I personally think I'll eventually play as the Drow, but would need to buy. PW is really pushing their founder's packs...but how do I know the money would be worth it?
All the "other stuff", the "value add" to the package are things I personally don't want to pay for. Mount's, AD, etc, I can manage by simply earning them in the game.
The Drow however, isn't something I can earn.
However, if they are going to charge something like $100 for the race, then maybe I'd just go with a founder pack instead?
Have they gave idea to the cost of such things? Considering a mount is so expensive, I'd assume race/class could very well be that much.
oh gotcha... costs 160$ to beta test new classes/races but once they launch everyone gets them for free.
No the renegade drow is a unique race option only available to founders with that $200 offer. It's not the same as the drow race (though stat-wise should be, appearance/background will not be).
so against the D&D ruleset Drow #1 is super special and unique while Drow #2 is feeble and free? rofl... okay guys. "Some" Fans of this game will believe anything.
so against the D&D ruleset Drow #1 is super special and unique while Drow #2 is feeble and free? rofl... okay guys. "Some" Fans of this game will believe anything.
I'm not sure why you're assuming the 'stock' drow will be 'feeble'. They should be stat wise identical to the renegades. It's just a visual thing. I think they're naming the racial 'dark fire' instead of 'faerie fire' but it should do the same thing.
And yea there already is a lore justification for it anyway, so go yell at Bob Salvatore over the injustice of having good drow.
I'm not sure why you're assuming the 'stock' drow will be 'feeble'. They should be stat wise identical to the renegades. It's just a visual thing. I think they're naming the racial 'dark fire' instead of 'faerie fire' but it should do the same thing.
And yea there already is a lore justification for it anyway, so go yell at Bob Salvatore over the injustice of having good drow.
because people just said mezzo = super special and the free drow won't be as good, at least that was there indication for why they paid 160$ for the mezzo
because people just said mezzo = super special and the free drow won't be as good, at least that was there indication for why they paid 160$ for the mezzo
because people just said mezzo = super special and the free drow won't be as good, at least that was there indication for why they paid 160$ for the mezzo
I'm pretty sure the 6.000.000 ADs worth pretty much 16.000 Zen, worth apparently 160$(oh the coincidence) was a charity gift.
Btw, its dangerous out there on PWE forums, here, take this:
No the renegade drow is a unique race option only available to founders with that $200 offer. It's not the same as the drow race (though stat-wise should be, appearance/background will not be).
In fact, it's pretty much a cosmetic option. Shouldn't be a surprise to anyone, most Founder benefits are.
90 Days after the release of Open Beta, we will receive the Free Drow! Which is basically what the people who paid 200$ got But they got a.... SPIDER! And other pointless ****
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zentucknorMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
Personally I would love to see them shelf the Drow and let the ones that have it now be all there is. Cryptic has talked about their love of DnD and the realms lore but to allow Drow to be an easily available player character spits in the face of that lore. Drow are major bigots by lore and do not want to work with other races. There is the exception of Drizzit and the Bregan D'aerthe which is a small group of Drow that work as a bridge between Drow society and the surface. The lore does not support the notion of large drow populations in the surface areas.
Ever ask a halfling to watch over your stuff while you visit the privy? Was it there when you returned?
90 Days after the release of Open Beta, we will receive the Free Drow! Which is basically what the people who paid 200$ got But they got a.... SPIDER! And other pointless ****
Of my eight characters, not a single one is a Drow. And I use the spider on one character only.
There has been no official announcement of what the next class will be beyond it being a "ranged" one, or how much it will cost if it will cost anything.
Just based on the "coming soon" icon and the nature kits I am inclined to think Ranger or Druid. I am more so inclined to think Druid just because there is zero ranged weapons in this game so far, not as to say that they can't make one and patch it in. Adding the Druid would balance that out a bit 3 melee and 3 spell casters.
Just based on the "coming soon" icon and the nature kits I am inclined to think Ranger or Druid. I am more so inclined to think Druid just because there is zero ranged weapons in this game so far, not as to say that they can't make one and patch it in. Adding the Druid would balance that out a bit 3 melee and 3 spell casters.
It's pretty much a guarantee that ANY new class will use a new weapon type and not existing ones. That's just how they're being designed.
Based on the store, it is in PWI's best interest to get people to create multiple characters by giving races and classes away for free. People then need (or will want) to spend $ on:
Extra character slots
More bags
Mounts / companions
Etc, etc...
Im sure drow will be as different from Mezzo renegade as Wood elf is from drow...basically speaking slightly different stats and a different name MAYBE slightly different skin/hair/eye options. or possibly the only difference will be the name. bout 175$ value not including betas drow and things if deemed priceless. or the stuff you got in other games ect....
HotN got:
the race (got one drow) (??)
the spider(use on every char) (40$)
bag of holding(6$)
Adv Helperpack x1 (15$)
the weapon (every char)( 5$) maybe
the Moonstone regalia (12$)(I would have preferred a more drow-like outfit
but I use it on several chars even if it looks exactly like noble pack with a long skirt)
2mill ad(40-60$) depending on xchange rate
VIP in Moonstone mask (priceless)
dust of creation/robe of useless items(priceless)
No the renegade drow is a unique race option only available to founders with that $200 offer. It's not the same as the drow race (though stat-wise should be, appearance/background will not be).
If you want to assume everything is a conspiracy out to get you/designed maliciously? Yes.
I'm not sure why you're assuming the 'stock' drow will be 'feeble'. They should be stat wise identical to the renegades. It's just a visual thing. I think they're naming the racial 'dark fire' instead of 'faerie fire' but it should do the same thing.
And yea there already is a lore justification for it anyway, so go yell at Bob Salvatore over the injustice of having good drow.
No idea about drow. Yes, thats how collectors editions(witch Hotn is) work, welcome to mmo gaming.
This actually makes a lot of sense since they're already charging for additional character slots.
because people just said mezzo = super special and the free drow won't be as good, at least that was there indication for why they paid 160$ for the mezzo
Who said that the free drow won't be as good?
Btw, its dangerous out there on PWE forums, here, take this:
uh pretty sure I can buy 6 million AD doe like 10 bucks
At about $20 per 2k zen, that's roughly $160
edit: unless of course you meant from AD selling websites. In which case: shame on you
Trying a bit too hard to flame to pimp your blog? I think so.
Nobody except local conspiracy theorists. I've played the drow, can't talk about it, but there's no need to worry.
Of my eight characters, not a single one is a Drow.
Just based on the "coming soon" icon and the nature kits I am inclined to think Ranger or Druid. I am more so inclined to think Druid just because there is zero ranged weapons in this game so far, not as to say that they can't make one and patch it in. Adding the Druid would balance that out a bit 3 melee and 3 spell casters.
It's pretty much a guarantee that ANY new class will use a new weapon type and not existing ones. That's just how they're being designed.
Extra character slots
More bags
Mounts / companions
Etc, etc...
HotN got:
the race (got one drow) (??)
the spider(use on every char) (40$)
bag of holding(6$)
Adv Helperpack x1 (15$)
the weapon (every char)( 5$) maybe
the Moonstone regalia (12$)(I would have preferred a more drow-like outfit
but I use it on several chars even if it looks exactly like noble pack with a long skirt)
2mill ad(40-60$) depending on xchange rate
VIP in Moonstone mask (priceless)
dust of creation/robe of useless items(priceless)