Please. Send me a PM. Give me your linked in profile. I will send you mine. You will see professional Software/Electrical engineering experience dating back to 1980's. And yes, I did do this. I had to port NTLM and Kerberos authentication to Java SDK years ago. Download the Java SDK source code from Sun/Oracle and you will see my name in the C/C++ code.
Oh ho! So now your true intention is revealed! Trolling the Internet for nerd kiddies to lure them to linkedin so God knows what happens next!
You divert the discussion, but you were wrong and you know it. Calling other idiots in the process meh, good for you.
I'll be in protectors enclave when the servers come up and I'll be naked, lets talk about NAT then *wink*
The creators of the game have even said there will be now wipe, rollback maybe but wipe.
Yes you could create a -amount in the gateway... auction house and you would instantly receive the amount of diamonds ingame. The game client had - disabled but the browser auction house have not, this accompanied with flawed logics made this possible.
Support for the game seems lacking and ticket system for your report seems to not work (i got a ticket number on screen but no ticket seems to be created). This downtime is unnecessary and avoidable if people would just think before they exploit in such extent, as it is a Beta we are supposed to report the bugs to the creators not expose them to everyone so it will be used.
Cryptic needs to make the honest folks, whether they are in a guild or not, feel like they are pro-actively making this a better place. They are proving their weight in gold, tonight.
I know I agree and I'm very grateful for this. Despite my views on anything else. With plenty of other game companies you couldn't get even an official forum post on the weekends. Much less an emergency maintenance.
Halgarth's Legacy-NWS-DSTGFZHFR
heman9000Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 8Arc User
edited May 2013
I still hope they change their mind wipe the server and refund the zen from sales page on people accounts would not be too hard. Cross fingers
cathgar457Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 5Arc User
Man this has been kinda stressful, keeping up with this news. I don't want to lose my progress because of a few exploiting crooks. I don't have millions of gold or any epic items; the 2.6 AD I have is from buying the Hero and Guardian packs. But what I have, I earned. The ONLY Hero/Guardian gear I have equipped so far is the Graycloak's Legacy sword. I wanted to play the game on its own terms as much as possible, starting out.
I have every rare item (or almost, at least) rumored to drop from the Cloak Tower because I spent between 5 and 6 hours SOLOING it yesterday morning. I got into fights that lasted almost 20 minutes. I consumed over 40 potions and over 100 health stones. It was one of the longest, hardest-fought missions any any MMORPG, second only to a Mission Architect mission I did once in COH.
Taking that progress away from me would be a slap in the face.
[SIGPIC]Captain Electric and the Sapien Spider[/SIGPIC]
Its simple. If you dont wipe and do this right, I, as a paying customer do not want anything to do with you or your game as it stands. Refund my money and all will be well.
Depends on the company, in this case probably Jack, the lead devs and a few official reps from PWE.
rolo79Member, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 2Arc User
edited May 2013
Reset the world; the game is still relatively new, issue back what people paid for, and keep working to get these bugs out. This is a beta after all, and think this is still by far one of the better beta starts ever. There will always be issues, especially when you have people with low standards and no morals looking for ways to exploit. Its a game and like all games, its not real life. For all the whiners crying about a f2p game, please stop playing if you wish, create a better game or play something else. You and your 4 year old tantrums will not be missed.
khesi1Member, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 4Arc User
edited May 2013
Wipe server and refund legit zen would be the best choice, but only if exploit will be patched and it never happend again. Normal economy is needed because as normal players we want be able to buy stuff in normal prices. This game could be best mmo and foundary could deliver new content all the time. Everything what's need is good ideas and heavy banhammer
sonofmreMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 4Arc User
edited May 2013
What a shame to happen on a weekend.
In the end I may not be remembered, but my actions carry weight.
haonmaruzMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 2Arc User
sigh... so depressed at the server downage that I am torturing my neighbors by playing Weird Al songs very loudly ... somebody get the server hampster running again please !
snappypantsMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 0Arc User
We have to do something when there is downtime. If I write we software and contribute it, by law, must contain my unmodified source code header and my licensing agreement. Easily validated. I just havent checked to see if Sun/Oracle still releases the Java hSDK source code. Minded, I had to open support cases with Microsoft because of their closed source model for Internet Explorer. Justice department forced Microsucks to disclose the source for IE. That would have saved me a month or so of work but oh well.
I'm starting to like you old timer, even if you are full of it.
ambermajMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
on a posotive note, during the downtime I made home made guacamole, and am now sitting here eating home made guacamole and chips reading these posts and having a great laugh.
rock on mate, eating homemade triple chocolate "super moist" cake with oreo chunks baked in, hot fudge soaking into the cake, vanilla bean ice cream on top with orange cream shell on top of that! and milk. can't forget milk...
jihancritiasMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
Agree! This is beta...people want to treat it like it's not, but it is beta clear as day. A complete wipe and reset would not be unrealistic or out of bounds.
So you what buy ZEN at your own risk?. You & humanfacade are a just a bunch of IDIOTIC MORONS!
ladywillow15Member, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
So, since I try to RP my character as much as possible, and it's looking like rollback is the word of the day, I'm trying to decide how to incorporate it into my character's story. After all, she's going to be missing "memories" and items, and have to re-do things she's already done.
From a story line perspective, this is all very interesting.
Character development... there is a silver lining to everything!
leyentMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 3Arc User
edited May 2013
To all of you who are against the whole idea of wiping...
Those of us who want to wipe actually care about the future of this game, and want to be able to enjoy it.
If you think that the devs not wiping it is something you should appreciate, or be happy about - then you're a damned fool.
If they wiped the game, it would prove that they're willing to take responsibility for the breach in their design and deserve the loyalty of the players.
But they won't.
They won't wipe because they do not give a ****. If they wipe they have to refund all the money. At that point, the people who paid for things in the game, such as the founder's pack or Zen for whatever, will have the option of buying it again or not. After this kind of situation I think we can agree that a lot of people wouldn't go and put another cent into the game. Not all, but still a lot lost.
On the other hand, if they do not wipe... Then they have all of us who put the money by our ballsacks. If we really want to get the use from the money we spent, then we have no choice but to stay and keep playing the game no matter how ridiculously trashed the economy becomes.
So, as you can see - their powerful and reassuring statements of "No wipes for sure!" is the equivalent of them saying "No refunds, *****es!"
Just wanted to say. Especially after someone saying that the wipe is somehow going to damage the game?
This isn't as simple as you may think. The value of astral diamonds has gone down extremely, not just because of the exploiters having more, but the distribution of ITEMS bought with astral diamonds. AD wasn't even the only thing effected. The exploiters bought all the zen that was up for trade so both markets have been effected. High value items have been scattered everywhere through purchase and trade. There are also many routes of action; deletion or refunds for all the expensive items bought... currency negation for the past 24 hours...
i for one wouldnt want my zen back i will want a refund if they do a rollback.
jihancritiasMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
Ugh. Rollback. I just hit 60 last night. I bought my first epics, and they weren't outrageously priced. 60k zen for four of them. Now I will lose them, and have to re-run Mount Hotenow and Rothe. I didn't like Hotenow; Rothe wasn't that bad. Hopefully I won't have to run the Chasm again. All of this I still need to do on my cleric as well.
I think a currency wipe, with founder ad returned, zen bought with real money returned, and a percentage of ad earned, returned. The higher the amount of ad made (or stolen), the smaller the percentage returned.
But, after reading all of these posts, and being tired, I'm just talking out of my backside.
The best way is the wipe... For all reasons, only exploiters dont want the wipe, the game is realy good and ppl dont care about level up the char again, whit a wipe we rly gona see who are good and bad in this game. Just wipe it!
Oh ho! So now your true intention is revealed! Trolling the Internet for nerd kiddies to lure them to linkedin so God knows what happens next!
You divert the discussion, but you were wrong and you know it. Calling other idiots in the process meh, good for you.
I'll be in protectors enclave when the servers come up and I'll be naked, lets talk about NAT then *wink*
now = not I think you meant
I know I agree and I'm very grateful for this. Despite my views on anything else. With plenty of other game companies you couldn't get even an official forum post on the weekends. Much less an emergency maintenance.
"We haven't announced the action plan -- stay tuned, should be soon -- but probably somewhat. Older missions will be unaffected."
Pretty much confirms a shard rollback of some description
I have every rare item (or almost, at least) rumored to drop from the Cloak Tower because I spent between 5 and 6 hours SOLOING it yesterday morning. I got into fights that lasted almost 20 minutes. I consumed over 40 potions and over 100 health stones. It was one of the longest, hardest-fought missions any any MMORPG, second only to a Mission Architect mission I did once in COH.
Taking that progress away from me would be a slap in the face.
[SIGPIC]Captain Electric and the Sapien Spider[/SIGPIC]
Vote YES for the Foundry in Champions Online.
@Captain-Electric | CoH/Virtue veteran | Proud new Champion
Yes, yes it has, you've all kept me very entertained all afternoon
D&D Home Page - What Class Are You? - Build A Character - D&D Compendium
Depends on the company, in this case probably Jack, the lead devs and a few official reps from PWE.
I'm starting to like you old timer, even if you are full of it.
All the folks at Cryptic/PWE who will have a part in fixing the mess.
rock on mate, eating homemade triple chocolate "super moist" cake with oreo chunks baked in, hot fudge soaking into the cake, vanilla bean ice cream on top with orange cream shell on top of that! and milk. can't forget milk...
: slow or limited in intellectual or emotional development or academic progress
just sayin'
there's this too ...
Medical Definition of HAMSTER
sometimes offensive : slow or limited in intellectual or emotional development : characterized by mental retardation
So you what buy ZEN at your own risk?. You & humanfacade are a just a bunch of IDIOTIC MORONS!
From a story line perspective, this is all very interesting.
Character development... there is a silver lining to everything!
Those of us who want to wipe actually care about the future of this game, and want to be able to enjoy it.
If you think that the devs not wiping it is something you should appreciate, or be happy about - then you're a damned fool.
If they wiped the game, it would prove that they're willing to take responsibility for the breach in their design and deserve the loyalty of the players.
But they won't.
They won't wipe because they do not give a ****. If they wipe they have to refund all the money. At that point, the people who paid for things in the game, such as the founder's pack or Zen for whatever, will have the option of buying it again or not. After this kind of situation I think we can agree that a lot of people wouldn't go and put another cent into the game. Not all, but still a lot lost.
On the other hand, if they do not wipe... Then they have all of us who put the money by our ballsacks. If we really want to get the use from the money we spent, then we have no choice but to stay and keep playing the game no matter how ridiculously trashed the economy becomes.
So, as you can see - their powerful and reassuring statements of "No wipes for sure!" is the equivalent of them saying "No refunds, *****es!"
Just wanted to say. Especially after someone saying that the wipe is somehow going to damage the game?
Lots of things to fix.
I think a currency wipe, with founder ad returned, zen bought with real money returned, and a percentage of ad earned, returned. The higher the amount of ad made (or stolen), the smaller the percentage returned.
But, after reading all of these posts, and being tired, I'm just talking out of my backside.