I'm glad I am not the only one that noticed block is broken right now. On many occasions my GF uses the block animation and at-will attacks specific to blocking but when a mob attacks the attack just resolves as if I was not blocking. It has not caused any wipes yet but it happens several times every dungeon run and it is incredibly annoying.
Please fix QQ.
just to be clear here the block issue is not a delay, when I use certain abilites and press shift quickly after, the character acts as though he is blocking but when an attack comes it is not blocked, when another attack comes (still holding shift) 10 second after, it still is not blocked.
(Acting as blocking should be read as: He uses the at-will block powers instead of normal ones and holds up his shield)
So the ignorant Cryptic post about a small delay is incorrect (atleast in my opinion).
Mistakes are made even by kind cryptic posters.
and now (after 24 page of people asking for a fix on this big GF problem...) the topic is moved to the warrior subforum... that just sound like... "we have enough of seeing u cry on our general section so move out and cry in your little corner"...
and now (after 24 page of people asking for a fix on this big GF problem...) the topic is moved to the warrior subforum... that just sound like... "we have enough of seeing u cry on our general section so move out and cry in your little corner"...
so sad
They posted in here saying its working as intended but I really dont think it is... Its not about getting hit while blocking its that block wont even work! You hit shift, nope, you have to take it off shift and hit it again to block correctly... I didnt notice this at all until the patch that apaprently moved everything serverside... That is what i was told.
It does appear to have some kind of change with the activation but once block is "up" it does block the damage.
But players are making it sound like they've never noticed the internal cooldown or activation delay. They've always been there but just recently its like the delay on activation has increased but could be latency issue between my client & server.
bonfire01Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 20Arc User
snowballo - lol I have 4 Guardians - Halfling, Orc, Drawf & Tie. I'm getting ready to level my 5th. Each with different concepts.
Again block is not broken. Block works just fine with block is up!
No it bloody doesn't. You get stuck in a block stance, using block at wills but not bloody blocking. You look like your blocking but take normal damage and get CC'd FACT. you then need to drop out of block and reapply it in order to start blocking, otherwise you can wander around in a block stance forever with it not working.
It doesn't happen every time you block or course, it's basically a badly coded exploit fix that seems to happen most when you try and throw out an ability between blocking. If it's not happening to you then there must be a built in 1 second delay between your brain deciding to do something and your fingers having a go at doing it, because if you intentially leave a delay it won't happen. Of course by then , in lvl 60 PvP the stun locking to death has already begun and you're buggered.
EDIT: Just to be sure we're on the same wavelength this NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER happened to me before the patch. It's not like i'm describing the brief delay between hitting shift and blocking, i'm talking about being stuck in a block stance that does nothing apart from change my at wills and make me hold my shield up doing nothing. You're like that til you drop out of block and re-enter it.
I pretty much only PvP expect during DD. I have no issues blocking attacks and I've said that the activation seems to be changed or latency is causing an problem.
But there has "ALWAYS" been a delay in block activation & a internal cooldown that prevents you from dropping block and raising it right back up again about a 1 second delay.
This delay appears to not be affected by your recovery also as it's the same from level 1 to 60.
I've leveled 4 Guardians and got used to the delay and it doesn't bother me anymore.
Unless you can post a video showing your block is up and you walking around and taking damage several seconds after raising your block, I can't duplicate the issue with my GFs.
It is also possible that your client is saying you have block up but the server says you do not. So unless you can show a video of you having your block up and taking damage while targets are facing you. (Not behind or flanked)
I think they might have tweaked the Flanking radius and that's also why we are seeing more hits.
bonfire01Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 20Arc User
It is also possible that your client is saying you have block up but the server says you do not. So unless you can show a video of you having your block up and taking damage while targets are facing you. (Not behind or flanked)
I think they might have tweaked the Flanking radius and that's also why we are seeing more hits.
My client saying I have block up and the server saying I don't is exactly what's happening (to me and lots of people). I have zero lag or rubber banding, all my abilities fire responsively and had no problem with blocking before they "fixed" people exploiting client side control of block.
It's NOT that I show as blocking and take say 1 hit I shouldn't by what I see on my screen then start blocking, it's that I have block up and don't block things literally directly in front of me.
It doesn't happen all the time, in fact most of the time block is fine. It does however happen enough that it's not acceptable to leave it alone. IF it was just that I hit shift, show as blocking but take an extra hit occasionaly because of an internal delay then start blocking then it wouldn't be great but I could forgive it as latency (although my net connection is a beast, so I don't see why I should have a problem full stop), it's the fact you wander round like that until you let go of shift and then restart.
Basically it seems like you press shift and the server decides you can't start blocking at that precise moment in time. It then fails to tell your client so your client happily shows you as blocking and changes your at wills to your block versions with the animations for those at wills and the damage and effects of those at wills. The server will ALSO fail to start blocking at any point afterwards unless you release shift and press it again. It's INCREDIBLY badly coded, I mean embarrassingly so. My client knows I want to be blocking so how can they not simnply have it tell the server that at any point OTHER than when I first press shift. It's like they have an on press event and an on release event transmitted to the server but can't detect a state in between, so if the server decides you can't start blocking on press you won't start after and it won't tell your client about it either.
Theres actually a short cooldown and activate time on block and other Shift powers. Its better to keep block up than let it down if you are going to need it again so quickly.
They are also all predicted client side, so if theres a bit of latency and you get hit when trying to dodge/block something late it will rubberband you back, but most times it just lets block and roll feel smoother, which is critical for these sorts of abilities to feel and look better in more cases.
The one thing you FAILED to account for is the idiots who pick up loot. Why do I need to revamp my default keybinds to clear that annoying pop up mid combat to SHIFT+1/2 it and ruin my ability to block effectively?
Stop making ignorant comments about latency or delays please. There clearly is an issue with GF block since the last patch, and posters above me have described it very well.
mercenaryiiiMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
Surely after 255+ comments, the developers are exceedingly aware of the problem. They definitely tinkered with it recently, or my latency has changed in some way. I notice that I can block semi-immediately after using Enforced Threat now, instead of having to wait ~2.5 seconds (which would take half my health in damage in the mean time). However, using something like Iron Warrior and immediately attempting to block still reveals the bad behavior in all its horrible glory (my character animation glitches out and will not block).
degraafinationMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
snowballo - lol I have 4 Guardians - Halfling, Orc, Drawf & Tie. I'm getting ready to level my 5th. Each with different concepts.
Again block is not broken. Block works just fine with block is up!
Block, while blocking works just fine indeed.
You however are missing the point where block has issues.
If it does not apply to the way you play, then that's fine, the fact block bugs out for others is not.
Now here are a couple of examples when block doesn't work as intended.
1. You get knocked down. You press and hold shift before the cc effect is fully over. You get up completely after the cc is over, still holding your shift ready to block that second attack that's going to be chained right after you get up. But oh wait, you actually aren't blocking despite holding shift and your character acting as if it's blocking you still eat full damage and cc.
2. You use enforced threat and immediately hold down shift to start blocking the monsters you just pissed off. Your character starts the block animation. But oh wait you'r eating all the damage and cc anyway.
3. You start a block to block an incoming aoe circle, but at the same time another aoe circle starts at your location with you being at the edge of both. You decide to run out of 1 of them to not get hit by both. You release block, get out of one circle hold down shift to block. But oh wait what the heck is that, your character starts some twitching moves and turns around and spins and twitches some more, you can use the 2 shield attack skills but hey you actually aren't blocking anything and running at full speed.
I can keep going with situations where this kind of block related behavior appears.
And I am not sure if you consider those examples to be working as intended, because if you do then there seriously is something wrong with you.
Holding down shift on the guardian should result in the guardian starting the block as soon as it's available for use.
If it's on cooldown for whatever length of time, that doesn't matter whatsoever. I'm holding block so as soon as the cooldown is over I should be blocking.
Snow's Melee Arena:NW-DMT7STJ9E Combat arena. Adjustable challenge.
Difficulty: Adjustable easy - very hard
Duration: Adjustable 1 - 25min
goosetronMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 3Arc User
edited May 2013
Ya GF block is super broke been testing which at-will abilities cause it and which don't. There are a number of abilities that if you activate them and press shift again to block. The animation will appear but you will not actually be blocking. You will float around with your shield up and even be able to stab but won't block incoming attacks.
goosetronMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 3Arc User
Block, while blocking works just fine indeed.
You however are missing the point where block has issues.
If it does not apply to the way you play, then that's fine, the fact block bugs out for others is not.
Now here are a couple of examples when block doesn't work as intended.
1. You get knocked down. You press and hold shift before the cc effect is fully over. You get up completely after the cc is over, still holding your shift ready to block that second attack that's going to be chained right after you get up. But oh wait, you actually aren't blocking despite holding shift and your character acting as if it's blocking you still eat full damage and cc.
2. You use enforced threat and immediately hold down shift to start blocking the monsters you just pissed off. Your character starts the block animation. But oh wait you'r eating all the damage and cc anyway.
3. You start a block to block an incoming aoe circle, but at the same time another aoe circle starts at your location with you being at the edge of both. You decide to run out of 1 of them to not get hit by both. You release block, get out of one circle hold down shift to block. But oh wait what the heck is that, your character starts some twitching moves and turns around and spins and twitches some more, you can use the 2 shield attack skills but hey you actually aren't blocking anything and running at full speed.
I can keep going with situations where this kind of block related behavior appears.
And I am not sure if you consider those examples to be working as intended, because if you do then there seriously is something wrong with you.
Holding down shift on the guardian should result in the guardian starting the block as soon as it's available for use.
If it's on cooldown for whatever length of time, that doesn't matter whatsoever. I'm holding block so as soon as the cooldown is over I should be blocking.
I get all of this, incredibly frustrating makes me useless in most situations
I pretty much only PvP expect during DD. I have no issues blocking attacks and I've said that the activation seems to be changed or latency is causing an problem.
But there has "ALWAYS" been a delay in block activation & a internal cooldown that prevents you from dropping block and raising it right back up again about a 1 second delay.
This delay appears to not be affected by your recovery also as it's the same from level 1 to 60.
I've leveled 4 Guardians and got used to the delay and it doesn't bother me anymore.
Unless you can post a video showing your block is up and you walking around and taking damage several seconds after raising your block, I can't duplicate the issue with my GFs.
Pressing the shift key and having my character continue to run fast is NEW. It mysteriously started happening right when people reported the infinite block exploit no longer worked. It started right after a ******* patch.
Use the <removed exploit lead-in> to interact with the auction vendor.
xenodusMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
Another simple way is holding down block and moving around with shift held down then while still navigating, let go of shift and try to block again. Your character will do a split second block, cancels it and continue running.
Another simple way is holding down block and moving around with shift held down then while still navigating, let go of shift and try to block again. Your character will do a split second block, cancels it and continue running.
It wasn't like this before the patch
Yep, that shows the problem pretty well. If you showed yourself moving at full speed with block up, including backpedlling as well it'd show most of what's happening .
snowballoMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
Someone else had a video showing off the bugged running and twitching too, I even think it was somewhere in this post between all the pages
xenodus - Thx for taking the time to post a video of the bug. This is exactly what dev's need to duplicate an issue to work on a fix.
Making a post saying block is broken does not help the dev's duplicate the issue.
Yes, it also proves you do not have a clue and you were not constructive at all in this very specific thread where you have posted something like 5 posts talking about ICDs, denying a problem and decrying people's lack of understanding of them instead addressing the specific issue being discussed.
The problem has been outlined extremely clearly many times in the thread, including well before the dev stepped in with his complete nonsense (basically spewing the same garbage as you except acknowledging there was a change from the patch and with a temper tantrum thrown in).
blackhawke90 - Don't do it. It's hard to find a group when 80% of the server is TR and you only need 1 for an Epic.
Roll a Cleric. Guaranteed to get a group.
mercenaryiiiMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited June 2013
Bump. Still clearly a problem, I see other threads bringing up the issue, but this one really shows the numbers in terms of responses to the issue.
Here is another video to accompany the other few that I have seen. I am holding shift the entire fight, immediately after I use the encounter ability Iron Warrior.
Please fix QQ.
just to be clear here the block issue is not a delay, when I use certain abilites and press shift quickly after, the character acts as though he is blocking but when an attack comes it is not blocked, when another attack comes (still holding shift) 10 second after, it still is not blocked.
(Acting as blocking should be read as: He uses the at-will block powers instead of normal ones and holds up his shield)
So the ignorant Cryptic post about a small delay is incorrect (atleast in my opinion).
Mistakes are made even by kind cryptic posters.
so sad
But buy from our zen store!
The issue is the latency.
Learn to adapt.
Please don't reply if you aren't even playing a guardian.
Combat arena. Adjustable challenge.
Difficulty: Adjustable easy - very hard
Duration: Adjustable 1 - 25min
Again block is not broken. Block works just fine with block is up!
Because everyone playing a GF can see into the future.
It does appear to have some kind of change with the activation but once block is "up" it does block the damage.
But players are making it sound like they've never noticed the internal cooldown or activation delay. They've always been there but just recently its like the delay on activation has increased but could be latency issue between my client & server.
No it bloody doesn't. You get stuck in a block stance, using block at wills but not bloody blocking. You look like your blocking but take normal damage and get CC'd FACT. you then need to drop out of block and reapply it in order to start blocking, otherwise you can wander around in a block stance forever with it not working.
It doesn't happen every time you block or course, it's basically a badly coded exploit fix that seems to happen most when you try and throw out an ability between blocking. If it's not happening to you then there must be a built in 1 second delay between your brain deciding to do something and your fingers having a go at doing it, because if you intentially leave a delay it won't happen. Of course by then , in lvl 60 PvP the stun locking to death has already begun and you're buggered.
EDIT: Just to be sure we're on the same wavelength this NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER happened to me before the patch. It's not like i'm describing the brief delay between hitting shift and blocking, i'm talking about being stuck in a block stance that does nothing apart from change my at wills and make me hold my shield up doing nothing. You're like that til you drop out of block and re-enter it.
But there has "ALWAYS" been a delay in block activation & a internal cooldown that prevents you from dropping block and raising it right back up again about a 1 second delay.
This delay appears to not be affected by your recovery also as it's the same from level 1 to 60.
I've leveled 4 Guardians and got used to the delay and it doesn't bother me anymore.
Unless you can post a video showing your block is up and you walking around and taking damage several seconds after raising your block, I can't duplicate the issue with my GFs.
I think they might have tweaked the Flanking radius and that's also why we are seeing more hits.
My client saying I have block up and the server saying I don't is exactly what's happening (to me and lots of people). I have zero lag or rubber banding, all my abilities fire responsively and had no problem with blocking before they "fixed" people exploiting client side control of block.
It's NOT that I show as blocking and take say 1 hit I shouldn't by what I see on my screen then start blocking, it's that I have block up and don't block things literally directly in front of me.
It doesn't happen all the time, in fact most of the time block is fine. It does however happen enough that it's not acceptable to leave it alone. IF it was just that I hit shift, show as blocking but take an extra hit occasionaly because of an internal delay then start blocking then it wouldn't be great but I could forgive it as latency (although my net connection is a beast, so I don't see why I should have a problem full stop), it's the fact you wander round like that until you let go of shift and then restart.
Basically it seems like you press shift and the server decides you can't start blocking at that precise moment in time. It then fails to tell your client so your client happily shows you as blocking and changes your at wills to your block versions with the animations for those at wills and the damage and effects of those at wills. The server will ALSO fail to start blocking at any point afterwards unless you release shift and press it again. It's INCREDIBLY badly coded, I mean embarrassingly so. My client knows I want to be blocking so how can they not simnply have it tell the server that at any point OTHER than when I first press shift. It's like they have an on press event and an on release event transmitted to the server but can't detect a state in between, so if the server decides you can't start blocking on press you won't start after and it won't tell your client about it either.
The one thing you FAILED to account for is the idiots who pick up loot. Why do I need to revamp my default keybinds to clear that annoying pop up mid combat to SHIFT+1/2 it and ruin my ability to block effectively?
Join Essence of Aggression: PVP-ing Hard Since Beta!
Block, while blocking works just fine indeed.
You however are missing the point where block has issues.
If it does not apply to the way you play, then that's fine, the fact block bugs out for others is not.
Now here are a couple of examples when block doesn't work as intended.
1. You get knocked down. You press and hold shift before the cc effect is fully over. You get up completely after the cc is over, still holding your shift ready to block that second attack that's going to be chained right after you get up. But oh wait, you actually aren't blocking despite holding shift and your character acting as if it's blocking you still eat full damage and cc.
2. You use enforced threat and immediately hold down shift to start blocking the monsters you just pissed off. Your character starts the block animation. But oh wait you'r eating all the damage and cc anyway.
3. You start a block to block an incoming aoe circle, but at the same time another aoe circle starts at your location with you being at the edge of both. You decide to run out of 1 of them to not get hit by both. You release block, get out of one circle hold down shift to block. But oh wait what the heck is that, your character starts some twitching moves and turns around and spins and twitches some more, you can use the 2 shield attack skills but hey you actually aren't blocking anything and running at full speed.
I can keep going with situations where this kind of block related behavior appears.
And I am not sure if you consider those examples to be working as intended, because if you do then there seriously is something wrong with you.
Holding down shift on the guardian should result in the guardian starting the block as soon as it's available for use.
If it's on cooldown for whatever length of time, that doesn't matter whatsoever. I'm holding block so as soon as the cooldown is over I should be blocking.
Combat arena. Adjustable challenge.
Difficulty: Adjustable easy - very hard
Duration: Adjustable 1 - 25min
I get all of this, incredibly frustrating makes me useless in most situations
Pressing the shift key and having my character continue to run fast is NEW. It mysteriously started happening right when people reported the infinite block exploit no longer worked. It started right after a ******* patch.
Another simple way is holding down block and moving around with shift held down then while still navigating, let go of shift and try to block again. Your character will do a split second block, cancels it and continue running.
It wasn't like this before the patch
Making a post saying block is broken does not help the dev's duplicate the issue.
Yep, that shows the problem pretty well. If you showed yourself moving at full speed with block up, including backpedlling as well it'd show most of what's happening
Here it is, from earlier pages in this thread posted by zzzzzdank
Combat arena. Adjustable challenge.
Difficulty: Adjustable easy - very hard
Duration: Adjustable 1 - 25min
Yes, it also proves you do not have a clue and you were not constructive at all in this very specific thread where you have posted something like 5 posts talking about ICDs, denying a problem and decrying people's lack of understanding of them instead addressing the specific issue being discussed.
The problem has been outlined extremely clearly many times in the thread, including well before the dev stepped in with his complete nonsense (basically spewing the same garbage as you except acknowledging there was a change from the patch and with a temper tantrum thrown in).
Roll a Cleric. Guaranteed to get a group.
Here is another video to accompany the other few that I have seen. I am holding shift the entire fight, immediately after I use the encounter ability Iron Warrior.