I play a TR and I'm usually ranked #1 in pvp. But I also play GWF and I'm usually ranked #1 in pvp for this class too. It doesn't matter that CW can kill TRs with 3 hits using their daily because TRs can kill them with 2 hits if both the daily and encounter crits. It doesn't matter that GF can perma stun and kill a TR with 4 hits. It doesn't matter that GWF can perma knock down and kill them in 3 hits using their daily. It doesn't even matter that Clerics can put up a blue shield and go invincible for 15 seconds with their daily. Just nerf the hell out of TR because I said to do so.
I'm curious at how many TR fantools are going to ragequit once that OP thing gets what it deserves.
The nerfs are getting closer and closer and there isn't anything wrong about that.
A TR can tank, has tank like hp, that ridiculously OP dodge skill, stealth that does not break while attacking, the OP daily, OP crit rate, etc. The dmg output wouldn't be an issue, if the TR wouldn't be able to take as many hits as it does, in it's current state.
LOL what? A TR can only tank for about 4 seconds if he wastes an encounter slot for Impossible to Catch. TR has the 2nd lowest HP pool after CW. All classes have some form of dodge or block. Stealth bar gets drained extremely fast when it's getting hit by AOE unless the rogue is dumb and waste a passive on the 90% reduce stealth loss from damage. CW has a daily that does nearly as much damage. GWF has a daily that does nearly as much damage. TR are glass cannons.... why don't you get to level 60 and get better weapons while you're at it?
Starting to think it doesn't matter what class you play, you'll cry OP for all other classes because you're probably building your character wrong.
yesterday i met a GF in pvp that could kill any of my teammates (including our own GF!!) in a single combo. as in: we didn't have any reaction window from the first knockdown to the last one, awesome player with awesome gear sure but people should stop thinking pvp problem are the rogues.
besides what will you do? reduce defense on rogues so in pve they die in 1 hit instaed of 2? that would definitely improve this game yeah, having people only carry 3 classes to the end-dungeons is too complicated: 2 would be so much better.
yesterday i met a GF in pvp that could kill any of my teammates (including our own GF!!) in a single combo. as in: we didn't have any reaction window from the first knockdown to the last one, awesome player with awesome gear sure but people should stop thinking pvp problem are the rogues.
besides what will you do? reduce defense on rogues so in pve they die in 1 hit instaed of 2? that would definitely improve this game yeah, having people only carry 3 classes to the end-dungeons is too complicated: 2 would be so much better.
You know why Clerics cry about taking too much aggro from adds? Because they are the ones that kicks GWFs in the first place. If they let the GWFs do their jobs, they wouldn't be crying about getting too much aggro from adds. A good GWF can kill adds in a very short time.
I'm curious at how many TR fantools are going to ragequit once that OP thing gets what it deserves.
The nerfs are getting closer and closer and there isn't anything wrong about that.
A TR can tank, has tank like hp, that ridiculously OP dodge skill, stealth that does not break while attacking, the OP daily, OP crit rate, etc. The dmg output wouldn't be an issue, if the TR wouldn't be able to take as many hits as it does, in it's current state.
After putting your statement through google translate Whiner to English we get
Wahhhh I am getting owned in pvp. It can't be that I suck it must be that Trickster Rogues are overpowered and played by losers who always beat me.
I play a TR and I'm usually ranked #1 in pvp. But I also play GWF and I'm usually ranked #1 in pvp for this class too. It doesn't matter that CW can kill TRs with 3 hits using their daily because TRs can kill them with 2 hits if both the daily and encounter crits. It doesn't matter that GF can perma stun and kill a TR with 4 hits. It doesn't matter that GWF can perma knock down and kill them in 3 hits using their daily. It doesn't even matter that Clerics can put up a blue shield and go invincible for 15 seconds with their daily. Just nerf the hell out of TR because I said to do so.
Go bacath under thy bridge foul troll the power of right commandeth thee
I'm curious at how many TR fantools are going to ragequit once that OP thing gets what it deserves.
The nerfs are getting closer and closer and there isn't anything wrong about that.
A TR can tank, has tank like hp, that ridiculously OP dodge skill, stealth that does not break while attacking, the OP daily, OP crit rate, etc. The dmg output wouldn't be an issue, if the TR wouldn't be able to take as many hits as it does, in it's current state.
It's like reading the "How to be an Idiot" guide every time I see you post. It's actually quite amazing how much hate you have over one class. I voted you for scrub of the week btw. So far you are in the top 5...
It's like reading the "How to be an Idiot" guide every time I see you post. It's actually quite amazing how much hate you have over one class. I voted you for scrub of the week btw. So far you are in the top 5...
Ahh i've only posted on the forums like 5 times and i remember embracemysword for his awful forum name....
Can't remember where he posted but it was definitely regarding TR's.
Yeah it is quite funny how someone can have so much hate for TR's.
Funny thing is, I haven't seen many TR's complaining about how OP other TR's are. And in a the arena you see people are learning how to handle them as it's getting harder and harder to survive as a TR.
The Best PVP Guild on Dragon/Neverwinter: YoloOldSkoolSwagLoveNeverGingersLuvDupStep even if it's just one of us, you might as well just afk.
Just met a "pro" TR in PVP arena, he thinks if he plays OP class he can own everyone, but actually i oneshot him like 5 times with ice knife, teleported away from every single daze, so im a cheater kid, and i will get a ban. I like this kids, they are funny. Here are some pics. Almost forget to mention, im a full PVE thaumaturge CW with 9.4k GS.
ps: dont forget that OP class is only OP if you have some brain, without brain every class is pain and as you see on first picture, he is... you know - sry for my english -
I play both a Cleric and Rogue and I have killed the opposite class 1v1 with both. I've come #1 in PVP with both (and on a really bad day I've been bottom 5 with both :P) I have been killed 1v1 by pretty much every class when the other player's cooldowns were up and mine were down.
Nobody needs to be nerfed, some people need to learn to play their class better.
Bori - Renegade Drow - 40 Trickster Rogue - Mindflayer Elocin - Renegade Drow - 39 Devoted Cleric of Selune - Mindflayer
Looking for some Dust of Forum Troll Disappearance? Sprinkle this on any troll to phase shift them out of your plane of existence.
To quote another forumist here: " go back to whatever game you helped ruin".
This disregarding anything else in the game, is the most balanced game I have played for the past 10 years in regard to class balance. The ONLY BUFF should be in pve on the warrior threat/taunt issues and THAT IS IT. I have encountered every class in this game and all die easy and all can bring you down in one combo. As Ive said so many times in so many games: it takes playing one to understand one. GF can kill you in one rotation. Daze is nothing, his stuns are pro. L2P!
Amazing balance and amazing spots both in pvp and in pve for every class except maybe guardians.
The only thing I disliked @ 1st is the stack type action processing, meaning spells proc just like d&d, mtg or tbs type games, one spell enters the stack and resolves 1st. That means that you cannot "react" to certain actions BUT must and CAN anticipate, leading to frustrating issues, but doable once you get the hang of it. THAT is the only thing I dislike about combat mechanics. Everything else is GREAT. TR is perfect and a good CW will wipe the floor with it, so will a GF, but, given the circumstances, the TR will burn them down just the same. The cleric is also awesome and well, tank warriors can hold cap points like no other.
Tl;dr. L2p and dont judge if yuz nab :">.
faiteaccompliiMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 2
edited May 2013
The ONLY thing I think needs an adjustment in pvp is how not only rogues but other classes can lock your skill bar down for too long, other than that don't nerf anyone.
No. And never balance a PVE game from PVP. (Even though I mostly PVP as a CW)
TR can tank in PvE... they are OP across the board. For a class to do high damage they HAVE to be squishy. TRs can currently do the highest damage in the game whilst being fairly tanky... that is plain broken.
Their damage should stay as is but they should lose a huge chunk of their defenses. For one their dodge roll should not make them invulnerable during the animation. It's enough that it gets them out of a danger zone quickly. Their base health needs to be reduced and and there needs to be longer cooldowns on their defensive encounter skills.
TR can tank in PvE... they are OP across the board. For a class to do high damage they HAVE to be squishy. TRs can currently do the highest damage in the game whilst being fairly tanky... that is plain broken.
Their damage should stay as is but they should lose a huge chunk of their defenses. For one their dodge roll should not make them invulnerable during the animation. It's enough that it gets them out of a danger zone quickly. Their base health needs to be reduced and and there needs to be longer cooldowns on their defensive encounter skills.
You honestly should try playing a rogue before you make assumptions. Rogues can't tank ****. Tanking means actually standing there and being able to take the hits.
fimconteMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
You honestly should try playing a rogue before you make assumptions. Rogues can't tank ****. Tanking means actually standing there and being able to take the hits.
Well to be fair, I can tank almost any boss with double AS stacking, but you don't really want two clerics in the majority of the content.
But yeah that guy should try playing a rogue.
Fans Glory to the Gladiators,
Gods Glory to the Heroes.
TR's DPS is at his best when he is stealthed, having the ability to tank as many of you say ( eventhough it's not true ) is useless. What you call tanking i call quiting as i did many times with my TR t'ill i have my stealth back up and reattack the big thing again for 5 sec and back to runing around by then my DPS has droped very low.the only time a TR can tank is when he has the DC shield as do every other class. stop *****ing about it
Well to be fair, I can tank almost any boss with double AS stacking, but you don't really want two clerics in the majority of the content.
But yeah that guy should try playing a rogue.
Any class can tank with double AS stacking. The stacking abilities of that HAMSTER is broken. I guarantee you, if he played rogue, he'll be just like all the other rogues that I destroy. Most rogues don't even know how to play properly. They just teleport around all over the place, throw their knives, and use 2 skills, Lashing Blade and Shocking Execution.
I'm a TR and I'd be extremely happy if they removed all powerful dailies: Shocking Execution, Ice Knife, Indominable Strength, Crescendo, and Astral Shield.
Actually, I'm confident enough to say that if they removed all these dailies, I would probably almost never die in pvp.
I soloed the Wolf Pack Boss (whatever his name is) with my 40+ (whatever the appropriate level is) TR a couple of days ago.
My group wasn't bad, we were just off our game. My TR was the last toon standing on our 2nd beat-down, so I said, "What the hell" and kept going. The boss had a few adds left, I forget which flavor. Basically, I was running an experiment, to see how long I'd last. I won (and I'm sure others have soloed him too, with other classes).
How did I beat him? Did I "tank?" Preposterous. I kited so much my "W" finger started to cramp, as did my "Shift" (dodge) finger. I used combos of stealth, B+S, LA, LB, CoS, and PotB. Stick and move, stick and move.
Lots of running, lots of dodging, and I still got slammed a few times, spawning more adds. So, I managed to get up in time, roll, and burn a charge off my Greater Stone of Health--in other words, I stayed at max health as much as possible anyway, and I was lucky.
I certainly didn't rely on my "OP" hit points to take him and his adds head-on. I started kiting again and used situational rotations. Took about 30-45 mins (I didn't time it closely), including lots of dagger throwing from max effective range and maybe 7-10 Health Stone charges, before he went down.
My SWTOR Bounty Hunter-Powertech is a tank. My SWTOR Sith Warrior-Juggernaut is a tank. They stand in there, shrug off damage, and give as good as they get--well, not as good maybe, but whatever.
Neverwinter TRs are not tanks, off-tanks, side-tanks, gas-tanks, or any tank in any way, shape, or form. Take a 40 or so TR to Pirate's Skyhold and try to classically tank bog monster mobs and pirate mobs and see how long you survive.
As others have said here, any class in this game can burn down any other class depending on player skill, which includes knowing your opponent's tactics and your counters. And timing. And luck.
Oh, I also play a GWF, which is a whole nother beast, but it too has its strengths and weaknesses.
Most of the balance we seek is in ourselves.
waylander007Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 17Arc User
I play a TR and I'm usually ranked #1 in pvp. But I also play GWF and I'm usually ranked #1 in pvp for this class too. It doesn't matter that CW can kill TRs with 3 hits using their daily because TRs can kill them with 2 hits if both the daily and encounter crits. It doesn't matter that GF can perma stun and kill a TR with 4 hits. It doesn't matter that GWF can perma knock down and kill them in 3 hits using their daily. It doesn't even matter that Clerics can put up a blue shield and go invincible for 15 seconds with their daily. Just nerf the hell out of TR because I said to do so.
Are you for real... Seriously, you need to pull your head in.
And go troll another games forum...
You obviously have no idea what your talking about.
LOL what? A TR can only tank for about 4 seconds if he wastes an encounter slot for Impossible to Catch. TR has the 2nd lowest HP pool after CW. All classes have some form of dodge or block. Stealth bar gets drained extremely fast when it's getting hit by AOE unless the rogue is dumb and waste a passive on the 90% reduce stealth loss from damage. CW has a daily that does nearly as much damage. GWF has a daily that does nearly as much damage. TR are glass cannons.... why don't you get to level 60 and get better weapons while you're at it?
Starting to think it doesn't matter what class you play, you'll cry OP for all other classes because you're probably building your character wrong.
besides what will you do? reduce defense on rogues so in pve they die in 1 hit instaed of 2? that would definitely improve this game yeah, having people only carry 3 classes to the end-dungeons is too complicated: 2 would be so much better.
You know why Clerics cry about taking too much aggro from adds? Because they are the ones that kicks GWFs in the first place. If they let the GWFs do their jobs, they wouldn't be crying about getting too much aggro from adds. A good GWF can kill adds in a very short time.
After putting your statement through google translate Whiner to English we get
Go bacath under thy bridge foul troll the power of right commandeth thee
It's like reading the "How to be an Idiot" guide every time I see you post. It's actually quite amazing how much hate you have over one class. I voted you for scrub of the week btw. So far you are in the top 5...
Ahh i've only posted on the forums like 5 times and i remember embracemysword for his awful forum name....
Can't remember where he posted but it was definitely regarding TR's.
Yeah it is quite funny how someone can have so much hate for TR's.
Funny thing is, I haven't seen many TR's complaining about how OP other TR's are. And in a the arena you see people are learning how to handle them as it's getting harder and harder to survive as a TR.
ps: dont forget that OP class is only OP if you have some brain, without brain every class is pain and as you see on first picture, he is... you know
Nobody needs to be nerfed, some people need to learn to play their class better.
Elocin - Renegade Drow - 39 Devoted Cleric of Selune - Mindflayer
Looking for some Dust of Forum Troll Disappearance ? Sprinkle this on any troll to phase shift them out of your plane of existence.
To quote another forumist here: " go back to whatever game you helped ruin".
This disregarding anything else in the game, is the most balanced game I have played for the past 10 years in regard to class balance. The ONLY BUFF should be in pve on the warrior threat/taunt issues and THAT IS IT. I have encountered every class in this game and all die easy and all can bring you down in one combo. As Ive said so many times in so many games: it takes playing one to understand one. GF can kill you in one rotation. Daze is nothing, his stuns are pro. L2P!
Amazing balance and amazing spots both in pvp and in pve for every class except maybe guardians.
The only thing I disliked @ 1st is the stack type action processing, meaning spells proc just like d&d, mtg or tbs type games, one spell enters the stack and resolves 1st. That means that you cannot "react" to certain actions BUT must and CAN anticipate, leading to frustrating issues, but doable once you get the hang of it. THAT is the only thing I dislike about combat mechanics. Everything else is GREAT. TR is perfect and a good CW will wipe the floor with it, so will a GF, but, given the circumstances, the TR will burn them down just the same. The cleric is also awesome and well, tank warriors can hold cap points like no other.
Tl;dr. L2p and dont judge if yuz nab :">.
TR can tank in PvE... they are OP across the board. For a class to do high damage they HAVE to be squishy. TRs can currently do the highest damage in the game whilst being fairly tanky... that is plain broken.
Their damage should stay as is but they should lose a huge chunk of their defenses. For one their dodge roll should not make them invulnerable during the animation. It's enough that it gets them out of a danger zone quickly. Their base health needs to be reduced and and there needs to be longer cooldowns on their defensive encounter skills.
You honestly should try playing a rogue before you make assumptions. Rogues can't tank ****. Tanking means actually standing there and being able to take the hits.
Well to be fair, I can tank almost any boss with double AS stacking, but you don't really want two clerics in the majority of the content.
But yeah that guy should try playing a rogue.
Gods Glory to the Heroes.
TR:Anirul Corrino@Fimconte
GF:Irulan Corrino@Fimconte
Any class can tank with double AS stacking. The stacking abilities of that HAMSTER is broken. I guarantee you, if he played rogue, he'll be just like all the other rogues that I destroy. Most rogues don't even know how to play properly. They just teleport around all over the place, throw their knives, and use 2 skills, Lashing Blade and Shocking Execution.
I'm a TR and I'd be extremely happy if they removed all powerful dailies: Shocking Execution, Ice Knife, Indominable Strength, Crescendo, and Astral Shield.
Actually, I'm confident enough to say that if they removed all these dailies, I would probably almost never die in pvp.
For. The. Win.
My group wasn't bad, we were just off our game. My TR was the last toon standing on our 2nd beat-down, so I said, "What the hell" and kept going. The boss had a few adds left, I forget which flavor. Basically, I was running an experiment, to see how long I'd last. I won (and I'm sure others have soloed him too, with other classes).
How did I beat him? Did I "tank?" Preposterous. I kited so much my "W" finger started to cramp, as did my "Shift" (dodge) finger. I used combos of stealth, B+S, LA, LB, CoS, and PotB. Stick and move, stick and move.
Lots of running, lots of dodging, and I still got slammed a few times, spawning more adds. So, I managed to get up in time, roll, and burn a charge off my Greater Stone of Health--in other words, I stayed at max health as much as possible anyway, and I was lucky.
I certainly didn't rely on my "OP" hit points to take him and his adds head-on. I started kiting again and used situational rotations. Took about 30-45 mins (I didn't time it closely), including lots of dagger throwing from max effective range and maybe 7-10 Health Stone charges, before he went down.
My SWTOR Bounty Hunter-Powertech is a tank. My SWTOR Sith Warrior-Juggernaut is a tank. They stand in there, shrug off damage, and give as good as they get--well, not as good maybe, but whatever.
Neverwinter TRs are not tanks, off-tanks, side-tanks, gas-tanks, or any tank in any way, shape, or form. Take a 40 or so TR to Pirate's Skyhold and try to classically tank bog monster mobs and pirate mobs and see how long you survive.
As others have said here, any class in this game can burn down any other class depending on player skill, which includes knowing your opponent's tactics and your counters. And timing. And luck.
Oh, I also play a GWF, which is a whole nother beast, but it too has its strengths and weaknesses.
Most of the balance we seek is in ourselves.
Are you for real... Seriously, you need to pull your head in.
And go troll another games forum...
You obviously have no idea what your talking about.