Hey guys/gals, I wish there was more variety to the pvp content in Neverwinter but alas I have to make do with what's available. I also agree that CW are currently overpowered and the glacial knife daily needs to be tweaked down in damage. I hope you all enjoy the video and please let me know what you think.
zingarbageMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
This is why my priority is to put up astral seal and dots on everything. If I can keep your beam and plaguefire cleansed, it at least becomes possible to survive.
divenityMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 22Arc User
edited May 2013
That **** is just broken... I know this is just beta but they really need to get their **** together and balance this game.
I mean yeah, good play by you, good reaction time and stuff, but even you must agree that a ranged class with that much damage and that much CC is a bit on the OP side.
That **** is just broken... I know this is just beta but they really need to get their **** together and balance this game.
I mean yeah, good play by you, good reaction time and stuff, but even you must agree that a ranged class with that much damage and that much CC is a bit on the OP side.
The only thing broken in this video is how OP soulforged is.
That **** is just broken... I know this is just beta but they really need to get their **** together and balance this game.
I mean yeah, good play by you, good reaction time and stuff, but even you must agree that a ranged class with that much damage and that much CC is a bit on the OP side.
The only thing broken in this video is how OP soulforged is.
The only thing broken in this video is how OP soulforged is.
Yeah, you're right, I'm sure that guy he CC'd to death in 1.25 seconds at the end without any major crits (only about 5k damage worth of crits) would agree with you.
I just got my pvp gear then stopped queueing. There's serious inbalance and people know it. That's why you see guilds with mostly rogues and CW. You would think a class called control wizard would sacrifice damage for control.
I would rather watch a pvp vid of a broken class then a op class because a fresh 60 cw can still easily kill people.
khraktiMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 1Arc User
That **** is just broken... I know this is just beta but they really need to get their **** together and balance this game.
I mean yeah, good play by you, good reaction time and stuff, but even you must agree that a ranged class with that much damage and that much CC is a bit on the OP side.
I agree yes, damage is a bit high but I think that partially has to do with gear / build disparity amongst players who aren't capable of properly utilizing their toons. Majority of the problem rests upon PWE / Cryptic for making paid respecs, makes it hard for the average player to experiment with their builds and try different things out. Also some of the higher end gear (T2) is super expensive so only a small portion of the players will have the resources to maximize their gear. The enchantment stones are even more expensive so even a smaller portion will have access to those, I myself am fortunate to have a dedicated guild of hardcore players who've been playing together for years so we have the knowledge and experience to excel quickly in content where others struggle. (Although I might add that the PvE is absolutely miserable in this game with all the adds, just not fun.) - The gameplay / combat is a refreshing change and I enjoy the release of having to memorize 30-40 different keybinds, though I do wish it was "slightly" more complex - it still does it well - unlike Tera.
It's a work in progress, I do enjoy this game and I do think it is the best F2P MMO so far! I just hope they continue fixing the game / balancing it / and releasing more content.
I agree yes, damage is a bit high but I think that partially has to do with gear / build disparity amongst players who aren't capable of properly utilizing their toons. Majority of the problem rests upon PWE / Cryptic for making paid respecs, makes it hard for the average player to experiment with their builds and try different things out. Also some of the higher end gear (T2) is super expensive so only a small portion of the players will have the resources to maximize their gear. The enchantment stones are even more expensive so even a smaller portion will have access to those, I myself am fortunate to have a dedicated guild of hardcore players who've been playing together for years so we have the knowledge and experience to excel quickly in content where others struggle. (Although I might add that the PvE is absolutely miserable in this game with all the adds, just not fun.) - The gameplay / combat is a refreshing change and I enjoy the release of having to memorize 30-40 different keybinds, though I do wish it was "slightly" more complex - it still does it well - unlike Tera.
It's a work in progress, I do enjoy this game and I do think it is the best F2P MMO so far! I just hope they continue fixing the game / balancing it / and releasing more content.
thx for the video, i learned alot from it :-) editing was great and subtle... and i'm amazed you survived some of those fights.
Overpowered as opposed to what? as a CW I was killed twice today by rogues by hits for more than my entire health bar (over 21k)
Rogues are frustrating to fight against yes, hard to counter 1 hits from stealth - but if you do know that there is a rogue in the area be ready to preemptively blink several times in an effort to make him waste his big hits. Once your past the danger phase, lock him down and go for the kill.
aveanMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 0Arc User
Overpowered as opposed to what? as a CW I was killed twice today by rogues by hits for more than my entire health bar (over 21k)
Overpowered as opposed to what? as a TR I was killed [Insert] today by CWs by hits for more than my entire health bar (over 23k), as well as instant 2shots for over half.
zingarbageMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
Overpowered as opposed to what? as a TR I was killed [Insert] today by CWs by hits for more than my entire health bar (over 23k), as well as instant 2shots for over half.
Honestly, it doesn't really matter if something is OP or not. No one believes the PvP is competitive in its current state nor is there anything to really gain by participating in it.
Honestly, it doesn't really matter if something is OP or not. No one believes the PvP is competitive in its current state nor is there anything to really gain by participating in it.
Actually if you're good its one of the most fruitful areas of the game.
zingarbageMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
Fruitful how? Selling glory? You can work the AH and do better or you can run dungeons and sell the gear as well. The only thing that really requires being "good" is running the dungeons since pugs seem to struggle at anything outside of cloak tower.
maiku217Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 0Arc User
I really like the video I hope a dev watches it and realizes how badly your class needs a nerf. One class should not be able to singlehandedly cc an entire team and do enough damage to get kills at same time....
Sadly this game ain't going to go very far seeing as how no dev has even acknowledged the balance changes needed. This video is a prime example of the the skill level of playing a cw, spam your buttons and dodge when something gets close to you. Not hating on your skill at all just an fyi! you played very good. A cw's that doesnt panick and spam his dodge but stays in control is someone who knows the mechanics of this game.
Actually if you're good its one of the most fruitful areas of the game.
Actually this games pvp is by means in NO place to be comp material at all. The balance is all sorts of messed up. And if you actually were any pvp literate you'd know that. Does not matter how good you are.
If this game were to make a rating based system the Top comp would in fact be 2 cleric 3 cw
I on the other hand would say that in order for this game to be any bit decent for comp. Have to eliminate class stacking on a team.
1 of each and that is it. The way clerics can stack godmode buff and how 2 cw's can cc an entire team by themselves. game is in a very bad pvp state.
AND to be clear. An equally skilled cw or any class vs and equally skilled TR. TR should lose everytime. Just by playing tr so much I know when comp hits and if game stays as is. TR will be unviable. I know their flaws already.
maiku217Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
I'd like to pvp against them sometime but with the current system I can't. :< I've seen them queue 5 man with everyone having a perfect soulforge slotted, I don't know how with the current market unless you farmed dungeons like hell and have a guild just with 5 people. Anyhow, I've got a perfect sf myself and would definitely beat a cw 1v1.
Also, video highlights are always going to be highlights. Full stream of pvp sessions would show that it's not always the case that you'd own some noobs who don't know how to dodge/execute their skills. All classes can pretty much 2vs1 or sometimes 3vs1, no joke.
I'm curious how do you think your opponents gear compared to yours? Beating fresh 60s or people who only have their glory set doesn't provide much evidence concerning class balance.
Lucky enough to be in a great guild of friends who've been running together for over 10 years, we're pretty hardcore when it comes to MMOs. You can check out the other vids in my channel and see that we've run DAoC / Aion / WoW etc... Almost every MMO at some point end game PvP. We farmed up the dungeons (worst PvE dungeon design I've seen in any MMO lol) to get our gear, and sell what we can. Not everyone has our advantage and experience when it comes to MMOs.
Also I think we've done over a 1000 games now and have never lost, kinda depressing... Most teams just afk in the base, gets really boring. We also don't run pure premades- it's too boring, we usually run 2-3 in small premades to make it more challenging. Have gone up against full guild premades and it's very fun when there is some sort of challenge. This game has the potential to be amazing, I just hope they capitalize on their success. WTB competitive PvP please!
Damage and CC is insane for almost every class in PvP, but especially Rogues and Control Wizards.
Shard: Mindflayer
Characters: Grim, Rune, Holy, Ruin - If the name isn't the @FearGXxD handle, it's not me!
Re-uploaded video in 1080 HP quality, enjoy!
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Wrath - 60 Great Weapon Fighter - Mindflayer
Envy's Guardian Fighter DPS Conqueror Guide
Youtube Channel
CWs must be pretty OP if can still 2v1 people after giving up an arm and a leg for that perfect soulforge.
I mean yeah, good play by you, good reaction time and stuff, but even you must agree that a ranged class with that much damage and that much CC is a bit on the OP side.
The only thing broken in this video is how OP soulforged is.
Wrath - 60 Great Weapon Fighter - Mindflayer
Envy's Guardian Fighter DPS Conqueror Guide
Youtube Channel
The only thing broken in this video is how OP soulforged is.
Wrath - 60 Great Weapon Fighter - Mindflayer
Envy's Guardian Fighter DPS Conqueror Guide
Youtube Channel
Yeah, you're right, I'm sure that guy he CC'd to death in 1.25 seconds at the end without any major crits (only about 5k damage worth of crits) would agree with you.
I would rather watch a pvp vid of a broken class then a op class because a fresh 60 cw can still easily kill people.
I agree yes, damage is a bit high but I think that partially has to do with gear / build disparity amongst players who aren't capable of properly utilizing their toons. Majority of the problem rests upon PWE / Cryptic for making paid respecs, makes it hard for the average player to experiment with their builds and try different things out. Also some of the higher end gear (T2) is super expensive so only a small portion of the players will have the resources to maximize their gear. The enchantment stones are even more expensive so even a smaller portion will have access to those, I myself am fortunate to have a dedicated guild of hardcore players who've been playing together for years so we have the knowledge and experience to excel quickly in content where others struggle. (Although I might add that the PvE is absolutely miserable in this game with all the adds, just not fun.) - The gameplay / combat is a refreshing change and I enjoy the release of having to memorize 30-40 different keybinds, though I do wish it was "slightly" more complex - it still does it well - unlike Tera.
It's a work in progress, I do enjoy this game and I do think it is the best F2P MMO so far! I just hope they continue fixing the game / balancing it / and releasing more content.
thx for the video, i learned alot from it :-) editing was great and subtle... and i'm amazed you survived some of those fights.
Control Wizard L60 PvP Feat / Power Guide
Rogues are frustrating to fight against yes, hard to counter 1 hits from stealth - but if you do know that there is a rogue in the area be ready to preemptively blink several times in an effort to make him waste his big hits. Once your past the danger phase, lock him down and go for the kill.
Honestly, it doesn't really matter if something is OP or not. No one believes the PvP is competitive in its current state nor is there anything to really gain by participating in it.
Actually if you're good its one of the most fruitful areas of the game.
Wrath - 60 Great Weapon Fighter - Mindflayer
Envy's Guardian Fighter DPS Conqueror Guide
Youtube Channel
What he said ^.
GF with perfect SF enchant can 3v1 easily lol.
Sadly this game ain't going to go very far seeing as how no dev has even acknowledged the balance changes needed. This video is a prime example of the the skill level of playing a cw, spam your buttons and dodge when something gets close to you. Not hating on your skill at all just an fyi! you played very good. A cw's that doesnt panick and spam his dodge but stays in control is someone who knows the mechanics of this game.
Actually this games pvp is by means in NO place to be comp material at all. The balance is all sorts of messed up. And if you actually were any pvp literate you'd know that. Does not matter how good you are.
If this game were to make a rating based system the Top comp would in fact be 2 cleric 3 cw
I on the other hand would say that in order for this game to be any bit decent for comp. Have to eliminate class stacking on a team.
1 of each and that is it. The way clerics can stack godmode buff and how 2 cw's can cc an entire team by themselves. game is in a very bad pvp state.
AND to be clear. An equally skilled cw or any class vs and equally skilled TR. TR should lose everytime. Just by playing tr so much I know when comp hits and if game stays as is. TR will be unviable. I know their flaws already.
Also, video highlights are always going to be highlights. Full stream of pvp sessions would show that it's not always the case that you'd own some noobs who don't know how to dodge/execute their skills. All classes can pretty much 2vs1 or sometimes 3vs1, no joke.
Also I think we've done over a 1000 games now and have never lost, kinda depressing... Most teams just afk in the base, gets really boring. We also don't run pure premades- it's too boring, we usually run 2-3 in small premades to make it more challenging. Have gone up against full guild premades and it's very fun when there is some sort of challenge. This game has the potential to be amazing, I just hope they capitalize on their success.
I honestly pray to god they dont in the state the game is in now.