Why would I set a deadline? I'll play the game until I'm bored or fed up with it, and then move on to another. Just like I have done with hundreds of games in the past.
And I'm simply not going to believe someone who sets a specific date. As in, if all the things I want fixed are done the day after that, I still won't play. If the issues bother you so much, stop playing for now, and come back at a later date. Why pigeon hole yourself into a specific timeframe for a game?
cihuacoatlMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 1Arc User
edited May 2013
They are fixing all major issues the last time I checked.
The bigger issue is we are finding more exploits/bugs/issues than their limited staff can keep up with.
The bad part is many of these major bugs were discovered and reported in closed beta. One can assume they cannot be too shocked to see that people are abusing a few of the bugs. Though I suspect they didn't expect the payers to be as agressive/creative as they are when it comes with the few known issues.
It took Everquest 2years to fix some exploits. I quit Conan before they started fixing their issues. Warhammer died because of their bugs... really like that game too. Rift took over 1 year to fix their classes and they are still working on it. Dungeon boss and PvP exploits were ongoing and still occuring issues. GW2 had the dungeon/market issues too big time... so bad that the economy eventaully completely failed... at least the last time I checked. I suspect after the 60 rush this game will take the path of GW2 or even Warhammer unless PWE and Cryptic have an ace up their sleeve.
I didn't vote either because the poll is kinda childish.
cihuacoatlMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 1Arc User
Install Rift (you can play as trial until level 20)
Install a program called Raptr, it tracks you playtime and offers rewards (it is officially endorsed by Rift so don't worry about it being something suspicious)
When you have played HAMSTER number of hours you get the game+expansion and 30 days for free (I think it's 14 hours)
Raptr LOL.. hope you enjoy folks tracking your behavior for marketing and other purposes. To each their own... i like my illusion of privacy.
Why would I set a deadline? I'll play the game until I'm bored or fed up with it, and then move on to another. Just like I have done with hundreds of games in the past.
And I'm simply not going to believe someone who sets a specific date. As in, if all the things I want fixed are done the day after that, I still won't play. If the issues bother you so much, stop playing for now, and come back at a later date. Why pigeon hole yourself into a specific timeframe for a game?
The problem in my view is that the majority of "balance" complaints come from PvP players , lets hope they don't make the mistakes that so many games have made , when they try balance PvP and destroy PVE!!!
If the issues bother you so much, stop playing for now, and come back at a later date. Why pigeon hole yourself into a specific timeframe for a game?
If you've followed the forums at all, you'll notice I even have followers advertising my fanboyness thread after thread. What you describe is exactly what I'm going to do, however I actively either play a game, or I don't play it at all personally. Logging in once a week isn't my style.
Personally I'll come back at a later date if they have fixed everything, unless something else has taken my free time completely. With many good titles just around the corner, it's possible.
As a sidenote, as you can see from todays patchnotes, there's proof that the devs are indeed working to improve the game, and also explanation for the further downtime of the Auction House; they also fixed other issues related to the auction house, not just the exploit while at it.
Why would I set a deadline? I'll play the game until I'm bored or fed up with it, and then move on to another. Just like I have done with hundreds of games in the past.
And I'm simply not going to believe someone who sets a specific date. As in, if all the things I want fixed are done the day after that, I still won't play. If the issues bother you so much, stop playing for now, and come back at a later date. Why pigeon hole yourself into a specific timeframe for a game?
The bigger issue is we are finding more exploits/bugs/issues than their limited staff can keep up with.
The bad part is many of these major bugs were discovered and reported in closed beta. One can assume they cannot be too shocked to see that people are abusing a few of the bugs. Though I suspect they didn't expect the payers to be as agressive/creative as they are when it comes with the few known issues.
It took Everquest 2years to fix some exploits. I quit Conan before they started fixing their issues. Warhammer died because of their bugs... really like that game too. Rift took over 1 year to fix their classes and they are still working on it. Dungeon boss and PvP exploits were ongoing and still occuring issues. GW2 had the dungeon/market issues too big time... so bad that the economy eventaully completely failed... at least the last time I checked. I suspect after the 60 rush this game will take the path of GW2 or even Warhammer unless PWE and Cryptic have an ace up their sleeve.
I didn't vote either because the poll is kinda childish.
Raptr LOL.. hope you enjoy folks tracking your behavior for marketing and other purposes. To each their own... i like my illusion of privacy.
^ ^ This x 100 ^ ^
If you've followed the forums at all, you'll notice I even have followers advertising my fanboyness thread after thread. What you describe is exactly what I'm going to do, however I actively either play a game, or I don't play it at all personally. Logging in once a week isn't my style.
Personally I'll come back at a later date if they have fixed everything, unless something else has taken my free time completely. With many good titles just around the corner, it's possible.