So I got bored of killing things in flashy ways and decided to look for love. I typed "
romance" into the Foundry's search engine, and it gave me about a dozen quests.
All concerning "
...Apparently, I need a bit more help finding what I'm looking for.
If you've created a quest (or know about one) that is reasonably good and involves a strong romantic subplot or element, please post the short code and description here. I'll play and review it. Not immediately, but probably within a couple weeks. I'm a sucker for romance.
Also, on a slightly-related note, how do you get past the lack of gender-check? In my own quest, I'm thinking of giving male characters a man-badge and female characters a woman-badge, but does anyone have a less clunky way of doing it? (I'm getting tired of having my female character addressed as "young man" or "sir".)
Thanks in advance!
Editing this to add a quick list of quests suggested so far in this thread. To any new suggesters, please include the short-code and link to your dedicated thread if you have one!
(Comments address only the romance element found in the quests. My actual review can be found in the posters' threads.)Quest: The Rise of Nosral
Author: mattkire
Short code: NWS-DQYZ3IW68Comments: There were some mild flirt options in the first quest. I was unable to finish the second one, though, because it was too tough for me to solo.Quest: The Frosty Proctologist
Author: labmouse43
Short code: NW-DJHHV5CGYComments: Come visit the Frosty Proctologist! It's just like a real bar, er, tavern where you can buy attractive people drinks and chat them up to the break of dawn! Seriously, they should do this for all taverns in the game.Campaign: The Assassin Chronicles
Author: zovya
Short code: NWS-DNQQJO4CDComments: Romance to follow in the next chapter!Quest: Choice by Combat
Author: plutovich
Short code: NW-DL7DFRIEFComments: In my queueQuest: In Search of Innocence
Author: revelationmd
Short Code: NW-DL8DTYYPSComments: In my queueQuest: All's Fair in Love and War
Author: oortexplorer
Short code: NW-DJ5BFT52FComments: Your old friend has received 2 marriage proposals and she doesn't know who to choose. Help her decide: the elf or the dwarf? I'm still trying to come to terms with my choice. I mean, I'm an elf fangirl! But I chose the dwarf and it's still bugging me. ;p Who would you choose?Campaign: Tears of Selune
Quest: Feast of the Moon
Author: xhrit
Short Code: NW-DADOERMFXComments: Flirt options need item triggers, which adds incentive to exploration. No plot-related romance, but the flirts add a bit of extra flavor, see Scathe's diary here. Link contains spoilers. And shallowness.Campaign: Echoes of the Crown Wars
Quest: Return From the Void
Author: runis12
Short code: NW-DRFKYD2CN♥ ♥ ♥ Comments: This was intense! Several potentially romanceable NPCs, secret items to unlock diaries and dialogue, actual NPC reactions, plus an amusingly creepy guy who pesters you to marry him... I felt like I was in a Bioware game!
If you're looking for romance, look here! ♥ ♥ ♥Quest: Adventuring College
Author: drakesigar
Short code: NW-DPCZNUVQ7Comments: Special mention! After all, you do get to flirt with a scantily-clad tiefling. And stalk your classmates while they sleep. I find that watching people as they sleep is kind of... romantic. Don't you?
What I may think of is dialog that is required to complete involving question about gender-orientation. Something like friendly bump "Do you like that woman at the bar?" and answer "I'm not into women" or "Yeah, she seems nice". You can make NPCs appear or disappear depending on dialog prompts so I think this would be a solution for you.
Siegebreaker - NW-DGDPWV2U5 - story about the ambush, escape and great rescue of the city.
I'm a streamer and I know it!
P.S It may just seem like a whole load of story and dialogue but there will be fair amounts of combat.
Funnily enough, I am currently working on one with a hint of romance - it's not Mills and Boon but it has romance elements. Just came on here now as I'm having problems with one of my transitions and was out to pick brains
Will post the name and number of the quest when (if) I ever finish it!
Heavy on story/plot. Expect to read (and think) a lot to get the most out of the quest. Will probably appeal to roleplayers though that is not to say that there are no tough fights - could be challenging for solo play.
Average play time: 45 mins
It'll be a bit limited when it comes to an NPC that everyone needs to talk to, but I could see this working for certain encounters. I can think of several awesome applications now! Thanks for the tip!
Holy smokes, owlhat. That looks like a lot of dialogue options that you have to write out! I can't imagine how many branches that kind of complex relationship would demand. I hope you don't get burnt out. Sounds very, very intriguing though. Good luck on your exams, and make sure to PM me when your quest is ready! I'll definitely be playing.
Interesting! Evil character option and a possible future romance. I'll check out your quest the next time I log on.
Lol, I doubt Mills and Boon ever came out with a storyline involving orcs and drow! (Though it would be great if they did. I could see it now: "Oh darling, I know we had a silly misunderstanding over that homewrecking drow priestess who tried to turn you into her mindless mancandy, but I'm over it now. Embrace me and tear my bodice to shreds!" "Yes, my little lovemunchkin, but first we have to slay this stacked horde of random abolethic monsters!")
I hope you had a good time picking brains here. Lots of luck with your quest, and please PM me (if possible) once it comes out!
I'd like to see how a well-written quest with romantic elements could turn out. Cheers!~
Foundry Code: NWS-DQYZ3IW68
@runis12 Would you also be interested in a PM when I am done? Also the whole Bioware thing is something I'm definitely trying to go for, although with the focus on only two NPC's so far I'm going for a slightly more in depth field. Mind you extra romance options but be something I implement later on... Hmmm. Anyway, you idea about having an OOC NPC at the start of the quest to ask about what happened in the last quest is the only way I have thought of achieving the effect of options influencing later quests/relationships too, although I have toyed with the idea of trying to make it less OOC, perhaps to inform an NPC of what is going on who doesn't know...?
@mattkire I'm definitely going to have a look at your quest. I want to see how others are doing similar things, and I love this sort of quest anyway
@zovya I played your quest, good fun, really looking forward to you next quest (and how you managed to create cut scenes
Edit: I've had some RL/internetz friends play test my Foundry. Apparently a certain character is popular. Must be the pink hair. But I'm happy to say I got some people hooked!
I wanted to like Alistair. But eh. Morrigan was a stronger character.
* Is it having an NPC join you and you include 'romantic dialogue'
* Is it having you talk to a static NPC and eventually have a 'fade to black' scene(s)?
* Would you want the ability to 'marry' your NPC.
* Does it matter male/female? It seems that there need to be 2 different NPCs to create.
I think of the romantic characters in Fable, which pretty much just sat in a house for you. In skyrim they were a vendor for you. In knights of the old republic, they would be your group mates.
What I'm asking is -- as a player, what do you like best?
Author : @labmouse43
Short Code : NW-DJHHV5CGY
Name : The Frosty Protologist
Duration : 15 minutes
* You can use different NPCs that spawn when specific dialogue is reached. This lets you evolve the relationship with an NPC over a time.
* You can have them follow you, but they will be there at 'escort quests' and not combat NPCs. Every NPC I've seen cowers when mobs are around.
* My plan is to start the game with an NPC named "reasonably healthy male" and "reasonably healthy female" (nod to Dresden Files Karen Murphy) and as you talk to them they open up with actual names.
This could be a fun side-quest to add to the adventure.
Author : @labmouse43
Short Code : NW-DJHHV5CGY
Name : The Frosty Protologist
Duration : 15 minutes
In repose to your point about what exactly people mean by romance, a one night stand, a longer relationship or possibly even marriage, I'm hoping to mostly go for the longer term relationship, and even have it so that before you can begin to develop a true romance you must first have great trust and respect between the two of you (I deliberately do not use the word 'friend' as there is a difference between liking someone and truly respecting them, and in my experience the latter generally leads to a stronger romantic relationship). As to the topic of marriage, that would be something that would happen very much at the end, is at all, and will be something I will have to consider long and hard as the story line, and characters, evolve and change over time.
You mentioned that you don't think it is possible to have a NPC accompany you without only cowering taking effect. I thought it was possible, much like guards only you can set their behaviour to follow. The only disadvantage to this is that I think it greatly effects the exp you get from encounters, and consequently would be something you would have to make very optional if the PC would rather the exp and not the extra story. Can anyone confirm this? I can not currently access Foundry to test if it would work.
I can't be bothered to mess with gender specific stuff, since the Foundry would make that clunky, so they're just going to be available for a PC of either gender (but no, you can't romance them both at the same time)
I've laid out the starting foundation for the female romantic interest, and will work with my wife to detail the male romantic interest this week. I don't want to assume what women want in romantic interests.
Does this match something like you were expecting? The idea is to have both male/female romantic interests appear in other episodes and have your interaction with them grow.
Author : @labmouse43
Short Code : NW-DJHHV5CGY
Name : The Frosty Protologist
Duration : 15 minutes
Claudia Black's voice acting made sure of that.