with the text broken and not finished it feels like dezstravus was about to tell us something important and he has been silenced at the last minute !! is he still alive or is he one of the casualties for letting this exploit go ary
I purchased a founders pack after about 5 days of playing. I spent REAL MONEY to support this game. And I can assure you, that ANYONE who spent real money to support this game will support a FULL WIPE. Look at the number of people who purchased packs, be it $20.00 or $50.00 or $200.00. We PAID to support this game, but the exploit was STEALING our money. I have 2 lvl 60's and an lvl 30, and I fully support a total wipe. As long as I get my AD and ZEN back to original purchase value, I have no problems doing it all over again. If the exploit was being used from Day 1, then the VALUE of my AD/ZEN was corrupted from what I purchased, and I LOST money. I probably have over 100 hours invested, but I'll give up that time to have a fixed economy. Permanently BAN all the exploiters by IP address, and reset it back to zero. And for the record, KEEP the AH offline. Just like Diablo 3, as soon as you have REAL MONEY involved in fake transactions, you ARE going to have exploiters. The short term fix is to wipe, refund all AD/ZEN, and keep the AH offline. The longer term fix is to sell stuff to vendors, and let the vendors resell stuff at a markup. That way if the vendor offers you 250K AD for your T3 gear, you could BUY it from the vendor for 500K. Stop mixing AD with ZEN. Make it so you can BUY stuff for AD from the special vendors. Heck, if a Bag of Holding is 1000 ZEN, and you want a 300-1 ZEN/AD ratio, then SELL the Bag for 300,000 AD. or whatever ratio works. Sure, there will always be people exploiting the game. But, as long as it doesn't affect MY money, I don't care so much. This exploit DIRECTLY affected how I could play the game, so a full wipe/ban is the only fix. Look at the number of people who paid money for this. THOSE are the ONLY people you should care about, and THOSE are the ones who got screwed.
i agree on this, a total wipe or a new server is the only way to go, more then 50% of the servers populations are affected from this exploit, so anything short of a complete wipe is pointless. and not a fix at all!
Wow. You are an idiot too. All this points to what? Many people behind the same public IP address(s)? You are only helping prove my point. Wait. I will bet you are one of those cool people with the static IP address on your iPhone?!?!
Wow, no you are an idiot for calling him an idiot. Your point that you are so helpless to make is that banning the IP does ban the person behind it. NAT has nothing to do with it.
I read someone earlier say that STO had the same bug in the past. But seeing that pic... It just kind of baffles me why they wouldn't check all their games for the same issue.
+1 ... boggles the mind. This really is incompetent; there is no other way to describe it.
masarykMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
lol, moreso, the post was edited by cmpinpointerror;! Dez was already taken when it was scrrewed with!
NAT got nothing to do outside a router. NAT works inside a LAN, translating the public IP to LAN IP. No two or more routers can share the same Internet/Public IP at the same time.
The problem is that most of internet connections are dsl, which most of the time use dynamic IP. This means that every time you disconnect/reconnect to the internet, you get a new public IP.
When you try to correct someone, make sure to stand correct yourself!
Actually NAT is used at the provider level, possibly higher as well, on the internal networks. This is where the linking takes place between the tier1, 2 and 3 operators. I think they use it to more easily scale their traffic.
nicbec63Member, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
Total wipe (IF it happens) would be a great time to open EU servers!
Really need to find a better way to get information out or label the thread better put a link on the main page or something so people can find out whats going on. The game is in an early beta phase so most everyone is new and might not know what to expect or where to go right now to find out if they have a problem or if it is a server problem or what the issue is. It took forever to find this thread...
sickenme56Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 9Arc User
Wow. You are an idiot too. All this points to what? Many people behind the same public IP address(s)? You are only helping prove my point. Wait. I will bet you are one of those cool people with the static IP address on your iPhone?!?!
You can't be serious right now...
undelekMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 28Arc User
edited May 2013
Did someone read ToS when bought packs?
farcrowe1Member, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
Well for me its easy you wipe and fix this ungodly HAMSTER or you can just refund my money that ive spent including the founder's pack. This is a huge breach and I can see PWI losing all their customer base over this. The only ones that are crying about a wipe are the ones that were prolly using the exploit. If you dont wipe you are punishing all the players that arent exploiting. I think that every person should complain and request a refund if they dont wipe.
I agree GAME = PLAY JOB = WORK. Leveling a new toon is fun NOT work. If you think it is work why are you not getting payed to play. lol
jjeshopMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
This is NOT a beta. It's "full live status" already. They sell zen. End of story.(Rusty hearts sold zen during their beta, they simply refunded it when it went live)
I'm halfway tempted to /tinfoilhat and say the people clamoring for a wipe WANT the game to fail. What possible motivations could nameless faceless individuals have to desire to sabotage a FTP MMO? hmmmm competition?
Probably younger players who've made fail build characters that don't have the means to buy respec token so are screaming for a wipe or that are maybe jealous of the some of the amazing characters that other randoms/fellow guildies have invested hundreds of hours and/or a fair amount of money in... who knows?
masarykMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
I'll take a complete wipe, don't want to get screwed after I bent over for Zen--no other way to get rid of those pernicious Astral Dingle-berries that were spewed all over our Action House.
skeetmiMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 1Arc User
Not understanding why you wouldn't just shut the servers down due to the severity of this exploit. The economy of the game is broken in so many ways that no amount of traced bans will solve it, I fail to see what "data" needs to be collected for you guys to understand that simple concept.
Says the guy worried about getting caught.......
tredoMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
If they don't wipe the game I don't think I'm coming back.
People who exploited will still get to keep there purple epic items. f^%$ that. Time to find another game.
+1 I totally agree. If I leave, I will be contacting my bank as well for a charge back on my Founders Pack for fraud! At the time I purchased my Founders Pack the 600k AD that came with it had a set value, now that this exploit has ruined the economy and the value of that AD, I'm sure my bank would have no problem refunding my money and charging it back to Cryptic or PW!!
sickenme56Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 9Arc User
Wow, no you are an idiot for calling him an idiot. Your point that you are so helpless to make is that banning the IP does ban the person behind it. NAT has nothing to do with it.
Thank you!:) At least someone on this forum is intelligent without trying to use "big words" to sound smarter than they actually are...And by the way..yes I am IT..for Genentech.
Leave rogervee alone lol. At least someone is trying to be positive.
Orly? I quote rogervee: "IT IS NOT THE END OF YOUR EXISTENCE. So chill, and if still you are not satisfied that the people who exploited aren't burned, crucified, lynched, beaten, stoned, shot, curb stomped, permanently banned and you feel the need to quit, by all means don't let the door hit you on the way out."
Sorry that's not positive by any means. It's snarky. I don't see anything constructive with their wall of text.
cutegayMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 24Arc User
Probably younger players who've made fail build characters that don't have the means to buy respec token so are screaming for a wipe or that are maybe jealous of the some of the amazing characters that other randoms/fellow guildies have invested hundreds of hours and/or a fair amount of money in... who knows?
Actualy most people who want a wipe are working adults that can afford to buy ZEN.
No ETA just yet. We're probably looking at multiple hours, though.
Whatever ends up happening, we'll be working to maintain as much time as possible, and all real-money transactions
and finally
Whatever ends up happening, complete wipes are off the table, and we'll work to minimize the impact while fixing the issue.
We only have to wait. I will go take a nap till GoT is on, I dont expect playing Neverwinter tonight, so c u all tomorrow.
and one last thing, the devs r people like us, and because am in the same industry I must tell you, that we all need to cut them some slack, they do the best they can, in the given time. Trust me it sux as hell, to have to report to work during the weekend and try to repair something with all the lights on you... Keep up the good work, take all the time you need and do it right.
with the text broken and not finished it feels like dezstravus was about to tell us something important and he has been silenced at the last minute !! is he still alive or is he one of the casualties for letting this exploit go ary
Maybe he was hacked by the exploiters!
Teh plot thickens...
chewy067Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 13Arc User
edited May 2013
you guys are morons if you got the founders pack then good on you. THIS GAME IS IN BETA! you still got all thew sweet items like the mount and spider 2m AD isnt nothing. Get over yourself.
arbroath1Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 12Arc User
edited May 2013
Who cares. This game's economy is horrible. Gold means nothing. The entire game seams like a cash grab. Cant wait for a proper MMO to release. Going back to Rift till TESO launches.
But banning by IP address IS quite useless, for people who want to bypass it. It's not hard to receive a new IP from your provider. At least, some providers. In my country they are handed out dynamically, so by using knowledge of the DHCP lease timer, and perhaps a 2nd modem (or just put it in bridge mode) you WILL receive a new IP. Sometimes you can just reboot your modem and you'll get one (not a DHCP expert, so no idea why this sometimes happens and sometimes doesn't).
I agree 100%. I was not advocating a ban by IP address nor its valisity. I was only trying to point out the NAT has nothing to do with why a IP ban would not be effective.
i agree on this, a total wipe or a new server is the only way to go, more then 50% of the servers populations are affected from this exploit, so anything short of a complete wipe is pointless. and not a fix at all!
Also, i don't care if they wipe all the economy affecting items, as long as I don't have to level again. I don't have the patience to do that over XD
Wow, no you are an idiot for calling him an idiot. Your point that you are so helpless to make is that banning the IP does ban the person behind it. NAT has nothing to do with it.
+1 ... boggles the mind. This really is incompetent; there is no other way to describe it.
Actually NAT is used at the provider level, possibly higher as well, on the internal networks. This is where the linking takes place between the tier1, 2 and 3 operators. I think they use it to more easily scale their traffic.
You can't be serious right now...
I agree GAME = PLAY JOB = WORK. Leveling a new toon is fun NOT work. If you think it is work why are you not getting payed to play. lol
Probably younger players who've made fail build characters that don't have the means to buy respec token so are screaming for a wipe or that are maybe jealous of the some of the amazing characters that other randoms/fellow guildies have invested hundreds of hours and/or a fair amount of money in... who knows?
Says the guy worried about getting caught.......
+1 I totally agree. If I leave, I will be contacting my bank as well for a charge back on my Founders Pack for fraud! At the time I purchased my Founders Pack the 600k AD that came with it had a set value, now that this exploit has ruined the economy and the value of that AD, I'm sure my bank would have no problem refunding my money and charging it back to Cryptic or PW!!
Thank you!:) At least someone on this forum is intelligent without trying to use "big words" to sound smarter than they actually are...And by the way..yes I am IT..for Genentech.
Orly? I quote rogervee: "IT IS NOT THE END OF YOUR EXISTENCE. So chill, and if still you are not satisfied that the people who exploited aren't burned, crucified, lynched, beaten, stoned, shot, curb stomped, permanently banned and you feel the need to quit, by all means don't let the door hit you on the way out."
Sorry that's not positive by any means. It's snarky. I don't see anything constructive with their wall of text.
Actualy most people who want a wipe are working adults that can afford to buy ZEN.
We only have to wait. I will go take a nap till GoT is on, I dont expect playing Neverwinter tonight, so c u all tomorrow.
and one last thing, the devs r people like us, and because am in the same industry I must tell you, that we all need to cut them some slack, they do the best they can, in the given time. Trust me it sux as hell, to have to report to work during the weekend and try to repair something with all the lights on you... Keep up the good work, take all the time you need and do it right.
Maybe he was hacked by the exploiters!
Teh plot thickens...
I agree 100%. I was not advocating a ban by IP address nor its valisity. I was only trying to point out the NAT has nothing to do with why a IP ban would not be effective.