sasukepeteMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 7Arc User
edited May 2013
Take the servers down for an extended maintenance and everybody loses their minds.. guys, seriously. The game is in open beta, there will be bugs, there will be extended maintenances, there will be issues. Is this game your first beta to play? Be a bit more tolerant.
Ninjas??? for a game like this I cannot though I have played other betas...I was able to just walk away but not here gae is actually pretty good...but Ninjas...???don't get it
iamspigotMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 3Arc User
Take the servers down for an extended maintenance and everybody loses their minds.. guys, seriously. The game is in open beta, there will be bugs, there will be extended maintenances, there will be issues. Is this game your first beta to play? Be a bit more tolerant.
Could you be any more clueless? Slapping the term "open beta" on it so they can handwave away any issues while they try and make as much money as they can doesn't make this okay.
ALSO I think what people are Pissed off about is not the fact that there is maintenance. Its the Fact that they say nothing about it and The error messages says CHECK THE FORUM FOR MORE DETAILS. FORUM HAS 000000 INFO on this topic. There should be a post specifically about the maintenance AS SOON as they refer you to the FORUMS(what a joke, how can a professional company not get a post up, when THEY refer you to it)
It seems like all the programmers are just sitting on twitter talking to each other, not solving anything.
izheetmadrawrsMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 8Arc User
edited May 2013
Well,, at about 1 PM EST when they shut it down it was an hour. Then it went to 2 hours, no problem. 2 hours has gone to all day and night. Why instead of posting the BS string along HAMSTER we've had all day didn't they just announce it will be down for 1 day, 2 days or whatever. I guess I should have gone ahead and went to church,,,lol. What a waste of a Sunday.
Well,, at about 1 PM EST when they shut it down it was an hour. Then it went to 2 hours, no problem. 2 hours has gone to all day and night. Why instead of posting the BS string along HAMSTER we've had all day didn't they just announce it will be down for 1 day, 2 days or whatever. I guess I should have gone ahead and went to church,,,lol. What a waste of a Sunday.
What I dislike about this extended maintenance, is that I have to be online before 12 o clock, or my celestial coins disappear!
Yesterday when I invoked they didn't get extended, nor did I get new ones (I got the new ones after making a ticket, though, ty GM).
But now the maintenance is threatening me getting my resources pack (after waiting 5 days). If they wanted us to be patient, they should've extended the life span of these coins
sasukepeteMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 7Arc User
Could you be any more clueless? Slapping the term "open beta" on it so they can handwave away any issues while they try and make as much money as they can doesn't make this okay.
Are you forced to pay? Are you treated any less if you do not? No, you are not. If you did purchase something in a game that has not been released yet, you took a risk. And where do you see them handwaving issues away? They took the servers down so they can more easily fix the issue. Fixing certain bugs aren't as easy as you make it out to be.
Bug fixes in a game that is already running is very dangerous because you risk introducing new ones in fixing the old ones. Remember bug are maybe two lines of code in a code book that is 2000 pages thick finding it is not always easy and sometimes even if you find them you risk creating new ones wen changing the lines because these code lines can have a lot of impact on thousands of other lines.
Also for an open beta I think neverwinters comes close to being a full game. The question for whether they simply use the term open beta to hide the bugs in the game is easy I think just check the original release date if this is later then today then of course you are dealing with an open beta, even if the open beta is already this good.
nagratMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 1Arc User
Well,, at about 1 PM EST when they shut it down it was an hour. Then it went to 2 hours, no problem. 2 hours has gone to all day and night. Why instead of posting the BS string along HAMSTER we've had all day didn't they just announce it will be down for 1 day, 2 days or whatever. I guess I should have gone ahead and went to church,,,lol. What a waste of a Sunday.
Really how many Betas have you been in. this is common until they get the bugs worked out. It's not like you have a subscription yet.
ALSO I think what people are Pissed off about is not the fact that there is maintenance. Its the Fact that they say nothing about it and The error messages says CHECK THE FORUM FOR MORE DETAILS. FORUM HAS 000000 INFO on this topic. There should be a post specifically about the maintenance AS SOON as they refer you to the FORUMS(what a joke, how can a professional company not get a post up, when THEY refer you to it)
TRUE .. is nothing more to say ...rly !
Server down , no1 knew , no info on site....i had to search for 5-10 min to find out why ,,what .. ?
yeah same here...was wondering why in the middle of quest I got disconnected...usually we get a message that the server is going down....with a cont to let you know what, when and where
like posted before, unexpected bugs happen. believe me i wanna play to. but when dealing with any online game or forum, sometimes things get forgotten, broken, destroyed etc. the best thing to do is stop complaining, grit your teeth and play something else till they come up, or even go to a movie, hang with friends, go outside, watch a stream, anything to pass the time. Remember, there is more then 1 game on the internet, and even if you love it like i do, theres no reason to rage and complain about no notice. Beta is beta, it happens.
poedapandaMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 6Arc User
edited May 2013
Beta is beta.. True enough.. But when there is a bug that is being used to exploit gains in the game they have to deal with it immediately. Letting the game run longer only makes it that much more to figure out, as for all who used the exploit for gains. Those exploits get spread around like a bad virus and before you can blink your eye thousands are using it. Cryptic should take the time to address the core issue then deal with those who used it appropriately.
dingabingMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
Guys it was a Sunday, Do you seriously think the programmers and developers are going to be in office in force. There's prob a Oh HAMSTER tech there. But the problem might have been more than one lone tech could handle.
flyingdoctorMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
Saturday and Sunday i heard a lot of people like me had issue with very long patching beeing done when entering instances.
sometimes i crashed during those.
maybe last night the server finaly gave up working and is that why we got no warning that server would go down and are they now repairing the issue
"..Neverwinter Open Beta is now live. Log in and play now!.."
This post should be reworded, at least until the shards are back up from extended maintenance..
ckirksterMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 3Arc User
edited May 2013
It's a miracle that game developers have any enthusiasm when there are so many whining princesses out there complaining and insisting that the world owes them a living.
My 7 year old daughter learned early on in life that if she doesn't like a certain game then she wont play it. Does she throw herself onto the ground and have a tantrum until someone makes the game the way she wants it? No..... she moves on to another game, that she likes.
Take a leaf out of a 7 year old's book of life. Move to another game, if you don't like it. Stop throwing tantrums or get yourself onto the naughty spot and stay there until you're told you can move
its because of a expolit of the ah people where making AD out of nothing putting a - sell price and with a mule buyout the items and then sell the AD on the open market
What are you most excited about? Leave us a comment and we'll see you in game!
Im most excited to take my phones timer app and see how many seconds/minutes I can be online before servers are brought down again. ^^
Seriously, give me a 9001% XP boost for 12 hours, no wait. That wont be enough since 11,5 hours of that 12 hours the servers will be down. Lets say give me the boost for 2 weeks and I'll manage to level up a few times.
Don't be such a baby, i work 9 hours a day (including weekends) and only started playing last week and managed to get to lvl 32 easily. To top it all up its a beta EXPECT PROBLEMS. I played a lot of betas from when i was 10 years now 22, and most betas sometimes had issues that servers go down for a long time due to people taking advantage of the mistakes the developers do which might overload the servers. So stay put and be quiet and just wait for the servers to go up and let the developers work at their on pace. PS they have their families as well.
oguze001Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 7Arc User
edited May 2013
guys just friendly asking, any one know when the game will be repaired and opened ?
Im most excited to take my phones timer app and see how many seconds/minutes I can be online before servers are brought down again. ^^
Seriously, give me a 9001% XP boost for 12 hours, no wait. That wont be enough since 11,5 hours of that 12 hours the servers will be down. Lets say give me the boost for 2 weeks and I'll manage to level up a few times.
You know... it's sad that you think you deserve an xp boost for a beta... the game isn't even officially release and you are whining like a five year old claiming you deserve far more than you truly do... just sad... truly sad
Servers been down pretty much ALL day yesterday (05-19-2013), were up briefly then just cut out, no warning around like 11am est or so. it's 4am est (05-20-2013), where I am, and they r still down....insanity!:eek:
I'm simply amazed at the nerver and self entitlement of some people. Why are you mad at the game developers that let you play for FREE? WTF ever grw up and realize the real world is not self entitlement no matter what you have been taught.
Who should you be mad at? The hackers/exploiters that caused this in the first place. The the gold farmers that surely were in on it.
Yes I lost a day of playing on my weekend. You know what? Its not the end of the world and I will get over it and still enjoy the FREE game that I am playing so far.
Take a leaf out of a 7 year old's book of life. Move to another game, if you don't like it. Stop throwing tantrums or get yourself onto the naughty spot and stay there until you're told you can move
So true. And here we have grown men behaving like small children. If that's not funny i don't know what is.
timiazMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 3Arc User
edited May 2013
I love you how people actually take time to respond to people who don't deserve a response...
Could you be any more clueless? Slapping the term "open beta" on it so they can handwave away any issues while they try and make as much money as they can doesn't make this okay.
lol you get lied to there also LOL
How can I find them on Twitter? :eek:
Yesterday when I invoked they didn't get extended, nor did I get new ones (I got the new ones after making a ticket, though, ty GM).
But now the maintenance is threatening me getting my resources pack (after waiting 5 days). If they wanted us to be patient, they should've extended the life span of these coins
Are you forced to pay? Are you treated any less if you do not? No, you are not. If you did purchase something in a game that has not been released yet, you took a risk. And where do you see them handwaving issues away? They took the servers down so they can more easily fix the issue. Fixing certain bugs aren't as easy as you make it out to be.
Also for an open beta I think neverwinters comes close to being a full game. The question for whether they simply use the term open beta to hide the bugs in the game is easy I think just check the original release date if this is later then today then of course you are dealing with an open beta, even if the open beta is already this good.
Really how many Betas have you been in. this is common until they get the bugs worked out. It's not like you have a subscription yet.
TRUE .. is nothing more to say ...rly !
Server down , no1 knew , no info on site....i had to search for 5-10 min to find out why ,,what .. ?
sometimes i crashed during those.
maybe last night the server finaly gave up working and is that why we got no warning that server would go down and are they now repairing the issue
This post should be reworded, at least until the shards are back up from extended maintenance..
My 7 year old daughter learned early on in life that if she doesn't like a certain game then she wont play it. Does she throw herself onto the ground and have a tantrum until someone makes the game the way she wants it? No..... she moves on to another game, that she likes.
Take a leaf out of a 7 year old's book of life. Move to another game, if you don't like it. Stop throwing tantrums or get yourself onto the naughty spot and stay there until you're told you can move
Im most excited to take my phones timer app and see how many seconds/minutes I can be online before servers are brought down again. ^^
Seriously, give me a 9001% XP boost for 12 hours, no wait. That wont be enough since 11,5 hours of that 12 hours the servers will be down. Lets say give me the boost for 2 weeks and I'll manage to level up a few times.
You know... it's sad that you think you deserve an xp boost for a beta... the game isn't even officially release and you are whining like a five year old claiming you deserve far more than you truly do... just sad... truly sad
Servers been down pretty much ALL day yesterday (05-19-2013), were up briefly then just cut out, no warning around like 11am est or so. it's 4am est (05-20-2013), where I am, and they r still down....insanity!:eek:
Who should you be mad at? The hackers/exploiters that caused this in the first place. The the gold farmers that surely were in on it.
Yes I lost a day of playing on my weekend. You know what? Its not the end of the world and I will get over it and still enjoy the FREE game that I am playing so far.
So true. And here we have grown men behaving like small children. If that's not funny i don't know what is.