I get this error when the launcher loads:
"Unable to download launcher_login from launcher.playneverwinter.com
"Unable to open this internet site. The requested site is either unavailable or cannot be found. Please try again later."
If I run the gameclient.exe directly. it attempts to login and then times out trying to connect to the server. going on 3 days now that this has been happening.
I can ping that site so I know I have connectivity to it. I reinstalled the game, and done ever other thing I can think of or the canned tech support docs have suggested.
Please stick a digital signature on legitimate alterations so I can tell Kaspersky 'it's OK'? With all the reports on the forums of hacked accounts I'm veeery afraid of possible tampering.
hi ! i hope an admin reads this because i need help.
i entered a quest area called "The Hidden Cove" and its in a lvl 20-22 area i think. after i entered it said i lost connection to the server and the seconds counter went up. i would make a thread but im not allowed to. also i tried disconnecting and rejoining. i load in to The Hidden Cove and end up "loosing connection to the server". please help! awesome game to be free btw its the only mmo rpg that i have enjoyed.
hi ! i hope an admin reads this because i need help.
i entered a quest area called "The Hidden Cove" and its in a lvl 20-22 area i think. after i entered it said i lost connection to the server and the seconds counter went up. i would make a thread but im not allowed to. also i tried disconnecting and rejoining. i load in to The Hidden Cove and end up "loosing connection to the server". please help! awesome game to be free btw its the only mmo rpg that i have enjoyed.
This has been happening to me and my brother all day too. Any info on this?
iceteamanMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 4Arc User
edited May 2013
launcher is still not working for me as of 19:37 est
replaced the Neverwinter.exe with the new one that lacks a valid digital signature
click on Login button of Launcher, takes 3 seconds to connect/show patch number
sets there for another 24 seconds & then Launcher crashes
CrypticError window opens asking me report what I was doing at the time & closes 4 seconds later
not giving me a chance to type anything into window
I've had the same thing happen to me on my laptop. My niece tried to login to her game on my laptop after she convinced me to play with her... same thing happened to her. I am going to try it on my desktop now. But if I have ANY problems logging into the game, I can tell you I will not try again. I will simply uninstall and forget about it.
Hi guys, today my launcher just stoped appearing on my desktop. he stills acessible by the task bar, i put on my password, i log on the game, normaly. But i dont know what to do. i tryed to run on administrator, but nothing. anyone is getting this freakish error too?
BTW, sorry for any english error....
forgotuser12Member, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 2Arc User
edited May 2013
"The patchclient got a message while it was in a state with no response function"
I was patching a while ago and this problem came again..
The Neverwinter.exe download fix is not working anymore..
any Ideas?
I have a different problem. I downloaded the game this morning and I verified that my Launcher is the same one as the one linked in the first post. I didn't get to play the game yet, because of this issue :
When I enter my username/password in the Launcher (which does have fields to type those), the Launcher 's window goes blank and 55-62 Internet Explorer windows pop up with the URL res://shdoclc/syntax.htm , which is not valid.
I tried again after halting several unnecessary processes, with no success. I use Windows XP.
carrotpakMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
Would like to see if anyone has a fix for this: First, I didn't download the game from a server, I just copied someone elses Cryptic Studios folder onto my computer.
Here is what happens: When I first launch the game, I can log on using my email address and pw. I cannot log on using my handle and pw. If I change characters or go to the foundry, I log off, and am taken to another screen where I have to log in again. Now I cannot log in using either my email address OR handle instead, I have to exit the game and start all over.
Is there a file I can delete (similar to the WTF folder for WoW) that will correct this?
It's now 9:14 est still stuck at connecting to the login server then server connect time out.
cataclyzmMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 1Arc User
edited May 2013
I am seeing that the server is down. Is this true or is there a bug in my launcher? Looking at the time this tread started it looks like this has been an all day delimma, don't envy the team working on this being a programmer myself. Hope there is a solution soon, kinda starting to 'jones'.
Just shows how ready the community is ready for a new game to play
cutekhaosMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
I was having issues, number 7 fixed it for a bit. Log on this evening same issue again... finally got the launcher up game loads and..... server is unavailable at this time .
iceteamanMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 4Arc User
edited May 2013
The launcher is still broken! have not been able to log into the game sence last saturday when the everyone had problems.
I run XP Pro x64 & whatever was done alone with the fix. Didn't work for me. The 7 hour roll back is the least of my promblems.
as it will have zero effect on my character. As the client crashes & I been locked out of the game all weekend!
could this be fixed anytime soon?
i downloaded the .exe on solution 7 it was only 1.8mb? it says invalid win32 application think its corrupted....
anyone can upload a proper exe somewere please?
I have download the game, and launch it. I can log in, but then i cant play it because the launch screen is patching.
It is patching now for a half hour but dont do anything. Is this because server is down or something? I see the server status is green..
I get this error when the launcher loads:
"Unable to download launcher_login from launcher.playneverwinter.com
"Unable to open this internet site. The requested site is either unavailable or cannot be found. Please try again later."
If I run the gameclient.exe directly. it attempts to login and then times out trying to connect to the server. going on 3 days now that this has been happening.
I can ping that site so I know I have connectivity to it. I reinstalled the game, and done ever other thing I can think of or the canned tech support docs have suggested.
So what is wrong with this game.....?
Please stick a digital signature on legitimate alterations so I can tell Kaspersky 'it's OK'? With all the reports on the forums of hacked accounts I'm veeery afraid of possible tampering.
i entered a quest area called "The Hidden Cove" and its in a lvl 20-22 area i think. after i entered it said i lost connection to the server and the seconds counter went up. i would make a thread but im not allowed to. also i tried disconnecting and rejoining. i load in to The Hidden Cove and end up "loosing connection to the server". please help! awesome game to be free btw
This has been happening to me and my brother all day too. Any info on this?
replaced the Neverwinter.exe with the new one that lacks a valid digital signature
click on Login button of Launcher, takes 3 seconds to connect/show patch number
sets there for another 24 seconds & then Launcher crashes
CrypticError window opens asking me report what I was doing at the time & closes 4 seconds later
not giving me a chance to type anything into window
BTW, sorry for any english error....
I was patching a while ago and this problem came again..
The Neverwinter.exe download fix is not working anymore..
any Ideas?
When I enter my username/password in the Launcher (which does have fields to type those), the Launcher 's window goes blank and 55-62 Internet Explorer windows pop up with the URL res://shdoclc/syntax.htm , which is not valid.
I tried again after halting several unnecessary processes, with no success. I use Windows XP.
Here is what happens: When I first launch the game, I can log on using my email address and pw. I cannot log on using my handle and pw. If I change characters or go to the foundry, I log off, and am taken to another screen where I have to log in again. Now I cannot log in using either my email address OR handle instead, I have to exit the game and start all over.
Is there a file I can delete (similar to the WTF folder for WoW) that will correct this?
I run XP Pro x64 & whatever was done alone with the fix. Didn't work for me. The 7 hour roll back is the least of my promblems.
as it will have zero effect on my character. As the client crashes & I been locked out of the game all weekend!
could this be fixed anytime soon?
anyone can upload a proper exe somewere please?
I have download the game, and launch it. I can log in, but then i cant play it because the launch screen is patching.
It is patching now for a half hour but dont do anything. Is this because server is down or something? I see the server status is green..
maybe some one can help me with the anwser.