I've got to the stage now where I've been in the same guild with the same core of people for around 10 years. We've played many games and moved on from one to another for various reasons. As we play together and don't exploit and pass spare gear around and rarely use AH's many of these exploits simply dont affect us. (This huge one did of course due to server downtimes)
Find a good group of people, and stick with them. You'll forget the huge sword of jubba-jub that dropped once, You won't forget the frankly hilarious kinda fun you can have (Especially in Teamspeak) with GOOD freinds playing these games.
We nearly died laughing in Vangaurd when the impatient blood mage pulled 3 huge group mobs on a plateau in the desert. The tank needed a second for somthing afk , then all of a sudden the Benny Hill music came over the speakers as she ran around 5 mins being chased ....good times.
You'll have to sign up for beta test and cross your fingers.
neridiumMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
I feel pretty much the same as you OP.
I signed up for a open Beta test so in the beginning I was treating it like a Beta I was finding bugs looking them up and if I couldn't see them previously reported I reported them.
Then the exploits started and I started to hit the forum''s more to see what the hell happened etc.. I think that was my mistake. (they say ignorance is bliss and I should have stayed blissful)
While the game has bugs, which i expected being an "Open Beta" and I'm seeing them squashed in patches, some of them anyway all I see on here is people treating the game as its live. From experience with other Beta tests the game gets to a point where the Dev's think its ready to have the release candidate prepared the server's go down, they are wiped then the games open for release.
I know one of the things that was said before the "Open Beta" started was that there would be no character wipes or server wipes etc, the problem I have with this is this with the best intention in the world a group of devs can have something that they swear is bug free, let 250,000 people play it / use it and bugs or exploits would be found and need to be sorted by the dev team which also to be fair the team here are trying to do albeit with there hands tied it seems. The easiest option for Sundays AH problem would just have been find the bug fix it, wipe the server. But because of people whining about not wanting to start again, asking for people to be banned for asking for a server wipe (really?... really?... get a life buddy and look up the definition of a beta test on wikipedia and what has happened on beta tests with other companies and look up what happens on the Tribble test server on STO... to save you looking server's get wiped!)
While I'm enjoying the game and I think it has a lot of potential to be a good game in the future and something I'd enjoy I'm wondering if I want to play something where people have happily exploited stuff, bragged about it and are still in game. (No offense devs but being human beings its doubtful everyone was caught).
I'd also like to see a list of known issues and being engaged more as a tester with what will be fixed when, to see that all my efforts in posting feedback and reporting bugs wasn't a huge waste of time.
Because he (rightfully) said that GW2 isn't "korean-grind leveling" he's a shill?
. . Have you played GW2? You can get max level by exploring, crafting, pvp etc. Lvl is not even important in GW.
Five bucks you won't expand on why you're so aggressive. Want to take the bet?
Sure. It's because the dude is hanging out on the official fan forums for NW, encouraging players not to spend money on the game, while nudging them toward other games; meanwhile, you're making stupid, arm-chair predictions about the game's demise. Both of these things are the epitome of tacky behavior. The publisher pays for and provides these forums for fans. Then creeps like you show up with your graffiti spray cans.
Now I'm not saying I've never thought similar things about a game as you do about this one. But those devs and fans never knew about it, because I was already gone. If this is how you like to spend your precious existence, fine, but don't bother to feign indignant when a fan of the game reacts to all the baseless turds flying out of your mouth.
The way I see it, I'm not saying anything more hurtful or demeaning than what you're saying about the studio and its work. Why are YOU so aggressive? (I honestly don't care, I'm just being rhetorical.)
So where's my five bucks?
[SIGPIC]Captain Electric and the Sapien Spider[/SIGPIC]
I also play a GF and after farming T2 for a while downing Pirate/Spider/Frozen/Kurran/Spellplague I came to the horrible discovery that all boss fights are boring addfests. No tactics just cleric and GF kite and the rest on boss or add control. I expected hard boss fights with cool tactics and the holy trinity i was looking forward to is nowhere to be found. Threat is toatlly out of wack tanks speccing for DPS is absurd.
The AH exploit is bad but i blame the exploiters and it doesn't really ruin my game experience. I still enjoy the game and i will play it but i hope the will make better bosses and better class roles.
Take your GW2 fan boy HAMSTER to the GW2 forums. I have friends that left City of Heroes directly for GW2, while I came over to Cryptic's stable of games (because NCSoft's track record for MMOs sucks worse than EA's at this point). Those friends are now playing NW because GW2 is so effing TERRIBAD they can't stand it anymore.
You're either a shill or someone with incredibly poor taste in my opinion. Either way you're a sad case for hanging around on some forums for a game that you have nothing but complaints about. Why don't you go play some GW2 and post on those forums?
Or maybe you enjoy what you do here--in which case I can't relate to you at all, but I realize it takes all kinds to keep our unique species churning. :rolleyes:
You also have no idea of what you are talking about. I play MANY MMO games, being disabled gives me that chance unfortunately. I don't really care what they are as long as I am having fun. (GW2, SWTOR, LOTRO, RIFT, Defiance, NW, STO and even WoW pre panda to name just a few I play almost every week)
GW2 Is not a Korean grind type of MMO. GW2 has been more stable and less buggy than SWTOR and any Cryptic MMO. Guild Wars 2 is actually a decent game, and they don't gouge you in the MT store like Cryptic/PWE does.
You are a person who likes to bash other people to seem "oool" i guess, so that instantly shows what level of maturity you have. If you can't even reply to someone without name calling, then just don't post at all.
I swear, if you haven't even played something don't voice your opinion because you don't on what it's like.
GW2 is pretty but kind of boring, roaming around aimlessly trying to find "empty hearts" to fill
Maybe joining the sidelines and see how it will develop in the next couple of weeks.
I decided that worrying about in game economy seriously clashes with me worrying about real life economy. Not enough time for both so will just focus on enjoying the quests, if I get a nice mount or better gear, great, if not, no stress.. None at all.. but I won't be spending a cent on this game, not unless they actually fix all that is broken.
youlookfatMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 29Arc User
First off this is not a rant! Everyones posting threads and stuff... I thought I'd make my own... its my right
You know?... I actually like the game *gasp*
I play a GF and because of the ****ty design had to adapt and become DPS due to me not being able to hold aggro and well...be a tank... and I had fun doing so... on a good day I was about 100k dmg (well I think it is 100k, cause I cant actually max that window) behind our TR in Spellplague Caverns... with a GWF at 2/3 my dmg.
The Boss glitches so many people made use of them...and the fact is... if they weren't there they wouldn't have been an issue people would just do the boss the normal/intended way, can you blame them for taking advantage... especially when you consider the only way devs could make bosses "interesting" and challenging was by adding 100000 adds...
I could deal with everything else but what got to me the most, was is the AH... I had no idea this was going on until that fateful day ... and the "proof" some people were posting that it was going on for a while...was just like...wow... really? So they knew about it? and fixed it? But they didnt? But they could have?
Honestly I'm flabbergasted at it all...How did this happen?
How could something that they base their whole game around be overlooked like that? Also from what I've been seeing it happened in one of their previous games (pls correct me if I'm wrong)
You can keep your useless bribey thank you packs. Just tell us WHY! It just feels like a slap in the face.
If its been going on since the beginning theres no way the AH had 100% natural growth
You know I gladly payed my hard earned cash because I wanted to see this game become a success
I feel kinda distraught at the moment... not sure whether to pack it up... or wait for who knows how long for stuff to get fixed and try again.
Anyway ... I just wanted to get it off my chest (thats what she said)
The fact that you had to post this, and are already questioning if you like the game just means that you should go.. No reason to waste your life inside a game that you arn't happy with.. hell, go outside and see some sunshine:)
Robb Stark is killed at the Frey wedding and his head is sewn onto his wolf..
Jon Snow ends up leader of the wall and his own men kill him...
Tyrion kills his father with a cross bow...
Can't spoil books that have been out for years.. enjoy the show!!
Maybe so, but they have started off very poorly. Their refusal to wipe, means they will continue to smell rather poorly.
tbh if they wiped they be dead complealy, coz people will fear it happening again so will definately quit, most peopel will not want to totally have to re-level again, many people will also have got lot of account unlock through hard grind legitmately, which would all of gone to waste!
If you like the game, I'd stay mate. Don't listen to the conspiracy theorists or let them stress you out.
Yes there are some scumbags in the game and I doubt they caught all of them, but we don't burn our houses down in real life because some dodgy bankers somewhere made billions by fraud do we ?
Bori - Renegade Drow - 40 Trickster Rogue - Mindflayer Elocin - Renegade Drow - 39 Devoted Cleric of Selune - Mindflayer
Looking for some Dust of Forum Troll Disappearance? Sprinkle this on any troll to phase shift them out of your plane of existence.
tbh if they wiped they be dead complealy, coz people will fear it happening again so will definately quit, most peopel will not want to totally have to re-level again, many people will also have got lot of account unlock through hard grind legitmately, which would all of gone to waste!
I more or less agree, but there's more to it. I personally don't know too many people who would have come back to play if all of their characters and progress had been wiped clean. Quite the opposite, they wouldn't have been able to muster the will to come back. Cryptic would have had to break their word to perform a wipe. And in a very big way, this would have been a "win" for anyone who may have been attempting to set a scenario into motion whereby NW would fail. I don't care how dramatic you think the last couple of days have been--it pales in comparison to the drama that would have erupted if many thousands of unsuspecting players had logged in to find everything gone.
Cryptic averted an even larger disaster by handling this like they did. I realize there are some legitimate players who are upset there wasn't a wipe. But I truly suspect that the majority of people who are upset are the shills, trolls (and many, many forum alts) who were here expressly to persuade Cryptic toward a disastrous agenda.
[SIGPIC]Captain Electric and the Sapien Spider[/SIGPIC]
countgrishnackh6Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 4Arc User
edited May 2013
Thanks for the replies...some decent people out there... others not so much XD
Its sad because I do enjoy the game and wanted it to succeed...
I guess playing casually wouldn't hurt... I am lvl 60 and don't really want to start another char...But unless things drastically change/ get added don't see myself in it for the long haul...
As far as liking it... I do like it, I've said so?... its everything else,all the BS...Its left me feeling so meh... I ask myself is it worth puting myself through ... I have a bit of money "invested" and still believe my experience is still not quite over so I feel obliged to still play... but as soon as something better comes along, I wont think twice I'm outa here (TESO)
Well done PW you got my some of my money, but thats all you are getting from me I'm afraid
Atleast I learned a valuable lesson... Beware of PW games
Off Topic- GW2 as soon as I hit 60 I pretty much stopped
cho83Member, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 1Arc User
edited May 2013
PW u got to let me know
Should I stay or should I go?
If you say that you are mine
Ill be here 'till the end of time
So you got to let me know
Should I stay or should I go?
It's always tease tease tease
You're happy when I'm on my knees
One day it's fine and next it's black
So if you want me off your back
Well come one and let me know
Should I stay or should I go?
This is really a good song considering the case
sadmummyMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
tbh if they wiped they be dead complealy, coz people will fear it happening again so will definately quit, most peopel will not want to totally have to re-level again, many people will also have got lot of account unlock through hard grind legitmately, which would all of gone to waste!
Maybe so ... but at least they should have wiped all/part of the AD and Gold. They could have set a max of 5,000,000 AD and 500 gold per account and wiped the rest. That would have gone a long way toward restoring the economy.
I am a Lawyer in real life, but I try to roleplay an honorable character
mystfitMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 12Arc User
edited May 2013
I didn't and don't advocate a wipe, but the very small rollback they did combined with the statement they *discovered* this bug Sunday has me disillusioned and not actively playing. If we end up playing it'll be more because we've no where else to go then we want to be here. I don't consider them of evil intent, but I also don't think they are making smart choices. Considering the financial involvement this free to play game requires....esp. in crafting, both in the AH and their cash shop, I need more faith then I currently have in the company's vision.
First off this is not a rant! Everyones posting threads and stuff... I thought I'd make my own... its my right
You know?... I actually like the game *gasp*
I play a GF and because of the ****ty design had to adapt and become DPS due to me not being able to hold aggro and well...be a tank... and I had fun doing so... on a good day I was about 100k dmg (well I think it is 100k, cause I cant actually max that window) behind our TR in Spellplague Caverns... with a GWF at 2/3 my dmg.
The Boss glitches so many people made use of them...and the fact is... if they weren't there they wouldn't have been an issue people would just do the boss the normal/intended way, can you blame them for taking advantage... especially when you consider the only way devs could make bosses "interesting" and challenging was by adding 100000 adds...
I could deal with everything else but what got to me the most, was is the AH... I had no idea this was going on until that fateful day ... and the "proof" some people were posting that it was going on for a while...was just like...wow... really? So they knew about it? and fixed it? But they didnt? But they could have?
Honestly I'm flabbergasted at it all...How did this happen?
How could something that they base their whole game around be overlooked like that? Also from what I've been seeing it happened in one of their previous games (pls correct me if I'm wrong)
You can keep your useless bribey thank you packs. Just tell us WHY! It just feels like a slap in the face.
If its been going on since the beginning theres no way the AH had 100% natural growth
You know I gladly payed my hard earned cash because I wanted to see this game become a success
I feel kinda distraught at the moment... not sure whether to pack it up... or wait for who knows how long for stuff to get fixed and try again.
Anyway ... I just wanted to get it off my chest (thats what she said)
Neverwinter is in Open Beta and it is expected to find bugs and imbalance issues which is the entire point of having this test before the game is released. Not sure why this is so confusing to people... /shrug
sadmummyMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
Neverwinter is in Open Beta and it is expected to find bugs and imbalance issues which is the entire point of having this test before the game is released. Not sure why this is so confusing to people... /shrug
Because the only thing this game has like a beta is the tag in its name. The moment an mmo makes no more wipes, it stops beeing a beta. Even more, if you incorporate real money into the economy.
The name of the game has a beta tag, thats all thats left of a beta.
Neverwinter is in Open Beta and it is expected to find bugs and imbalance issues which is the entire point of having this test before the game is released. Not sure why this is so confusing to people... /shrug
That would make perfect sense if they were wiping before release. Since they are not, allowing the exploits to go on for weeks damages the economy if/when the game changes the label from beta to live.
I am a Lawyer in real life, but I try to roleplay an honorable character
This game was fun at the start, but now that the servers go down EVERYDAY... whats the point? If I cant play on my free time why even try? My last 2 days off work the servers were down for more then 6 hours... The game had potential but its not going in the right direction, rebalance classes, fix threat, make guardians useful at lvl 60 so theres not an abundance of left out players because they wanted to be a tank, *sigh* Unfortunately this game is improperly balanced. This game is a classic MMO flop, sorry to say it.
And to anyone who claims this game isn't a flop, check your zen wallet, and explain the feeling you get when you realize that you actually spent money on this game... pretty disappointing huh?
This game was fun at the start, but now that the servers go down EVERYDAY... whats the point? If I cant play on my free time why even try? My last 2 days off work the servers were down for more then 6 hours... The game had potential but its not going in the right direction, rebalance classes, fix threat, make guardians useful at lvl 60 so theres not an abundance of left out players because they wanted to be a tank, *sigh* Unfortunately this game is improperly balanced. This game is a classic MMO flop, sorry to say it.
And to anyone who claims this game isn't a flop, check your zen wallet, and explain the feeling you get when you realize that you actually spent money on this game... pretty disappointing huh?
Im no fanboi, Ive pointed out problems.. BUT, I have to disagree with you sir.
First, the only time the servers went down for longer than a 1 or 2 hr scheduled maintanance was ONCE, as far as I know, on Sunday. For the scheduled downtimes, go take a shower, have lunch, clean up around the house, go for a jog, walk your dog,..take care of things you are neglecting when you are in game.
Second, I do not know about class imbalances. They do need to fix healy threat though.
Third, I havent spent a dime. I am at levle 45, no zen for me until I am max level and feel that I am going to stick around long enough to justify throwing $$ at the game.
steppenkatMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
Do whatever you want. It's not like all what happened actually affects your game experience. I hardly use the AH for anything.
And exploits aren't by no means "fair", in the sense if everyone does it, you should do it as well. It's cheating. Just because you find a purse in the street and no one's around, it doesn't mean that you should have it instead of delivering it to the police, right?
Characters: - Titania Silverblade, the Iron Rose of Myth Drannor (Lvl 60 GWF, Destroyer) - Gwyneth, the Cowardly Cat Burglar Drowling (Lvl 60 TR, Saboteur) - Lady Rowanne Firehair, Heartwarder of Sune (Lvl 33 DC) - Satella, Sensate (LvL 44 CW, Renegade, Non-Active)
First off this is not a rant! Everyones posting threads and stuff... I thought I'd make my own... its my right
You know?... I actually like the game *gasp*
I play a GF and because of the ****ty design had to adapt and become DPS due to me not being able to hold aggro and well...be a tank... and I had fun doing so... on a good day I was about 100k dmg (well I think it is 100k, cause I cant actually max that window) behind our TR in Spellplague Caverns... with a GWF at 2/3 my dmg.
The Boss glitches so many people made use of them...and the fact is... if they weren't there they wouldn't have been an issue people would just do the boss the normal/intended way, can you blame them for taking advantage... especially when you consider the only way devs could make bosses "interesting" and challenging was by adding 100000 adds...
I could deal with everything else but what got to me the most, was is the AH... I had no idea this was going on until that fateful day ... and the "proof" some people were posting that it was going on for a while...was just like...wow... really? So they knew about it? and fixed it? But they didnt? But they could have?
Honestly I'm flabbergasted at it all...How did this happen?
How could something that they base their whole game around be overlooked like that? Also from what I've been seeing it happened in one of their previous games (pls correct me if I'm wrong)
You can keep your useless bribey thank you packs. Just tell us WHY! It just feels like a slap in the face.
If its been going on since the beginning theres no way the AH had 100% natural growth
You know I gladly payed my hard earned cash because I wanted to see this game become a success
I feel kinda distraught at the moment... not sure whether to pack it up... or wait for who knows how long for stuff to get fixed and try again.
Anyway ... I just wanted to get it off my chest (thats what she said)
Stay or go, it's up to you. Nobody can do your thinking for you.
The auction house thing is the hot topic right now, but that will die down as soon as some other hot topic surfaces whether bad or good. That's how attention span works in the world right now... huge flares of rabid interest until something else sparks and the interest shifts as if by Pavlovian response to that something else.
The only questions that matter when choosing to stick with a game in my view is... Is the game fun? Does the game give sufficient fun for the money/time invested? These are personal questions that only you can answer for you.
In this particular issue, are you playing the game for fun, or the quality of it's economic simulation. Which of the two matter most to you.
You're going to have to figure this all out for yourself, and then act accordingly.
Darling you gotta let me know
Should I stay or should I go?
If you say that you are mine
I'll be here til the end of time
So you got to let know
Should I stay or should I go?
Always tease tease tease
Siempre - coqetiando y enganyando
You're happy when I'm on my knees
Me arrodilla y estas feliz
One day is fine, next is black
Un dias bien el otro negro
So if you want me off your back
Al rededar en tu espalda
Well come on and let me know
Me tienes que desir
Should I stay or should I go?
Me debo ir o que darme
Should I stay or should I go now?
Should I stay or should I go now?
If I go there will be trouble
An if I stay it will be double
So come on and let me know
When does ESO come out?
I've got to the stage now where I've been in the same guild with the same core of people for around 10 years. We've played many games and moved on from one to another for various reasons. As we play together and don't exploit and pass spare gear around and rarely use AH's many of these exploits simply dont affect us. (This huge one did of course due to server downtimes)
Find a good group of people, and stick with them. You'll forget the huge sword of jubba-jub that dropped once, You won't forget the frankly hilarious kinda fun you can have (Especially in Teamspeak) with GOOD freinds playing these games.
We nearly died laughing in Vangaurd when the impatient blood mage pulled 3 huge group mobs on a plateau in the desert. The tank needed a second for somthing afk , then all of a sudden the Benny Hill music came over the speakers as she ran around 5 mins being chased
Good choice.
Their predictions are late 2013
You'll have to sign up for beta test and cross your fingers.
I signed up for a open Beta test so in the beginning I was treating it like a Beta I was finding bugs looking them up and if I couldn't see them previously reported I reported them.
Then the exploits started and I started to hit the forum''s more to see what the hell happened etc.. I think that was my mistake. (they say ignorance is bliss and I should have stayed blissful)
While the game has bugs, which i expected being an "Open Beta" and I'm seeing them squashed in patches, some of them anyway all I see on here is people treating the game as its live. From experience with other Beta tests the game gets to a point where the Dev's think its ready to have the release candidate prepared the server's go down, they are wiped then the games open for release.
I know one of the things that was said before the "Open Beta" started was that there would be no character wipes or server wipes etc, the problem I have with this is this with the best intention in the world a group of devs can have something that they swear is bug free, let 250,000 people play it / use it and bugs or exploits would be found and need to be sorted by the dev team which also to be fair the team here are trying to do albeit with there hands tied it seems. The easiest option for Sundays AH problem would just have been find the bug fix it, wipe the server. But because of people whining about not wanting to start again, asking for people to be banned for asking for a server wipe (really?... really?... get a life buddy and look up the definition of a beta test on wikipedia and what has happened on beta tests with other companies and look up what happens on the Tribble test server on STO... to save you looking server's get wiped!)
While I'm enjoying the game and I think it has a lot of potential to be a good game in the future and something I'd enjoy I'm wondering if I want to play something where people have happily exploited stuff, bragged about it and are still in game. (No offense devs but being human beings its doubtful everyone was caught).
I'd also like to see a list of known issues and being engaged more as a tester with what will be fixed when, to see that all my efforts in posting feedback and reporting bugs wasn't a huge waste of time.
Sure. It's because the dude is hanging out on the official fan forums for NW, encouraging players not to spend money on the game, while nudging them toward other games; meanwhile, you're making stupid, arm-chair predictions about the game's demise. Both of these things are the epitome of tacky behavior. The publisher pays for and provides these forums for fans. Then creeps like you show up with your graffiti spray cans.
Now I'm not saying I've never thought similar things about a game as you do about this one. But those devs and fans never knew about it, because I was already gone. If this is how you like to spend your precious existence, fine, but don't bother to feign indignant when a fan of the game reacts to all the baseless turds flying out of your mouth.
The way I see it, I'm not saying anything more hurtful or demeaning than what you're saying about the studio and its work. Why are YOU so aggressive? (I honestly don't care, I'm just being rhetorical.)
So where's my five bucks?
[SIGPIC]Captain Electric and the Sapien Spider[/SIGPIC]
Vote YES for the Foundry in Champions Online.
@Captain-Electric | CoH/Virtue veteran | Proud new Champion
The AH exploit is bad but i blame the exploiters and it doesn't really ruin my game experience. I still enjoy the game and i will play it but i hope the will make better bosses and better class roles.
Decubis: Dwarf Guardian Fighter: lvl 60
Demic: Human Devoted Cleric: lvl 60
Server: Beholder Guild: The Unnamed
You also have no idea of what you are talking about. I play MANY MMO games, being disabled gives me that chance unfortunately. I don't really care what they are as long as I am having fun. (GW2, SWTOR, LOTRO, RIFT, Defiance, NW, STO and even WoW pre panda to name just a few I play almost every week)
GW2 Is not a Korean grind type of MMO. GW2 has been more stable and less buggy than SWTOR and any Cryptic MMO. Guild Wars 2 is actually a decent game, and they don't gouge you in the MT store like Cryptic/PWE does.
You are a person who likes to bash other people to seem "oool" i guess, so that instantly shows what level of maturity you have. If you can't even reply to someone without name calling, then just don't post at all.
I swear, if you haven't even played something don't voice your opinion because you don't on what it's like.
Maybe joining the sidelines and see how it will develop in the next couple of weeks.
I decided that worrying about in game economy seriously clashes with me worrying about real life economy. Not enough time for both so will just focus on enjoying the quests, if I get a nice mount or better gear, great, if not, no stress.. None at all.. but I won't be spending a cent on this game, not unless they actually fix all that is broken.
The fact that you had to post this, and are already questioning if you like the game just means that you should go.. No reason to waste your life inside a game that you arn't happy with.. hell, go outside and see some sunshine:)
Jon Snow ends up leader of the wall and his own men kill him...
Tyrion kills his father with a cross bow...
Can't spoil books that have been out for years.. enjoy the show!!
tbh if they wiped they be dead complealy, coz people will fear it happening again so will definately quit, most peopel will not want to totally have to re-level again, many people will also have got lot of account unlock through hard grind legitmately, which would all of gone to waste!
Yes there are some scumbags in the game and I doubt they caught all of them, but we don't burn our houses down in real life because some dodgy bankers somewhere made billions by fraud do we ?
Elocin - Renegade Drow - 39 Devoted Cleric of Selune - Mindflayer
Looking for some Dust of Forum Troll Disappearance ? Sprinkle this on any troll to phase shift them out of your plane of existence.
I more or less agree, but there's more to it. I personally don't know too many people who would have come back to play if all of their characters and progress had been wiped clean. Quite the opposite, they wouldn't have been able to muster the will to come back. Cryptic would have had to break their word to perform a wipe. And in a very big way, this would have been a "win" for anyone who may have been attempting to set a scenario into motion whereby NW would fail. I don't care how dramatic you think the last couple of days have been--it pales in comparison to the drama that would have erupted if many thousands of unsuspecting players had logged in to find everything gone.
Cryptic averted an even larger disaster by handling this like they did. I realize there are some legitimate players who are upset there wasn't a wipe. But I truly suspect that the majority of people who are upset are the shills, trolls (and many, many forum alts) who were here expressly to persuade Cryptic toward a disastrous agenda.
[SIGPIC]Captain Electric and the Sapien Spider[/SIGPIC]
Vote YES for the Foundry in Champions Online.
@Captain-Electric | CoH/Virtue veteran | Proud new Champion
Its sad because I do enjoy the game and wanted it to succeed...
I guess playing casually wouldn't hurt... I am lvl 60 and don't really want to start another char...But unless things drastically change/ get added don't see myself in it for the long haul...
As far as liking it... I do like it, I've said so?... its everything else,all the BS...Its left me feeling so meh... I ask myself is it worth puting myself through ... I have a bit of money "invested" and still believe my experience is still not quite over so I feel obliged to still play... but as soon as something better comes along, I wont think twice I'm outa here (TESO)
Well done PW you got my some of my money, but thats all you are getting from me I'm afraid
Atleast I learned a valuable lesson... Beware of PW games
Off Topic- GW2 as soon as I hit 60 I pretty much stopped
Should I stay or should I go?
If you say that you are mine
Ill be here 'till the end of time
So you got to let me know
Should I stay or should I go?
It's always tease tease tease
You're happy when I'm on my knees
One day it's fine and next it's black
So if you want me off your back
Well come one and let me know
Should I stay or should I go?
This is really a good song considering the case
Really? Did gw2 enable pvp on the outside world? Gonna go read the latest patchnotes, had no idea. Sounds nice.
Imo, gw2 is awesome for leveling. But the teamplay content is terrible.
World pvp sounds nice tho
Maybe so ... but at least they should have wiped all/part of the AD and Gold. They could have set a max of 5,000,000 AD and 500 gold per account and wiped the rest. That would have gone a long way toward restoring the economy.
Neverwinter is in Open Beta and it is expected to find bugs and imbalance issues which is the entire point of having this test before the game is released. Not sure why this is so confusing to people... /shrug
Because the only thing this game has like a beta is the tag in its name. The moment an mmo makes no more wipes, it stops beeing a beta. Even more, if you incorporate real money into the economy.
The name of the game has a beta tag, thats all thats left of a beta.
That would make perfect sense if they were wiping before release. Since they are not, allowing the exploits to go on for weeks damages the economy if/when the game changes the label from beta to live.
And to anyone who claims this game isn't a flop, check your zen wallet, and explain the feeling you get when you realize that you actually spent money on this game... pretty disappointing huh?
Im no fanboi, Ive pointed out problems.. BUT, I have to disagree with you sir.
First, the only time the servers went down for longer than a 1 or 2 hr scheduled maintanance was ONCE, as far as I know, on Sunday. For the scheduled downtimes, go take a shower, have lunch, clean up around the house, go for a jog, walk your dog,..take care of things you are neglecting when you are in game.
Second, I do not know about class imbalances. They do need to fix healy threat though.
Third, I havent spent a dime. I am at levle 45, no zen for me until I am max level and feel that I am going to stick around long enough to justify throwing $$ at the game.
And exploits aren't by no means "fair", in the sense if everyone does it, you should do it as well. It's cheating. Just because you find a purse in the street and no one's around, it doesn't mean that you should have it instead of delivering it to the police, right?
- Titania Silverblade, the Iron Rose of Myth Drannor (Lvl 60 GWF, Destroyer)
- Gwyneth, the Cowardly Cat Burglar Drowling (Lvl 60 TR, Saboteur)
- Lady Rowanne Firehair, Heartwarder of Sune (Lvl 33 DC)
- Satella, Sensate (LvL 44 CW, Renegade, Non-Active)
Check Steppenkat's Foundry Quest Reviews!
Stay or go, it's up to you. Nobody can do your thinking for you.
The auction house thing is the hot topic right now, but that will die down as soon as some other hot topic surfaces whether bad or good. That's how attention span works in the world right now... huge flares of rabid interest until something else sparks and the interest shifts as if by Pavlovian response to that something else.
The only questions that matter when choosing to stick with a game in my view is... Is the game fun? Does the game give sufficient fun for the money/time invested? These are personal questions that only you can answer for you.
In this particular issue, are you playing the game for fun, or the quality of it's economic simulation. Which of the two matter most to you.
You're going to have to figure this all out for yourself, and then act accordingly.
You have already answered your own question. That is all that matters.
Should I stay or should I go?
If you say that you are mine
I'll be here til the end of time
So you got to let know
Should I stay or should I go?
Always tease tease tease
Siempre - coqetiando y enganyando
You're happy when I'm on my knees
Me arrodilla y estas feliz
One day is fine, next is black
Un dias bien el otro negro
So if you want me off your back
Al rededar en tu espalda
Well come on and let me know
Me tienes que desir
Should I stay or should I go?
Me debo ir o que darme
Should I stay or should I go now?
Should I stay or should I go now?
If I go there will be trouble
An if I stay it will be double
So come on and let me know