This is total BS , i was at 6 coins i always save for 7 so i get a chance at the CS , i could not log in because of your ineptitude at dealing with exploiters and now today all my toons are back to 0, thanks for the big **** you to me from you .
This is beyond unacceptable , you need to ban every account that took place in the exploit not rollback the ****ing server are you guys just ****ing total morons or what ? The rollback didn't even really effect me before some troll comes and says im angry about that its the fact that your servers were down all day yesterday from the time i got home at 2pm cst until i finally went to bed well after midnight cst. I had no way to log in and get my **** coins.
I have spent money on your game twice now 20 each time It is highly highly highly unlikely i will ever again spend money on your product after this 6 days i diligently logged in all my toons to get the coins to have you **** up and me loose them.
Do you guys even have the slightest inkling of what customer service means ???????????
And to other trolls i know they say we will be getting a "care" package for our troubles but **** them i don't need more stupid portable alters and potions or other BS that im sure is all they will give us i need my ****ing 3 times chances to roll a coalescent shard since i was at 6 of 7 on three toons and those are worth far more than anything they could possible be giving us.
I have half a mind to just say **** it and stop playing this game altogether after this. You guys let the foundry bugs happen and people level to 60 in a few hours no bans , you have let numerous bugs run rampant through the game no bans. Ohh but screw over all the other players that log in and actually play the ****ing game every day nope you can **** us over no problem.
This is my first experience with Cryptic and PWE and i will never ever ever buy or spend money in another one of your games , i never rant on forums i never even usually take the time to log in to them but this is beyond acceptable.
********* you pwe and cryptic you really screwed the pooch on this one.
As a follow up i noticed you cannot get to the ad to zin or zin to ad part of the game in which i had stored all my zin that i bought and had not used yet if that zin is gone when it comes back up ill be filling an action against you through my CC company and for sure quitting the game.
You guys need to ****ing ban the people that exploited , im very tempted to just get a refund through my cc company and say FU since it seems you guys care more about money than the integrity of the game.
It seems the only people that they don't mind ****ing over is the regular customer that just logs in and plays the game. If you exploit bugs to PL to 60 or to cash out for millions of AD you walk away no problem.
I don't think it's as simple as stopping a timer. The times are probably based on the system time of the server, so unless they changed the date on the server to yesterday (thus creating way more severe problems), there's nothing they could do to save them.
There are 10 types of people in this world. Those that understand binary and those that don't.
Same boat as you I was on 6...but will I have a paddy fit in the forum? No.
Wars are happening and kids are dying of starvation and you meltdown over celestial coins....another fine example of western world problems.
It would be funny if not so so sad.
deadalonMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 20Arc User
edited May 2013
This is EXACTLY why Rollback was NEVER an acceptable solution. It doesn't matter how much those "few" exploiters did. You do not punish OTHER players in a way that affect days or even weeks of their play time like with the celestial coin system.
Total disgrace to see game developer punish the normal players in this way. No "thankyou pack" will fix this.
danxbxMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
OMG OMG OMG!!!!! Let me say it again. OMG!!!! It truly is the end of the world.
deadalonMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 20Arc User
Same boat as you I was on 6...but will I have a paddy fit in the forum? No.
Wars are happening and kids are dying of starvation and you meltdown over celestial coins....another fine example of western world problems.
It would be funny if not so so sad.
In a way Im happy that things like this happened cause it just goes to show that Cryptic/PW have no problem punishing normal innocent players for playing the game. If they have to punish everyone even weeks back cause a system like the celestial coin system gets reset.... then ppl will hopefully realise how little value the game really is.
Thats exactly what Cryptic/PW did with this Rollback. They devalued the entire game for a PR trick to make it look like they fixed something.. when in fact they punished the entire playerbase that was just playing the game in a way that they were supposed to play.
I want all my celestial coins reinstated for my 4 characters. Fcking BS. Would be nice to have my T2 chest and only thing of value I've ever got from Nightmare lockboxes back also: Phoera.
stopthi5Member, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
They were forced to rollback because the economy was way messed up due to the exploiters. It made the game play in the way that was not intended to be played. So you lost your coins. This is still beta. Those coins cost no real money. Just save up more, and stop crying about an issue with a beta game.
So since there are other problems in the world i should have to endure ****ty customer service from these HAMSTER, go crawl back in your fanboi hole and **** off. I realize these are first world problems but my time is valuable to me and i did not exploit i played within the rules of the game i logged in daily and i should be able to get my reward when they bring the servers down for as long as they did.
You dont want to be angry you want to endure ****ty customer service from a half rate company go for it , i personally work in the customer service industry and i tell you if i dealt with my customers the way these guys have over the last 36 hours id loose my job. Now you might think its fine for them to act this way and thats ok some people have low to no expectations of service but some of us do and my expectations have not been met they have in fact only shown that they have no customer srvice whatsoever and only care about the money.
Which is why i am most likely to file a claim against them with my CC company and just get my money back and they can ban me or w/e if this isn't resolved and we dont see some mass banning of people that exploited in the next 48 hours.
Ahhh take a look at the kind of people happy withe the state of the game. Just makes the decision to leave easier you guys should enjoy servers ful of people like wrenaq. We know cryptic and PWE will since you can **** him over and he will not complain but instead come and act like mr internet tough guy to the people who are unhappy classic internet moron.
So since there are other problems in the world i should have to endure ****ty customer service from these HAMSTER, go crawl back in your fanboi hole and **** off. I realize these are first world problems but my time is valuable to me and i did not exploit i played within the rules of the game i logged in daily and i should be able to get my reward when they bring the servers down for as long as they did.
You dont want to be angry you want to endure ****ty customer service from a half rate company go for it , i personally work in the customer service industry and i tell you if i dealt with my customers the way these guys have over the last 36 hours id loose my job. Now you might think its fine for them to act this way and thats ok some people have low to no expectations of service but some of us do and my expectations have not been met they have in fact only shown that they have no customer srvice whatsoever and only care about the money.
Which is why i am most likely to file a claim against them with my CC company and just get my money back and they can ban me or w/e if this isn't resolved and we dont see some mass banning of people that exploited in the next 48 hours.
You don't have to endure anything. You could uninstall and move on.
Same boat as you I was on 6...but will I have a paddy fit in the forum? No.
Wars are happening and kids are dying of starvation and you meltdown over celestial coins....another fine example of western world problems.
It would be funny if not so so sad.
I did pay for the game i spent 40 dollars and dont be a moron, these ftp games take in far more money than the old subscription model because some people spend hundreds and even thousands of dollars on these games. So please lets not try and act like PWE and cryptic are broke and and cant afford customer service your simply acting like a total idiot to even imply such a thing.
Funny how my coins are still there, my wife's coins, and everyone in the guild that has logged in still has their coins. If you're missing yours it is probably a bug. Just submit a ticket and wait it out.
danxbxMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
I did pay for the game i spent 40 dollars and dont be a moron, these ftp games take in far more money than the old subscription model because some people spend hundreds and even thousands of dollars on these games. So please lets not try and act like PWE and cryptic are broke and and cant afford customer service your simply acting like a total idiot to even imply such a thing.
Not acting tough, you are the one with the attitude....
Iam pointing out that throwing a paddy like a spoilt child on a game forum should be the last thing anyone does in the history of their whole life...because it gets nothing done.
Take all that energy and put it to good use in the real world.
Oh and Iam happy with the game, yeah it has problems but they are sorting them and I will continue to have fun....
If you played on the right time frame you would have been fine i don't , and the servers were down for over 11 hours , i went to bed slept for 8 hours and got up and had before that slept and worked we cant all be nolifers and spend all our time at the game. the entirety of my afternoon like i said from 2pm cst until well past midnight when i went to sleep the server was down , that isn't my fault i didn't fail to get on soon enough i couldn't get on at all your reading comprehension abilities or the ability to see that things are different and not everyone plays the times you do is astoundingly full of dumbass.
stopthi5Member, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
The coins are a bonus. A perk. A freebie thrown in to get you to log in daily. So in the words of the wise:
"Lighten up, Francis!"
Well said! The option to pay for things in game is there for convenience. To make the game easier to level in. These coins are not a paid option. They are Free. Please stop crying on forums, and go cry to your mama about how unfair life it. It is people like you that crowd the forums with this garbage and take away form the intended purpose of them. If it is such a big deal, uninstall the game and go play something else.
This is EXACTLY why Rollback was NEVER an acceptable solution. It doesn't matter how much those "few" exploiters did. You do not punish OTHER players in a way that affect days or even weeks of their play time like with the celestial coin system.
Total disgrace to see game developer punish the normal players in this way. No "thankyou pack" will fix this.
A rollback isn't a punishment. If they didn't fix the economy it would have devalued all the time you had put in the game as well as all the future time as well. I'd rather lose 7 hours of play time than have to work 10x harder to buy anything on the AH. Moreover, if you had actually been paying any attention during those 7 hours you would have realized a rollback was coming and just not played.
stopthi5Member, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
If my company had made such an egregious error and had trampled all over the idea of customer service in a way such as PWE and cryptic have here it would be my JOB to listen to the tirades of customers just like this then to try and find a way to make them happy again so they would again use our product. You see when you **** all over customer service you should expect to hear from loud angry customers. So in short yes i would listen it is my job to do so and after i would try my hardest to fix the problem, luckily my company for all the mistakes it has made has never **** on its customers like this.
deadalonMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 20Arc User
A rollback isn't a punishment. If they didn't fix the economy it would have devalued all the time you had put in the game as well as all the future time as well. I'd rather lose 7 hours of play time than have to work 10x harder to buy anything on the AH. Moreover, if you had actually been paying any attention during those 7 hours you would have realized a rollback was coming and just not played.
Rollback is a punishment when it effect parts of the game that go as far back as weeks for players that had nothing to do with the exploit. Game has been out for weeks and resetting the coin system effect everyone.
You guys need to ****ing ban the people that exploited , im very tempted to just get a refund through my cc company and say FU since it seems you guys care more about money than the integrity of the game.
Because stopping a timer whilst in maintenance is hard, right?
Wars are happening and kids are dying of starvation and you meltdown over celestial coins....another fine example of western world problems.
It would be funny if not so so sad.
Total disgrace to see game developer punish the normal players in this way. No "thankyou pack" will fix this.
In a way Im happy that things like this happened cause it just goes to show that Cryptic/PW have no problem punishing normal innocent players for playing the game. If they have to punish everyone even weeks back cause a system like the celestial coin system gets reset.... then ppl will hopefully realise how little value the game really is.
Thats exactly what Cryptic/PW did with this Rollback. They devalued the entire game for a PR trick to make it look like they fixed something.. when in fact they punished the entire playerbase that was just playing the game in a way that they were supposed to play.
You dont want to be angry you want to endure ****ty customer service from a half rate company go for it , i personally work in the customer service industry and i tell you if i dealt with my customers the way these guys have over the last 36 hours id loose my job. Now you might think its fine for them to act this way and thats ok some people have low to no expectations of service but some of us do and my expectations have not been met they have in fact only shown that they have no customer srvice whatsoever and only care about the money.
Which is why i am most likely to file a claim against them with my CC company and just get my money back and they can ban me or w/e if this isn't resolved and we dont see some mass banning of people that exploited in the next 48 hours.
still throwing a paddy fit I see....
You should go and make a brew and calm down...having a heart attack over a game isn't on.
The game is free.. if you want top notice customer service play a subscription based game. Customer Service is EXPENSIVE for companies..
"Lighten up, Francis!"
You don't have to endure anything. You could uninstall and move on.
but its MY celestial coins :P
Yes. We are the total idiots.....
Iam pointing out that throwing a paddy like a spoilt child on a game forum should be the last thing anyone does in the history of their whole life...because it gets nothing done.
Take all that energy and put it to good use in the real world.
Oh and Iam happy with the game, yeah it has problems but they are sorting them and I will continue to have fun....
Well said! The option to pay for things in game is there for convenience. To make the game easier to level in. These coins are not a paid option. They are Free. Please stop crying on forums, and go cry to your mama about how unfair life it. It is people like you that crowd the forums with this garbage and take away form the intended purpose of them. If it is such a big deal, uninstall the game and go play something else.
A rollback isn't a punishment. If they didn't fix the economy it would have devalued all the time you had put in the game as well as all the future time as well. I'd rather lose 7 hours of play time than have to work 10x harder to buy anything on the AH. Moreover, if you had actually been paying any attention during those 7 hours you would have realized a rollback was coming and just not played.
Nice point I work in customer service for a big company. Chat support. We would not put up with it. We would politely disconnect you.
Rollback is a punishment when it effect parts of the game that go as far back as weeks for players that had nothing to do with the exploit. Game has been out for weeks and resetting the coin system effect everyone.