When people complain about this type of stuff; it really shows me about how impatient people are as a whole. Sometimes the big problems you want don't have an easy, elegant solution that will make you happy. So instead of pushing a crude, messy fix that will not work in the long-run; they are taking their time. Handling the little stuff that they can slap some Rhino-skin on to fix it and working on the bigger stuff at the same time.. If there's one thing that they've shown us; that they don't want to push anything hastily and are trying to get things as close to perfect as they can. And we can argue the "Live vs Open" Arguement all day, but I have to take the side of it being an Open beta. Sure, they've said they're not wiping characters and their accepting cash monies now, but a lot of the game still needs some work; and they've been on the ball every single time something's happened. So.. Just have some patience, guys.. And stop knit-picking. The world isn't going to end because someone's rubbing the game's economy in a (Futile) Attempt to 'bring it down', by some of your standards.
spodeanMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 22Arc User
When my car breaks down I don't expect them to say there is hundreds of problems but at the moment we have put air in your tires we will do the rest later.
They're a company of multiple people they should be able to get on top of a lot of bugs that have been in the game a while now.
Chances are they are working on other bugs and obviously haven't fixed them yet, according to your logic they shouldn't release a patch unless it addresses all the issues... so even the little things that one of their programmers got done we should not see.
Better than nothing. I guarantee you they aren't sitting idly by doing nothing. Some things take time. It's not like their whole house was dedicated to fixing these bugs for this patch, probably one dude fixed these things. The rest are working on other things.
You sound like someone who has never played any online game ever if you think these current issues are going to kill the game. Most likely all that will happen is that a few hundred no-lifers will whine for a few weeks until the issue is fixed and after that they will return and it will be business as usual.
99.9% of the people playing the game have no idea about these issues and most probably don't even care. I don't really care if some dude is making millions of AD, why would I? What does it matter to me? Do I care about the temporary details of the economy? Not really. Not that much. It's not like this is Diablo III where items are absolutely everything that is important about the game.
I mean it would be nice if they fixed it and all, don't get me wrong. But I'm not here to play a business simulator or no-life day in and day out looking for the nicest set of pixels to show off at random people.
I'm here to enjoy the story content, maybe do a few easy quests with some friends. Do a foundry quest every now and again for fun and that's about it.
And this is what most players are likely to be doing as-well. Most people don't read the forums, don't look into bugs or exploits until they happen upon it themselves. Most people are blissfully unaware of the vast majority of issues with any game, because people just like to enjoy it without getting overly deeply involved.
Just like most people don't care that a movie has plotholes or inaccuracies, most don't even notice until they read about it somewhere online.
I mean I can understand why the people who put money into the game are pissed - I totally get that. But to be honest, putting several hundred dollars into a Beta version of a F2P game. Well... that's just a whole set of crazy I probably will never understand.
Well... in any case. I hope they do fix the issues, but since the game is Beta technically their butts are covered and they don't have to do HAMSTER if they don't want to. I'm sure they are working on it, but if it's not easy to fix, it's not easy to fix and no amount of speculation on our part will change anything anyway...
I'm off to, well. Just do some foundry quests for the fun storylines and mindless combat.
And all those people will be effected with a broken economy in the coming two months. Let me quote someone that can explain this so much better than me.
you have absolutely zero understanding of the way economics works then.
ill try to dumb it down as best i can.
there is a hard cap of 20 thousand astral diamonds per character being generated a day, all other income is netted through means of player exchange, the vast majority of all AD running around currently is regurgitated founders money. the exploiters who are amassing these obscene numbers of money are taking this AD out of play because they'll be selling it, if they don't convert it to zen (escpecially because zen isn't tradable).
maybe some will come back into play via the sales, but regardless, this amassing on a large scale will cause all other actual AD prices to drop, and relative prices to zen to rise, causing zen to become increasingly more difficult to buy, and causing astral diamonds tobecome lower and lower in value, until a point where you will not even be able to afford simple things such as a respec with out paying real cash.
with out injecting more ad into the economy, or redistributing the ad on the banned accounts, the economy will eventually dwindle away.
this combined with the out of play AD on accounts that quit or have since became inactive will just make this game stagnate to a painful level. come back in two months and you'll know what i mean. (hell if you're observant you've had already noticed this trend, its not natural, what has happened in the last week to the ad prices should have had happened over a month period, or longer, but instead it happend far too fast..)
so yes this affects EVERYONE. i don't need your shortsighted bull**** telling me to stop playing because im mad at other people getting things that dont affect me. this DOES affect me, and it affects YOU.
legit players suffer from this more than any one else.
What the hell is wrong with gamers.... I wish companies like these would just not post patch notes because nothing is ever good enough for anybody... Its always oh your not doing this or you suck because you haven't done that.
Shut the hell up... You have no idea what is involved in developing a game of this scale. They are clearly bugs that are effectively lower level game play and it needs to be addressed, its more important than higher level game play right now since this is currently in Open Beta and that is where the majority of people who don't hardcore are at.
Stop complaining about useless HAMSTER and do something interesting with your life while the servers are down...
As for... "there is a hard cap of 20 thousand astral diamonds per character being generated a day," this is utter rubbish... there is a hard cap of 24,000 ROUGH diamonds gained each day per daily quests (at max level) and there are plenty more ways of grinding out more astral diamonds...
Economies work based on supply and demand... People want astral diamonds so they will buy them... This patch and any other patch that NW release is not going to effect astral diamonds in anyway at all...
merkedbythebestMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 6Arc User
edited May 2013
The game itself is pretty awesome. I enjoy the crafting system (hands off, like SWTOR... runs while you're off), the skill trees leave a little to be desired. But again, like everyone's saying, it's still in BETA. I think you guys need to stop drinking so much troll juice and take it easy on the developers. There's alot that goes into these games. You can't just point, click, and boom the problem is fixed. They have to figure out the source and work from the root to re-write the area with the issue.
In regards to them being selective about the bugs they actually fix... I somewhat agree. I see tons of bugs on a daily basis (for instance, when I type in a level req. range in the AH... I still see items below the lower value.), but you have to understand it's comparable to the FBI fishing for tips on nationally wanted criminals. They have to sort through thousands and thousands of tips and decide which ones are going to bring this guy to justice. Akin to that is the developers sorting through all the bugs the game has cause its still in BETA....... and deciding which ones are truly going to have the biggest negative impact on the players. Exploits are number one on my list.
I've played a whole ton of MMO's, and as far as things have gone... I'm satisfied with how the games played out so far in regards to all the previous games / books / lore. It's interesting to see how they flesh it out. That being said, I'll just be a good little tester (like they intended), compile all my bugs, and report them. If it goes to the HAMSTER shoot, oh well. It was pretty darn entertaining while it lasted.
I run a guild with over 200 members currently, Every one quit. The economy is officially ruined. The only way to fix this game is for a total reset upon "release" once bugs are fixed. If that doesn't happen or some sort of roll back to a week ago.. The game is dead before it's even released. Also all the guys that are going around exploiting for 100s of millions of AD should be banned.
GG no longer really interested in this game.
200 quit at once, yeah... i saw a pig fly today. You sound like a guy who whined in PVP Arena
for be being stunned for a FULL 2 minutes by a rogue. He did even have a screenshot of the 2 minutes.
I still wonder how 2 minutes looks in a screenshot.
And all those people will be effected with a broken economy in the coming two months. Let me quote someone that can explain this so much better than me.
issue with this is there will always be buyers for zen / ad and most of that will wind up swapping out even if its for someone to buy zen with ad to swap to a diff game
What the hell is wrong with gamers.... I wish companies like these would just not post patch notes because nothing is ever good enough for anybody... Its always oh your not doing this or you suck because you haven't done that.
Shut the hell up... You have no idea what is involved in developing a game of this scale. They are clearly bugs that are effectively lower level game play and it needs to be addressed, its more important than higher level game play right now since this is currently in Open Beta and that is where the majority of people who don't hardcore are at.
Stop complaining about useless HAMSTER and do something interesting with your life while the servers are down...
As for... "there is a hard cap of 20 thousand astral diamonds per character being generated a day," this is utter rubbish... there is a hard cap of 24,000 ROUGH diamonds gained each day per daily quests (at max level) and there are plenty more ways of grinding out more astral diamonds...
Economies work based on supply and demand... People want astral diamonds so they will buy them... This patch and any other patch that NW release is not going to effect astral diamonds in anyway at all...
Yeah he got that figure wrong, but everything else is correct.. Fixing the game economy is more important than the exploit they are currently fixing. The exploit doesn't effect the gameplay on lower levels, seriously, do you even know what you're talking about??
issue with this is there will always be buyers for zen / ad and most of that will wind up swapping out even if its for someone to buy zen with ad to swap to a diff game
You can't swap ZEN and AD between games.. And most players are selling the AD to goldsites so yeah, we won't be seeing much in circulation unless people start buying AD from those sites..
Yeah he got that figure wrong, but everything else is correct.. Fixing the game economy is more important than the exploit they are currently fixing. The exploit doesn't effect the gameplay on lower levels, seriously, do you even know what you're talking about??
the exploit they fixed is 100% targeting an exploit that negatively effects the in game economy.
issue with this is there will always be buyers for zen / ad and most of that will wind up swapping out even if its for someone to buy zen with ad to swap to a diff game
No patch in NW is ever going to effect how Zen / AD supply and demand works because its cross multiple games... Its a very smart system... Gold has no purpose whatsoever in NW... the games currency is AD... You are actually much better off playing all of PW games and transfering the zen to NW that you gain from other games.
As I said already economies work on supply and demand and since you can essentially make real life money from playing NW and other PW games by selling zen they will never have any issues as far as their games economies are concerned
The game itself is pretty awesome. I enjoy the crafting system (hands off, like SWTOR... runs while you're off), the skill trees leave a little to be desired. But again, like everyone's saying, it's still in BETA. I think you guys need to stop drinking so much troll juice and take it easy on the developers. There's alot that goes into these games. You can't just point, click, and boom the problem is fixed. They have to figure out the source and work from the root to re-write the area with the issue.
In regards to them being selective about the bugs they actually fix... I somewhat agree. I see tons of bugs on a daily basis (for instance, when I type in a level req. range in the AH... I still see items below the lower value.), but you have to understand it's comparable to the FBI fishing for tips on nationally wanted criminals. They have to sort through thousands and thousands of tips and decide which ones are going to bring this guy to justice. Akin to that is the developers sorting through all the bugs the game has cause its still in BETA....... and deciding which ones are truly going to have the biggest negative impact on the players. Exploits are number one on my list.
I've played a whole ton of MMO's, and as far as things have gone... I'm satisfied with how the games played out so far in regards to all the previous games / books / lore. It's interesting to see how they flesh it out. That being said, I'll just be a good little tester (like they intended), compile all my bugs, and report them. If it goes to the HAMSTER shoot, oh well. It was pretty darn entertaining while it lasted.
Yes they should be selective but cmon, fixing bugs/exploits that are gamebreaking takes priority, everyone should see that.. The fact that real money is involved doesn't make things better..
Yeah he got that figure wrong, but everything else is correct.. Fixing the game economy is more important than the exploit they are currently fixing. The exploit doesn't effect the gameplay on lower levels, seriously, do you even know what you're talking about??
You can't swap ZEN and AD between games.. And most players are selling the AD to goldsites so yeah, we won't be seeing much in circulation unless people start buying AD from those sites..
the exploit they fixed is 100% targeting an exploit that negatively effects the in game economy.
that's the opposite of what youre saying.
Never said it wasn't. I said there's even more severe exploits that they should focus on, that are effecting the economy more than this one.. There's exploits where you can 1 shot epic dungeon bosses and do things solo. Players have farmed up to ~200 million ad already, and those are AD we won't be seeing in the system anymore since I bet they are selling it off to goldsites for real money..
I'll put .5 zen that those people not complaining about any of the nerfs all rolled foundry cw/gwf and are using exploits to down bosses. but it cant be proved either way.
i know one way to break the gwf exploit is to remove the 4p bonus. this will instantly break that one. i'm not sure about the other classes, however.
Open the Launcher. Click Options near the top. Check Disable on-demand patching. This will download another couple of gigs.
professorfastMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 2Arc User
edited May 2013
Sure is a lot of whining and ignorance of any basic economic knowledge in this thread. Last week people were complaining about the "flood" of AD from founder's packs because of how they got in early; now people are complaining about people taking AD out of the market? :rolleyes:
And all those people will be effected with a broken economy in the coming two months. Let me quote someone that can explain this so much better than me.
Kay's post is flawed and seems mostly concerned with his or her slice of the cake being smaller than he or she would like. This is also why you are annoyed: that YOU have to sell your stuff for less and can't get a bigger share. It's food envy, but there is actually enough food for everyone. Those people who would otherwise have spent 200k AD on a piece of armor can now get it for 20k AD. That leaves them with 180k AD they can spend on other stuff.
That is also an aspect Kay's post completely neglects: The majority of ADs already WAS going to a small subset of the community: those able to farm T2 instances. This exploit only made the subset even smaller (those who exploited bugs). But one thing didn't change: The vast majority of the AD in the economy was only held by a small minority of the player base. It is still that way now. The average player's average AD wealth isn't affected by this either way.
Ironically, having fewer AD in the economy is something that I think is a GOOD thing, because it actually increases the value (purchase power) of those 24k AD a day. It slows down the economy. If these players do get banned, then it stabilizes the economy further. If they don't, then they will spent their AD on something -- either Zen items or AH things. Either way, AD return to the economy or items do. It just isn't a big deal.
Easy fix already, remove the set piece for now, close down the effected dungeons until a fix has been done. That would limit some damage, but sadly a lot has already been made.. The real question is, who is the HAMSTER, not us for sure..
If you think these exploits don't affect you at all. Lets go play an FPS. I'll go find an aim bot and we'll see how long you keep playing.
T3 is used in PvP. Why would I invite a minimal GS player when I can invite the guy with all t3s and epic slot gems.
Also those epic gems are far from luxury. 1% unresistable dmg output x6 and 2sec immune is not luxury, its pwn your face cuz I got better gear. Lets not forget mount speed either, all thanks to to unpunished exploits.
qualityplayerMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 8Arc User
If you think these exploits don't affect you at all. Lets go play an FPS. I'll go find an aim bot and we'll see how long you keep playing.
T3 is used in PvP. Why would I invite a minimal GS player when I can invite the guy with all t3s and epic slot gems.
Also those epic gems are far from luxury. 1% unresistable dmg output x6 and 2sec immune is not luxury, its pwn your face cuz I got better gear. Lets not forget mount speed either, all thanks to to unpunished exploits.
fite me irl
ill show u pvp gear
Edit: I love this game as much as I love tunabread on a sunny friday.
Kay's post is flawed and seems mostly concerned with his or her slice of the cake being smaller than he or she would like. This is also why you are annoyed: that YOU have to sell your stuff for less and can't get a bigger share. It's food envy, but there is actually enough food for everyone. Those people who would otherwise have spent 200k AD on a piece of armor can now get it for 20k AD. That leaves them with 180k AD they can spend on other stuff.
That is also an aspect Kay's post completely neglects: The majority of ADs already WAS going to a small subset of the community: those able to farm T2 instances. This exploit only made the subset even smaller (those who exploited bugs). But one thing didn't change: The vast majority of the AD in the economy was only held by a small minority of the player base. It is still that way now. The average player's average AD wealth isn't affected by this either way.
Ironically, having fewer AD in the economy is something that I think is a GOOD thing, because it actually increases the value (purchase power) of those 24k AD a day. It slows down the economy. If these players do get banned, then it stabilizes the economy further. If they don't, then they will spent their AD on something -- either Zen items or AH things. Either way, AD return to the economy or items do. It just isn't a big deal.
No, the reason I'm annoyed is because people are destroying the economy. We need a working economy if we are going to be able to afford stuff like enchanting our gear and companions. And also be able to buy convenience items from the cash shop, etc. So much recquires thosuands of AD in this game, everything from what I've previously written to unsocketing enchants.
I do agree about the AD was going to a small subset of the community, that's also why I've posted that I would've liked to see no ad to the founders, but a small ammount of ZEN instead.. I also want to see a smaller ammount of AD in the system, and I do hope they ban the people and fixes the exploits. That's what I've been posting previously..
Oh and also, no, it won't leave people 180k to spend on other things, because people won't be able to earn enough AD to have that. The daily limit and the broken AH will make sure of that. Then the ammount of AD recquired to enchant the gear they bought for 10k will cost more than 180k.. Then if they want a mount they either have to farm 2,8 million ad or buy a cash shop mount.. So the economy is still screwd. And the money that has been siphoned from the system won't be coming back, most will be either hoarding them or selling them to goldsites..
Sure is a lot of whining and ignorance of any basic economic knowledge in this thread. Last week people were complaining about the "flood" of AD from founder's packs because of how they got in early; now people are complaining about people taking AD out of the market? :rolleyes:
Both are a problem. There shouldn't be any founder ad at all and the exploits are destroying the market atm.
merkedbythebestMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 6Arc User
Yes they should be selective but cmon, fixing bugs/exploits that are gamebreaking takes priority, everyone should see that.. The fact that real money is involved doesn't make things better..
That's exactly what I said. Exploits are number one on my list. Exploits are basically a means for players to just abuse the system and get ridiculous amounts of currency / items / you-name-it. They're the textbook definition of "gamebreaker"... of course many other things can ruin it but like I said, this is at the top of the list.
Next, people need to get over the whole entire concept that money being involved ruins the game. If money wasn't involved... in some way, shape, or form, guess what? There would be NO game. These guys don't just come in and sit at their computers and write code, make DnD formulas, and design an entire world for you to jerk around in for free. That would be great if they did, but let's face it, they don't. Any Free-To-Play game is always going to have the people that make it Pay-to-Win or Pay-for-Edge. But when you think about it, without those jerks you hate so much, you'd be sitting on your thumb wondering what happened.
Chances are they are working on other bugs and obviously haven't fixed them yet, according to your logic they shouldn't release a patch unless it addresses all the issues... so even the little things that one of their programmers got done we should not see.
Better than nothing. I guarantee you they aren't sitting idly by doing nothing. Some things take time. It's not like their whole house was dedicated to fixing these bugs for this patch, probably one dude fixed these things. The rest are working on other things.
And all those people will be effected with a broken economy in the coming two months. Let me quote someone that can explain this so much better than me.
Shut the hell up... You have no idea what is involved in developing a game of this scale. They are clearly bugs that are effectively lower level game play and it needs to be addressed, its more important than higher level game play right now since this is currently in Open Beta and that is where the majority of people who don't hardcore are at.
Stop complaining about useless HAMSTER and do something interesting with your life while the servers are down...
As for... "there is a hard cap of 20 thousand astral diamonds per character being generated a day," this is utter rubbish... there is a hard cap of 24,000 ROUGH diamonds gained each day per daily quests (at max level) and there are plenty more ways of grinding out more astral diamonds...
Economies work based on supply and demand... People want astral diamonds so they will buy them... This patch and any other patch that NW release is not going to effect astral diamonds in anyway at all...
In regards to them being selective about the bugs they actually fix... I somewhat agree. I see tons of bugs on a daily basis (for instance, when I type in a level req. range in the AH... I still see items below the lower value.), but you have to understand it's comparable to the FBI fishing for tips on nationally wanted criminals. They have to sort through thousands and thousands of tips and decide which ones are going to bring this guy to justice. Akin to that is the developers sorting through all the bugs the game has cause its still in BETA....... and deciding which ones are truly going to have the biggest negative impact on the players. Exploits are number one on my list.
I've played a whole ton of MMO's, and as far as things have gone... I'm satisfied with how the games played out so far in regards to all the previous games / books / lore. It's interesting to see how they flesh it out. That being said, I'll just be a good little tester (like they intended), compile all my bugs, and report them. If it goes to the HAMSTER shoot, oh well. It was pretty darn entertaining while it lasted.
200 quit at once, yeah... i saw a pig fly today. You sound like a guy who whined in PVP Arena
for be being stunned for a FULL 2 minutes by a rogue. He did even have a screenshot of the 2 minutes.
I still wonder how 2 minutes looks in a screenshot.
Live long and prosper.
issue with this is there will always be buyers for zen / ad and most of that will wind up swapping out even if its for someone to buy zen with ad to swap to a diff game
(Thanks for plugging another exploit, NW team.
[SIGPIC]Captain Electric and the Sapien Spider[/SIGPIC]
Vote YES for the Foundry in Champions Online.
@Captain-Electric | CoH/Virtue veteran | Proud new Champion
Yeah he got that figure wrong, but everything else is correct.. Fixing the game economy is more important than the exploit they are currently fixing. The exploit doesn't effect the gameplay on lower levels, seriously, do you even know what you're talking about??
You can't swap ZEN and AD between games.. And most players are selling the AD to goldsites so yeah, we won't be seeing much in circulation unless people start buying AD from those sites..
the exploit they fixed is 100% targeting an exploit that negatively effects the in game economy.
that's the opposite of what youre saying.
No patch in NW is ever going to effect how Zen / AD supply and demand works because its cross multiple games... Its a very smart system... Gold has no purpose whatsoever in NW... the games currency is AD... You are actually much better off playing all of PW games and transfering the zen to NW that you gain from other games.
As I said already economies work on supply and demand and since you can essentially make real life money from playing NW and other PW games by selling zen they will never have any issues as far as their games economies are concerned
Aw. He sounded so sad. QQ
Yes they should be selective but cmon, fixing bugs/exploits that are gamebreaking takes priority, everyone should see that.. The fact that real money is involved doesn't make things better..
Yes you can... I did it 2 days ago
Never said it wasn't. I said there's even more severe exploits that they should focus on, that are effecting the economy more than this one.. There's exploits where you can 1 shot epic dungeon bosses and do things solo. Players have farmed up to ~200 million ad already, and those are AD we won't be seeing in the system anymore since I bet they are selling it off to goldsites for real money..
You can change zen from game to game if you purchased the zen with money. If purchased with in game currency, that zen is bound to that game.
No, when you buy the ZEN and transfer it to Neverwinter it clearly says you will tie the ZEN to that game and can't move it afterwards..
i know one way to break the gwf exploit is to remove the 4p bonus. this will instantly break that one. i'm not sure about the other classes, however.
Ability Scores || All Attribute Roll Combinations || My Cleric Stream \o/
Kay's post is flawed and seems mostly concerned with his or her slice of the cake being smaller than he or she would like. This is also why you are annoyed: that YOU have to sell your stuff for less and can't get a bigger share. It's food envy, but there is actually enough food for everyone. Those people who would otherwise have spent 200k AD on a piece of armor can now get it for 20k AD. That leaves them with 180k AD they can spend on other stuff.
That is also an aspect Kay's post completely neglects: The majority of ADs already WAS going to a small subset of the community: those able to farm T2 instances. This exploit only made the subset even smaller (those who exploited bugs). But one thing didn't change: The vast majority of the AD in the economy was only held by a small minority of the player base. It is still that way now. The average player's average AD wealth isn't affected by this either way.
Ironically, having fewer AD in the economy is something that I think is a GOOD thing, because it actually increases the value (purchase power) of those 24k AD a day. It slows down the economy. If these players do get banned, then it stabilizes the economy further. If they don't, then they will spent their AD on something -- either Zen items or AH things. Either way, AD return to the economy or items do. It just isn't a big deal.
Easy fix already, remove the set piece for now, close down the effected dungeons until a fix has been done. That would limit some damage, but sadly a lot has already been made.. The real question is, who is the HAMSTER, not us for sure..
T3 is used in PvP. Why would I invite a minimal GS player when I can invite the guy with all t3s and epic slot gems.
Also those epic gems are far from luxury. 1% unresistable dmg output x6 and 2sec immune is not luxury, its pwn your face cuz I got better gear. Lets not forget mount speed either, all thanks to to unpunished exploits.
fite me irl
ill show u pvp gear
Edit: I love this game as much as I love tunabread on a sunny friday.
QualityPlayer - Mindflayer 60 GWF
No, the reason I'm annoyed is because people are destroying the economy. We need a working economy if we are going to be able to afford stuff like enchanting our gear and companions. And also be able to buy convenience items from the cash shop, etc. So much recquires thosuands of AD in this game, everything from what I've previously written to unsocketing enchants.
I do agree about the AD was going to a small subset of the community, that's also why I've posted that I would've liked to see no ad to the founders, but a small ammount of ZEN instead.. I also want to see a smaller ammount of AD in the system, and I do hope they ban the people and fixes the exploits. That's what I've been posting previously..
Oh and also, no, it won't leave people 180k to spend on other things, because people won't be able to earn enough AD to have that. The daily limit and the broken AH will make sure of that. Then the ammount of AD recquired to enchant the gear they bought for 10k will cost more than 180k.. Then if they want a mount they either have to farm 2,8 million ad or buy a cash shop mount.. So the economy is still screwd. And the money that has been siphoned from the system won't be coming back, most will be either hoarding them or selling them to goldsites..
Both are a problem. There shouldn't be any founder ad at all and the exploits are destroying the market atm.
That's exactly what I said. Exploits are number one on my list. Exploits are basically a means for players to just abuse the system and get ridiculous amounts of currency / items / you-name-it. They're the textbook definition of "gamebreaker"... of course many other things can ruin it but like I said, this is at the top of the list.
Next, people need to get over the whole entire concept that money being involved ruins the game. If money wasn't involved... in some way, shape, or form, guess what? There would be NO game. These guys don't just come in and sit at their computers and write code, make DnD formulas, and design an entire world for you to jerk around in for free. That would be great if they did, but let's face it, they don't. Any Free-To-Play game is always going to have the people that make it Pay-to-Win or Pay-for-Edge. But when you think about it, without those jerks you hate so much, you'd be sitting on your thumb wondering what happened.