This is not launch.
This is not "soft launch".
This is not anything but what they say it is, which is open beta.
Let's begin class today by laying out the definition of beta being used in this instance
Beta- : a nearly complete prototype of a product (as software)
Sound familiar? It should. The game is not complete, hence why this is called open beta. Not live, or launch, or release, or any other terms you want to throw around ignorantly. The "Open" implies that even though it is testing an incomplete product, anyone is free to do so.
Money spent on said incomplete project has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO WITH WHETHER IT IS A BETA PROJECT OR NOT.
Had to get that off my chest, and I feel better now, even though I know the majority of you are going to continue to speak ignorantly (probably in this thread, in the first response). Ta-ta for now!
Soft launch - the release of a product or service to a limited audience. Soft-launching is a method for gathering data on a product's usage and acceptance in the marketplace, before making it generally available as a hard launch or grand opening. Companies may choose a soft launch to test the viability of a product or to fine tune a product before implementing a larger marketing effort.
Soft launch - the release of a product or service to a limited audience. Soft-launching is a method for gathering data on a product's usage and acceptance in the marketplace, before making it generally available as a hard launch or grand opening. Companies may choose a soft launch to test the viability of a product or to fine tune a product before implementing a larger marketing effort.
Soft launch is not a defined word, and is almost always marketing a complete product, which this is not. Tweaking is not the same as overhauling major features.
kerlaaMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
launch, launched, launch-ing v.
a. To throw or propel with force; hurl: launch a spear.
b. To set or thrust (a self-propelled craft or projectile) in motion: launch a rocket; launch a torpedo.
2. Nautical To put (a boat) into the water in readiness for use.
3. To set going; initiate: launch a career; launch a business venture.
4. To introduce to the public or to a market: launched the new perfume with prime-time commercials on the major networks.
i'm just going by the wikipedia definition of it - shaky, i know, but in situations like this at least somewhat viable. It is what it is, but considering the precedent set by other games that have had "extended open betas", I doubt any number of definitions are going to convince one side to relent and give up their views on this game - good or bad.
Also lets be honest - Open Beta, Soft Launch, what ever - once a game reaches even the later stage of closed beta the main systems are pretty much set, so aside from bugs (which will always exist, especially in a cryptic title - and i say that with all the fondness of someone that loyally played Champions from launch pretty much until the release of vehicles), the game is pretty much done.
Soft launch - the release of a product or service to a limited audience. Soft-launching is a method for gathering data on a product's usage and acceptance in the marketplace, before making it generally available as a hard launch or grand opening. Companies may choose a soft launch to test the viability of a product or to fine tune a product before implementing a larger marketing effort.
How limited is this audience?
"Beware the engineers of society, I say, who would make everyone in all the world equal. Opportunity should be equal, must be equal, but achievement must remain individual."
@OP, And off to my fanboylist... eh ignore-list you go.
Note, that my post has taken no side whatsoever on the game or any issues at all (and if you looked at my post history, you'd know I'm hardly a fangirl). I'm simply tired of people using ignorant words out of anger.
Grats on being a putz though
centrificMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 16Arc User
edited May 2013
The Drow race has always been marketed as being available to everyone 60 days after launch and I've yet to see any change in that wording. So if Drow gets released 60 days after the start of "Open Beta" then "Open Beta" = Launch.
The Drow race has always been marketed as being available to everyone 60 days after launch and I've yet to see any change in that wording. So if Drow gets released 60 days after the start of "Open Beta" then "Open Beta" = Launch.
:O good point, guess we will see and put an end to this argument over semantics (that being devs released an untested game too early asking for money, which is disreputable...regardless of terms used).
This is not launch.
This is not "soft launch".
This is not anything but what they say it is, which is open beta.
Let's begin class today by laying out the definition of beta being used in this instance
Beta- : a nearly complete prototype of a product (as software)
Sound familiar? It should. The game is not complete, hence why this is called open beta. Not live, or launch, or release, or any other terms you want to throw around ignorantly. The "Open" implies that even though it is testing an incomplete product, anyone is free to do so.
Money spent on said incomplete project has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO WITH WHETHER IT IS A BETA PROJECT OR NOT.
Had to get that off my chest, and I feel better now, even though I know the majority of you are going to continue to speak ignorantly (probably in this thread, in the first response). Ta-ta for now!
An open beta can be a soft launch.The fact is Developer's love to dress up releases in certain ways. I work as a developer and we are always very very cautious when developing & launching software for client's. You say "Oh yea it's a full release" and somewhere in your contract you have certain features that were set to be released on launch... you change it to a "We're in soft launch, not full" to cover your ***. I've done it a few times and have been on the receiving end of a deal that went sour because a managing director decided to put "The software will be finished on this specific date" to then be shafted by the client for not delivering complete software.
pressexpose1Member, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
where did you get your definition of beta from? That's not the dictionary definition. It's not the industry definition and it's not the computer dictionary definition.
I don't want to have this argument again as I've made my understanding of things =quite clear in other threads.
But your definitions sounds like something you have written i.e. opinion, to suit an position that you personally hold. i.e. another opinion.
Not saying that I know what their plans is, but they seem to have a timetable in place. What we should be asking is what this timetable is, instead of arguing about schematics (sp?).
This is not launch.
This is not "soft launch".
This is not anything but what they say it is, which is open beta.
Let's begin class today by laying out the definition of beta being used in this instance
Beta- : a nearly complete prototype of a product (as software)
Sound familiar? It should. The game is not complete, hence why this is called open beta. Not live, or launch, or release, or any other terms you want to throw around ignorantly. The "Open" implies that even though it is testing an incomplete product, anyone is free to do so.
Money spent on said incomplete project has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO WITH WHETHER IT IS A BETA PROJECT OR NOT.
Had to get that off my chest, and I feel better now, even though I know the majority of you are going to continue to speak ignorantly (probably in this thread, in the first response). Ta-ta for now!
Here is how I interpret game development phases:
Pre-alpha -> concept only; proof of concept
Alpha -> expanding on proof of concept and finalizing "required" features
Beta -> playable with all "required" features, main focus is fixing bugs and adding smaller features
Gold -> the product is finalized and becomes the 1.0 edition of the game
We then have the following "public testing" phases:
Closed beta -> typically is focused testing on certain parts to find bugs and test fixes of any bugs
Open beta -> typically used to stress test server and gather huge amounts of data typically used to create a better "gold" launch for the game.
In both cases the environment you are testing in is not final and thus, whatever you do in that period should be removed to restore balance for when the game goes gold and officially launches.
If wiping accounts does not occur prior to release, then I would consider a game to have "soft launched".
Here is hoping Cryptic WILL wipe all accounts in order to restore the heavily exploited economy.
Here is how I interpret game development phases:
Pre-alpha -> concept only; proof of concept
Alpha -> expanding on proof of concept and finalizing "required" features
Beta -> playable with all "required" features, main focus is fixing bugs and adding smaller features
Gold -> the product is finalized and becomes the 1.0 edition of the game
We then have the following "public testing" phases:
Closed beta -> typically is focused testing on certain parts to find bugs and test fixes of any bugs
Open beta -> typically used to stress test server and gather huge amounts of data typically used to create a better "gold" launch for the game.
In both cases the environment you are testing in is not final and thus, whatever you do in that period should be removed to restore balance for when the game goes gold and officially launches.
If wiping accounts does not occur prior to release, then I would consider a game to have "soft launched".
Here is hoping Cryptic WILL wipe all accounts in order to restore the heavily exploited economy.
you're right and they should clean up everything but... with all those ZEN's already bought by ppl? it won't happen... (guessing only but..)
and ye - Open beta -> typically used to stress test server... seems we're rather in closed beta as we're in middle of bugs/glitch area currently
this game been so nice at the beginning and it's so annoying when reached 60...
This is not launch.
This is not "soft launch".
This is not anything but what they say it is, which is open beta.
Let's begin class today by laying out the definition of beta being used in this instance
Beta- : a nearly complete prototype of a product (as software)
Sound familiar? It should. The game is not complete, hence why this is called open beta. Not live, or launch, or release, or any other terms you want to throw around ignorantly. The "Open" implies that even though it is testing an incomplete product, anyone is free to do so.
Money spent on said incomplete project has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO WITH WHETHER IT IS A BETA PROJECT OR NOT.
Had to get that off my chest, and I feel better now, even though I know the majority of you are going to continue to speak ignorantly (probably in this thread, in the first response). Ta-ta for now!
First of all im glad youre feeling better now, and we definitely need everyone who firmly believes this is a beta to open new topic, because just 3-4 per day wont cut it.
Do you realize f2p games use open beta term because... they can do it. For all you know this beta might last for years, like some other f2p did.
Now, how many p2p 'live-open betas' have you seen? None. Because they couldnt do it. F2P games do it because, well, because they can. And because they know there will be people like you defending this shady marketing strategy.
so far all pro-open beta arguments consist of nonsensical stuff like
- but but its free, nobody forced you to spend money on it (SO ITS A BETA! ta-taaa)
Of course its free, its a f2p game dummy :P
- but ... its not finished (hence ... ITS A BETA! ta-taaaaaaaa, i wins)
how many finished mmos are there? By that definition, are all mmos in beta?
And once these 2 fail they go back to...
- but... NW publishers said its beta (SO IT MUST BE A BETA! ta-taaa, now i really wins)
Its no more beta than p2p games launches were. Its just that this payment model gives them rights to call it however they want, and they chose to hide behind the beta tag. Because if all out of sudden, everything in game breaks they could always use f2p-exclusive... "hey its a beta you know" excuse.
but fear not OP, because topics like this might help us non-believers, and change our mind. Maybe, one day we'll finally realize its just a normal beta. Lets just say its open beta with a twitch? Its a beta that
- sells $200 premium packs
- has fully functional cash shop
- lets you exchange $ for in game money
- has no char wipes/rollbacks
This is a F2P game. All F2P games Soft Launch, not as Open Beta. This is why the new term was introduced towards F2P games since they were doing half and half.
OP sounds like a dumbfounded fanboy. Get on with times bro, things change.
Why is this even a debate?!? Its mind blowing how much ranting this has brought up. Lead Designer stated its in Open Beta, the homepage says its in Open Beta, the main Forum Mod just said yesterday they are close to "Launch"... we are in Open Beta.
Why is this even a debate?!? Its mind blowing how much ranting this has brought up. Lead Designer stated its in Open Beta, the homepage says its in Open Beta, the main Forum Mod just said yesterday they are close to "Launch"... we are in Open Beta.
my best bet would be its still so hot topic because of f2p companies abusing 'open beta' tag. I could be wrong though, and for all we know pwe and other f2p companies having -live-open-betas are doing it because its good for us, players. Maybe we just cant appreciate it enough? What a bunch of ungrateful people we are.
maybe its just because f2p betas are no different to p2p live launches too. I suppose we'll never find out?
And as you said in your post, even PWE themselves said its a beta. So it must be a beta.
Now everyone relax and lets wait for this game to go live. Once it goes live everyone will be able to play it, they will have cash shop, $ > AD exchange, and most important of it all - there will be no more character wipes ! Yay for no more wipes.
I don't care what they are calling it. Fact is, if they have a cash shop open, we are beyond the "founder" or "pre-order" beta phase of the game. Of course, this IS just MY opinion on the matter. I honestly feel this is a launch. If they called it a head-start, I'd feel a bit better about it.
torontodaveMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 992Arc User
edited May 2013
This is the problem.
I level up faster than I can redeem my dailies. I lose all my astral diamonds because I can't turn them in because I'm too high a level.
This image is a level 49 daily, by the time I finish 3 skirmishes, I'm level 50 and can't turn it in.
THIS IS DRIVING ME *CRAZY* I haven't been able to turn in an AD daily since like, Level 10.
NW-DSQ39N5SJ - 'To Infinity, and BEYOND!' - Spelljammer Quest. Skyships, Indiana Jones moments NW-DC9R4J5EH - 'The Black Pearl' - Spelljammer! Phlo Riders and Space Orcs
Thanks for all the fish.
calaminthaMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
Soft launch is not a defined word, and is almost always marketing a complete product, which this is not. Tweaking is not the same as overhauling major features.
Also lets be honest - Open Beta, Soft Launch, what ever - once a game reaches even the later stage of closed beta the main systems are pretty much set, so aside from bugs (which will always exist, especially in a cryptic title - and i say that with all the fondness of someone that loyally played Champions from launch pretty much until the release of vehicles), the game is pretty much done.
How limited is this audience?
- Drizzt Do'Urden
― R.A. Salvatore
Note, that my post has taken no side whatsoever on the game or any issues at all (and if you looked at my post history, you'd know I'm hardly a fangirl). I'm simply tired of people using ignorant words out of anger.
Grats on being a putz though
This is an open beta. Start treating it like one.
:O good point, guess we will see and put an end to this argument over semantics (that being devs released an untested game too early asking for money, which is disreputable...regardless of terms used).
I think you need more cowbell.
And playing by myself since Aug 2009
Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber
An open beta can be a soft launch.The fact is Developer's love to dress up releases in certain ways. I work as a developer and we are always very very cautious when developing & launching software for client's. You say "Oh yea it's a full release" and somewhere in your contract you have certain features that were set to be released on launch... you change it to a "We're in soft launch, not full" to cover your ***. I've done it a few times and have been on the receiving end of a deal that went sour because a managing director decided to put "The software will be finished on this specific date" to then be shafted by the client for not delivering complete software.
This is an open beta. Start treating it like one.
I don't want to have this argument again as I've made my understanding of things =quite clear in other threads.
But your definitions sounds like something you have written i.e. opinion, to suit an position that you personally hold. i.e. another opinion.
pressexpose1 linked this in a similar thread. Sum's it up quite nicely I think.
Enough said.
Part 1: NW-DMFKR9RPL http://nw-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?427711-Brunnen-des-Lichts-Teil-1
Part 2: NW-DLBTN8W28 http://nw-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?444281-Brunnen-des-Lichts-Teil-2
Icewind Dale campaign Osthafen sehen & sterben (German)
NW-DMC3IOWAE http://nw-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?477201-Osthafen-sehen-amp-sterben
Opinion piece is opinion piece.
Not saying that I know what their plans is, but they seem to have a timetable in place. What we should be asking is what this timetable is, instead of arguing about schematics (sp?).
This is an open beta. Start treating it like one.
Pre-alpha -> concept only; proof of concept
Alpha -> expanding on proof of concept and finalizing "required" features
Beta -> playable with all "required" features, main focus is fixing bugs and adding smaller features
Gold -> the product is finalized and becomes the 1.0 edition of the game
We then have the following "public testing" phases:
Closed beta -> typically is focused testing on certain parts to find bugs and test fixes of any bugs
Open beta -> typically used to stress test server and gather huge amounts of data typically used to create a better "gold" launch for the game.
In both cases the environment you are testing in is not final and thus, whatever you do in that period should be removed to restore balance for when the game goes gold and officially launches.
If wiping accounts does not occur prior to release, then I would consider a game to have "soft launched".
Here is hoping Cryptic WILL wipe all accounts in order to restore the heavily exploited economy.
you're right and they should clean up everything but... with all those ZEN's already bought by ppl?
and ye - Open beta -> typically used to stress test server... seems we're rather in closed beta as we're in middle of bugs/glitch area currently
this game been so nice at the beginning and it's so annoying when reached 60...
First of all im glad youre feeling better now, and we definitely need everyone who firmly believes this is a beta to open new topic, because just 3-4 per day wont cut it.
Do you realize f2p games use open beta term because... they can do it. For all you know this beta might last for years, like some other f2p did.
Now, how many p2p 'live-open betas' have you seen? None. Because they couldnt do it. F2P games do it because, well, because they can. And because they know there will be people like you defending this shady marketing strategy.
so far all pro-open beta arguments consist of nonsensical stuff like
- but but its free, nobody forced you to spend money on it (SO ITS A BETA! ta-taaa)
Of course its free, its a f2p game dummy :P
- but ... its not finished (hence ... ITS A BETA! ta-taaaaaaaa, i wins)
how many finished mmos are there? By that definition, are all mmos in beta?
And once these 2 fail they go back to...
- but... NW publishers said its beta (SO IT MUST BE A BETA! ta-taaa, now i really wins)
Its no more beta than p2p games launches were. Its just that this payment model gives them rights to call it however they want, and they chose to hide behind the beta tag. Because if all out of sudden, everything in game breaks they could always use f2p-exclusive... "hey its a beta you know" excuse.
but fear not OP, because topics like this might help us non-believers, and change our mind. Maybe, one day we'll finally realize its just a normal beta. Lets just say its open beta with a twitch? Its a beta that
- sells $200 premium packs
- has fully functional cash shop
- lets you exchange $ for in game money
- has no char wipes/rollbacks
but hey, its a beta. because pwe said so.
OP sounds like a dumbfounded fanboy. Get on with times bro, things change.
my best bet would be its still so hot topic because of f2p companies abusing 'open beta' tag. I could be wrong though, and for all we know pwe and other f2p companies having -live-open-betas are doing it because its good for us, players. Maybe we just cant appreciate it enough? What a bunch of ungrateful people we are.
maybe its just because f2p betas are no different to p2p live launches too. I suppose we'll never find out?
And as you said in your post, even PWE themselves said its a beta. So it must be a beta.
Now everyone relax and lets wait for this game to go live. Once it goes live everyone will be able to play it, they will have cash shop, $ > AD exchange, and most important of it all - there will be no more character wipes ! Yay for no more wipes.
This is the problem.
I level up faster than I can redeem my dailies. I lose all my astral diamonds because I can't turn them in because I'm too high a level.
This image is a level 49 daily, by the time I finish 3 skirmishes, I'm level 50 and can't turn it in.
THIS IS DRIVING ME *CRAZY* I haven't been able to turn in an AD daily since like, Level 10.
also, http://nw-forum.perfectworld.com/ is broken and just says "It works!" fix that already.
NW-DC9R4J5EH - 'The Black Pearl' - Spelljammer! Phlo Riders and Space Orcs
Thanks for all the fish.
Just wait until b2p and p2p games start abusing the term more too. "The game is in open beta. Just buy it and subscribe to join."