I've found Brand of the Sun is superior Divinity gain to Sacred Flames.
Also, the feat that adds +healing when you have temp HP... how fast do those temp hit points get dropped when you are getting hit and actually need extra healing? Pretty darn fast
hey drake thanks for the guide really helpful info for ppl starting to play this game and wanting to play a healer.
the screenshot no longer appears is it possible for you to link the picture or something
Hey could I please get some type of stat priority guide for a D Cleric planning to heal Epic Dungeons.
Our best four stats are Power/Recovery/Crit/Defense, and that is what's on all the set gear and most of the seal gear.
For enchanting your offensive slots, I'd wager that recovery is the best. Power is useful too, but I think the scaling on it is a bit low. I would not recommend enchanting crit, because Astral Shield can't crit. Put defense in your defensive enchantment slots.
Also, the feat that adds +healing when you have temp HP... how fast do those temp hit points get dropped when you are getting hit and actually need extra healing? Pretty darn fast
It's not just for you. It's good synergy with Divine Armor when you need to get your party's health up quickly. The other 5% seems unnecessary in almost all situations, to me.
drake5252Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 8Arc User
edited May 2013
All - I REALLY appreciate the interest in this guide, thank you!
I actually took some time last night and respecced my character and took into consideration some suggestions from this thread (mainly around using Hallowed Ground). I will be testing the new build out in Epic dungeons over the next couple of days and will come back here with my findings.
Not sure exactly why the pictures got removed, but as I will have new ones due to the changes I'll fix them when I have the new screen shots.
Last - I will have much more clear information around the class abilities that you can only have 2 of active at one time. I agree that's something that I somehow missed with the original guide.
Thanks, everyone - and I've had quite a few folks send me thank you's in game as well and those are most appreciated!
Our best four stats are Power/Recovery/Crit/Defense, and that is what's on all the set gear and most of the seal gear.
For enchanting your offensive slots, I'd wager that recovery is the best. Power is useful too, but I think the scaling on it is a bit low. I would not recommend enchanting crit, because Astral Shield can't crit. Put defense in your defensive enchantment slots.
It's not just for you. It's good synergy with Divine Armor when you need to get your party's health up quickly. The other 5% seems unnecessary in almost all situations, to me.
Has anyone looked into the Righteous Paragon abilities. I like the ability Power of Oppression is this a viable Paragon tree to be taking into epic dungeons.
I have been having no problems using it for non heroic dungeons I am just anxious to try it out in heroic dungeons.
I am definitely going to respec into the suggested spec but I may try out the righteous spec at first.
wow outstanding guide.. Well done.. Its so good and easy to understand.. All guides should be this way... thx you.. Will be makeing a cleric today and lvling her up.. Will be using your guide.. thxs alot
which companion is best for cleric? drake any specific companion i should consider?
Good question - I purchased the Galeb Duhr epic tank pet - and he rocks. I used him for leveling and continue to do so for groups without a tank - he's a pet and could never replace a decent player of course, but he helps. If I have a decent tank in the group then I switch to the panther (another epic, but he's a DPS pet).
With or without epics, I'd go with tank pet first, DPS pet second.
Class Powers
These powers give you constant bonuses like a buff that’s always on. I have almost all of these at full spec for this build. You do not queue these, they are “always on”.
What?! No, you can only have 2 of them active at the same time.......
I've found Brand of the Sun is superior Divinity gain to Sacred Flames.
Also, the feat that adds +healing when you have temp HP... how fast do those temp hit points get dropped when you are getting hit and actually need extra healing? Pretty darn fast
I see you find it useless probably since you don't use sacred flame in your build, but for those that use sacred flame + divine armor for spike health, that feat is pretty handy most of the time.
naamapeikkoMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 25Arc User
edited May 2013
Have I missed something or why isn't Divine Advantage(80% reduced combat advantage damage after a heal) feat more popular? Seems like a pretty good damage reduction for times when there are adds shooting everyone from different directions?
Have I missed something or why isn't Divine Advantage(80% reduced combat advantage damage after a heal) feat more popular? Seems like a pretty good damage reduction for times when there are adds shooting everyone from different directions?
The situation that has to occur for it to proc is really weird. From testing, I was only able to get it to reliably proc with a divinity healing word. It would be very good if it actually procced consistently.
aguxwMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
sorry by my english im from south america. but how i can see the HP bars of my party always? not only when i lock in or point it. The options only let me put on the bars on my friends. its too dificult to heal
Thanks a million for this post! And to everyone who btrought in further comments and help.
It's exactly what I needed. I was getting frustrated and considering dropping the healer if I couldn
xaniethxMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
I can assure you there are plenty of builds that do very well both PVE/PVP without having you switch and respeq. Ill post my build with pics for a debuffer cleric that heals more than needed . (for those that believe that Faithful path is bad for pvp).
Example of how I play usually
Dailys: H.Ground/Flame strike or (Hammer for Solo) (DONT PLAY A CLERIC IF YOU DONT USE HGround *kiddin*)
Encounters: Dungeon/Pvp (Breaking Spirit -with this you dont even need Sooth passive /or the antithreat 3%feat , Divine Glow,Astral shield)
Encounters: World Solo (Profecy of Doom,Divine glow and a damage spell according to the amount of mobs You ll encounter (Searing light - Chains are total destroyers with high wis)
Encounters: World Group (Healing Word or Sun Burst *helping also people we meet on our way*,Divine Glow,Astral Shield)
Passives Solo: Terrifying Insight- Healer's Lore (Decent damage if you have Mark Of Mending feat maxed)
Group: Foresight - Healer's Lore (Foresight Defence Maxed ofc)
At Wil (always) Sacred Flame / Astral seal
oduncan31Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 4Arc User
edited June 2013
How can you explain your 4 points in Healing action?
I'm following the guide by text pretty well, but I feel like the pics that are broken would really help in following along. Is it possible you could re-link them from ImageShack or something?
What's with the forum's having nasty compression on sig pics?
It's.. I don't have words for that. There's not even an reasonable explanation for this kind of bs to be honest.
EDIT: Ok, just realized I double posted and I'm trying to delete this and now I notice theres no delete option? I'm starting to notice more and more little flaws on this forum set-up.. VERY Restrictive and Regulation run.. Hmm
Charisma: 1% Combat Advantage Damage, 1% Recharge Speed, 1% Action Points Gain, 1% Companion Stat Bonus
Companion Stat Bonuses are helpful for everyone, makes your pet more effective
It is worth noting that pets have horrible AI so they are often useless. And that pets that don't require real money cap at level 15, which means they stop being useful at all at about level 40 or so. If you are a non cleric the cleric pet can still have some minor use (20% out of combat heal every 30 seconds) but as a cleric you don't need this, so they are all obsolete at higher levels. Presumably a purple one that has been leveled to 30 might still have a use (but it will be pretty weak still... although those unlock equipment slots in addition to their enchant slots).
1% to their stats here and there won't help.
But virtually every high-end cleric ultimately uses an ioun stone, which doesn't die and gives a ton of buffs.
Which is what drake5252 is presumably getting at.
The ioun stones cost money.
(though tbh, I still use the tank dude, coz he's funny. He dies in seconds, but hey: that's a spare couple of seconds the aggro isn't on me)
He manages to hold aggro for you? On my level 60 CW the enemies run past him and go for me, he hits them from the back for trivial damage (literally an order of magnitude less than what I do with a single magic missile). (I have a level 60 CW and a recently started level 6 DC)
Then again, I haven't socketed him with enchantments. I rather save my AD for buying zen to get a purple pet.
Granted, up to level 40 or so he was the only viable choice for companion.
Taltamir: not sure "dying in seconds" really counts as 'holding aggro', but he does dash forward with (i guess) lunging strike or a similar skill, which puts him right up in with the badguys. They usually stop to murder him first, which buys me a couple of seconds.
Also, yes: ioun stones do cost money, but they're nevertheless the all round best pet a cleric can get, (ton of useful stat buffs, doesn't die) which is why all the high-enders use them.
And technically it's not money, it's zen. You can (eventually) get a cash shop pet purely through running dungeons, selling drops, and exchanging the AD for zen.
I just started playing the other day and has no clue what I esa doing. Has time at work to read this and it was huge, I know have a better understanding of the class and what to do or even how to play better. Thank you for the great guide.
Also, the feat that adds +healing when you have temp HP... how fast do those temp hit points get dropped when you are getting hit and actually need extra healing? Pretty darn fast
the screenshot no longer appears is it possible for you to link the picture or something
For enchanting your offensive slots, I'd wager that recovery is the best. Power is useful too, but I think the scaling on it is a bit low. I would not recommend enchanting crit, because Astral Shield can't crit. Put defense in your defensive enchantment slots.
It's not just for you. It's good synergy with Divine Armor when you need to get your party's health up quickly. The other 5% seems unnecessary in almost all situations, to me.
I actually took some time last night and respecced my character and took into consideration some suggestions from this thread (mainly around using Hallowed Ground). I will be testing the new build out in Epic dungeons over the next couple of days and will come back here with my findings.
Not sure exactly why the pictures got removed, but as I will have new ones due to the changes I'll fix them when I have the new screen shots.
Last - I will have much more clear information around the class abilities that you can only have 2 of active at one time. I agree that's something that I somehow missed with the original guide.
Thanks, everyone - and I've had quite a few folks send me thank you's in game as well and those are most appreciated!
Tyvm man
I have been having no problems using it for non heroic dungeons I am just anxious to try it out in heroic dungeons.
I am definitely going to respec into the suggested spec but I may try out the righteous spec at first.
Good question - I purchased the Galeb Duhr epic tank pet - and he rocks. I used him for leveling and continue to do so for groups without a tank - he's a pet and could never replace a decent player of course, but he helps. If I have a decent tank in the group then I switch to the panther (another epic, but he's a DPS pet).
With or without epics, I'd go with tank pet first, DPS pet second.
What?! No, you can only have 2 of them active at the same time.......
I see you find it useless probably since you don't use sacred flame in your build, but for those that use sacred flame + divine armor for spike health, that feat is pretty handy most of the time.
The situation that has to occur for it to proc is really weird. From testing, I was only able to get it to reliably proc with a divinity healing word. It would be very good if it actually procced consistently.
It's exactly what I needed. I was getting frustrated and considering dropping the healer if I couldn
Example of how I play usually
Dailys: H.Ground/Flame strike or (Hammer for Solo) (DONT PLAY A CLERIC IF YOU DONT USE HGround *kiddin*)
Encounters: Dungeon/Pvp (Breaking Spirit -with this you dont even need Sooth passive /or the antithreat 3%feat , Divine Glow,Astral shield)
Encounters: World Solo (Profecy of Doom,Divine glow and a damage spell according to the amount of mobs You ll encounter (Searing light - Chains are total destroyers with high wis)
Encounters: World Group (Healing Word or Sun Burst *helping also people we meet on our way*,Divine Glow,Astral Shield)
Passives Solo: Terrifying Insight- Healer's Lore (Decent damage if you have Mark Of Mending feat maxed)
Group: Foresight - Healer's Lore (Foresight Defence Maxed ofc)
At Wil (always) Sacred Flame / Astral seal
I'm following the guide by text pretty well, but I feel like the pics that are broken would really help in following along. Is it possible you could re-link them from ImageShack or something?
It's.. I don't have words for that. There's not even an reasonable explanation for this kind of bs to be honest.
EDIT: Ok, just realized I double posted and I'm trying to delete this and now I notice theres no delete option? I'm starting to notice more and more little flaws on this forum set-up.. VERY Restrictive and Regulation run.. Hmm
1% to their stats here and there won't help.
Which is what drake5252 is presumably getting at.
(though tbh, I still use the tank dude, coz he's funny. He dies in seconds, but hey: that's a spare couple of seconds the aggro isn't on me)
He manages to hold aggro for you? On my level 60 CW the enemies run past him and go for me, he hits them from the back for trivial damage (literally an order of magnitude less than what I do with a single magic missile). (I have a level 60 CW and a recently started level 6 DC)
Then again, I haven't socketed him with enchantments. I rather save my AD for buying zen to get a purple pet.
Granted, up to level 40 or so he was the only viable choice for companion.
Also, yes: ioun stones do cost money, but they're nevertheless the all round best pet a cleric can get, (ton of useful stat buffs, doesn't die) which is why all the high-enders use them.
And technically it's not money, it's zen. You can (eventually) get a cash shop pet purely through running dungeons, selling drops, and exchanging the AD for zen.