Did anyone ever, really? When is something a labor of love, and when is it motivated by money? My motivation for solo projects is usually: I'ld love to do this! And I can actually try to sell it later, and hopefully make a living.
If that last component isn't present, a project of mine will usually do worse. I'll set higher quality standards sure, and make no compromises to how I want it to work/look/feel. But I also tend to go WAY over budget (which in this case is just time), and possibly never finish it.
Entalyan dont listen to those kinds of people, they have no creativity or abilities of their own so they don't get it. You create something out of a desire to just do it..to see if you can do it...sometimes later you think to try and sell it..it still happens that way now on occasion but in the 70's and 80's that is how I worked...to see if I could do it for myself.
If your hand touches metal, I swear by my pretty floral bonnet I will end you.
synstervMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 7Arc User
edited May 2013
Everquest before Sony got involved, miss those days
Entalyan dont listen to those kinds of people, they have no creativity or abilities of their own so they don't get it. You create something out of a desire to just do it..to see if you can do it...sometimes later you think to try and sell it..it still happens that way now on occasion but in the 70's and 80's that is how I worked...to see if I could do it for myself.
Yeah I think I might have exaggerated that a bit, I actually do loads of things that have no monetary value. But I DO like to pretend they do, just to keep some sort of project management going. Otherwise I'll just keep tinkering on that *part of whatever I'm making* until it's perfect or I die of old age, probably the latter
@Imivo that has a lot of the "Eye of the Beholder" look to it but I dont remember the series too well.
That was the same thing I was going to say, but the graphics weren't quite as good. I remember playing that one on the Sega Genesis many moons ago, great game.
Oh, I expect that people running Kickstarters expect to profit as well.
"Participation in PVP-related activities is so low on an hourly, daily, weekly, and monthly basis that we could in fact just completely take it out of STO and it would not impact the overall number of people [who] log in to the game and play in any significant way." -Gozer, Cryptic PvP Dev
I've been trying to lighten the mood of the boards, but it seems people aren't having it.
Well, your thread makes a serious point - one that has been on my mind for a while now. It is very fitting to bring up on these forums in particular. It would be great if certain people realized that there is more to life than making money since it won't do you any good once you're dead.
Far better games would have been made by now if it wasn't for the fact that all rich gaming companies have the money money money mindset. Always wanting more even though you have enough to lead a good life. Not just talking about gaming companies when I say that btw, it's spread throughout the world (for example: football players leaving their club if a wage cut is required due to circumstances while they already have millions of $$$ on their bank account).
David Valtiere, Lvl 70 TR with perfect Lvl 60 gear which I don't want to replace cause nostalgia yo ;_;
You guys didn't like Super Ultima Brothers? I mean, Ultima 8?
I liked it. I liked the jumping, too!
Have you Ultima fans looked at the indie game "Driftmoon"? I got this during alpha funding and it had a bit of an Ultima feel to it. (It's released now.)
I looked at it a few months ago when they invited me into the beta, but it was a flash game and ran in the browser. It seemed promising, but playing in the browser wasn't my thing. I got an email a few days ago where they mentioned a Steam release. It'll be a standalone game?
Heck I think it all died when business people saw codemasters founders the Darling brothers make a million before they were 20...
Sinclair spectrum days where you could code your own games so easy
cipher9nemoMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
Theres still a few out there these days just not nearly as much nor are they as well known. Red5 and Grinding Gear Games are both great independent companies that actually care about their games and community more than ONLY profits unlike 90% of todays gaming industry.
"Reality is but a figment of our collective imaginations." -N.E.S.
I think EQ1 was the only one. the DEBs wanted a persistent world where they could role play with other people and drive the story line by being story tellers themselves. To be a GM (game master, not just a person that solves a ticket) you had to prove to the other GMs that you had quite the imagination and ability to guide people through a story arc.
Where do you think the story line for Kithicor Woods came from??? That was a GM driven event, that real people participated in! And as a result, they coded it so that every night, the dead would return and it would become a nightmare for anyone not level 50.
Alas, now DEVs design in storylines so that you don't have to have imaginative people play out stories of tehir own. It's such a shame.
Entalyan dont listen to those kinds of people, they have no creativity or abilities of their own so they don't get it. You create something out of a desire to just do it..to see if you can do it...sometimes later you think to try and sell it..it still happens that way now on occasion but in the 70's and 80's that is how I worked...to see if I could do it for myself.
Yeah I think I might have exaggerated that a bit, I actually do loads of things that have no monetary value.
Close, but nope!
I guess many of the early first person RPGs looked similar.
That was the same thing I was going to say, but the graphics weren't quite as good. I remember playing that one on the Sega Genesis many moons ago, great game.
It was the second installment of an RPG series of five games so far, and the newest one came out in 2011.
err Daggerfall, what am I saying lol Morrowind was III
Oh, I expect that people running Kickstarters expect to profit as well.
Daggerfall it is!
Well, your thread makes a serious point - one that has been on my mind for a while now. It is very fitting to bring up on these forums in particular. It would be great if certain people realized that there is more to life than making money since it won't do you any good once you're dead.
Far better games would have been made by now if it wasn't for the fact that all rich gaming companies have the money money money mindset. Always wanting more even though you have enough to lead a good life. Not just talking about gaming companies when I say that btw, it's spread throughout the world (for example: football players leaving their club if a wage cut is required due to circumstances while they already have millions of $$$ on their bank account).
I liked it.
Have you Ultima fans looked at the indie game "Driftmoon"? I got this during alpha funding and it had a bit of an Ultima feel to it. (It's released now.)
I looked at it a few months ago when they invited me into the beta, but it was a flash game and ran in the browser. It seemed promising, but playing in the browser wasn't my thing. I got an email a few days ago where they mentioned a Steam release. It'll be a standalone game?
Word. I still have my Lineage "British is Back" shirt that they sent out like 12 years ago.
Sinclair spectrum days
Wow, that's certainly dated.
Hammerfist Clan. Jump into the Night: NW-DMXWRYTAD
Where do you think the story line for Kithicor Woods came from??? That was a GM driven event, that real people participated in! And as a result, they coded it so that every night, the dead would return and it would become a nightmare for anyone not level 50.
Alas, now DEVs design in storylines so that you don't have to have imaginative people play out stories of tehir own. It's such a shame.