One thing that some of you tend to forget at this time : BETA.
I don't really agree with the charging of real money at this time...but the system has to be tested somehow at a bigger scale.
What did you guys expect during this phase ? They do patches often and repair as fast as they can. Bugs do and will exist. At least they do repairs.
Actually i was fine with the pack. The 50 heals is great and costs zen.some xp, a better mask than the founders one. Some other stuff.
Get over it
steppenkatMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
OP wanted a Cat or a Nightmare Mount in his pack.
As I said in another post: Cryptic didn't need to give us anything. You're all acting like greedy toddlers, crying because the bag isn't filled with sweets. They just gave us a candy along with an apology. Stop acting like it's the end of the world.
And for the doomsayers... Heard that, seen it, don't care. You're going to find excuses to complain always so I'm done with trying to argue with you lot. And since when Twitch TV is a sign of a game's sucess? Just hype.
Characters: - Titania Silverblade, the Iron Rose of Myth Drannor (Lvl 60 GWF, Destroyer) - Gwyneth, the Cowardly Cat Burglar Drowling (Lvl 60 TR, Saboteur) - Lady Rowanne Firehair, Heartwarder of Sune (Lvl 33 DC) - Satella, Sensate (LvL 44 CW, Renegade, Non-Active)
On a side note, I think the pack is perfect! I love the joke!
They didn't have to give us anything. It's in beta regardless of the fact I've spent well over 1k on the game(as have others), it's a beta. I loved being in closed beta and I love being in open beta.
The game is fun, engaging and personally I'm having a blast with my friends. The economy means 0 to me since we farm what we need, I have plenty of keys to unlock lockboxes and all the pets I want already. Will I buy a cat? Who knows, maybe, maybe not. I haven't even bothered buying a stone yet. Personally I love having a companion and don't like the thought of having a flying stone or cat tagging along just to buff my character.
To each their own, the game is fun to me so I play. If it stops being fun I'll move on. It's not a difficult concept, if you aren't happy, there's about 281308512798179 other MMO's out there.
As for me, I'm gonna go level my Honey Badger more!
On a side note, I think the pack is perfect! I love the joke!
They didn't have to give us anything. It's in beta regardless of the fact I've spent well over 1k on the game(as have others), it's a beta. I loved being in closed beta and I love being in open beta.
The game is fun, engaging and personally I'm having a blast with my friends. The economy means 0 to me since we farm what we need, I have plenty of keys to unlock lockboxes and all the pets I want already. Will I buy a cat? Who knows, maybe, maybe not. I haven't even bothered buying a stone yet. Personally I love having a companion and don't like the thought of having a flying stone or cat tagging along just to buff my character.
To each their own, the game is fun to me so I play. If it stops being fun I'll move on. It's not a difficult concept, if you aren't happy, there's about 281308512798179 other MMO's out there.
As for me, I'm gonna go level my Honey Badger more!
Op is correct about dev communication, there isn't any.
Posting updates about downtime etc is not dev interaction, it simply meets the bare minimum requirements. Take a look at the last couple of mmo releases, dev teams are bending over backwards communicating with their players, while this game is taking huge steps backwards in that department.
I don't personally care about the stupid caturday pack, but the announcement of it is insulting to players intelligence. Downplaying the problems and even flat out lying isn't doing them any favors.
watchyourbackMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 1Arc User
They had a huge opportunity to try to make a real gesture to the community with this, and they goofed again. Their insane real money pricing + this are showing they dont care for the community at all.
Lol you people just want an opportunity to talk. If you really didnt like the game and your tired of it, you could always leave. Yet every one is still here.
watchyourbackMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 1Arc User
Lol you people just want an opportunity to talk. If you really didnt like the game and your tired of it, you could always leave. Yet every one is still here.
way to add your 2 cents. ever heard the expression "a closed mouth never gets fed"?
evilsprinklesMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 16Arc User
edited May 2013
It wasn't supposed to fix problems, it was a token gesture to say thank you for our understanding. I like the pack, the XP bonus scrolls and healing stone has been really helpful for me.
Haha well your welcome. Always gotta expect not everyone is on your side. But you'll still play the game just like everyone else.
havent logged on in about 5 days now. everytime i return here hoping to see some light from the creative team but new crushing bugs/expliots/(soon to be hacks) watering down any attempt for redemption. still have hope but its very little atm
I am 60 and i actually liked the pack, the cat cloak was nice, plus as someone said it's not something that will fix things, it's something to say sorry for the inconvenience.
havent logged on in about 5 days now. everytime i return here hoping to see some light from the creative team but new crushing bugs/expliots/(soon to be hacks) watering down any attempt for redemption. still have hope but its very little atm
And to spread discord through the forums? A good community needs support not bashing and trolling everyone including the developers. Cause I forget how effective is it to trash developers into getting what you want? That goes for everyone lol
watchyourbackMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 1Arc User
Lol you people just want an opportunity to talk. If you really didnt like the game and your tired of it, you could always leave. Yet every one is still here.
7 hours of grinding t2 dungeons pvp etc the caturday pack makes up for everything people lost in those 7 hours, i will never be reporting exploits ever again if this is how they repay us such a shame i actually enjoy playing this game.
im a hypocrite? Ummm how exactly? Im not here bashing the developers or game. Im enjoying the game and i've said that many times on forum. Also for you other people who complain over a 7 hour roll back. Its not a big deal. ITs 7 hours. During that time i was asleep and wasnt playing so it doesnt concern me. Or the others who were sleeping, or at work, or whatever else, but if I had been playing I wouldnt mind so much since its for a good cause to fix a problem. You were given exp potions to make up for lost levels. And yeah you can always just do the stuff over again. At least it wasnt a FULL GAME WIPE. Dam then you people really would have a hisssy lol.
ausdoerrtMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
@OP: Oh hi there, let's whine about free stuff and throw some sense of entitlement around. That'll certainly get you far among the more reasonable members of the community, keep it up! (/sarcasm) Also, DOOOOM. Also also, can i have your stuff? Mail it to my @handle, please
oh yeah in 6 months where the hell are these new players coming from? just wondering. What the hell makes you think a released product is gonna have this weird surplus of new gamers? plus just look at this community now. 80% of the people in these forums are just tearing this game apart. You think any of these people are gonna recommend this game to anybody? I mean like I said, even on twitch the amount of live stream viewers has been cut to an 8th of what it was since the cat exploit. Cuz nobody is interested in this broken game anymore. [snip]
Guess what, most of the long-term community members and people who actually like the game are currently actively avoiding the forums, waiting for yall whiners to leave. LOL.
But what I WILL say (and I think I speak for most people) is that it's gettin dropped pretty **** quick when the heavy hitters come out later this year and into next year. Games like Wildstar, ESO or the recently funded Camelot Unchained (super happy for those guys. Not my scene but I respect the crowd).
For example I'm waitin on ESO.
I think even when something as simple as a release date is announced I'll drop this game. lol
Wildstar, IIRC, is very similar to NWN except it doesn't have the DnD setting. I don't really see it as a competitor. ESO will likely be a sub-based game, and even if it's not, Bethesda is known neither for fair pricing nor for stable, bug-free products. Still, by all means enjoy your time in ESO.
Op is correct about dev communication, there isn't any.
They answer questions regularly on Twitter and FB, and they stayed up around the clock fixing and communicating about the AD/HD problem. Or what do you want, a personal phone hotline with the devs? Get real.
@OP: Oh hi there, let's whine about free stuff and throw some sense of entitlement around. That'll certainly get you far among the more reasonable members of the community, keep it up! (/sarcasm) Also, DOOOOM. Also also, can i have your stuff? Mail it to my @handle, please
Guess what, most of the long-term community members and people who actually like the game are currently actively avoiding the forums, waiting for yall whiners to leave. LOL.
Wildstar, IIRC, is very similar to NWN except it doesn't have the DnD setting. I don't really see it as a competitor. ESO will likely be a sub-based game, and even if it's not, Bethesda is known neither for fair pricing nor for stable, bug-free products. Still, by all means enjoy your time in ESO.
They answer questions regularly on Twitter and FB, and they stayed up around the clock fixing and communicating about the AD/HD problem. Or what do you want, a personal phone hotline with the devs? Get real.
To the OP's point that a quick scan of forums is evidence that gamers are unhappy with the state of the game you need to realize that for every poster complaining on here there are hundreds of happy gamers playing away not saying anything. Forums are a magnet for whiners. You can't draw any conclusions by counting whine threads on forums.
Caturday pack is fine. It shows they have a sense of humor and I like it even if it's more or less useless (health stone is great though!).
The sky is not falling, the game is fine, move along nothing to see here.
okay and I'm here tellin you that i almost never use potions. EVER. i pretty much never get hit in pve. or have a cleric healing me in an instance in the rare circumstance that I do. and i can't use them in pvp. plus this game was ENTIRELY playable and easy pre them giving us the health stones. SO what the hell do those stones do for me? Make it even easier? Now i can be reckless and try to kill myself i guess
Not everyone is so lucky as to avoid being hit in combat.
. And since when Twitch TV is a sign of a game's sucess? Just hype.
Actually as a Reviewer and a Streamer and Developer my self i can tell you , Because the new in thing is streaming Games popularity is determined on how ppl view it and seeing how twitch is all about interaction of that kind it determines the success of the game bottom line is Devs/cryptic/pw didn't owe us anything but they gave us something which is great thank you very much , my problem with the game is they have issues that are not being addressed its meant to be a beta to find these issues and address them , As a professional Beta tester (yes i actually get paid on some jobs to beta test) I can tell you now the devs will be looking to add things for launch ie: Fix holes in the maps get the community opinions ect blah blah blah , they will fix major issues as and when they can , and getting serious issues done asap ie: Cat issue exploits out of the game , Stability and game content will be addressed after the games launched , and for those of you thinking that the Devs don't read the forums Think again Forum mods/Admins pass all relevant information on to the devs in a email , which then gets read and screened for potential information that may help them dissolve major issues .
Steppenkat only the twitch thing was aimed at you the rest was to all the others moaning about the Game.
Simple solution you don't like what its becoming play another game .
What Was Lost Is Now Found Tomorrow Brings The Future:):D:p:o:rolleyes::eek:
I don't really agree with the charging of real money at this time...but the system has to be tested somehow at a bigger scale.
What did you guys expect during this phase ? They do patches often and repair as fast as they can. Bugs do and will exist. At least they do repairs.
For a F2P in BETA stage is okay.
This kind of topics should be treated as troll thread and be closed immediately.
Get over it
As I said in another post: Cryptic didn't need to give us anything. You're all acting like greedy toddlers, crying because the bag isn't filled with sweets. They just gave us a candy along with an apology. Stop acting like it's the end of the world.
And for the doomsayers... Heard that, seen it, don't care. You're going to find excuses to complain always so I'm done with trying to argue with you lot. And since when Twitch TV is a sign of a game's sucess? Just hype.
- Titania Silverblade, the Iron Rose of Myth Drannor (Lvl 60 GWF, Destroyer)
- Gwyneth, the Cowardly Cat Burglar Drowling (Lvl 60 TR, Saboteur)
- Lady Rowanne Firehair, Heartwarder of Sune (Lvl 33 DC)
- Satella, Sensate (LvL 44 CW, Renegade, Non-Active)
Check Steppenkat's Foundry Quest Reviews!
On a side note, I think the pack is perfect! I love the joke!
They didn't have to give us anything. It's in beta regardless of the fact I've spent well over 1k on the game(as have others), it's a beta. I loved being in closed beta and I love being in open beta.
The game is fun, engaging and personally I'm having a blast with my friends. The economy means 0 to me since we farm what we need, I have plenty of keys to unlock lockboxes and all the pets I want already. Will I buy a cat? Who knows, maybe, maybe not. I haven't even bothered buying a stone yet. Personally I love having a companion and don't like the thought of having a flying stone or cat tagging along just to buff my character.
To each their own, the game is fun to me so I play. If it stops being fun I'll move on. It's not a difficult concept, if you aren't happy, there's about 281308512798179 other MMO's out there.
As for me, I'm gonna go level my Honey Badger more!
ahh thank you~ lol
Not one that I really enjoyed and that had 100% free content, as per my statement.
Posting updates about downtime etc is not dev interaction, it simply meets the bare minimum requirements. Take a look at the last couple of mmo releases, dev teams are bending over backwards communicating with their players, while this game is taking huge steps backwards in that department.
I don't personally care about the stupid caturday pack, but the announcement of it is insulting to players intelligence. Downplaying the problems and even flat out lying isn't doing them any favors.
couldnt agree more with you
way to add your 2 cents. ever heard the expression "a closed mouth never gets fed"?
Haha well your welcome. Always gotta expect not everyone is on your side. But you'll still play the game just like everyone else.
havent logged on in about 5 days now. everytime i return here hoping to see some light from the creative team but new crushing bugs/expliots/(soon to be hacks) watering down any attempt for redemption. still have hope but its very little atm
And to spread discord through the forums? A good community needs support not bashing and trolling everyone including the developers. Cause I forget how effective is it to trash developers into getting what you want? That goes for everyone lol
this isnt trolling??? wtf i feel stupid
move along hypocrite
im a hypocrite? Ummm how exactly? Im not here bashing the developers or game. Im enjoying the game and i've said that many times on forum. Also for you other people who complain over a 7 hour roll back. Its not a big deal. ITs 7 hours. During that time i was asleep and wasnt playing so it doesnt concern me. Or the others who were sleeping, or at work, or whatever else, but if I had been playing I wouldnt mind so much since its for a good cause to fix a problem. You were given exp potions to make up for lost levels. And yeah you can always just do the stuff over again. At least it wasnt a FULL GAME WIPE. Dam then you people really would have a hisssy lol.
Guess what, most of the long-term community members and people who actually like the game are currently actively avoiding the forums, waiting for yall whiners to leave. LOL.
Wildstar, IIRC, is very similar to NWN except it doesn't have the DnD setting. I don't really see it as a competitor. ESO will likely be a sub-based game, and even if it's not, Bethesda is known neither for fair pricing nor for stable, bug-free products. Still, by all means enjoy your time in ESO.
They answer questions regularly on Twitter and FB, and they stayed up around the clock fixing and communicating about the AD/HD problem. Or what do you want, a personal phone hotline with the devs? Get real.
Amen~ Preach the good word! haha
Caturday pack is fine. It shows they have a sense of humor and I like it even if it's more or less useless (health stone is great though!).
The sky is not falling, the game is fine, move along nothing to see here.
and there not even closes to the Cray Cray
Actually as a Reviewer and a Streamer and Developer my self i can tell you , Because the new in thing is streaming Games popularity is determined on how ppl view it and seeing how twitch is all about interaction of that kind it determines the success of the game bottom line is Devs/cryptic/pw didn't owe us anything but they gave us something which is great thank you very much , my problem with the game is they have issues that are not being addressed its meant to be a beta to find these issues and address them , As a professional Beta tester (yes i actually get paid on some jobs to beta test) I can tell you now the devs will be looking to add things for launch ie: Fix holes in the maps get the community opinions ect blah blah blah , they will fix major issues as and when they can , and getting serious issues done asap ie: Cat issue exploits out of the game , Stability and game content will be addressed after the games launched , and for those of you thinking that the Devs don't read the forums Think again Forum mods/Admins pass all relevant information on to the devs in a email , which then gets read and screened for potential information that may help them dissolve major issues .
Steppenkat only the twitch thing was aimed at you the rest was to all the others moaning about the Game.
Simple solution you don't like what its becoming play another game .