I've been lurking this thread for a bit now, and I wanted to say thank you for working so hard at learning the Cleric class and sharing that knowledge with the community. I came to this game with my husband, and a friend of ours, so as the healer in our trio I was having a hard time figuring out what to do with myself. Needless to say by 33 I'd wonkied up my powers and feats so badly that, to me, it just wouldn't have been worth going to 60 to respec without knowing what to respec -to-.
I didn't reroll as a human, so (as my mess of scribbles and papers can attest) I had to move some feat points around to compensate for not having those extra three, and by 60 her primary and secondary attributes will be base 20. I've gotten the new Cleric to 30 and she's already a happy Dwarven healing machine. Somehow you managed to make my brain click to life, and cause everything fall into place, with this crit build. It all makes so much perfect sense!
The three of us aren't in a guild or anything, so I'm not sure how our dungeon delving will work out at end game, but at least I'll know that if something bad happens it's because some derpy-derp didn't use a pot after standing in a circle, and not because of a Cleric that runs around screaming "LOOK AT THE PRETTY SPARKLES!".
I'm left handed, so I use the numpad for all my keybinds. Use my thumb for movement (arrow keys), and I also utilize the home/pgup/etc buttons. Combined with alt and ctrl on my mouse thumb buttons... this gives me 60+ keybinds without ever moving my hand.
Now I just need Razer to make a left handed Naga
my god u has no idea how advantageous this is, frankly I wish I had a separate numpad but o well gonna stick to crappy wasd
also looks like im gonna remake char again....coz I want to save that respect at 60 for later updates...not to fix mistakes and changes to your build that change my mind in another way
this really gets me coz coz im slow enuf of a casual player to begin with ~_~ (no im not giving moneys to the greediest pay to win/pay for any fun HAMSTER off ther customers kind of publisher PWE until they change ther ways)
Hello, I rolled a human too, but I am confused about stats on 4e and here. Is this the ideal roll for a dps? I rolled 13 str, 20 wis, 13 char. Should I reroll it to increase my crits and damage?
Nothing wrong with it if Min/Maxing isn't that important. You'll still end up with 22/19/19 - Wis/Str/Cha - if you put all your points into Str and Cha everytime. Wisdom give you +damage/heals, Str gives you +crit, and Cha gives you +recovery. Just know that you cannot change the roll if you ever respec only the allocation of ability points, powers, and feats.
If you want to dps....stack Str for the base crit.
Nothing wrong with it if Min/Maxing isn't that important. You'll still end up with 22/19/19 - Wis/Str/Cha - if you put all your points into Str and Cha everytime. Wisdom give you +damage/heals, Str gives you +crit, and Cha gives you +recovery. Just know that you cannot change the roll if you ever respec only the allocation of ability points, powers, and feats.
If you want to dps....stack Str for the base crit.
What happens if you skip adding to Cha and just go pure Str?
You too huh? I could have stalked you instead. I joined Unspecified's clan.
All good
I've ran with some RS people before, good folks.
manuelito75Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 9Arc User
edited May 2013
"Race: Human (with the +2 into STR, and a 16WIS 16STR 12CHA roll, add to STR and CHA every 10 levels)
Companion: Astral diamond Cat. This thing is amazing."
Dear Deistik and fellow players, thanks for the hard work on the topic and in testing. Very much appreciated!
I have two brief questions:
1- Do I stand correct in saying that at lvl60 you have 20 STR 16 WIS and 20 CHA, Deistik?
2- Apart from the cat companion, which is awesome but pricy, any other companion you would like to recommend?
So with the Ioun Stone of Allure being able to use an Icon (with enchant), wouldn't that make it a better companion than the cat?
Cat = crit/recovery
Allure = crit/recovery/power
Between BW3 and BW4 they stripped the Ion Stone of Allure of it's base stats. I had on still and without equipment it was all zeros. The tooltip doesn't say what, if any, stats it gives.
IF it gives stats, yes it's better because +health doesn't transfer from the pet and some item value is lost on the belt with the cat.
jamira1489Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 10Arc User
edited May 2013
Hmmm.. I just noticed you have 23 heroic and 31 paragon feat points. I only have 20 heroic and 31 at level 60. How did that happen?
IF it gives stats, yes it's better because +health doesn't transfer from the pet and some item value is lost on the belt with the cat.
My cat has a belt with nothing but crit on it
devzxiledMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
whats the name of that belt? i only got a pure recovery belt.. so hard to look for stuffs in the auction with the level filter not working also how much critical stats do you have to achieve 42% crit rate?
also what armor set is the best?
difinitusMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
Just curious if you went with the Miracle Healer set or the Beacon of Faith set... or maybe something else (Templar)?
Also, I don't like Healing Word. It's always on cooldown and I usually just use it on myself to build Divinity, but still feels lacking. I switched it out for Sunburst where I can burst heal my allies, do damage, and build must faster divinity when surrounded by adds. I think I like the switch.
Deistik, I am really interested in trying your build, but I am adamant on staying as a tiefling. I can get the 16/16/12 roll, but obviously not the +2 into strength. What should I do instead? In addition, will I be severely gimped by not having the additional 3 bonus feats that humans get?
I really want to play tiefling.
Sister Vanity knows if you've been naughty or nice...and heals accordingly.
difinitusMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
Deistik, I am really interested in trying your build, but I am adamant on staying as a tiefling. I can get the 16/16/12 roll, but obviously not the +2 into strength. What should I do instead? In addition, will I be severely gimped by not having the additional 3 bonus feats that humans get?
I really want to play tiefling.
Then play the tiefling. You can still be very successful with healing even if you don't go exactly with what OP rolled.
Deistik, I am really interested in trying your build, but I am adamant on staying as a tiefling. I can get the 16/16/12 roll, but obviously not the +2 into strength. What should I do instead? In addition, will I be severely gimped by not having the additional 3 bonus feats that humans get?
I really want to play tiefling.
By not having the +2 strength you will be 2% crit lower than Deistik in the same gear, no big loss honestly. It just won't be min/maxed the same.
The 3 less feats will mean slightly less divinity gain. I get by just fine on my Drow for divinity gain. Not say I don't wish I had that extra divinity gain at those times I fine myself a sliver short of a pip and have to cast something. Again though, it's not a big loss really.
What you will gain is +4% recharge speed if you take Charisma and Intelligence as you bonus stats. That is pretty good since you can stack less recovery to get to the 32.5% bare minimum recharge speed increase for 100% up time on Astral Shield (it lasts 15 seconds and that gets you a 15 second CD). Though around 35%-36% recharge speed is more comfortable so AS has around a 14.5% CD and you can start casting a new one before the old on expires.
I am considering using the token I got with my guardian pack, to respec her now, but she is only level 32. I feel that the mistakes I made should be remedied now, so that by the time I am 60, I am comfortable with my choices and the ability to play them correctly.
Sister Vanity knows if you've been naughty or nice...and heals accordingly.
trasidMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 11Arc User
edited May 2013
I used my token, at around level 35. My build is a lot better than when I started, that's for sure, I am now level 41. However, I feel as though with the few fantastic guides we have at the moment, all mostly centred around healing and group play (most solo play is pretty straight forward), I still feel uncomfortable with any build I tend to choose and my survivability in a group setting. I am not sure if the threat bug has anything to do with it...?
I feel as though each of the stickied builds vary so much, some say one thing is HAMSTER, whilst the other says you can't live without it. I am not sure which way to go, and at $6 per respec, I'll be broke in no time!
wholesouledMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
Just wanted to say thanks for the lovely guide. Very interetsing to see a build based around FMF and Crit. So thanks again!
whats the name of that belt? i only got a pure recovery belt.. so hard to look for stuffs in the auction with the level filter not working also how much critical stats do you have to achieve 42% crit rate?
also what armor set is the best?
Lethal Evader's Belt
I'm at 4067 crit (41.5%), but 3% of that is from feats.
I'm really liking the looks of the 4p set on Miracle Healer. I'd much prefer a +crit 2p, but being able to use HW or PoD as a group AE heal for 5% of your HP seems just crazy.
Okay so I want to do damage but I don't want to be totally useless when it comes to healing. Is this the build for me? I don't want to be top dps in dungeons, but I want to be doing more than healing and doing useful damage at least.
This guide inspired me to roll a human cleric last week. After tweaking the build a bit and decided to roll Prophecy of Doom instead of healing word I can't wait to try things out!
I've been lurking this thread for a bit now, and I wanted to say thank you for working so hard at learning the Cleric class and sharing that knowledge with the community. I came to this game with my husband, and a friend of ours, so as the healer in our trio I was having a hard time figuring out what to do with myself. Needless to say by 33 I'd wonkied up my powers and feats so badly that, to me, it just wouldn't have been worth going to 60 to respec without knowing what to respec -to-.
I didn't reroll as a human, so (as my mess of scribbles and papers can attest) I had to move some feat points around to compensate for not having those extra three, and by 60 her primary and secondary attributes will be base 20. I've gotten the new Cleric to 30 and she's already a happy Dwarven healing machine.
The three of us aren't in a guild or anything, so I'm not sure how our dungeon delving will work out at end game, but at least I'll know that if something bad happens it's because some derpy-derp didn't use a pot after standing in a circle, and not because of a Cleric that runs around screaming "LOOK AT THE PRETTY SPARKLES!".
Its usually the tard dps....
<Rarely Sober> - Beholder
@ duvaelalafali - I'm glad I could help!
You too huh? I could have stalked you instead. I joined Unspecified's clan.
<Rarely Sober> - Beholder
my god u has no idea how advantageous this is, frankly I wish I had a separate numpad but o well gonna stick to crappy wasd
also looks like im gonna remake char again....coz I want to save that respect at 60 for later updates...not to fix mistakes and changes to your build that change my mind in another way
this really gets me coz coz im slow enuf of a casual player to begin with ~_~ (no im not giving moneys to the greediest pay to win/pay for any fun HAMSTER off ther customers kind of publisher PWE until they change ther ways)
Can you provid some input, please?
If you want to dps....stack Str for the base crit.
<Rarely Sober> - Beholder
What happens if you skip adding to Cha and just go pure Str?
Actually, I do
I used to use wasd with my right hand, until I figured out there's a better way. That was like 10 years ago lol
All good
I've ran with some RS people before, good folks.
Companion: Astral diamond Cat. This thing is amazing."
Dear Deistik and fellow players, thanks for the hard work on the topic and in testing. Very much appreciated!
I have two brief questions:
1- Do I stand correct in saying that at lvl60 you have 20 STR 16 WIS and 20 CHA, Deistik?
2- Apart from the cat companion, which is awesome but pricy, any other companion you would like to recommend?
2. Any augment pet works, just the cat is pure win for this build
If you don't want/can't get an augment pet, go with either a dps or a tank I guess... the faster stuff dies and the less it hits you the better lol
Cat = crit/recovery
Allure = crit/recovery/power
Between BW3 and BW4 they stripped the Ion Stone of Allure of it's base stats. I had on still and without equipment it was all zeros. The tooltip doesn't say what, if any, stats it gives.
IF it gives stats, yes it's better because +health doesn't transfer from the pet and some item value is lost on the belt with the cat.
<Rarely Sober> - Beholder
My cat has a belt with nothing but crit on it
also what armor set is the best?
Also, I don't like Healing Word. It's always on cooldown and I usually just use it on myself to build Divinity, but still feels lacking. I switched it out for Sunburst where I can burst heal my allies, do damage, and build must faster divinity when surrounded by adds. I think I like the switch.
I really want to play tiefling.
Then play the tiefling. You can still be very successful with healing even if you don't go exactly with what OP rolled.
By not having the +2 strength you will be 2% crit lower than Deistik in the same gear, no big loss honestly. It just won't be min/maxed the same.
The 3 less feats will mean slightly less divinity gain. I get by just fine on my Drow for divinity gain. Not say I don't wish I had that extra divinity gain at those times I fine myself a sliver short of a pip and have to cast something. Again though, it's not a big loss really.
What you will gain is +4% recharge speed if you take Charisma and Intelligence as you bonus stats. That is pretty good since you can stack less recovery to get to the 32.5% bare minimum recharge speed increase for 100% up time on Astral Shield (it lasts 15 seconds and that gets you a 15 second CD). Though around 35%-36% recharge speed is more comfortable so AS has around a 14.5% CD and you can start casting a new one before the old on expires.
I feel as though each of the stickied builds vary so much, some say one thing is HAMSTER, whilst the other says you can't live without it. I am not sure which way to go, and at $6 per respec, I'll be broke in no time!
Lethal Evader's Belt
I'm at 4067 crit (41.5%), but 3% of that is from feats.
I'm really liking the looks of the 4p set on Miracle Healer. I'd much prefer a +crit 2p, but being able to use HW or PoD as a group AE heal for 5% of your HP seems just crazy.