Okay, so I've now played in three dungeon delves where the final boss is so overpowered and broken that the party can't defeat it. Not only is it set up that if the party is killed off and has to respawn the boss gets all of it's health back (which is BS), but an already overpowered boss gets dozens of mobs. This isn't acceptable. It is making part of the game pointless and unplayable. Where is the scaling?
Second problem: why aren't any of the previous missions from lower levels that aren't completed unavailable to be completed at later levels? What's the point of leveling if we can't finish the quest's we've started?
The last boss in spider temple is ridiculous. How do you go from all the other bosses being cake walks to a boss that a party can't even get down to 80% hp before we get overwhelmed. That is just mean.
hatey0Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 22Arc User
edited May 2013
The problem is the terrible LFG tool that never works. I have been max level for a few days, 9300 GS and I haven't even full cleared a t1 dungeon ever since someone always leaves before the end and we can't get another in.
So many noobs here...
All dungeons are doable, you need to KNOW your classes, you need at least 1 rogue, 1 cleric and 1 control wizard, remaining slots replace at will, but these 3 are mandatory. Rest is about coordination and specifically to the OP:
NO you will NOT go beyond 80% of any boss if you don't cc and kill adds, your cleric is a cleric, not another boss that heals you, you need to take care of him, if you want to zerg boss, stay at level 19 and below and play cloak tower.
Dude, Lerocix, calling someone a "****" when you have no clue as to the experience level of us players is rude. Secondly, in every instance that I've played these dungeons we've had a control wizard, a cleric, two rogues and a tank. These bosses are impossible to kill. No matter how coordinated your group is no matter how quickly you react to a person falling. When the boss has five minion per each person and can hit all of us at the same time, there is a problem. There is a problem when say the Deft Strike which is supposed to put you behind your enemy puts you in front of the boss as a Rogue placing you directly in harms way. There is a problem when it takes ten minutes to just drop the boss 10% and it can regenerate and call out more mobs. The dungeons bosses are absolutely broken.
Lerdocix you act as if no one knows this super cool strategy that we've all been doing during every single epic dungeon. Whats that you say? Don't zerg boss? Everyone on adds except rogue? That is a brilliant idea! Man you know so much. I bow to your wisdom /sarcasmoff
vahlnnMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 7Arc User
edited May 2013
Well they've all been beaten, so calling them "impossible" is a bit silly. Could be an issue of gear or your strategy. Just because your GS is high enough to enter the dungeon doesn't mean that you are really in good enough gear to complete it.
nemesis788450Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
yeah they got beaten while you could still cheese them...thats how they mostly got beaten...or by using exploits such as double astral shield etc... most people are just telling you bs if theyre claiming that they beat them with "good" strategy alone...this and the fact that 2 classes are pretty useless in dungeons. cryptic just wants to sell you those sweet revive scrolls, thats why the very last boss is much harder - cause you want to finish the dungeon at this point in time...a cashgrab - its as easy as that really...reminds me of the rogue that killed the last castle never boss allone using 30 scrolls LOL
I enjoy finding good players, forming a group and having challenging bosses, After all they are BOSSES not loot pinatas. Team comp, strategy, and player skill is rewarded with epic gear. Since the boss exploits have been removed everyone now has to earn dungeon epics. My advice is to friend request the good players you see in your dungeon groups and try to pre assemble your team.
Lerdocix you act as if no one knows this super cool strategy that we've all been doing during every single epic dungeon. Whats that you say? Don't zerg boss? Everyone on adds except rogue? That is a brilliant idea! Man you know so much. I bow to your wisdom /sarcasmoff
The actual fun thing is how few people actually know it.
Because, you know, if it was that obvious we wouldn't have this thread in the first place.
People also can't play with 1 cleric. Many people doesn't have any idea how to beat bosses without exploits.
I have only been playing this game for a few days ... i have beat every dungeon i have played so far ... save for one ... we needed more multi-target damage ... the mobs for the boss spawned way to fast ... and one player quit the dungeon right after it started ...
the bosses should be a challenge ... it should be noted that i have only died in a couple of dungeons ...
as it was previously stated ... your problem must be a gear thing ...
also ... i do not spend money on free to play games ...
i really wish people wouldnt use the term 'impossible' when the actual term is difficult, or challenging, personally ive cleared every boss bar the final CN dragon and the **** brain thing without using any exploits (the later being simply as i dont need anything form there so only run it once), and frankly in pugs, the ammount of people who might have the GS to run the dungeon but lack the ability is astounding, if your struggling on the high tier stuff, id suggest you go into the non epic ones to learn the boss with little resistance then practice on the t1 stuff some more until you are REALLY ready for the t2.
as frankly, i find it refreshign that a game has dungeons that are a bit of a challange for a change instead of trained monkey mode like most of recent years.
electrochemieMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 1Arc User
edited May 2013
i think the dungeon are perfectly designed and scaled
i mean i finished all T1 without any problems, maybe sometime because ppl didnt know what they had to do, but they are all really easy to do if you have a well coordinated team
i even think they have to buff some end bosses, i feel like the only challenge i had so far was T1 mad dragon
but this comes from some1 that got crushed by GW2 dungeons at the realease time, that was a real challenge
So basically, Vahlnn, to beat these bosses we have to spend real money or spend hours to get enough astral diamonds in an overly inflated economy to get equipment that is "good enough" to support us to defeat them? That is BS. And no, they've not all been beaten, or if they have then it had to be with some people who extreme materials and a HAMSTER load of support.
@monkjayn: BS, I'm calling it. If you've cleared all of them then you'd have some pretty epic stuff. What more, when you're level 41 you can't go into any other dungeons other than epic. The fact is, I know how to beat the boss, but when I don't have a reliable group or the people don't listen then it's impossible to do. And because the game isn't optimized or designed with scaling in mind when we only have four people or two people because the party decides to disband, the dungeon crawls go from "difficult" to no where near viable to play. In my last dungeon crawl against the wolf pack leader (lycanthropes) only the Tank and I were the last ones standing. Then it was just me, because I dodged and moved out of the way, even then. 6 monsters to one, each them so strong that it takes at least three people to kill just one is over powered. Period.
vahlnnMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 7Arc User
edited May 2013
I've personally beaten most T2 dungeons without using any exploits or "cheesing" them...all except for Dread Vault, because I've never run it. Spider Temple last boss is the only super hard one, and once you gear up a bit and learn the fight she's not that bad.
vahlnnMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 7Arc User
So basically, Vahlnn, to beat these bosses we have to spend real money or spend hours to get enough astral diamonds in an overly inflated economy to get equipment that is "good enough" to support us to defeat them? That is BS. And no, they've not all been beaten, or if they have then it had to be with some people who extreme materials and a HAMSTER load of support.
haha this is an MMO, my friend. Since when is spending hours to acquire the gear necessary to defeat the content anything but expected? And try tweaking your strategies, contrary to popular belief, not every boss fight can be beaten the exact same way.
Or you could consider the possibility that you are just bad at this game, or that, at the very least, there are much better players than you out there. Since, you know, all bosses have been killed/farmed/facerolled by pretty much any group composition plenty of times, without using exploits, abuses, or questionable tactics.
I can say to have personally killed everything except CN and DV bosses, mostly because I don't really want to venture there with pugs. As for the other T2, I have killed all of them plenty of times with randoms and without exploits. And what do you know, I'm a GF even! I surely must be investing billions into res scrolls to have done all those impossible bosses!
Wonder if there will ever be a game where people don't either complain because things are too difficult or that things are too easy...probably not...
If you don't want to run multiple clerics in a dungeon (for some psychological reason), get more control (CWs, GFs that know how to play). Gear in this game is highly overrated, you can outplay someone who has 2000 more GS easily by playing smart. Just run T2s until people learn how to dodge/control/kite.
Though, just saying "not all bosses have been beaten" is funny, or trolling, or both.
1 Use credit card to buy Zen
2 Convert Zen to AD
3 Use AD to buy T2
All bosses have been killed that way.
What? you have no credit card?
This is not for you then.
Go back to WoW's pet battle or LFR.
dashartzMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 29Arc User
edited May 2013
@ xenogear3 a.k.a pay to win.
Ive played through all t1 levels, and no matter how i strat. or how much the team comm. the end results are usually the same. Not everyone came to this game for social aspect. matter of fact for me, quite opposite. Soloed through the whole game other than obvious dungeons and skirmishes. The game should be designed so that a 6 year old child could play through it. It IS a GAME. And gear makes the difference? Wow fail. EVERY other game yes gear makes a difference, but its the level that decides your fate. Now that i've hit 60, really no point in playing any further. i find myself going back to d2 or some other game that I only had to pay for once. The concept of the game is genius, but when implemented is broken makes me sad as a D&D fan.
If you're going to flame my thread instead contributing to it in a positive way I'm going to report you. This thread is meant to be a positive feedback thread. My complaint is about how the battle isn't scaled properly for the normal gamer and not the one who wants to spend 200$ for some special pack or spend real money for metaphysical items that have no real intrinsic value. I play the free to play games because I'm a person who has to work for a living and I have bills to pay.
The battles are doable, I do feel that the boss + metric **** ton of stupid adds is overdone and boring. I do think that while doable it boxes every strategy down to the same basic strat.
Everyone but the rogue on adds with few exceptions.
Wow, this is familiar. Sounds just like what everyone was saying about Diablo3's Inferno level of play. Too hard, can't be done, screw this I'm out on one hand, on the other it was more, L2P ****, yeah I solo'd that boss, don't change it I like a challenge.
They didn't tone down the difficulty for quite some time and they lost a lot of players. After they toned it down a lot returned. Go figure....
Stop queuing solo for t2 and just build decent groups. The queue will give you amazing groups or **** groups and if your group is shaping up to be a fail fest you better drop and requeue asap or miss the delve.
Spider Temple : apparently you can just kill the adds stuck on webs and she won't life steal.
Karrundax: Easiest t2 armor boss, not really sure what to say about this one.
Spell Plague: bring a cleric and a cw and collect your loots.
Hrimnir is an jerk though
Use the <removed exploit lead-in> to interact with the auction vendor.
By @Stebss
Short Code: NW-DM900IFHK
All dungeons are doable, you need to KNOW your classes, you need at least 1 rogue, 1 cleric and 1 control wizard, remaining slots replace at will, but these 3 are mandatory. Rest is about coordination and specifically to the OP:
NO you will NOT go beyond 80% of any boss if you don't cc and kill adds, your cleric is a cleric, not another boss that heals you, you need to take care of him, if you want to zerg boss, stay at level 19 and below and play cloak tower.
By @Stebss
Short Code: NW-DM900IFHK
The actual fun thing is how few people actually know it.
Because, you know, if it was that obvious we wouldn't have this thread in the first place.
People also can't play with 1 cleric. Many people doesn't have any idea how to beat bosses without exploits.
the bosses should be a challenge ... it should be noted that i have only died in a couple of dungeons ...
as it was previously stated ... your problem must be a gear thing ...
also ... i do not spend money on free to play games ...
as frankly, i find it refreshign that a game has dungeons that are a bit of a challange for a change instead of trained monkey mode like most of recent years.
i mean i finished all T1 without any problems, maybe sometime because ppl didnt know what they had to do, but they are all really easy to do if you have a well coordinated team
i even think they have to buff some end bosses, i feel like the only challenge i had so far was T1 mad dragon
but this comes from some1 that got crushed by GW2 dungeons at the realease time, that was a real challenge
By @Stebss
Short Code: NW-DM900IFHK
@monkjayn: BS, I'm calling it. If you've cleared all of them then you'd have some pretty epic stuff. What more, when you're level 41 you can't go into any other dungeons other than epic. The fact is, I know how to beat the boss, but when I don't have a reliable group or the people don't listen then it's impossible to do. And because the game isn't optimized or designed with scaling in mind when we only have four people or two people because the party decides to disband, the dungeon crawls go from "difficult" to no where near viable to play. In my last dungeon crawl against the wolf pack leader (lycanthropes) only the Tank and I were the last ones standing. Then it was just me, because I dodged and moved out of the way, even then. 6 monsters to one, each them so strong that it takes at least three people to kill just one is over powered. Period.
haha this is an MMO, my friend. Since when is spending hours to acquire the gear necessary to defeat the content anything but expected? And try tweaking your strategies, contrary to popular belief, not every boss fight can be beaten the exact same way.
I can say to have personally killed everything except CN and DV bosses, mostly because I don't really want to venture there with pugs. As for the other T2, I have killed all of them plenty of times with randoms and without exploits. And what do you know, I'm a GF even! I surely must be investing billions into res scrolls to have done all those impossible bosses!
If you don't want to run multiple clerics in a dungeon (for some psychological reason), get more control (CWs, GFs that know how to play). Gear in this game is highly overrated, you can outplay someone who has 2000 more GS easily by playing smart. Just run T2s until people learn how to dodge/control/kite.
Though, just saying "not all bosses have been beaten" is funny, or trolling, or both.
2 Convert Zen to AD
3 Use AD to buy T2
All bosses have been killed that way.
What? you have no credit card?
This is not for you then.
Go back to WoW's pet battle or LFR.
Ive played through all t1 levels, and no matter how i strat. or how much the team comm. the end results are usually the same. Not everyone came to this game for social aspect. matter of fact for me, quite opposite. Soloed through the whole game other than obvious dungeons and skirmishes. The game should be designed so that a 6 year old child could play through it. It IS a GAME. And gear makes the difference? Wow fail. EVERY other game yes gear makes a difference, but its the level that decides your fate. Now that i've hit 60, really no point in playing any further. i find myself going back to d2 or some other game that I only had to pay for once. The concept of the game is genius, but when implemented is broken
All bosses in the game are doable without spending real money or stacking clerics.
Everyone but the rogue on adds with few exceptions.
They didn't tone down the difficulty for quite some time and they lost a lot of players. After they toned it down a lot returned. Go figure....
Would u be so kind to show me proof of a party containing all 5 classes clearing T2 content on a legit way? I doubt it can be done
Just did epic spellplague earlier today with all 5 classes.
Then again I'm a good cleric and don't need teh crutch of a second AS to carry me through a dungeon.
Lets add to that all five with gear score around the minimum requirement.
Spider Temple : apparently you can just kill the adds stuck on webs and she won't life steal.
Karrundax: Easiest t2 armor boss, not really sure what to say about this one.
Spell Plague: bring a cleric and a cw and collect your loots.
Hrimnir is an jerk though
Karrundax is seriously easy. CW, DC, GWF on adds. GF and TR on Karrundax.