so i lost every thing that was in the AH and was bought by the explitores and did not receive compilation 14m AD down thats nice what are you going to do about that.
Please help chewy to convert his transactions into object code.... Not sure why he wants this but he seems **** determined that he be compiled.
Personally, in light of what's transpired in this Open Beta / Soft Launch, I'd prefer to see a full wipe of all chars on all shards. Start over, reboot, do it, best way to reset it all. Half the noobs that post in zone chat don't believe there won't be char wipes anyway, so you'll just make them happy to be right about something. Those that leveled through the story arc quests know it didn't take long to level anyway. And we'll all be wiser about how the whole game works what to get and not get, where to spend your time grinding for your gear, how the boss fights work, best ways to setup your skills, feats, gear etc. So all won't be lost, and any zen u purchased with money and AD you got from the starter packs will be back in your balance to respend, perhaps more wisely than before. I don't see a bad thing in this. I think the PR hit they assume they will take will be worse if a short rollback does not really fix the overall situation. I fear those that exploited like mad, some of them anyway, may have been smarter than people want to give them credit for and have either already converted ad, gold and zen back to real money, or storing off on other toons, etc. Those are the people you want to get at and those are likely the people who will remain rich/unaffected regardless of this rollback. I don't see another way to reset the economy and fix it. I simply do not believe a short rollback will do the trick. I know as a business they need to do what they feel is best (PWI/cryptic/hasbro) to protect their ROI, but I think at this point that best course of action is a full reset. Lessons learned, those that love the game and how fun it is will stay and re-level their toons and have fun doing so. Those that don't probably were not going to be profitable long term customers for this game's community anyway. Earn some respect and integrity by admitting you screwed up Neverwinter and that you can fix it and are willing to do the right thing to fix it. Good luck to all and I hope you all have fun, no matter how this all ends up when the dust finally settles. But I say, support them proper and beg for a full reset to set things right again.
Why was literally the exact same negative bidding exploit with your auction house code that was in STO apparently for many months not something you guys specifically made sure to fix in all your shared codebase, since so much tech is reused in all of Cryptic's games?
Why do I keep hearing about people who knew about this bug since the "open beta" launch or even earlier, and claim that their reported tickets on the issue were either ignored, or marked as resolved, or "lost"?
strayedinctMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 4Arc User
edited May 2013
dont see this as much of a fix, guess I will get Rift Lite downloaded and get an early start before F2P, however I cant see myself giving up just yet on this game, probably play a little less for now incase something else happens and hopefully it all gets resolved soon
Lol like seriously..dam. All these people getting on my nerves and ruining the game themselves, its no one else. These little children think they know everything just cause they can use a computer haha. The game company is doing a good job i think so far with the roll back and the bans and the CONTINUED PLANS to fix the money issues. All these people just...ugh!... shut up lol. "Im gonna sue. Im gonna quit. Im never playing again and im gonna get all my money refunded." Dam Do it already and shut uuuup. Stop making 1000 threads about it lol. You people who have no patience at all in waiting alittle while for a solution are whats messing with the game community. NEverwinter is Dead? Neverwinter is a waste of time? Neverwinter is alive! And will prevail without all the haters/trolls/quitters choking the game like weeds.
torieMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
The pack should contain a Cat - because basically everyone who played fair didn't get one.
Will everybody get this reward box? If so, then you're about to make a big mistake again. That means you reward the exploiters for exploiting...
I was online when the exploit was going on, i knew how it worked and all that but i didn't want to exploit anything so i didn't make use of it and i just went ahead and started leveling my character.
Now i get rolled back, lost all my exp, all my rare drops in the dungeons, all the AD i made (legit!). And all I get is a package that (at least this is how i understand it) everyone gets, including the exploiters...
I really hope this package is worth it, because this is just my whole day resetted...
I believe that Cryptic has log files the size of Antarctica, if Antarctica was a log file. I think that prevents any need for a wipe. It may take some time and there may be snowballed ill-gotten gains to deal with, but I'm QUITE confident that all of these hundreds of millions of AD can and will be tracked down.
Man, I could do it myself if they gave me the log files, and I'm no programador. Y'all all overreacting. Even my hysteria about losing my legitimately acquired and very lucky Heavy Inferno Nightmare is mostly jest -- I am sure they will give it back. And if they don't, there will be an angry mob complete with torches and brooms and pitchforks right outside their office waiting for them!
So basically what you're saying is that you will leave hundreds of millions of duped AD in the economy...
Best of luck to you, I'm out.
Yes, it's called a compromise. You'll find them more and more in life as you grow up. They are trying to save their game here - a wipe was certain death, a rollback of days would have close to the same effect. This 7 hour rollback isn't ideal, as there are still duped currency items in the game, but presumably the number of offenders and transactions involved are greatly reduced by the rollback, to a point where investigation and identification of the offenders is feasible. I hope they aren't ignoring those idiots that exploited during the period being rolled back, and that some form of retrospective sanctions are meted out to them as well, but the originators of the exploit should be 1st priority.
I'm amazed at the way the community hasn't said ANYTHING about the exploiters, but have purely focussed on slamming Cryptic / PWE. For sure they need to take a long hard look at themselves, this has been a serious incident, but I get the feeling that large sections of the community here almost respects the exploiters, and somehow blame the developers and publishers for allowing them to exploit a programming bug. I don't understand that at all, that's like blaming the victim of a crime for putting themselves in harm's way, by going to work, or going to the shops. The villains here are the exploiters, all Cryptic / PWE want is for us to play and enjoy the game, so much so that we spend money with them. Is that so hard to understand?
The worst thing about this game, by a MILLION MILES, is the people playing it, maybe Cryptic just underestimated what a low form of life some of you are. At least there is (allegedly) one less whiner playing now, as per the quote above.
Post the names and addresses of the offenders and offer AD for every pic showing them being violated, I'm off work today and my arm can't take anymore, I want to play!
if it was just about searching log files grep is your friend lol prob only take an hour hope they werent wasting man hours doing it manually
I think they probably are going to do something like that and then deal with changing currencies/things they bought/etc. manually on players they find, and I believe they will probably in fact find everyone, because they certainly can with the amount of logs that they probably have expressly for purposes like these, and that they keep talking about. Not saying you're being hysterical, but many are over something that I think is more of a funny mishap than anything else.
And it'll even be fun! They'll get to bust big webs of people who did this, I'm sure, and what's better than easy work that results in exploiters being banned? Hell, I'll take a temporary position! Just give me .02% of what those I banned generated and we'll call it good, Cryptic
INTERESTING CLARIFICATION ABOUT THE BUG: As far as I understand, all the AD generated was actually generated with negative auction house inputs on the gateway, which means not only is finding literally everyone who did it easy, with the additional logs I'm sure there are of trades and such I'm quite sure most of the ill-gotten gain, if not all of it, will be gone in a little while.
jihancritiasMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
Thank you for the actions. Thank you for working for hours and hours on your weekend to make our gaming experience better.
Although I disagree with the cost of some things, and lack of a monthly subscription, I, if I drank, would raise my glass to you for a great game and great customer service.
To all of the exploiters, I hope you swim in a lake and get a hundred leeches on your crotches.
Thank you for the actions. Thank you for working for hours and hours on your weekend to make our gaming experience better.
Although I disagree with the cost of some things, and lack of a monthly subscription, I, if I drank, would raise my glass to you for a great game and great customer service.
To all of the exploiters, I hope you swim in a lake and get a hundred leeches on your crotches.
No need for that. They'll just lose their things, and so will anyone they gave things to. Simple as that. These types of things are logged -- I think everyone is just freaking out so much because Blizzard was lazy with this when it happened with D3. Cryptic really doesn't seem the same to me.
So the "No rollback" twitter was just false safety...? kinda rude
I'm sorry but any kind of result that didn't include a rollback would have killed the game outright.
I'm actually glad they did one, there was no other option. I did level a bit and that will have been rolled back, but who cares at least the game is now back on track and I'll only lose 2 or 3 levels
And the reason that this situation will end quite unlike how it did in the real world in the US economy is that unlike banksters, exploiters hurt the bottom line of Cryptic. Incentives align better.
So what happens to the bag I bought with zen? I have put stuff in it, I'm pretty sure it's full up. If items bought with zen have been refunded and the items taken away.... what happens to my stuff in the bag I bought with zen? A lot of the items in the bag are from BEFORE this rollback is set to rollback to, so I lose the bag get my zen back and my items I collected over the week and moved into my new bag and then I filled my old bags up... my items go where? overflow bag?
No need for that. They'll just lose their things, and so will anyone they gave things to. Simple as that. These types of things are logged -- I think everyone is just freaking out so much because Blizzard was lazy with this when it happened with D3. Cryptic really doesn't seem the same to me.
as far as i know they wasn't able to ban all the player who abused the said bug/exploit so sorry to say to you, but they are not logged so much as it happen for a long period of time for almost 2-3 weeks now as far as i know...
Half-Elf Devoted Cleric-Divine Oracle Build, Powers and Feats:V1.0, V2.0
bozseMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 12Arc User
This 7 hour rollback isn't ideal, as there are still duped currency items in the game, but presumably the number of offenders and transactions involved are greatly reduced by the rollback, to a point where investigation and identification of the offenders is feasible.
The exploit was public for way more than 12 hours before they took the servers down and has been around since launch, you do the math here. Exploiters tend to try and keep things like this a secret as long as they can for a reason, to be able to exploit it for as long as possible.
The worst thing about this game, by a MILLION MILES, is the people playing it, maybe Cryptic just underestimated what a low form of life some of you are. At least there is (allegedly) one less whiner playing now, as per the quote above.
**** man, condescending and insulting in the same post, going for a record here. The worst thing about this game is the horrible design of some systems and the constant push towards the cash shop, sure it's fun in the short term but once you look deeper it's just not that great. Allowing what surely will be hundreds of millions of duped AD to remain in the economy surely doesn't help and is the final straw that makes it not worth sticking around to see if things improve.
There are enough games on the market these days to chose from as a customer, hence mistakes like this is really not acceptable, especially not when they don't get fixed.
Yes, it's called a compromise. You'll find them more and more in life as you grow up. They are trying to save their game here - a wipe was certain death, a rollback of days would have close to the same effect. This 7 hour rollback isn't ideal, as there are still duped currency items in the game, but presumably the number of offenders and transactions involved are greatly reduced by the rollback, to a point where investigation and identification of the offenders is feasible. I hope they aren't ignoring those idiots that exploited during the period being rolled back, and that some form of retrospective sanctions are meted out to them as well, but the originators of the exploit should be 1st priority.
I'm amazed at the way the community hasn't said ANYTHING about the exploiters, but have purely focussed on slamming Cryptic / PWE. For sure they need to take a long hard look at themselves, this has been a serious incident, but I get the feeling that large sections of the community here almost respects the exploiters, and somehow blame the developers and publishers for allowing them to exploit a programming bug. I don't understand that at all, that's like blaming the victim of a crime for putting themselves in harm's way, by going to work, or going to the shops. The villains here are the exploiters, all Cryptic / PWE want is for us to play and enjoy the game, so much so that we spend money with them. Is that so hard to understand?
The worst thing about this game, by a MILLION MILES, is the people playing it, maybe Cryptic just underestimated what a low form of life some of you are. At least there is (allegedly) one less whiner playing now, as per the quote above.
Finally some reason in all this. Thank you.
Sadly anonymity through the internet allows for people to bring out their alter egos, immaturity, irrational side, as well as show they simply are only concerned with themselves.
My wish is that the legal ramifications for people who cheat/steal from an online games (or companies) would be the same as someone stealing IRL. Could you imagine if you opened a local deli and knew that you would have to deal with the same sort of attacks consistently as online entities do?
Please help chewy to convert his transactions into object code.... Not sure why he wants this but he seems **** determined that he be compiled.
Good journey to you all.
Why was literally the exact same negative bidding exploit with your auction house code that was in STO apparently for many months not something you guys specifically made sure to fix in all your shared codebase, since so much tech is reused in all of Cryptic's games?
Why do I keep hearing about people who knew about this bug since the "open beta" launch or even earlier, and claim that their reported tickets on the issue were either ignored, or marked as resolved, or "lost"?
Lol like seriously..dam. All these people getting on my nerves and ruining the game themselves, its no one else. These little children think they know everything just cause they can use a computer haha. The game company is doing a good job i think so far with the roll back and the bans and the CONTINUED PLANS to fix the money issues. All these people just...ugh!... shut up lol. "Im gonna sue. Im gonna quit. Im never playing again and im gonna get all my money refunded." Dam Do it already and shut uuuup. Stop making 1000 threads about it lol. You people who have no patience at all in waiting alittle while for a solution are whats messing with the game community. NEverwinter is Dead? Neverwinter is a waste of time? Neverwinter is alive! And will prevail without all the haters/trolls/quitters choking the game like weeds.
I was online when the exploit was going on, i knew how it worked and all that but i didn't want to exploit anything so i didn't make use of it and i just went ahead and started leveling my character.
Now i get rolled back, lost all my exp, all my rare drops in the dungeons, all the AD i made (legit!). And all I get is a package that (at least this is how i understand it) everyone gets, including the exploiters...
I really hope this package is worth it, because this is just my whole day resetted...
Man, I could do it myself if they gave me the log files, and I'm no programador. Y'all all overreacting. Even my hysteria about losing my legitimately acquired and very lucky Heavy Inferno Nightmare is mostly jest -- I am sure they will give it back. And if they don't, there will be an angry mob complete with torches and brooms and pitchforks right outside their office waiting for them!
Manager said, we are the best, we donnt need WIPE
It's sad, because it's not wise.
Yes, it's called a compromise. You'll find them more and more in life as you grow up. They are trying to save their game here - a wipe was certain death, a rollback of days would have close to the same effect. This 7 hour rollback isn't ideal, as there are still duped currency items in the game, but presumably the number of offenders and transactions involved are greatly reduced by the rollback, to a point where investigation and identification of the offenders is feasible. I hope they aren't ignoring those idiots that exploited during the period being rolled back, and that some form of retrospective sanctions are meted out to them as well, but the originators of the exploit should be 1st priority.
I'm amazed at the way the community hasn't said ANYTHING about the exploiters, but have purely focussed on slamming Cryptic / PWE. For sure they need to take a long hard look at themselves, this has been a serious incident, but I get the feeling that large sections of the community here almost respects the exploiters, and somehow blame the developers and publishers for allowing them to exploit a programming bug. I don't understand that at all, that's like blaming the victim of a crime for putting themselves in harm's way, by going to work, or going to the shops. The villains here are the exploiters, all Cryptic / PWE want is for us to play and enjoy the game, so much so that we spend money with them. Is that so hard to understand?
The worst thing about this game, by a MILLION MILES, is the people playing it, maybe Cryptic just underestimated what a low form of life some of you are. At least there is (allegedly) one less whiner playing now, as per the quote above.
I think they probably are going to do something like that and then deal with changing currencies/things they bought/etc. manually on players they find, and I believe they will probably in fact find everyone, because they certainly can with the amount of logs that they probably have expressly for purposes like these, and that they keep talking about. Not saying you're being hysterical, but many are over something that I think is more of a funny mishap than anything else.
And it'll even be fun! They'll get to bust big webs of people who did this, I'm sure, and what's better than easy work that results in exploiters being banned? Hell, I'll take a temporary position! Just give me .02% of what those I banned generated and we'll call it good, Cryptic
INTERESTING CLARIFICATION ABOUT THE BUG: As far as I understand, all the AD generated was actually generated with negative auction house inputs on the gateway, which means not only is finding literally everyone who did it easy, with the additional logs I'm sure there are of trades and such I'm quite sure most of the ill-gotten gain, if not all of it, will be gone in a little while.
Although I disagree with the cost of some things, and lack of a monthly subscription, I, if I drank, would raise my glass to you for a great game and great customer service.
To all of the exploiters, I hope you swim in a lake and get a hundred leeches on your crotches.
No need for that. They'll just lose their things, and so will anyone they gave things to. Simple as that. These types of things are logged -- I think everyone is just freaking out so much because Blizzard was lazy with this when it happened with D3. Cryptic really doesn't seem the same to me.
I'm sorry but any kind of result that didn't include a rollback would have killed the game outright.
I'm actually glad they did one, there was no other option. I did level a bit and that will have been rolled back, but who cares at least the game is now back on track and I'll only lose 2 or 3 levels
as far as i know they wasn't able to ban all the player who abused the said bug/exploit so sorry to say to you, but they are not logged so much as it happen for a long period of time for almost 2-3 weeks now as far as i know...
Probably far older than you so no need to be condescending...
The exploit was public for way more than 12 hours before they took the servers down and has been around since launch, you do the math here. Exploiters tend to try and keep things like this a secret as long as they can for a reason, to be able to exploit it for as long as possible.
When the bug has been around since Alpha and according to some reported, not to mention that it's been fixed in STO, yes, yes it is...
**** man, condescending and insulting in the same post, going for a record here. The worst thing about this game is the horrible design of some systems and the constant push towards the cash shop, sure it's fun in the short term but once you look deeper it's just not that great. Allowing what surely will be hundreds of millions of duped AD to remain in the economy surely doesn't help and is the final straw that makes it not worth sticking around to see if things improve.
There are enough games on the market these days to chose from as a customer, hence mistakes like this is really not acceptable, especially not when they don't get fixed.
Yep. Rollback just 7h, there isnnt problem in game, pls bay ZEN
Finally some reason in all this. Thank you.
Sadly anonymity through the internet allows for people to bring out their alter egos, immaturity, irrational side, as well as show they simply are only concerned with themselves.
My wish is that the legal ramifications for people who cheat/steal from an online games (or companies) would be the same as someone stealing IRL. Could you imagine if you opened a local deli and knew that you would have to deal with the same sort of attacks consistently as online entities do?