max power because I already have enough crit? Or better choose an Orb with crit on it.
Whatever you can get with the highest base damage. Once you get into 60 epics you will need to diversify stats anyways.
I have a question about Masterful Arcane Theft (5/5), This talent is very usefull if you can keep some chill on your target, but with this build you just have Chill Strike and it's not enought.
What you can tell me about this choice please ?
Slot Icy Terrain, damage isnt great, but you will make it up a little with Masterful Arcane, while also providing another decent level of CC.
Tabbed Chill Strike, Icy Terrain, Steal Time, Shield is good for 95% of the T1/T2 content.
On Boss fights you can replace Icy Terrain with RoE, OR replace Chill Strike with Entangling Force, depending on your role.
Slot Icy Terrain, damage isnt great, but you will make it up a little with Masterful Arcane, while also providing another decent level of CC.
Tabbed Chill Strike, Icy Terrain, Steal Time, Shield is good for 95% of the T1/T2 content.
On Boss fights you can replace Icy Terrain with RoE, OR replace Chill Strike with Entangling Force, depending on your role.
Plus I've realized that Icy Terrain is pretty useful in PVP. Not like.. tangibly useful (aside from hitting rogues who stealth nearby) but in so far that people freak out about it and try to avoid it/move rather than fight. Plus if it hits a few people the extra crit severity is nice.
Im a renegade. You should try using the shield repell in Epics. It instantly refills your Action Points on a ton of Adds and being able to pop a singularity every 15 secs is a must to do, especially if youre the solo CW. Steal time is inferior to that in terms of Action points regen as it doesnt affect too many enemies it seems. What I do is standing close (ofc not always possible) to boss, hammering it with missiles, popping a singularity behind me, shield knockback em all while they are sucked in (they wont be knocked around but continue to get sucked in, thus negating knockback effect), hammering the boss again steal time after -> AP refreshed, singularity again. The more mobs the better this works and you control the entire ADDforce by yourself.
And as a bonus to all this, you often outdamage the rogue :P
schulz87Member, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 6Arc User
edited May 2013
people usually underestimate icy terrain uses on t1 t2 dungeon, the chill on mobs really saves the trouble on a big pack of mobs chasing clerics or CWs, guess lots of people didnt get icy terrain, its a great utility IMO
'm level 58 and I'm really unsure on what to spend my points/paragon on if any. So far here are my maxed skills/ feats.
Chill Strike
Orb of Imp
Ice Storm
Entangling Force
Arcane Singularity
Arcane presence
Steal Time
Ice Terrain
Ice Knife
Storm Spell
Eye of the Storm
Im a renegade. You should try using the shield repell in Epics. It instantly refills your Action Points on a ton of Adds and being able to pop a singularity every 15 secs is a must to do, especially if youre the solo CW. Steal time is inferior to that in terms of Action points regen as it doesnt affect too many enemies it seems. What I do is standing close (ofc not always possible) to boss, hammering it with missiles, popping a singularity behind me, shield knockback em all while they are sucked in (they wont be knocked around but continue to get sucked in, thus negating knockback effect), hammering the boss again steal time after -> AP refreshed, singularity again. The more mobs the better this works and you control the entire ADDforce by yourself.
And as a bonus to all this, you often outdamage the rogue :P
possible to see a vid on that ?
im so ****ing unsure if i should go renegade or Thaumaturge xD
Loving this guide so much :P
Anyway my preferences for PvP would be:
TAB: Enfeebling ray.
Q: Entangling force,
E: Chill strike
R: Shield
1: Singularity
2: Ice knife
Passive: eye of the storm, storm spell
BTW - the full rotation is insta-kill 1v1 mostly:
Open with a Enfeebling ray/chill strike (depends on how close i am to enemy), , then entangling force, second cast of ray, ice knife (if its up and if its necessary), then repeat. Oh, yah - blast 'em with magic missiles when i can. This definitely kills if rye of the storm procs or if you use ice knife.
BTW - gotta love Ice Knife crit - been dealing as much as 15 k dmg with one hit. Its so funny to use it on some nasty, greedy rogues that feel so cool, cuz they can get close to me and deal insane damage - i remember kiting one TR across the whole map, just to one-shot him with Ice Knife, once my storm proc'd. Maaan, that guy was pissed :P
so can anyone please tell me is it worth going tenebrous enchant for pve?
I went to Lesser Tenebrous and wasn't all that impressed at all. Switched to Rank5 Armor Penetration and saw a huge difference. People say that you need Greater Tenebrous to notice the difference. I don't think it is worth the cost at all, given that our main purpose is to "control" adds. Doing a ton of damage just happens as a side bonus, and only to emphasize the fact that GWFs are in dire need of SOMETHING. Spending all that AD on Greater Tenebrous doesn't contribute an OUNCE to the CN Draco fight and other T2 final bosses. In all honestly, the only thing it "may" do is boost your ego when you look at the final score card, and I emphasize "may". Everything I said is with regards to PvE. PvP wise, it is more useful.
I went to Lesser Tenebrous and wasn't all that impressed at all. Switched to Rank5 Armor Penetration and saw a huge difference. People say that you need Greater Tenebrous to notice the difference. I don't think it is worth the cost at all, given that our main purpose is to "control" adds. Doing a ton of damage just happens as a side bonus, and only to emphasize the fact that GWFs are in dire need of SOMETHING. Spending all that AD on Greater Tenebrous doesn't contribute an OUNCE to the CN Draco fight and other T2 final bosses. In all honestly, the only thing it "may" do is boost your ego when you look at the final score card, and I emphasize "may". Everything I said is with regards to PvE. PvP wise, it is more useful.
Not even useful then, it has an internal CD that isn't mentioned in the tooltip, and the proc chance is low even then, at approximately 1% if using a Greater or Perfect. You'd be better dumping in R5+ Radiant or Azure enchantments than Tenebrous. In all honesty, Holy Avenger would probably be the best bet in at least one slot because apparently nothing in the game resists Radiant damage, and Radiant damage actually seems to affect Undead, Drow, Duergar and Illthids even more (stuff you'll constantly be fighting later in the end-game).
Edit: Tenebrous also seems to not stack or have synergy with Eye of the Storm or any CW feats that provide bonus to crit or damage.
Edit 2: Tenebrous USED to work better prior to some of the recent patches. It is my belief they stealth patched it to lower the synergy with feats and procs, and the total damage output.
How Cryptic trolls the entire NWO playerbase: 9200 GS listed for CN, implying anyone who needs more has no skill.
Imivo, top guide. thank you. Have taken the liberty to post a link and a screenshot of feats/powers selection to my guild website (with full credit to you ofc) for ease of reference
Sudden Storm: Lightning dmg, I assumed, without really thinking about it that this was buffed by stacks of arcane mastery, then a guildie questioned me about it and now, well, I'm thinking that assumption was dead wrong and that lightning dmg is lightning dmg, not arcane related in any way whatsoever. Could you guys clarify for me pls?
Also, A question re: Weapon Enhancement and Armor Enhancement slots. I read somewhere in this thread that the plaguefire enhancement is best for weapon slots, is that confirmed definitively? As for the armor slot, what are you guys running with and again is there a definitive BiS enhancement for this?
Okay, after reading the notes for the upcoming balancing patch, this build will need some tweaks (like all builds for all classes). It is fine for the current live version of the game, and they announced a free respec token for when the patch is released.
I'll delay my thoughts on stats until then as well.
What you can tell me about this choice please ?
Arf feeling so HAMSTER now change astral shield for shield only the CW skill >.<
How good is armor pen has anyone been able to test it out?
It's extremely good, it scaled just as well as crit does. The OP seems to think you only want to have around 1550, not sure why, the soft cap is quite a bit higher than that, but I am using it (cleared 4/4 CN) and I'm loving it.
People who stack recovery are just doing it wrong, it DR's hard after the softcap, which is actually closer to 3k. I am running similar stats to the OP, with a bit more recovery because I have the CN MH/OH and my armor pen is at 2k (probably just from higher quality gems).
I think that it's funny that Pyrotechnic Band only goes to 70-80k AD on the AH here on Dragon, when it's basically the best DPS ring for you and your pet in the game.
Power 3572
Crit: 3027
Armor Pen: 282
Recovery 3573
Which leaves me at 36.2% crit, 45.3% Recharge and 34.3% Action Paint Gain.
Overall I feel pretty good about it. I've got most of the main abilities up to decent levels before the falloffs really hit hard, and it has worked out pretty well so far.
Whatever you can get with the highest base damage. Once you get into 60 epics you will need to diversify stats anyways.
Slot Icy Terrain, damage isnt great, but you will make it up a little with Masterful Arcane, while also providing another decent level of CC.
Tabbed Chill Strike, Icy Terrain, Steal Time, Shield is good for 95% of the T1/T2 content.
On Boss fights you can replace Icy Terrain with RoE, OR replace Chill Strike with Entangling Force, depending on your role.
am lost and do not know what it should use
Plus I've realized that Icy Terrain is pretty useful in PVP. Not like.. tangibly useful (aside from hitting rogues who stealth nearby) but in so far that people freak out about it and try to avoid it/move rather than fight. Plus if it hits a few people the extra crit severity is nice.
And as a bonus to all this, you often outdamage the rogue :P
Chill Strike
Orb of Imp
Ice Storm
Entangling Force
Arcane Singularity
Arcane presence
Steal Time
Ice Terrain
Ice Knife
Storm Spell
Eye of the Storm
Reaper Touch
Nightmare Wizardry
Phantasmal Destruction
Master Arcane theft
Chaos Magic
Malevolent Surge
I beleive I have 3 more points left for kills/paragon and don't know what else to spend them on. Help?
possible to see a vid on that
im so ****ing unsure if i should go renegade or Thaumaturge xD
Anyway my preferences for PvP would be:
TAB: Enfeebling ray.
Q: Entangling force,
E: Chill strike
R: Shield
1: Singularity
2: Ice knife
Passive: eye of the storm, storm spell
BTW - the full rotation is insta-kill 1v1 mostly:
Open with a Enfeebling ray/chill strike (depends on how close i am to enemy), , then entangling force, second cast of ray, ice knife (if its up and if its necessary), then repeat. Oh, yah - blast 'em with magic missiles when i can. This definitely kills if rye of the storm procs or if you use ice knife.
BTW - gotta love Ice Knife crit - been dealing as much as 15 k dmg with one hit. Its so funny to use it on some nasty, greedy rogues that feel so cool, cuz they can get close to me and deal insane damage - i remember kiting one TR across the whole map, just to one-shot him with Ice Knife, once my storm proc'd. Maaan, that guy was pissed :P
I went to Lesser Tenebrous and wasn't all that impressed at all. Switched to Rank5 Armor Penetration and saw a huge difference. People say that you need Greater Tenebrous to notice the difference. I don't think it is worth the cost at all, given that our main purpose is to "control" adds. Doing a ton of damage just happens as a side bonus, and only to emphasize the fact that GWFs are in dire need of SOMETHING. Spending all that AD on Greater Tenebrous doesn't contribute an OUNCE to the CN Draco fight and other T2 final bosses. In all honestly, the only thing it "may" do is boost your ego when you look at the final score card, and I emphasize "may". Everything I said is with regards to PvE. PvP wise, it is more useful.
Not even useful then, it has an internal CD that isn't mentioned in the tooltip, and the proc chance is low even then, at approximately 1% if using a Greater or Perfect. You'd be better dumping in R5+ Radiant or Azure enchantments than Tenebrous. In all honesty, Holy Avenger would probably be the best bet in at least one slot because apparently nothing in the game resists Radiant damage, and Radiant damage actually seems to affect Undead, Drow, Duergar and Illthids even more (stuff you'll constantly be fighting later in the end-game).
Edit: Tenebrous also seems to not stack or have synergy with Eye of the Storm or any CW feats that provide bonus to crit or damage.
Edit 2: Tenebrous USED to work better prior to some of the recent patches. It is my belief they stealth patched it to lower the synergy with feats and procs, and the total damage output.
Sudden Storm: Lightning dmg, I assumed, without really thinking about it that this was buffed by stacks of arcane mastery, then a guildie questioned me about it and now, well, I'm thinking that assumption was dead wrong and that lightning dmg is lightning dmg, not arcane related in any way whatsoever. Could you guys clarify for me pls?
Also, A question re: Weapon Enhancement and Armor Enhancement slots. I read somewhere in this thread that the plaguefire enhancement is best for weapon slots, is that confirmed definitively? As for the armor slot, what are you guys running with and again is there a definitive BiS enhancement for this?
Many thanks and great thread guys.
Ellie Mental (in-game name)
Well, u can read no further, young wizards. This is pretty much b**it, no offense, seems just like author never played high-lvl pve.
My videos
I'll delay my thoughts on stats until then as well.