If they decide to do a full server wipe, I hope they give those of us that are not in favor of this a chance to get a full refund for any and everything we have purchased up to this point.
Losing a level 60 toon in Everquest back in the day= Homicidal rage
Losing a level 60 toon in WoW = 2 week set back (back in the day)
Losing a level 60 toon in NW = Annoyance
Everyones time is valuable. But being an EX EQ guy, Ive camped for 1 quest piece longer than it takes most people to get to 60 now adays. Most people now do not know what time into a character was for us old school folks. 8 hours of killing mobs every 45 secs for 1.5% exp. Once a month spawns for a key piece to get into the end raid zone. Camping a place holder for the rare spawn at 10% for an item he only drops 1% of the time. Corpse runs from H-E double hockey sticks. Guilds locking down raid mobs. Never getting a group because of the exp penalty you would bring. Raids taking a minimum 1 hour to get started after the posted start time. Items from raid zones for tradeskilling, which takes at least 60 people.
Morale of the story is: Dont complain , it could be worse.
pahnyeMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
I still say wipe and reset. I know that I will lose a months progression but I don't think of that as grinding. Playing all the content is where the fun of the game is for me, so I am sure I will have just as much fun the second time through this terrific game as I had the first time. So wipe away and keep the game honest!!
I reported this bug days ago.. I suggest you delete all the cartoons that did significant negative auctions for free money, and leave the rest alone.. you have allies and guilds of the cheating cartoons, and the fact that this is a beta test of sorts, and you have put out the word no more wipes. A total wipe would be interesting and it looks popular still there is no human way to fix all the bugs and I suspect a complete wipe of all characters will not win you any friends.
If they decide to do a full server wipe, I hope they give those of us that are not in favor of this a chance to get a full refund for any and everything we have purchased up to this point.
If they don't decide to do a full server wipe, I hope they give those of us that are not in favor of this a chance to get a full refund for any and everything we have purchased up to this point.
Losing a level 60 toon in Everquest back in the day= Homicidal rage
Losing a level 60 toon in WoW = 2 week set back (back in the day)
Losing a level 60 toon in NW = Annoyance
Everyones time is valuable. But being an EX EQ guy, Ive camped for 1 quest piece longer than it takes most people to get to 60 now adays. Most people now do not know what time into a character was for us old school folks. 8 hours of killing mobs every 45 secs for 1.5% exp. Once a month spawns for a key piece to get into the end raid zone. Camping a place holder for the rare spawn at 10% for an item he only drops 1% of the time. Corpse runs from H-E double hockey sticks. Guilds locking down raid mobs. Never getting a group because of the exp penalty you would bring. Raids taking a minimum 1 hour to get started after the posted start time. Items from raid zones for tradeskilling, which takes at least 60 people.
Morale of the story is: Dont complain , it could be worse.
mwdaleMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 3Arc User
edited May 2013
60$ founder and 200$ in zen purchased.
Open beta started 19 days ago! Everyone is acting like they have devoted their lives to this game. 19 days people! Wipe this clean. The people who are going to quit playing because of a wipe are NOT the ones who were going to stay anyway.
If however Neverwinter was just a short-term cash grab then just do some half assed ban and tell us everything is fine. Some people will still play for awhile and in a year Neverwinter will be another MMO bad joke (e.g Age of Conan, which I pre-ordered too..HAMSTER)
angelxeyeMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 1
edited May 2013
I am kind of black or white on this issue- either leave it as is with no wipe or do total wipe. I voted total wipe, but here is my 2 cents.
1) If they do total wipe, the Founder/ Guardian pack buyers are going to want time or money concessions - and as these were promises as part of the purchase- the concession would need to be agreeable to a large number of people.
2) This makes GM promises seem less trustworthy (especially if the above is seen as a too much or too little to buyers/ non buyers).
And that will complicate things. But I agree with the above- it is not like we have put a year into this game and as long as I get my stuff, money back to reuse and maybe a few (8 please and ty, lol i am so easily swayed) harvest dyes as a thank you for playing I am good to start over.
Either way - I don't blame the company for a few people who decided to do their own sort of testing.
BTW if there are any forum admins reading this, I did in fact buy the Hero of the North package but I have never received the title on the forums. I have mentioned this in other threads, its become a pet peeve.
1 you can restart/reset the mess that the auction house is.
2 all the gear and items that came from the pvp exploit will be wiped
3 all the mule and alt accounts of the exploiters will be affected,one guy was bragging on reddit that his main exploit account got banned but his mules were free to continue
4 all the gold sellers that paid real world money for all the AD would be hurt so hard and out so much cash from a reset that is would be sweet justice
5 any class changes later can be handle by Cryptic like heros by saying "sorry ,we finally fixed this class, heres a respec token to help you ge tin order ,thanks" so theres no worry of what about fixing classes in this debate
6 theres never been this much of a community begging for a wipe take advantage !!!
pahnyeMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
Hey, all those things he said about EQ I look back on fondly (sigh). Those were great days playing in the greatest of games.
As this is a Beta, better to have this happen before the game went "Live." One might say it's kind of the point in having an "Open Beat". No matter how good the game testers are, regular players will go out of their way (or accidentally) find exploits. Whether they be One-hit-one-kill on a boss, currency exploits, and/or simply getting stuck on/in a map (which I have done).
With that being said, the downside is the money and time the players have invested will most likely be wasted. I personally have no sympathy because it is a beta. Regardless, I won't let that cloud my suggestion.
I apologize if this was already suggested. I haven't fully read up on or followed the exploits. And I didn't read all 51 pages in this poll.
My suggestion is this: Investigate and ban those who were exploiting, and remove any "illegitimate" astral diamonds . Second, remove all of the various currencies from every character. Now for the tricky part. Depending upon what in-game activity is actually tracked, it should be possible to come up with separate, average currency gain per: character level, profession levels, dungeons completed, pvp matches completed, quests completed, dailies done (might have to resort to how many calendar days from character creation), alters used, etc. Once this "formula" is in place, add everything up and give everyone their amount of gold/silver/copper, astral diamonds, celestial coins, glory, etc that an "average" player would have accumulated. To make it more complicated, (and take longer) analyze Auction House transactions that were "legal" and add these to the character's amount. All money purchases should be taken away and reimbursed with Zen or specific items if purchased. People can make their purchases again as they see fit.
Some people may benefit, more people will be negatively affected. However, this is probably the "most fair" way to bring everyone back to an even playing field.
Downside: This will take awhile and requires a lot of manpower to complete for all of the current characters. The player-base may be unhappy with the amount of downtime required.
On the topic of gear and items, I would say allow people to keep what they have unless it is deemed exploiting was used to acquire them.
Losing a level 60 toon in Everquest back in the day= Homicidal rage
Losing a level 60 toon in WoW = 2 week set back (back in the day)
Losing a level 60 toon in NW = Annoyance
Everyones time is valuable. But being an EX EQ guy, Ive camped for 1 quest piece longer than it takes most people to get to 60 now adays. Most people now do not know what time into a character was for us old school folks. 8 hours of killing mobs every 45 secs for 1.5% exp. Once a month spawns for a key piece to get into the end raid zone. Camping a place holder for the rare spawn at 10% for an item he only drops 1% of the time. Corpse runs from H-E double hockey sticks. Guilds locking down raid mobs. Never getting a group because of the exp penalty you would bring. Raids taking a minimum 1 hour to get started after the posted start time. Items from raid zones for tradeskilling, which takes at least 60 people.
Morale of the story is: Dont complain , it could be worse.
This my friends is the real picture I have been playing games since the first freaking PONG game was put into the 7-11 near me -ultima online, EQ, SW, wow, and every other online game I could check out till now...Wipe this sucker back to the stone age I'm level 40 and I've played almost 3 hours a day with 3 chars to here deleting a few along the way all in less than 6 days and yes I'm a founder I say again Just Wipe it
wildoxitMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 31Arc User
edited May 2013
So sad... nothing else to play and now this BS.... /format c:\ /u
I have 3 fully geared (T2) characters now, and i honestly wouldn't mind a full wipe. Rather now than 6 months or a year down the road. (Although i doubt the game will survive that long with the damage done to the game at this point)
I have one fully geared CW (all T2, a few T2.5) and wouldn't mind it either. It would give me a chance to fix mistakes I made (respec is expensive!) and implement what I've learned since release.
I voted for a wipe and bans. I have dropped about $500 on the game so far, and want the value I paid for. I would much rather lose my character's progression and have a legit economy. I am willing to lose 20 odd days of play time if that results in a fix and the permanent bans of the exploiters.
voodoofrostMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
Wow, these are impressive numbers!
I want to add something, though. On Facebook I've been giving my support and opinions of a full wipe. While reading the forums I've come to amend that opinion. To be fair to those who got the early start (was it 5 days?) and got to level before the servers opened up, maybe it would be better to rollback to day one of open beta. They would still have their slight advantage, and we'd all be able to move on.
Either way, I doubt I'll be going anywhere, and I also doubt 90% of those SAYING they'll go if this or that does/doesn't happen will be going. You have given us a fantastic game and the effort you're putting in to just keep us all in the loop and not guessing...phenomenal.
Thank you!
Keep the bans (but any new characters from the same IP allow to retry with more strict rules), and give the option to redo all of the quests without earning XP (but keep your stuff), or do a full wipe OPTION. Pay to play is a way of life, I think that anyone who pays should be given the zen back even though I haven't put any in myself. Although I advise against buying too much during beta games (such as limit yourself to 5 dollars a month if you're curious or want to gamble getting keys etc) - I do think that people who buy during a beta should be reimbursed even if the Zen value has changed.
In life, sometimes you do need to pay to win - but ...we all know it's more than sometimes.
It's only fair even if they were ridiculous to purchase something during beta, it's only fair to reimburse, perhaps zen could be converted to worth more but only for lower priced items. I'm not sure I'm not entirely pro spending money on games more than a little, pay to play is just the way this company works and the way the world works.
I really don't want a full wipe, I really dig my character and worked really hard on her and would like the option to redo some quests where I did NOT get what I was supposed to etc. Even if I get absolutely no XP.
Mmm, yes - indubitably, this is indeed quite a kerfuffle.
I agree, WIPE, I can live with... But members who did spend extra to support the game (zen, etc.), should be able to have a full Zen refund to re-buy their lost purchases. I know people have conflicting views, but at the end of the day, no one should have their items re-posessed without compensation just because of a few HAMSTER exploitive HAMSTER-wipes.
So they can full wipe, and give the people that had a time advantage the same time advantage again ... with far less bugs and exploits that a few of them used ... derp derp with a full wipe.
I agree, WIPE, I can live with... But members who did spend extra to support the game (zen, etc.), should be able to have a full Zen refund to re-buy their lost purchases. I know people have conflicting views, but at the end of the day, no one should have their items re-posessed without compensation just because of a few HAMSTER exploitive HAMSTER-wipes.
I agree thoroughly.
Mmm, yes - indubitably, this is indeed quite a kerfuffle.
I agree, WIPE, I can live with... But members who did spend extra to support the game (zen, etc.), should be able to have a full Zen refund to re-buy their lost purchases. I know people have conflicting views, but at the end of the day, no one should have their items re-posessed without compensation just because of a few HAMSTER exploitive HAMSTER-wipes.
I agree thoroughly.
Mmm, yes - indubitably, this is indeed quite a kerfuffle.
This my friends is the real picture I have been playing games since the first freaking PONG game was put into the 7-11 near me -ultima online, EQ, SW, wow, and every other online game I could check out till now...Wipe this sucker back to the stone age I'm level 40 and I've played almost 3 hours a day with 3 chars to here deleting a few along the way all in less than 6 days and yes I'm a founder I say again Just Wipe it
More to the morale of the story:
Failing a tradeskill combine, yes they arent all auto success. Losing epic pieces because the person before you screwed it up, so the mobs item counter was messed up. Cant find a teleport so a 1 hour boat ride, IF THEY WORKED! Followed by a 30 minute run, or more. then you get to the group and it breaks up 5 minutes later. Walking into a zone and instadeath from the train that was left at the zone edge. Raid mobs that roam the zone. Being level 15 and have to run through a level 30 zone to get to the 15-20 area. Having to look at the ground because spell effects take your frame rate to 0, and you couldnt turn enough stuff off. Being chased in water and your screen says" Swimming (2)!".
If this is something other than a "beta" then it's an utter failure. If it's an open beta, calk one up to be critically hit in the face by the Black Dragon of Wipeitnow Tower.
Honestly, people don't seem to understand, there's no other "real" way to fix this other than a wipe. I have 4 characters, 48-47-14 and a 5. I've put time into them real money for zen, while thousands of people were getting all this stuff for free. It's like, sometimes, you have no choice but to format a disk.
1st time playing = 9
couple days later = looking at zen shop = 6
broken queue and loot system = 5
Broken game currency officially making the $60 zen purchase a supreme blunder ... 2
I'm a casual player, I don't have much time to play games and even less when it comes to games as timeeater as MMOs. So I never spend real cash in free 2 play games, and I did not for this very game.
I've passed time on it : I raised a lvl 48 (which takes a fair amount of time for a casu) after having tested the class with one lvl 30 and one lvl 20, I've both erased to make room.
Nevertheless I feel, considering the situation, that a full wipe should be applied : some people have spent a big load of real money in this game, considering this is just a game. Those customers shouldn't feel like they are despoiled (or stolen) by some you call exploiters/abusers/hackers to make them cool (as if they managed something you totally would like to be able to do) whereas they are actually plain Ecriminals.
Those hustlers managed to eventually dump the zen market to be able to sell zen to the maximum rate (1 zen for 500 AD) just to make more real money in the end, competing with the actual zen cash shop of PWE, thus swindling all people whom actually paid to support this game. This is nothing but mafia business manners.
I play for free thanks to people whom paid already to support this game, so I feel right to support those people.
Let's apply a full wipe.
omnlnkMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
I really hope there isn't a wipe...I JUST got to 60 and I want to keep all my stuff..BTW I'm a founder as well as many others.
pahnyeMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 0Arc User
More to the morale of the story:
Failing a tradeskill combine, yes they arent all auto success. Losing epic pieces because the person before you screwed it up, so the mobs item counter was messed up. Cant find a teleport so a 1 hour boat ride, IF THEY WORKED! Followed by a 30 minute run, or more. then you get to the group and it breaks up 5 minutes later. Walking into a zone and instadeath from the train that was left at the zone edge. Raid mobs that roam the zone. Being level 15 and have to run through a level 30 zone to get to the 15-20 area. Having to look at the ground because spell effects take your frame rate to 0, and you couldnt turn enough stuff off. Being chased in water and your screen says" Swimming (2)!".
Hey, I remember all of these things, and I loved it all, too. If they updated the original EQ's graphics and speed to current levels but left the rest of the game just as it was I'd trade it in a minute for all these so-called "modern" games. Good on ya!!
WIPE! with purchased zen refund (as fresh zen) into our accounts.
sounds like a good idea to me. since this is just a beta, i dont think of it as being a big deal if the devs need to wipe. we're all here to help out testing the game for when it is officially released. even if i loose all my character progression, i will continue playing because its a fun game.
Losing a level 60 toon in WoW = 2 week set back (back in the day)
Losing a level 60 toon in NW = Annoyance
Everyones time is valuable. But being an EX EQ guy, Ive camped for 1 quest piece longer than it takes most people to get to 60 now adays. Most people now do not know what time into a character was for us old school folks. 8 hours of killing mobs every 45 secs for 1.5% exp. Once a month spawns for a key piece to get into the end raid zone. Camping a place holder for the rare spawn at 10% for an item he only drops 1% of the time. Corpse runs from H-E double hockey sticks. Guilds locking down raid mobs. Never getting a group because of the exp penalty you would bring. Raids taking a minimum 1 hour to get started after the posted start time. Items from raid zones for tradeskilling, which takes at least 60 people.
Morale of the story is: Dont complain , it could be worse.
If they don't decide to do a full server wipe, I hope they give those of us that are not in favor of this a chance to get a full refund for any and everything we have purchased up to this point.
Losing a level 60 toon in WoW = 2 week set back (back in the day)
Losing a level 60 toon in NW = Annoyance
Everyones time is valuable. But being an EX EQ guy, Ive camped for 1 quest piece longer than it takes most people to get to 60 now adays. Most people now do not know what time into a character was for us old school folks. 8 hours of killing mobs every 45 secs for 1.5% exp. Once a month spawns for a key piece to get into the end raid zone. Camping a place holder for the rare spawn at 10% for an item he only drops 1% of the time. Corpse runs from H-E double hockey sticks. Guilds locking down raid mobs. Never getting a group because of the exp penalty you would bring. Raids taking a minimum 1 hour to get started after the posted start time. Items from raid zones for tradeskilling, which takes at least 60 people.
Morale of the story is: Dont complain , it could be worse.
Open beta started 19 days ago! Everyone is acting like they have devoted their lives to this game. 19 days people! Wipe this clean. The people who are going to quit playing because of a wipe are NOT the ones who were going to stay anyway.
If however Neverwinter was just a short-term cash grab then just do some half assed ban and tell us everything is fine. Some people will still play for awhile and in a year Neverwinter will be another MMO bad joke (e.g Age of Conan, which I pre-ordered too..HAMSTER)
1) If they do total wipe, the Founder/ Guardian pack buyers are going to want time or money concessions - and as these were promises as part of the purchase- the concession would need to be agreeable to a large number of people.
2) This makes GM promises seem less trustworthy (especially if the above is seen as a too much or too little to buyers/ non buyers).
And that will complicate things. But I agree with the above- it is not like we have put a year into this game and as long as I get my stuff, money back to reuse and maybe a few (8 please and ty, lol i am so easily swayed) harvest dyes as a thank you for playing
Either way - I don't blame the company for a few people who decided to do their own sort of testing.
I see your title
1 you can restart/reset the mess that the auction house is.
2 all the gear and items that came from the pvp exploit will be wiped
3 all the mule and alt accounts of the exploiters will be affected,one guy was bragging on reddit that his main exploit account got banned but his mules were free to continue
4 all the gold sellers that paid real world money for all the AD would be hurt so hard and out so much cash from a reset that is would be sweet justice
5 any class changes later can be handle by Cryptic like heros by saying "sorry ,we finally fixed this class, heres a respec token to help you ge tin order ,thanks" so theres no worry of what about fixing classes in this debate
6 theres never been this much of a community begging for a wipe take advantage !!!
With that being said, the downside is the money and time the players have invested will most likely be wasted. I personally have no sympathy because it is a beta. Regardless, I won't let that cloud my suggestion.
I apologize if this was already suggested. I haven't fully read up on or followed the exploits. And I didn't read all 51 pages in this poll.
My suggestion is this: Investigate and ban those who were exploiting, and remove any "illegitimate" astral diamonds . Second, remove all of the various currencies from every character. Now for the tricky part. Depending upon what in-game activity is actually tracked, it should be possible to come up with separate, average currency gain per: character level, profession levels, dungeons completed, pvp matches completed, quests completed, dailies done (might have to resort to how many calendar days from character creation), alters used, etc. Once this "formula" is in place, add everything up and give everyone their amount of gold/silver/copper, astral diamonds, celestial coins, glory, etc that an "average" player would have accumulated. To make it more complicated, (and take longer) analyze Auction House transactions that were "legal" and add these to the character's amount. All money purchases should be taken away and reimbursed with Zen or specific items if purchased. People can make their purchases again as they see fit.
Some people may benefit, more people will be negatively affected. However, this is probably the "most fair" way to bring everyone back to an even playing field.
Downside: This will take awhile and requires a lot of manpower to complete for all of the current characters. The player-base may be unhappy with the amount of downtime required.
On the topic of gear and items, I would say allow people to keep what they have unless it is deemed exploiting was used to acquire them.
My two cents. Cheers.
i feel this way about vanilla wow, WotLK & parts of cata expantion (server firsts)
This my friends is the real picture I have been playing games since the first freaking PONG game was put into the 7-11 near me -ultima online, EQ, SW, wow, and every other online game I could check out till now...Wipe this sucker back to the stone age I'm level 40 and I've played almost 3 hours a day with 3 chars to here deleting a few along the way all in less than 6 days and yes I'm a founder I say again Just Wipe it
I have one fully geared CW (all T2, a few T2.5) and wouldn't mind it either. It would give me a chance to fix mistakes I made (respec is expensive!) and implement what I've learned since release.
I want to add something, though. On Facebook I've been giving my support and opinions of a full wipe. While reading the forums I've come to amend that opinion. To be fair to those who got the early start (was it 5 days?) and got to level before the servers opened up, maybe it would be better to rollback to day one of open beta. They would still have their slight advantage, and we'd all be able to move on.
Either way, I doubt I'll be going anywhere, and I also doubt 90% of those SAYING they'll go if this or that does/doesn't happen will be going. You have given us a fantastic game and the effort you're putting in to just keep us all in the loop and not guessing...phenomenal.
Thank you!
TR, Beholder Server
In life, sometimes you do need to pay to win - but ...we all know it's more than sometimes.
It's only fair even if they were ridiculous to purchase something during beta, it's only fair to reimburse, perhaps zen could be converted to worth more but only for lower priced items. I'm not sure I'm not entirely pro spending money on games more than a little, pay to play is just the way this company works and the way the world works.
I really don't want a full wipe, I really dig my character and worked really hard on her and would like the option to redo some quests where I did NOT get what I was supposed to etc. Even if I get absolutely no XP.
I agree thoroughly.
I agree thoroughly.
More to the morale of the story:
Failing a tradeskill combine, yes they arent all auto success. Losing epic pieces because the person before you screwed it up, so the mobs item counter was messed up. Cant find a teleport so a 1 hour boat ride, IF THEY WORKED! Followed by a 30 minute run, or more. then you get to the group and it breaks up 5 minutes later. Walking into a zone and instadeath from the train that was left at the zone edge. Raid mobs that roam the zone. Being level 15 and have to run through a level 30 zone to get to the 15-20 area. Having to look at the ground because spell effects take your frame rate to 0, and you couldnt turn enough stuff off. Being chased in water and your screen says" Swimming (2)!".
Honestly, people don't seem to understand, there's no other "real" way to fix this other than a wipe. I have 4 characters, 48-47-14 and a 5. I've put time into them real money for zen, while thousands of people were getting all this stuff for free. It's like, sometimes, you have no choice but to format a disk.
1st time playing = 9
couple days later = looking at zen shop = 6
broken queue and loot system = 5
Broken game currency officially making the $60 zen purchase a supreme blunder ... 2
1 would not recommend this game to anyone.
I've passed time on it : I raised a lvl 48 (which takes a fair amount of time for a casu) after having tested the class with one lvl 30 and one lvl 20, I've both erased to make room.
Nevertheless I feel, considering the situation, that a full wipe should be applied : some people have spent a big load of real money in this game, considering this is just a game. Those customers shouldn't feel like they are despoiled (or stolen) by some you call exploiters/abusers/hackers to make them cool (as if they managed something you totally would like to be able to do) whereas they are actually plain Ecriminals.
Those hustlers managed to eventually dump the zen market to be able to sell zen to the maximum rate (1 zen for 500 AD) just to make more real money in the end, competing with the actual zen cash shop of PWE, thus swindling all people whom actually paid to support this game. This is nothing but mafia business manners.
I play for free thanks to people whom paid already to support this game, so I feel right to support those people.
Let's apply a full wipe.
Hey, I remember all of these things, and I loved it all, too. If they updated the original EQ's graphics and speed to current levels but left the rest of the game just as it was I'd trade it in a minute for all these so-called "modern" games. Good on ya!!
sounds like a good idea to me. since this is just a beta, i dont think of it as being a big deal if the devs need to wipe. we're all here to help out testing the game for when it is officially released. even if i loose all my character progression, i will continue playing because its a fun game.