First of all, aggro can spawn, in which case, no, you cant go back. There are also times when there are monsters to the left and monsters to the right. You slip to the right and the ones to the left seem to leave you alone, ... until a fight breaks out with the ones on the right, and then ones you left behind coming running to join in the fight.
And they FOLLOW you. There is no "safe". You can teleport away from aggro all the way back to the campfire, and the aggro of six to twelve or more monsters will surround you and kill you while you are standing on the campfire.
If you're killing stuff so slowly it respawns behind you, there isn't really anything further anyone can say to help you.
try using your brain, you alway start in safe spot, you have range, pull mobs to save spot kill them.
then widen the corridor by pulling diff group, when you have more space rinse repeat.
Obviously I have tried isolating aggro. The problem is, when I fight one aggro other aggros are often joining in, even from a great distance away. The problems occur mainly in locations where the only route is thru a population density.
One weird thing I saw was: An archer attacked me from long distance away. My Manatarms raced ahead to attack the archer. When he did so, a neighboring aggro suddenly decided to join in to attack the Manatarms, walking over to him from another distance away. But when the Manatarms killed the original archer, the aggro that was attacking him, suddenly stopped, turned around, and went back to the original location being idle. Then the Manatarms ran back to me. Of course, if I was nearby while that was happening, that neighboring aggro would be on me.
Anyway, the aggro behavior is complex. The Manatarms is probably a factor. Probably different monsters have different ranges, and different chances of noticing players, whence different levels of aggressiveness. Also the neighboring aggro seems to behave differently depending on whether you are already in a fight or not. Likewise certain spells cause nearby aggro to pursue.
Excessive aggro can also happen during boss fights, but that is a different situation.
biggigbegMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 6Arc User
- Do not use Potions when the fight is over. Instead use a portable altar, eventhough it is slow healing. If you are running with others, remember that portable altars stack. So 3-4 people throwing down an altar is like have a regular camp fire.
- Upgrade your Orb before anything else. It's the biggest damage boost upgrade.
Hope that helps.
I wasn't aware of the altar that I use to pray for buffs also heals me. Thanks for the tip. Also for feats I suggest the 5/5 in the ability that increases your At-Will powers by 30% when within 20 feet. (sorry I forget the name)
Tabbed Chill Strike, Conduit of Ice, Sudden Storm, Entangling Force, Magic Missile spam, repeat. Between this you will have to teleport to and fro, pot if you need to, but you really shouldnt be having this amount of problems. There is no excuse to die in a level 30 zone as a level 37.
ambisinisterrMember, Neverwinter ModeratorPosts: 10,462Community Moderator
edited May 2013
While some powers are more viable than others which is a good topic to discuss...
You have gotten plenty of advise on what powers not only work well but work well together.
I don't think anybody else has said it to you yet but stop looking at the spells as a single power. The Control Wizard is very much a combination striker and often times the order you casts spells along with the selection of spells used is more important than anything else.
Why do people use Arcane Singularity and then use AoE? Because this is what makes sense to do. Just because it is a Control Wizard doesn't mean they don't do damage. If I was going to be a control wizard that is exactly what I would want to do, get them in a pile and send all I have at them.
If you are playing a control wizard as if he has a team next to him when he does not then you will not do well. Think of the powers as a Spell Book. The powers you select when playing in a group will be completely different than the powers you get when going solo.
Pure Control works great in a group where others supply additional damage. However if you are alone pure control is not going to do enough damage to progress without encountering issues with cooldowns.
Consider this advise as you go forward. The wizard can be played more diversely than any other class but you can't force it to play well in every situation without fitting the spells for each situation. And in order to properly assess that you must consider:
1) How your selection of powers work with each other
2) What order you should cast spells
3) Do you have enough damage to defeat enemies between power combo's
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Posting multiple times in a row can be treated as spam and people will respond negatively to it just as they respond negatively TO PEOPLE TYPING IN CAPS. Let's keep it to a minimum please.
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You guys know the deal.
The only decent point you could make is that some spells are more viable than others, but no build is "unplayable" unless you're intentionally building the worst possible CW as virtually possible.
I don't know what your doing but you shouldn't be that squishy.
I use tabbed conduit, sudden storm, force chock and icy terrain, with ice knife and oppressive force as dailies, and ray of frost and chill cloud as my at wills. I use potions occasionally but not too often and gain more in loot then I lose. I lead off with conduit, and by the time anything gets to me it has 2 to 4 stacks of chill on it, and icy terrain and ray of frost add the rest. Most stuff gets frozen mid strike and dead before they wake up. I run a recovery/power build with no points in crit and no arcane whatever.
There are also times when there are monsters to the left and monsters to the right. You slip to the right and the ones to the left seem to leave you alone, ... until a fight breaks out with the ones on the right, and then ones you left behind coming running to join in the fight.
So actually you're just horribly bad at positional play and awareness.
On top of that you tell us how you use knockbacks and then complain about added mobs. Seriously?
told you before ice storm is the WORST daily you can use...
I disagree. Ice Storm is a great spell for soloing, exactly for the situations the OP describes when he dies surrounded by monsters. Ice Storm deal a lot of damage and gets the monsters away from you instantly. Arcane Singularity deal less damage and is often too slow to save you in such situations.
Zone and dungeons should be easy for CW all the way up to lvl 50-55ish... then that's where hell starts =.=" literally =.="
As a share, these are my skill sets for solo pve: tab (chill strike), Q (steal time), E (conduit of ice), R (I swap between enfeeblement, shield and Icy terrain depending on mobs or mob I am fighting)
Group pve: tab (steal time for dps mode, swap shield depending on whether I have the need to push mob off bridges and etc, swap with chill strike for CC mode), Q (Thunder for dps mode, swap steal time for CC mode), E (conduit of ice), R (enfeeblement or icy terrain depending on whether I need to play CC or dps)
PVP: tab (enfeeblement ftw ), Q (chill stike/icy ray depending on whether i feel like single target or multi target disable), E (conduit of ice), R (Choke)
It's just what I am comfortable with and it kinda serves me quite well.
Oh and my daily it's always Ice knife or arcane singularity depending on whether i wanna kill or cc... no other...
If you're killing stuff so slowly it respawns behind you, there isn't really anything further anyone can say to help you.
One weird thing I saw was: An archer attacked me from long distance away. My Manatarms raced ahead to attack the archer. When he did so, a neighboring aggro suddenly decided to join in to attack the Manatarms, walking over to him from another distance away. But when the Manatarms killed the original archer, the aggro that was attacking him, suddenly stopped, turned around, and went back to the original location being idle. Then the Manatarms ran back to me. Of course, if I was nearby while that was happening, that neighboring aggro would be on me.
Anyway, the aggro behavior is complex. The Manatarms is probably a factor. Probably different monsters have different ranges, and different chances of noticing players, whence different levels of aggressiveness. Also the neighboring aggro seems to behave differently depending on whether you are already in a fight or not. Likewise certain spells cause nearby aggro to pursue.
Excessive aggro can also happen during boss fights, but that is a different situation.
I wasn't aware of the altar that I use to pray for buffs also heals me. Thanks for the tip. Also for feats I suggest the 5/5 in the ability that increases your At-Will powers by 30% when within 20 feet. (sorry I forget the name)
You have gotten plenty of advise on what powers not only work well but work well together.
I don't think anybody else has said it to you yet but stop looking at the spells as a single power. The Control Wizard is very much a combination striker and often times the order you casts spells along with the selection of spells used is more important than anything else.
Why do people use Arcane Singularity and then use AoE? Because this is what makes sense to do. Just because it is a Control Wizard doesn't mean they don't do damage. If I was going to be a control wizard that is exactly what I would want to do, get them in a pile and send all I have at them.
If you are playing a control wizard as if he has a team next to him when he does not then you will not do well. Think of the powers as a Spell Book. The powers you select when playing in a group will be completely different than the powers you get when going solo.
Pure Control works great in a group where others supply additional damage. However if you are alone pure control is not going to do enough damage to progress without encountering issues with cooldowns.
Consider this advise as you go forward. The wizard can be played more diversely than any other class but you can't force it to play well in every situation without fitting the spells for each situation. And in order to properly assess that you must consider:
2) What order you should cast spells
3) Do you have enough damage to defeat enemies between power combo's
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Posting multiple times in a row can be treated as spam and people will respond negatively to it just as they respond negatively TO PEOPLE TYPING IN CAPS. Let's keep it to a minimum please.
Also please keep it civil and respectful on all fronts. No name calling, no insults, no statements of reporting users...
You guys know the deal.
Wait just read level 37 in 30 zone. FFS You should be able to facetank while only casting magic missile.
I use tabbed conduit, sudden storm, force chock and icy terrain, with ice knife and oppressive force as dailies, and ray of frost and chill cloud as my at wills. I use potions occasionally but not too often and gain more in loot then I lose. I lead off with conduit, and by the time anything gets to me it has 2 to 4 stacks of chill on it, and icy terrain and ray of frost add the rest. Most stuff gets frozen mid strike and dead before they wake up. I run a recovery/power build with no points in crit and no arcane whatever.
So actually you're just horribly bad at positional play and awareness.
On top of that you tell us how you use knockbacks and then complain about added mobs. Seriously?
As a share, these are my skill sets for solo pve: tab (chill strike), Q (steal time), E (conduit of ice), R (I swap between enfeeblement, shield and Icy terrain depending on mobs or mob I am fighting)
Group pve: tab (steal time for dps mode, swap shield depending on whether I have the need to push mob off bridges and etc, swap with chill strike for CC mode), Q (Thunder for dps mode, swap steal time for CC mode), E (conduit of ice), R (enfeeblement or icy terrain depending on whether I need to play CC or dps)
PVP: tab (enfeeblement ftw
It's just what I am comfortable with and it kinda serves me quite well.
Oh and my daily it's always Ice knife or arcane singularity depending on whether i wanna kill or cc... no other...