Zeb helped getting my, and others tickets going faster. I will always be very grateful to him, because even the automated system wouldn't acknowledge any of us if he hadn't made anything happen.
A week and a half ago, I got an email from Perfect World telling me that I had my account back. The email told me to reset my password, and after I did that and replied to the email, someone would then unban my account to find out how bad a shape my characters were and AD and Zen would be.
For the last week and a half, I have replied every day to that email. The day after I got that email, I have been trying to call Perfect World. They are open Monday-Friday 10 AM Pacific to 6 PM Pacific. On Tuesday and Wednesday, I tried a few different times. Since Thursday, I have tried calling every 5 minutes. Each time, after a bunch of recording, all the sudden there is the hiss of a live line, and then there is a mute for 1 minute. Then, I either get sent back into the voice recording hell, or I am disconnecting. More often than not, I get disconnected.
Honestly, at this point, I just want my account back. I'm a lifetime member of Champions, because I like the game, and I Cryptic were great at support. Unfortunately, now, all they do is make the games. PW does all support, and with PW support being...what we've seen...I'm finding that I'm never going to get even my Champions account back, and that is about to make me very very angry.
Yes...I've lost $200 to Neverwinter, but I've lost much more than that if I don't get my Champions account back.
Most video game related companies have horrible customer support. They don't hate us, they just don't care. Good support is not profitable in the gaming industry.
Most video game related companies have horrible customer support. They don't hate us, they just don't care.Good support is not profitable in the gaming industry.
Good support could be profitable. If one company made a good game, was extremely nice in support, and helped the best they could, I would want to buy stuff from said company even more
Check out the Neverwinter/ESO guild Rogue's Gallery! While you're at our forums, submit an application and join our glorious regime!
Most likely....when you hear that "mute"...the agent on the other end is waiting for your account to pull up, and if the phone number you are calling from is tied to your account, they are seeing it is banned....and kicking you back off, not bothering to read any case notes. They have plenty of "legit" customers to worry about.
Try calling from a completely different phone number.
Of course, it could also be that the call center they are working in pays them by the call and they are turning and burning.
But it is a chinese company...you yankee dogs no matter...
Good support could be profitable. If one company made a good game, was extremely nice in support, and helped the best they could, I would want to buy stuff from said company even more
This is unique to the Asian owned and operated companies. Nexon is even worse. Most American run customer support, even in video games, is very helpful. Even the worst American customer support is better than the best Asian customer support.
Dear person that got his/her Neverwinter account hacked.
You do realize you are keylogged, right? Right now as you are reading this (if you are reading this), everything the OP is typing is being recorded and uploaded to hacker.
Yet, all the OP seems to be complaining about is "QQ my NW account got hacked, I want it back"
Umm hello? If you really spent $200 on NW, well guess what? Hackers have your credit card# and expiration. If you logged on Facebook today, then they have that password too and are probably reading your stuff. Why are you complaining about NW when you should be worrying about reformatting your PC and re-installing everything from scratch. Why are you complaining about NW instead of calling your CC company and making sure you aren't being charged little $10 to $20 fees every day or week. Why are you making your thread sound like it's all Cryptic's fault when in reality it's all your fault for not being more careful with your PC and getting yourself infected with a keylogger. Cryptic is really busy right now and I'm sure they will help get your account back soon, but how about also taking care of everything else you do on your PC because all of that is stolen too!
Jesus..it will be nice when the 4chaners find a new game to invade. :rolleyes:
Anyway OP I know several ISP's that actively block Perfect World simply because they are an Asian company, Comcast being one. I had similar issues until I changed my email to a gmail account, they are pretty secure since you can use two step verification and now every time PW sends me a link it goes through. Also since you have gone the distance and then some you may want to try PMing Sominator and seeing if they can do anything on their end.
What would you like the community to do about your predicament? Or did you just want to stomp your feet a little?
Honestly, it's a little to try to get all the admin and so on people looking, and to let everyone else know that the community people are great, but no one else is very good at dealing with any of this, so maybe it about time to give up.
I got an email after I sent this thread that says that my ticket is now solved and closed, even though my account is still banned and the only reason I can still go on the forums is because I logged in to the website before I even got hacked.
Honestly, it's a little to try to get all the admin and so on people looking, and to let everyone else know that the community people are great, but no one else is very good at dealing with any of this, so maybe it about time to give up.
I got an email after I sent this thread that says that my ticket is now solved and closed, even though my account is still banned and the only reason I can still go on the forums is because I logged in to the website before I even got hacked.
Okay something sounds off...you do know that the website resets and auto logs you off after five hours right? All PWE sites do even if you click remember me. Methinks you have bigger issues than just being hacked, you might want to review how secure your system is.
I use a quality Anti-virus/Anti Malware that encrypts my keystrokes that helps prevent Keylogging, I watch where I go (The HAMSTER is a lie) and I keep all my passwords which are generated off my system on a encrypted key. It's not foolproof but I have yet to be hacked. You honestly need to get your system secure first or whoever hacked you is just going to steal it back.
Dear person that got his/her Neverwinter account hacked.
You do realize you are keylogged, right? Right now as you are reading this (if you are reading this), everything the OP is typing is being recorded and uploaded to hacker.
Yet, all the OP seems to be complaining about is "QQ my NW account got hacked, I want it back"
Umm hello? If you really spent $200 on NW, well guess what? Hackers have your credit card# and expiration. If you logged on Facebook today, then they have that password too and are probably reading your stuff. Why are you complaining about NW when you should be worrying about reformatting your PC and re-installing everything from scratch. Why are you complaining about NW instead of calling your CC company and making sure you aren't being charged little $10 to $20 fees every day or week. Why are you making your thread sound like it's all Cryptic's fault when in reality it's all your fault for not being more careful with your PC and getting yourself infected with a keylogger. Cryptic is really busy right now and I'm sure they will help get your account back soon, but how about also taking care of everything else you do on your PC because all of that is stolen too!
Actually, I was not keylogged. I am a security analyst for an engineering firm, and I have checked my system from top to bottom, then I did it again just to make sure there was nothing there. No keyloggers, virus, anything that *I* didn't put on my computer.
My account name was easy to find. I got a Founder's pack using Paypal, so they have no credit card. They used my account name, and then bruteforced their way into the PW website. I tried for several hours to brute force my way into my own account, and there really isn't all that much security on their website.
Well, you could just try to brute force your way into PW and get your account back rather than just trying to crack your old account. Might be easier! Though the implications...
I am in a worst state.. i tried the customer service, all i got is an automated message up till now. I tried pm-ing Dez and CMPinpointerror and did not get any response. And this has been close to a week.
To make things worst? I have spent close to $900 (yeah, both the 200bucks and the 60bucks founders, along with a bunch of top up for zens) bucks on Neverwinter. Talk about screwed up customer service.... This is the worst I have gotten so far..
It seems to me they do not value the players, paying or not... wth...
I am in a worst state.. i tried the customer service, all i got is an automated message up till now. I tried pm-ing Dez and CMPinpointerror and did not get any response. And this has been close to a week.
To make things worst? I have spent close to $900 bucks on Neverwinter. Talk about screwed up customer service.... This is the worst I have gotten so far..
expectiung good customer service out of a chinese MMO company is like expecting BP to actually give a **** about how many animals and humans their oil spills are killing.
same case here.. pretty obvious my account was brute forced in. To make things worst, they actually allow the original registered email to be change without any form of confirmation needed from that email.
Hence right now, i am screwed, my account was brute forced and my email changed. So I cant even login to my account to post a ticket. And when i submitted the ticket with my original registered email, i can't even login to see the progress because I can't login to it.
It really bothers me that we need to input verification codes when we use new computer or browser to assess neverwinter, yet there isn't such a need when there is a request to change the registered email...
I am in a worst state.. i tried the customer service, all i got is an automated message up till now. I tried pm-ing Dez and CMPinpointerror and did not get any response. And this has been close to a week.
To make things worst? I have spent close to $900 (yeah, both the 200bucks and the 60bucks founders, along with a bunch of top up for zens) bucks on Neverwinter. Talk about screwed up customer service.... This is the worst I have gotten so far..
It seems to me they do not value the players, paying or not... wth...
Sorry but why on Gods green earth would you spend 900 bucks on a BETA !!!!!!
Sorry to say this, but your own fault if you feel you dont get your money's worth.
Sure the game has 99% of the stuff working now and its more of a released version then a BETA.... but it IS still a BETA...things can go wrong, things arent 100% worked out yet and **** CAN hit the fan....which it did.
Don't blame the devs because you threw some cash at an unfinished product.
cierdwynMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 0Arc User
Sorry but i didnt even read the OP's post because of his retarted subject title.
"blah blah hates us blah blah" ... seriously... how simple minded can you be to think that the reason for cryptic to make Neverwinter is just so they can annoy us because they HATE us
funny ****
Actually, I think Cryptic isn't the problem here. The problem is Perfect World. I have been with Cryptic since Alpha for City of Heroes, and I have loved them for years. They had their own support people for Champions Online, and I loved dealing with them. Unfortunately, they don't work there anymore, as far as I can tell. All the customer service is from Perfect World, and even then...I don't actually think there is anyone there.
They made it so they can take hundreds of dollars from obnoxious, clueless HAMSTER like you, actually.
Ah ok... point taken. and here i thought a FREE to play game was... free (if you choose it to be).
I have all the fun in the world in the game atm and havent payed a dime yet.... since its, you know.. A BETA!!
I might throw some cash at it when its finished and i really really want that flaming armored mount... or just to support the devs... but not until i'm sure its a finished product.. which it isnt yet
All the customer service is from Perfect World, and even then...I don't actually think there is anyone there.
Hehehe... wouldnt that be a shock ..... a shell company.. sign on the world "Perfect World - We earn phat l00t" .. and then you open the door and its an empty office with a single chair in the middle with a sign on it saying "THANKS NEWBS!"
Sorry but why on Gods green earth would you spend 900 bucks on a BETA !!!!!!
Sorry to say this, but your own fault if you feel you dont get your money's worth.
Sure the game has 99% of the stuff working now and its more of a released version then a BETA.... but it IS still a BETA...things can go wrong, things arent 100% worked out yet and **** CAN hit the fan....which it did.
Don't blame the devs because you threw some cash at an unfinished product.
Currently, I am not complaining about how much I have spent. My issue is how easy it was for the email system to be bypassed and how slow and ineffective customer service is. I was hacked previously on another game with my account wiped. It was restored back to me, with everything intact within 3 to 4 days. Furthermore, throughout the whole situation, I was kept informed of the development. And it was a game with a significant player base back then, and this is why I am so appalled with the customer service.
I am sharing how much I spent to illustrate the point that regardless of the amount spent, the customer service is pretty crappy. I have spent more on other games and I do not have any qualms about it. For Neverwinter, I see a game with potential and am willing to invest in it. This is especially true for a game which has been pretty much my favourite over the years.
However, with such lack of assurance and customer-orientation, all i can say is i am sorely disappointed.
Dear person that got his/her Neverwinter account hacked.
You do realize you are keylogged, right? Right now as you are reading this (if you are reading this), everything the OP is typing is being recorded and uploaded to hacker.
Yet, all the OP seems to be complaining about is "QQ my NW account got hacked, I want it back"
Umm hello? If you really spent $200 on NW, well guess what? Hackers have your credit card# and expiration. If you logged on Facebook today, then they have that password too and are probably reading your stuff. Why are you complaining about NW when you should be worrying about reformatting your PC and re-installing everything from scratch. Why are you complaining about NW instead of calling your CC company and making sure you aren't being charged little $10 to $20 fees every day or week. Why are you making your thread sound like it's all Cryptic's fault when in reality it's all your fault for not being more careful with your PC and getting yourself infected with a keylogger. Cryptic is really busy right now and I'm sure they will help get your account back soon, but how about also taking care of everything else you do on your PC because all of that is stolen too!
I appreciate that you want to give the OP advice, but why is your gut-reaction that he's an idiot that is merely whining or that behavior like this from any company is okay when they're short-staffed? The very least they could do in such a case is tell him that they're short staffed and that they'll they're trying their best, not disconnecting him without telling him anything.
If you just thought he was actively lying about his experiences, I could understand your attitude, but please do try to be less hostile.
Actually, I was not keylogged. I am a security analyst for an engineering firm, and I have checked my system from top to bottom, then I did it again just to make sure there was nothing there. No keyloggers, virus, anything that *I* didn't put on my computer.
My account name was easy to find. I got a Founder's pack using Paypal, so they have no credit card. They used my account name, and then bruteforced their way into the PW website. I tried for several hours to brute force my way into my own account, and there really isn't all that much security on their website.
But thank you, HAMSTER. We all love you too.
I'd upvote this post if I could - Perfect World seems to have some serious support issues, and if the wheels keep squeaking when they're legitimately in need, they might actually get some grease.
I appreciate that you want to give the OP advice, but why is your gut-reaction that he's an idiot that is merely whining or that behavior like this from any company is okay when they're short-staffed? The very least they could do in such a case is tell him that they're short staffed and that they'll they're trying their best, not disconnecting him without telling him anything.
If you just thought he was actively lying about his experiences, I could understand your attitude, but please do try to be less hostile.
I'd upvote this post if I could - Perfect World seems to have some serious support issues, and if the wheels keep squeaking when they're legitimately in need, they might actually get some grease.
I doubt it.
Given theres apparently people already spending over a thousand dollars on this game, I imagine they know full well they can be as ****ty to us as they want and still have people give them tons of money.
Good support could be profitable. If one company made a good game, was extremely nice in support, and helped the best they could, I would want to buy stuff from said company even more
You take what you tolerate.
As long as gamers don't care about support it won't be good.
Given theres apparently people already spending over a thousand dollars on this game, I imagine they know full well they can be as ****ty to us as they want and still have people give them tons of money.
But new customers will also shy away and the players will be far less likely to invest money into their characters.
It's not about stopping the flow of money so much as make it known that we'd give them more if they would better themselves.
I considered getting a founders pack myself, but with all the customer service HAMSTER I keep hearing about, it seems like a pity to sink money into a company that treats its customers like this.
But new customers will also shy away and the players will be far less likely to invest money into their characters.
It's not about stopping the flow of money so much as make it known that we'd give them more if they would better themselves.
I considered getting a founders pack myself, but with all the customer service HAMSTER I keep hearing about, it seems like a pity to sink money into a company that treats its customers like this.
It's probably like buying a TV without guarantee and without having the ability to test it out. IF the TV blows up, you basically just dump your money into the drain. And in my case, it seems that there is a good chance my money are all swimming in some unknown drain somewhere....
It's probably like buying a TV without guarantee and without having the ability to test it out. IF the TV blows up, you basically just dump your money into the drain. And in my case, it seems that there is a good chance my money are all swimming in some unknown drain somewhere....
Precisely - I enjoy this game immensely, but if they claim there are guarantees, and it turns out they lied to you and do not even try to provide an explanation or otherwise be transparent about their problems, then I don't see any reason why I'd sink any money into it.
Before customer service, this was the very first game I actually considered getting the buy-for-real-money stuff. It's just that fun.
But until it improves customer service to be more transparent, there's simply no way.
(One obvious solution that comes to mind is allowing the community to prioritize tickets for tiny amounts of AD - there will no doubt be trolls, but if the priority becomes the average of, say, 10-20 people, it'll probably work fine)
Good support could be profitable. If one company made a good game, was extremely nice in support, and helped the best they could, I would want to buy stuff from said company even more
Try calling from a completely different phone number.
Of course, it could also be that the call center they are working in pays them by the call and they are turning and burning.
But it is a chinese company...you yankee dogs no matter...
It could be profitable if gamers cared about it. Most gamers will continue to support a company no matter how bad that company treats them.
You do realize you are keylogged, right? Right now as you are reading this (if you are reading this), everything the OP is typing is being recorded and uploaded to hacker.
Yet, all the OP seems to be complaining about is "QQ my NW account got hacked, I want it back"
Umm hello? If you really spent $200 on NW, well guess what? Hackers have your credit card# and expiration. If you logged on Facebook today, then they have that password too and are probably reading your stuff. Why are you complaining about NW when you should be worrying about reformatting your PC and re-installing everything from scratch. Why are you complaining about NW instead of calling your CC company and making sure you aren't being charged little $10 to $20 fees every day or week. Why are you making your thread sound like it's all Cryptic's fault when in reality it's all your fault for not being more careful with your PC and getting yourself infected with a keylogger. Cryptic is really busy right now and I'm sure they will help get your account back soon, but how about also taking care of everything else you do on your PC because all of that is stolen too!
Anyway OP I know several ISP's that actively block Perfect World simply because they are an Asian company, Comcast being one. I had similar issues until I changed my email to a gmail account, they are pretty secure since you can use two step verification and now every time PW sends me a link it goes through. Also since you have gone the distance and then some you may want to try PMing Sominator and seeing if they can do anything on their end.
I hope you get it resolved.
Honestly, it's a little to try to get all the admin and so on people looking, and to let everyone else know that the community people are great, but no one else is very good at dealing with any of this, so maybe it about time to give up.
I got an email after I sent this thread that says that my ticket is now solved and closed, even though my account is still banned and the only reason I can still go on the forums is because I logged in to the website before I even got hacked.
Okay something sounds off...you do know that the website resets and auto logs you off after five hours right? All PWE sites do even if you click remember me. Methinks you have bigger issues than just being hacked, you might want to review how secure your system is.
I use a quality Anti-virus/Anti Malware that encrypts my keystrokes that helps prevent Keylogging, I watch where I go (The HAMSTER is a lie) and I keep all my passwords which are generated off my system on a encrypted key. It's not foolproof but I have yet to be hacked. You honestly need to get your system secure first or whoever hacked you is just going to steal it back.
Actually, I was not keylogged. I am a security analyst for an engineering firm, and I have checked my system from top to bottom, then I did it again just to make sure there was nothing there. No keyloggers, virus, anything that *I* didn't put on my computer.
My account name was easy to find. I got a Founder's pack using Paypal, so they have no credit card. They used my account name, and then bruteforced their way into the PW website. I tried for several hours to brute force my way into my own account, and there really isn't all that much security on their website.
But thank you, HAMSTER. We all love you too.
To make things worst? I have spent close to $900 (yeah, both the 200bucks and the 60bucks founders, along with a bunch of top up for zens) bucks on Neverwinter. Talk about screwed up customer service.... This is the worst I have gotten so far..
It seems to me they do not value the players, paying or not... wth...
expectiung good customer service out of a chinese MMO company is like expecting BP to actually give a **** about how many animals and humans their oil spills are killing.
Hence right now, i am screwed, my account was brute forced and my email changed. So I cant even login to my account to post a ticket. And when i submitted the ticket with my original registered email, i can't even login to see the progress because I can't login to it.
It really bothers me that we need to input verification codes when we use new computer or browser to assess neverwinter, yet there isn't such a need when there is a request to change the registered email...
Sorry but why on Gods green earth would you spend 900 bucks on a BETA !!!!!!
Sorry to say this, but your own fault if you feel you dont get your money's worth.
Sure the game has 99% of the stuff working now and its more of a released version then a BETA.... but it IS still a BETA...things can go wrong, things arent 100% worked out yet and **** CAN hit the fan....which it did.
Don't blame the devs because you threw some cash at an unfinished product.
Actually, I think Cryptic isn't the problem here. The problem is Perfect World. I have been with Cryptic since Alpha for City of Heroes, and I have loved them for years. They had their own support people for Champions Online, and I loved dealing with them. Unfortunately, they don't work there anymore, as far as I can tell. All the customer service is from Perfect World, and even then...I don't actually think there is anyone there.
I have all the fun in the world in the game atm and havent payed a dime yet.... since its, you know.. A BETA!!
I might throw some cash at it when its finished and i really really want that flaming armored mount... or just to support the devs... but not until i'm sure its a finished product.. which it isnt yet
I would pay cash to see that
Currently, I am not complaining about how much I have spent. My issue is how easy it was for the email system to be bypassed and how slow and ineffective customer service is. I was hacked previously on another game with my account wiped. It was restored back to me, with everything intact within 3 to 4 days. Furthermore, throughout the whole situation, I was kept informed of the development. And it was a game with a significant player base back then, and this is why I am so appalled with the customer service.
I am sharing how much I spent to illustrate the point that regardless of the amount spent, the customer service is pretty crappy. I have spent more on other games and I do not have any qualms about it. For Neverwinter, I see a game with potential and am willing to invest in it. This is especially true for a game which has been pretty much my favourite over the years.
However, with such lack of assurance and customer-orientation, all i can say is i am sorely disappointed.
I appreciate that you want to give the OP advice, but why is your gut-reaction that he's an idiot that is merely whining or that behavior like this from any company is okay when they're short-staffed? The very least they could do in such a case is tell him that they're short staffed and that they'll they're trying their best, not disconnecting him without telling him anything.
If you just thought he was actively lying about his experiences, I could understand your attitude, but please do try to be less hostile.
I'd upvote this post if I could - Perfect World seems to have some serious support issues, and if the wheels keep squeaking when they're legitimately in need, they might actually get some grease.
I doubt it.
Given theres apparently people already spending over a thousand dollars on this game, I imagine they know full well they can be as ****ty to us as they want and still have people give them tons of money.
You take what you tolerate.
As long as gamers don't care about support it won't be good.
But new customers will also shy away and the players will be far less likely to invest money into their characters.
It's not about stopping the flow of money so much as make it known that we'd give them more if they would better themselves.
I considered getting a founders pack myself, but with all the customer service HAMSTER I keep hearing about, it seems like a pity to sink money into a company that treats its customers like this.
It's probably like buying a TV without guarantee and without having the ability to test it out. IF the TV blows up, you basically just dump your money into the drain. And in my case, it seems that there is a good chance my money are all swimming in some unknown drain somewhere....
Before customer service, this was the very first game I actually considered getting the buy-for-real-money stuff. It's just that fun.
But until it improves customer service to be more transparent, there's simply no way.
(One obvious solution that comes to mind is allowing the community to prioritize tickets for tiny amounts of AD - there will no doubt be trolls, but if the priority becomes the average of, say, 10-20 people, it'll probably work fine)