The most common request in this thread is an ETA on when the servers will be available again. I apologize that I don't have that. We are performing several tests right now that will determine this.
The best case scenario is that they will be available very soon. In that situation, there is a chance that we will bring the servers up immediately without posting an ETA. If the tests show that additional work needs to be done before bringing the servers back up, we will do our best to provide an ETA.
This 7 hour rollback won't solve the problem. This exploit has been going on since day one. All this does is punish the masses that found out while having the ones that have done it since day one a free pass.
Terrible job guys. The millions of AD that were exploited before 5am will still be out there and will still trash the economy.
They already said that they are still investigating for those exploited prior before 5am. The rollback is just an emergency band-aid because the damage to game's economy was too big to ignore. It is like if you had a wound, first thing is clean your wound, stop the bleeding and band-aid it, then healing it.
You say 4v5 is impossible? Cool story bro.
xxsanctuaryxxMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 11Arc User
edited May 2013
Just curious, is there a rough ETA of when servers will be up? just saw the previous post after I posted this! Thanks anyhow.
Honestly, when exploiting leads to gains and losses of real money (as was the case here), I really do wonder why developers don't start looking into taking legal action or reporting criminal action against the abusers.
"we have taken appropriate action against all players who took advantage of the bug, including but not limited to enforcing permanent bans."
Correct me if I'm wrong here but it sounds like they are talking about punishment beyond perma bans. If the worst action they are taking was a perma ban, shouldnt it read up to and including permanent bans? The way its worded makes me think there is something above a perma ban in some cases.
I love how people are attacking other people for spending money on a game.
If PWI isn't making money off of people, Then they couldn't maintain the free game ya'll are playing. Without people spending money in the cash shop, you couldn't even play the game.
The artist formally known on the forums as @CapsLockRAGE
seedyman42Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 0Arc User
Ok As far as what is happening to the exploiters, PW can't openly say. However I've heard reports of a Drow assassin hit squad has been given a list of names.
I too am requesting a full refund. This was a total cop out fix. I spent almost $160.00, and I feel I've been ripped off. If I DO NOT get a refund, I WILL contest the charges on my credit card, as I was sold something that effectively had ZERO value. If I had KNOWN about the exploit on day 1, why in the heck would i have purchased the founders pack, or ZEN, when I could have simply EXPLOITED myself to 50M AD and purchased everything for free. This 'fix' is a total fail in my book.
Eleventy billion times this. Already put in my request for MY refund on my $85.
methodforumsMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 11Arc User
Are the exploiters being banned? Please tell me these people are being punished for this
Yes they are. there are a few videos on youtube about the players who did this and or other things not intended. some for a 72 hour i dont think there were any Perma Bans as this is beta. But yes alot were Banned.
If the ppl who where exploting the game had reported it insted of CHEATING we would not have this problem at all . so i would like to thank all involved for the role back . neverwinter realy is not to blame ! but thank you for the bonus packs to come
Now, the guy who claims to have made over $6000 selling his Zen to a gold selling website... That guy probably looks more like a Bond villain. Slicked back hair, eye scar, east-euro accent, wearing some sort of onesie jumpsuit with a turtleneck underneath. That's the kind of guy you can win a court case against.
This is why I think legal might get involved actually. Not sure how the case would play out, but I could see a company being angry enough to do. Especially if substantial losses financially can be tied to this event. But who knows. I just wanted to play some today. /shrug
They already said that they are still investigating for those exploited prior before 5am. The rollback is just an emergency band-aid because the damage to game's economy was too big to ignore. It is like if you had a wound, first thing is clean your wound, stop the bleeding and band-aid it, then healing it.
clean your wound = ban all the exploiters.
stop the bleeding and band aid it = fix the exploit
then healing it = recover the economy
Every single AD transaction can be tracked. It takes time, but it can be. Even the mules can be tracked.
Selling to 3rd party sites is hard to prove (unless someone is stupid enough to admit to it online), and then that's a lawsuit on their hands.
Really, how do people not understand this? There was a whole 3000+ post thread about this.
This is very likely untrue. With millions of transactions happening on a daily basis, they cannot possibly keep log files of everything that goes on, it would take more space than space exists in todays computing environment, not to mention the cost of said storage would be well beyond that of a "free to play" gaming company.
only thing i know is im getting screwed out of 8-9 top tier equipment pieces from the dungeons and the delve event incliding a master assassins dagger that ive been trying to get for a month and a cat companion that i traded 6-7 rank 6 enchantments and a dancing jagged blade companion for that i really doubt i could find that same person to do the trade again... This doesnt even include the yime wasted on professions. Talking about getting bent over. Didn't even lube me up or nothing just stuck right in, not even a kiss. Anyone elses A*s hurt?
hope it wasn't a cat from the exploits mate good luck
infexomMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 12Arc User
edited May 2013
Thanks guys. It's awesome that you addressed this instead of just looking away from it. You have a great game, and we love it. Keep up the good work
Now, as to the next problem... fix the PvP problem. AFK'ers earning XP and glory, sitting at the fire while we are on point getting rocked. Also, the bug where if one person drops after the round starts, the team is screwed. While I fully understand the current issue is more important, if you get some time, fix that too!
The most common request in this thread is an ETA on when the servers will be available again. I apologize that I don't have that. We are performing several tests right now that will determine this.
The best case scenario is that they will be available very soon. In that situation, there is a chance that we will bring the servers up immediately without posting an ETA. If the tests show that additional work needs to be done before bringing the servers back up, we will do our best to provide an ETA.
Thanks for the info on the eta. Totally can understand. BVT's need to pass.
noezzMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 8Arc User
Allowing the closed beta and even open beta players to purchase zen, is what helps in funding the development in the game. If it weren't for that, the game probably wouldn't have been able to float. And that is the way it is in most F2P with the option of using real money for stuff.
mericklightheartMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 5Arc User
The most common request in this thread is an ETA on when the servers will be available again. I apologize that I don't have that. We are performing several tests right now that will determine this.
The best case scenario is that they will be available very soon. In that situation, there is a chance that we will bring the servers up immediately without posting an ETA. If the tests show that additional work needs to be done before bringing the servers back up, we will do our best to provide an ETA.
Thank you, that's what most of us want
~~~~Welcome to the Federation Starship SS Buttcrack~~~~
tehcly1Member, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 1Arc User
edited May 2013
I think this sums up the situation perfectly, if anyone is wondering what the final result of all this will be.
So the jist of it is they acknowledge the exploit was used far longer than 7 hours, that their solution doesn't actually resolve the problem, that the rollback ****s over pretty much everyone?
But at least we get unspecified future rewards to make up for it! I'm sure this is worth the disruption to not actually punish any of the people who have been exploiting for weeks! The actual design implementation that lead to the exploit was HAMSTER, and the whole "we're having a meeting to arrange for a discussion to schedule a time to talk about coming up with a plan" response to it is infuriating. Regardless of the reward, this entire ordeal has shown a staggering level of incompetence by the developers.
Please dial down the idiocy. If you had actually read the post you would know that more than 99% of the exploit occurrences were in those 7 hours, and the ones before that are being dealt with on and individual account basis.
As far as "not actually punishing" those using the exploit, did you miss the part about permanent bans? And as for design implementation, unless you are professional programmer who has worked on products of this scale, please just shut up. You sound like a self entitled dip. They had the Auction House and AD exchange off within hours of this coming to light, pulled in everyone on their team on a weekend, and devised a plan of action in less than a day. Considering the scope of what they are dealing this I find that impressive.
faithles666Member, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 7Arc User
If the ppl who where exploting the game had reported it insted of CHEATING we would not have this problem at all . so i would like to thank all involved for the role back . neverwinter realy is not to blame ! but thank you for the bonus packs to come
It was reported by many people back in STO days which was a year ago, and then again, REPEATEDLY in closed beta, and in alpha, yet they did nothing... smells like a money making scheme. The current PR cover up is making it seem WAY more apparent.
Here's what I've noticed so far about this gaming community: People want the game to be wiped, refunds etc.. People responding to this saying it's ridiculous.. People actually using real money on a FREE TO PLAY GAME (wow just wow) and complain when HAMSTER hits the fan. Personally, you people who got SCREWED with your real money should blame yourselves. The only ones I feel bad about are the ones who played the game legit and leveled to 60 or relevant to this ordeal. THE DEV'S ARE NOT DUMB, THEY ARE WISE... THEY KNEW THIS BUG HAS HAPPENED WAY BEFORE EVEN CLOSED BETA. They're just smiling upon you all to those who actually spent real money. I bet with any dumb luck that this was an inside job, and the company is too embarrassed to release a real statement or something similar to this equation. Anyways, to end this comment.. CAN YOU ADMINS ACTUALLY PUT THE SERVER UP!!! I just want to play the game period... CLOSE THE AH or Zen purchase or anything to do with real money for the time being... BUT NOT THE SERVER!! *******!!! This is actually the first MMO game I've enjoyed since World of Warcraft Vanilla days...
Are the exploiters being banned? Please tell me these people are being punished for this
I recognize that avatar from Twitter. Rest assured, the issue has been corrected and we have taken appropriate action against all players who took advantage of the bug, including but not limited to enforcing permanent bans.
Am I doing it right?
The most common request in this thread is an ETA on when the servers will be available again. I apologize that I don't have that. We are performing several tests right now that will determine this.
The best case scenario is that they will be available very soon. In that situation, there is a chance that we will bring the servers up immediately without posting an ETA. If the tests show that additional work needs to be done before bringing the servers back up, we will do our best to provide an ETA.
They already said that they are still investigating for those exploited prior before 5am. The rollback is just an emergency band-aid because the damage to game's economy was too big to ignore. It is like if you had a wound, first thing is clean your wound, stop the bleeding and band-aid it, then healing it.
"we have taken appropriate action against all players who took advantage of the bug, including but not limited to enforcing permanent bans."
Correct me if I'm wrong here but it sounds like they are talking about punishment beyond perma bans. If the worst action they are taking was a perma ban, shouldnt it read up to and including permanent bans? The way its worded makes me think there is something above a perma ban in some cases.
And that changes what exactly? His money, his decision. Not that I agree with such spending but hey, his money.
Did you even read these Frequently Asked Questions before you.. asked a question? LOL
Yes, the exploiters are receiving bans, including ones who used the exploit before the 7 hour rollback window.
If PWI isn't making money off of people, Then they couldn't maintain the free game ya'll are playing. Without people spending money in the cash shop, you couldn't even play the game.
The artist formally known on the forums as @CapsLockRAGE
Eleventy billion times this. Already put in my request for MY refund on my $85.
This is why I think legal might get involved actually. Not sure how the case would play out, but I could see a company being angry enough to do. Especially if substantial losses financially can be tied to this event. But who knows. I just wanted to play some today. /shrug
clean your wound = ban all the exploiters.
stop the bleeding and band aid it = fix the exploit
then healing it = recover the economy
So what PWE is adding salt to the wound?
This is very likely untrue. With millions of transactions happening on a daily basis, they cannot possibly keep log files of everything that goes on, it would take more space than space exists in todays computing environment, not to mention the cost of said storage would be well beyond that of a "free to play" gaming company.
hope it wasn't a cat from the exploits mate good luck
Now, as to the next problem... fix the PvP problem. AFK'ers earning XP and glory, sitting at the fire while we are on point getting rocked. Also, the bug where if one person drops after the round starts, the team is screwed. While I fully understand the current issue is more important, if you get some time, fix that too!
Again, awesome game guys. Thank you!
Thanks for the info on the eta. Totally can understand. BVT's need to pass.
Thank you, that's what most of us want
Please dial down the idiocy. If you had actually read the post you would know that more than 99% of the exploit occurrences were in those 7 hours, and the ones before that are being dealt with on and individual account basis.
As far as "not actually punishing" those using the exploit, did you miss the part about permanent bans? And as for design implementation, unless you are professional programmer who has worked on products of this scale, please just shut up. You sound like a self entitled dip. They had the Auction House and AD exchange off within hours of this coming to light, pulled in everyone on their team on a weekend, and devised a plan of action in less than a day. Considering the scope of what they are dealing this I find that impressive.
It was reported by many people back in STO days which was a year ago, and then again, REPEATEDLY in closed beta, and in alpha, yet they did nothing... smells like a money making scheme. The current PR cover up is making it seem WAY more apparent.
I recognize that avatar from Twitter.
(copied from the announcement)