theres really nothing hard about it other then hurry up and wait lmao get off the forums and go farm monsters you know pull your sword out and kill stuff it isnt harder at its still the same get over it
You seem to be implying that killing monsters gives you comparable profession rewards as opening nodes does. This is blatantly untrue. Why are you implying this?
A rich rogue nowadays is fit company for any gentleman; and the world, my dear, hath not such a contempt for roguery as you imagine. - John HAMSTER
So as long as you assume everyone is an hyperbolic alt account, you feel justified in trolling as much as possible? That doesn't seem like it leads to many meaningful discussions. I think a better idea would be to address the issues he brought up that you disagree with, and that way you can dismantle his argument without looking like someone who just enjoys insulting people anonymously on the internet. Obviously you're fine with node rewards being reduced in the low-level areas, but beyond name-calling, I haven't actually seen you explain why.
Care to?
Simple this isn't farmville, it's D&D, those nodes were also ripe for exploiting, which is what happens. Cryptic has a HAMSTER ton of experience and has learned the hard way what works and doesn't work mostly by falling on their faces and then being curbed stomped by their customers. nodes like that can be farmed with that much output and exploited all to hell just don't work.
I saw this coming and so did anyone with any common sense.
You seem to be implying that killing monsters gives you comparable profession rewards as opening nodes does. This is blatantly untrue. Why are you implying this?
You actually understand all that gibberish? I applaud you no it's not sarcasm
because unlike you i go out and farm monsters and get more and better drops then the dumb chests the only thing i got more of and dont really care about from the chests is the enchants. maybe if you got off your but and killed stuff you would find that this is the case
xumina bite me i'm half asleep been up killing people and farming monsters all night and im out of coffee. My bags are full right now of loot including resources for crafting and im happy they removed those nodes and chests.
Wrong, Perfect World was the game with the smallest inventory space ever. 30 slots at max lvl if you did not buy and expansion stone from the cash shop. One stone added 20 more slots up to i think 100+ slots in total. It was still playable but also frustrating at times.
Except PW has multiple farming quests available that you can utilize to expand your bank slots. Adding value to these otherwise useless drops also bolstered the in-game economy a little bit for the low to mid range players.
because unlike you i go out and farm monsters and get more and better drops then the dumb chests the only thing i got more of and dont really care about from the chests is the enchants. maybe if you got off your but and killed stuff you would find that this is the case
I'm talking about skill nodes, and the green/blue profession materials (dark clover, desert flower, etc) that come from them. Not gear drops. Crafting materials. Yeah, every once in a blue moon, some crafting stuff - generally white - will drop from a monster. But it's a very low rate.
edit: at least this thread's distracting me from the endless load into the Enclave. :mad:
hmm you must be high i get blue and green crafting drops from monsters all the time ive got a crapload of stuff im on beholder you want some just ask me ill give ya some i dont craft that often to care about it but my bags are full lmao (crafting bags)
xumina bite me i'm half asleep been up killing people and farming monsters all night and im out of coffee. My bags are full right now of loot including resources for crafting and im happy they removed those nodes and chests.
The only possible explanation anyone could get so mad over such a change in a game would be if one was making real money from it. Anything else, is simply insanity.
PWE, if this is true, and you removed nodes, would someone there care to explain the reasoning behind it? The game is a blast to play, and it's free. but its lacking in alot of areas that other games also F2P make up for...if this is the truth, I may be heading back to Rift least there I was able to gear up and gain good ingame items without going broke doing so. I mean I know this is still a so called beta, but you guys could lighten up a bit on how some things are handled...just adding my 2 cents and I'm sure thats about all it's worth.
"Sir, were now surrounded"!
Thats great news son, now we can attack from ALL sides"!
Do you know how Laws are made in this country? Troll
When enough people "whine" about a change that is needed.
I understand a change was needed as they put chest on a timer good job.....3 days later they remove around 75% of all the chest and nodes from the quest lines.
How and the **** is that whining?
Move along Troll.
really? thats how things get changed? so how many people need to "whine" about aggro issues or the over all uslessness of GF's and GWF's before something is done about them?.
It's not so much that they took out the chests, it's more a trend of "immediatly smaking down anything that makes people money (zen/AD) and not spending it". As opposed to actually "fixing " issues that people are actually "whinning" about.
The only possible explanation anyone could get so mad over such a change in a game would be if one was making real money from it. Anything else, is simply insanity.
Well, or if one was using the feature normally, and suddenly it's changed because of the actions of others. I'd imagine that would be pretty annoying. /shrug
(like I said, I haven't been in those zones since the patch, so I can't respond specifically to the OP's comments until I see the changes for myself.)
sad to see them nerfing everything but that is cryptics own fault. having a currency that is extremely hard to get and you will always find people using exploits to get them. there should only be gold and zen. the whole astral diamond thing is the whole problem here.
sad thing is tho cryptic is just gonna end up nerfing their game into oblivion.
sad to see them nerfing everything but that is cryptics own fault. having a currency that is extremely hard to get and you will always find people using exploits to get them. there should only be gold and zen. the whole astral diamond thing is the whole problem here.
Eh, the whole intermediate currency thing works reasonably well in Star Trek (dilithium, not diamonds ), but it isn't used in the auction house there so the system isn't quite the same. (but, yeah - they had to iron out some, er, "overly efficient" methods of getting dilithium via the Foundry. )
sad to see them nerfing everything but that is cryptics own fault. having a currency that is extremely hard to get and you will always find people using exploits to get them. there should only be gold and zen. the whole astral diamond thing is the whole problem here.
It's not how I spend my game time but if people wanted to spend their time gathering materials to sell I'm not seeing what the issue is. It's not like they are botting it (dealing with bots is a whole other thing and needs addressing directly not by nerfing anything bots can do) or duping anything.
In LOTRO if I wanted to spend my time gathering scholar materials for the AH then that was my business. Prices would go down in good supply and demand fashion. That's how crafting and the economy works.
The only difference here seems to be that lower prices due to increased supply in the AH means less pressure on players to convert Zen to AD as enchantments are relatively affordable.
This doesn't look like fixing an exploit to me, but fixing a hole in the Zen Gravy Boat.
What am I missing that makes this such a big deal? (Genuine question, non-snarky answers welcomed)
The real problem here is that 90% of this thread is nothing but pointless name calling, and not one moderator stepped in to curb the misguided enthusiasm. Maybe this is something Cryptic can address soon?
I have to side with the OP here. This rather drastic 80% cut in drops will only hurt the low/mid players that are trying to level up their professions. Most the rare profession tasks also require rare resources, which were previously only found via these node drops that were nerfed. Please don't bother suggesting to buy the overpriced resources from (you?) at the AH. Why would I spend 30K AD on a resource so I can build an item that I can sell for 2K? I can only imagine that this change will serve to escalate the already OP AH resource items to a new all time high. *sighs*
@Cryptic- I realize that you all have reasons for the changes you make in-game, but it seems like sometimes you immediately jump to extreme changes, rather than taking a more subtle approach with moderate changes over time until you find a good balance. Maybe its something you can consider in the future?
Such limited space wouldn't be bad if not for the 7 ranks of enchants, special enchants, bound and unbound pots. Paying real money to respec is complete bs. Add to this that it takes like 3 days to hit level cap and then there's nothing to do but the dungeons you've already run. This is a cool game, love the combat and varied zones. Foundry rocks.
Yet I'm still quitting. Happy I didn't spend a dime. You guys should emulate LoL. I've spent over 200 dollars on that game for skins. Granted the skins look cool but the real reason I spent that money was to support Riot for being an awesome company. Look at their forums, reds give real answers then stay in the thread and continue talking. Here all they say is"Wish i had more info but I don't sorry."
You guys have a great game. As it stands you'll make money off this. Ship up and you could make a boatload of money.
Well without profession nodes crafting isn't interesting anymore. I'm ok with some booster packs, but when the booster packs becomes a mandatory purchase to play professions, that's just not interesting anymore. If i can't get white profession materials for free (since we need a ****load of it to level up professions), i don't see why i would buy blue or purple assets. No way i pay for white HAMSTER we used to be able to loot easily. I'll stick to protect caravan stuff and that's it.
Or he's pissed about having less nodes and chests to loot when he did nothing wrong?
This. I think the OP's point was poorly stated. However, if they did indeed remove most of the nodes/chests, that's a terrible fix if it's meant to be the permanent solution.
@Cryptic- I realize that you all have reasons for the changes you make in-game, but it seems like sometimes you immediately jump to extreme changes, rather than taking a more subtle approach with moderate changes over time until you find a good balance. Maybe its something you can consider in the future?
What future?
If people find out, they are greedy, and fix only their finacial "loopholes" first, they will stay away. Or will not spend any money.
And for the crafting system, if I do not find the recources in proper quantities ingame, I will not craft anything. I loose nothing here. I can still reach level 60. Besides that, I will only craft, if the items are usefull for my level as I reach it. If not, I either do not see the nessessary to craft anything at all.
I agree that this was a little extreme. For those who don't know this was basically a 'quest instance' that you could zone into and there are a couple profession nodes pretty early inside. There was a bit of mob clearing but very easy to farm, maybe 3 minutes to loot them all then repeat. This wasn't as extreme as getting a ton of rank 4 enchants in a few minutes like people are saying, you would get mostly rank 2 and 3 enchantments and some residium or other random profession greens that you would expect from a mid 40ish profession node.
I personally don't think that it needed to be removed, finding a nice spot to farm profession nodes has been difficult to say the least. Most games that require you to loot nodes for professions have spawns all over in abundance where people can go farm all day if they chose. The fact that this was an instance still doesn't really bother me, at most they could have added a lockout to instances after you've zoned in a set amount of times to slow things down if they thought it was necessary.
The professions event has already been nurfed to a weird 30 minute thing that leaves gaps in the daily events. The exact wording from the event is "At least one Professions Resource guaranteed! Head out into the world and find yours now.". When I was new to the game and getting interested in professions, leveling up etc, I read that and thought oh wow cool there are daily events where I can go harvest and get extra materials. When I hit max level and wanted to start gathering profession mats I was at a loss for where to go. Do I just run around randomly looking for nodes, what zone should I go to? They don't appear on your map which is usually the case, but in games where that happens the nodes have semi-random spawn points.
After searching for a while you figure out that the nodes always spawn in the same places and don't vary in there type at all for that spawn. It's only natural to think that once people know this they will find a spot they like with multiple spawns relatively close and accessible for them to 'loop' around and farm profession mats, this is no different in any other game except people in this game visit the same spawn over and over, not by choice but by game design. Is this really an issue to the point that nodes should be removed at the rate they are? The above example had 5 nodes, now only 1 remains. Now people have to go wander around again until they find an area with a decent amount of nodes near by to gather from once again. If I had to guess once this happens they will remove the nodes once more and repeat this process until profession nodes are semi-rare and spread out in such a way efficient farming is not possible. For example having to run long distances or clear multiple packs of monsters just to harvest a few nodes.
I can't think of a single game that required me to travel very far to harvest nodes or intentionally designed there to be mobs in my way that re-spawned faster than the nodes do. As I said before most games have minimap node tracking and if you chose to you can run around for hours looting node after node and make money, that's what professions are for right?
well, can see why people look for free ways to make zen, hell its extreamly expensive to buy anything in this game. Its also a full time job trying to grind Adventure Diamonds to transfer to zen.
Thx but erm no thx, just proved my point that F2P games are (cough were 4x) more expensive than a monthly sub game, more like 10x or higher now. Asking how much zen is I was told
Thanks for the explanation. In that one instance case I can see the point. I still don't see who, other than the PWE person whose Xmas bonus is calculated on Zen converted to AD, is hurt if enchantments and professions material are readily available at reasonable AD prices in the AH due to the efforts of players farming real world nodes and not exploiting.
Like you say - this is a standard feature of in-game economies. As much as I am enjoying this very fine online single player adventure and don't mind spending money the point will come when it feels like things have got too cynical. Make your cash selling me nice extras, I've not been shy with my money. Don't go round shutting down legitimate avenues to make AD that are part and parcel of any game and tweaking variables to force zen purchases.
Yes - 'x% Fuse rates' - I'm looking at you and i'm looking at my 8/10 fail rates recently. And then I'm raising my eyebrows and stroking my imaginary beard in a suspicious but thoughtful fashion.
People don't like feeling they've been forced into spending money, they want it to be a positive experience.
If what the OP is saying is true with regards to node/chest nerf, then maybe it was easier to remove them rather than fix the actual problem.
Why fix a problem, when a bandaid will do:)
So the fix would be "Ban Hammer Time", since they can't fix the players, no matter what they do.
Reading comprehension is essential in a medium that requires reading for communication.
I agree that this was a little extreme. For those who don't know this was basically a 'quest instance' that you could zone into and there are a couple profession nodes pretty early inside. There was a bit of mob clearing but very easy to farm, maybe 3 minutes to loot them all then repeat. This wasn't as extreme as getting a ton of rank 4 enchants in a few minutes like people are saying, you would get mostly rank 2 and 3 enchantments and some residium or other random profession greens that you would expect from a mid 40ish profession node.
I personally don't think that it needed to be removed, finding a nice spot to farm profession nodes has been difficult to say the least. Most games that require you to loot nodes for professions have spawns all over in abundance where people can go farm all day if they chose. The fact that this was an instance still doesn't really bother me, at most they could have added a lockout to instances after you've zoned in a set amount of times to slow things down if they thought it was necessary.
The professions event has already been nurfed to a weird 30 minute thing that leaves gaps in the daily events. The exact wording from the event is "At least one Professions Resource guaranteed! Head out into the world and find yours now.". When I was new to the game and getting interested in professions, leveling up etc, I read that and thought oh wow cool there are daily events where I can go harvest and get extra materials. When I hit max level and wanted to start gathering profession mats I was at a loss for where to go. Do I just run around randomly looking for nodes, what zone should I go to? They don't appear on your map which is usually the case, but in games where that happens the nodes have semi-random spawn points.
After searching for a while you figure out that the nodes always spawn in the same places and don't vary in there type at all for that spawn. It's only natural to think that once people know this they will find a spot they like with multiple spawns relatively close and accessible for them to 'loop' around and farm profession mats, this is no different in any other game accept people in this game visit the same spawn over and over, not by choice but by game design. Is this really an issue to the point that nodes should be removed at the rate they are? The above example had 5 nodes, now only 1 remains. Now people have to go wander around again until they find an area with a decent amount of nodes near by to gather from once again. If I had to guess once this happens they will remove the nodes once more and repeat this process until profession nodes are semi-rare and spread out in such a way efficient farming is not possible. For example having to run long distances or clear multiple packs of monsters just to harvest a few nodes.
I can't think of a single game that required me to travel very far to harvest nodes or intentionally designed there to be mobs in my way that re-spawned faster than the nodes do. As I said before most games have minimap node tracking and if you chose to you can run around for hours looting node after node and make money, that's what professions are for right?
Thanks for the explanation.
It's very, very sad actually... it seems Cryptic's prioirty is nerfing the player's ability to progress in the game, rather than fixing some issues with the player's actual classes.
Profession resources are already a very rare commodity. Now, it's even more so.
Let's face it, they want us to pay money for booster packs. That is their priority now, in open beta.
Imagination is the only weapon in the war against reality.
Except it's a full-time career trying to "earn" enough AD to exchange for any meaningful amount of Zen. A full-time career for a single parent, no less.
Oh stop with the obvious and logical.
What is truly amazing is the gap between what a subscription model costs and what it buys you in this game.
Let's face it, they want us to pay money for booster packs. That is their priority now, in open beta.
Not going to happen PWE, not going to happen.
The mistake I think they are making is in prices. Once you do the math and realise how much real money stuff is (and I have a job and a life, I don't spend every waking hour grinding AD to turn to Zen, like a good little consumer I buy Zen) you have to think, No way.
But cut the prices by 80% and I wouldn't think twice. But I guess all their accountants and MBA's have done the math and this is the way they think they can maximise short-term profits.
And leave this game to rot.
You seem to be implying that killing monsters gives you comparable profession rewards as opening nodes does. This is blatantly untrue. Why are you implying this?
Simple this isn't farmville, it's D&D, those nodes were also ripe for exploiting, which is what happens. Cryptic has a HAMSTER ton of experience and has learned the hard way what works and doesn't work mostly by falling on their faces and then being curbed stomped by their customers. nodes like that can be farmed with that much output and exploited all to hell just don't work.
I saw this coming and so did anyone with any common sense.
You actually understand all that gibberish?
Except PW has multiple farming quests available that you can utilize to expand your bank slots. Adding value to these otherwise useless drops also bolstered the in-game economy a little bit for the low to mid range players.
I'm talking about skill nodes, and the green/blue profession materials (dark clover, desert flower, etc) that come from them. Not gear drops. Crafting materials. Yeah, every once in a blue moon, some crafting stuff - generally white - will drop from a monster. But it's a very low rate.
edit: at least this thread's distracting me from the endless load into the Enclave. :mad:
Ok.. *bite*
"Sir, were now surrounded"!
Thats great news son, now we can attack from ALL sides"!
really? thats how things get changed? so how many people need to "whine" about aggro issues or the over all uslessness of GF's and GWF's before something is done about them?.
It's not so much that they took out the chests, it's more a trend of "immediatly smaking down anything that makes people money (zen/AD) and not spending it". As opposed to actually "fixing " issues that people are actually "whinning" about.
Well, or if one was using the feature normally, and suddenly it's changed because of the actions of others. I'd imagine that would be pretty annoying. /shrug
(like I said, I haven't been in those zones since the patch, so I can't respond specifically to the OP's comments until I see the changes for myself.)
sad thing is tho cryptic is just gonna end up nerfing their game into oblivion.
Eh, the whole intermediate currency thing works reasonably well in Star Trek (dilithium, not diamonds
It's not how I spend my game time but if people wanted to spend their time gathering materials to sell I'm not seeing what the issue is. It's not like they are botting it (dealing with bots is a whole other thing and needs addressing directly not by nerfing anything bots can do) or duping anything.
In LOTRO if I wanted to spend my time gathering scholar materials for the AH then that was my business. Prices would go down in good supply and demand fashion. That's how crafting and the economy works.
The only difference here seems to be that lower prices due to increased supply in the AH means less pressure on players to convert Zen to AD as enchantments are relatively affordable.
This doesn't look like fixing an exploit to me, but fixing a hole in the Zen Gravy Boat.
What am I missing that makes this such a big deal? (Genuine question, non-snarky answers welcomed)
I have to side with the OP here. This rather drastic 80% cut in drops will only hurt the low/mid players that are trying to level up their professions. Most the rare profession tasks also require rare resources, which were previously only found via these node drops that were nerfed. Please don't bother suggesting to buy the overpriced resources from (you?) at the AH. Why would I spend 30K AD on a resource so I can build an item that I can sell for 2K? I can only imagine that this change will serve to escalate the already OP AH resource items to a new all time high. *sighs*
@Cryptic - I realize that you all have reasons for the changes you make in-game, but it seems like sometimes you immediately jump to extreme changes, rather than taking a more subtle approach with moderate changes over time until you find a good balance. Maybe its something you can consider in the future?
Yet I'm still quitting. Happy I didn't spend a dime. You guys should emulate LoL. I've spent over 200 dollars on that game for skins. Granted the skins look cool but the real reason I spent that money was to support Riot for being an awesome company. Look at their forums, reds give real answers then stay in the thread and continue talking. Here all they say is"Wish i had more info but I don't sorry."
You guys have a great game. As it stands you'll make money off this. Ship up and you could make a boatload of money.
What future?
If people find out, they are greedy, and fix only their finacial "loopholes" first, they will stay away. Or will not spend any money.
And for the crafting system, if I do not find the recources in proper quantities ingame, I will not craft anything. I loose nothing here. I can still reach level 60.
I personally don't think that it needed to be removed, finding a nice spot to farm profession nodes has been difficult to say the least. Most games that require you to loot nodes for professions have spawns all over in abundance where people can go farm all day if they chose. The fact that this was an instance still doesn't really bother me, at most they could have added a lockout to instances after you've zoned in a set amount of times to slow things down if they thought it was necessary.
The professions event has already been nurfed to a weird 30 minute thing that leaves gaps in the daily events. The exact wording from the event is "At least one Professions Resource guaranteed! Head out into the world and find yours now.". When I was new to the game and getting interested in professions, leveling up etc, I read that and thought oh wow cool there are daily events where I can go harvest and get extra materials. When I hit max level and wanted to start gathering profession mats I was at a loss for where to go. Do I just run around randomly looking for nodes, what zone should I go to? They don't appear on your map which is usually the case, but in games where that happens the nodes have semi-random spawn points.
After searching for a while you figure out that the nodes always spawn in the same places and don't vary in there type at all for that spawn. It's only natural to think that once people know this they will find a spot they like with multiple spawns relatively close and accessible for them to 'loop' around and farm profession mats, this is no different in any other game except people in this game visit the same spawn over and over, not by choice but by game design. Is this really an issue to the point that nodes should be removed at the rate they are? The above example had 5 nodes, now only 1 remains. Now people have to go wander around again until they find an area with a decent amount of nodes near by to gather from once again. If I had to guess once this happens they will remove the nodes once more and repeat this process until profession nodes are semi-rare and spread out in such a way efficient farming is not possible. For example having to run long distances or clear multiple packs of monsters just to harvest a few nodes.
I can't think of a single game that required me to travel very far to harvest nodes or intentionally designed there to be mobs in my way that re-spawned faster than the nodes do. As I said before most games have minimap node tracking and if you chose to you can run around for hours looting node after node and make money, that's what professions are for right?
Thx but erm no thx, just proved my point that F2P games are (cough were 4x) more expensive than a monthly sub game, more like 10x or higher now. Asking how much zen is I was told
Like you say - this is a standard feature of in-game economies. As much as I am enjoying this very fine online single player adventure and don't mind spending money the point will come when it feels like things have got too cynical. Make your cash selling me nice extras, I've not been shy with my money. Don't go round shutting down legitimate avenues to make AD that are part and parcel of any game and tweaking variables to force zen purchases.
Yes - 'x% Fuse rates' - I'm looking at you and i'm looking at my 8/10 fail rates recently. And then I'm raising my eyebrows and stroking my imaginary beard in a suspicious but thoughtful fashion.
People don't like feeling they've been forced into spending money, they want it to be a positive experience.
So the fix would be "Ban Hammer Time", since they can't fix the players, no matter what they do.
It's very, very sad actually... it seems Cryptic's prioirty is nerfing the player's ability to progress in the game, rather than fixing some issues with the player's actual classes.
Profession resources are already a very rare commodity. Now, it's even more so.
Let's face it, they want us to pay money for booster packs. That is their priority now, in open beta.
Oh stop with the obvious and logical.
What is truly amazing is the gap between what a subscription model costs and what it buys you in this game.
/10 chars
Not going to happen PWE, not going to happen.
The mistake I think they are making is in prices. Once you do the math and realise how much real money stuff is (and I have a job and a life, I don't spend every waking hour grinding AD to turn to Zen, like a good little consumer I buy Zen) you have to think, No way.
But cut the prices by 80% and I wouldn't think twice. But I guess all their accountants and MBA's have done the math and this is the way they think they can maximise short-term profits.