Hey everyone, been reading alot of posts and just wanted to throw my thoughts out there, nothing really specific just kinda how I feel about the game thus far.
Quick background on my gaming history, I've been playing since EQ1 beta. I've always been HUGE into End-Game raiding and even more into PvP. I've been in many top server guilds over the last 15 years. EQ1, WoW, Rift, Aion, Lineage 1, 2, Guildwars 1, 2, and quite a fiew ftp.
So starting out lvling my cleric, up to about lvl 45, it was a complete face-roll, I was definately getting nervous hoping the rest of the game wasnt going to be this easy. I like a challenge, I want to earn my gear, and feel like I've accomplished something when I've cleared a raid boss, or made a great attempt at new content. 45-49 was a bit rough, I definately drank a ****pile of potions, and I seemed to be ahead of my quests, so most of the mobs I was questing on were 1-2 lvls higher than me. Then lvl 51 came, and I got Astral Shield, holy **** bat-man, talk about ****ing epic, 51-60 was a cake-walk joke for my aggressive non-stop moving playstyle, I cant stand fighting 1 mob at a time. I've kited literally 100+mobs before in EQ as a caster, my playstyle is always searching for more **** to do, see how far I can push the limits of my skill and characters abilities, and thankfully, in this game it seems you are continually fighting multiple mobs, so its right up my alley.
On to T1 and T2's. I have read quite a fiew posts about people saying the T1's and 2's are a slobbering drool-fest of easy content. With the skill I have in this game already, and the over 15 years of gaming knowledge I bring to the table, I want to call bull****. Giant bull-****, yes...T1's I wouldnt call "hard", but you definately need to have some sort of plan or you will continually whipe, or drink potions the entire time.
Onto T2's. Now remember, the only character I have played at all in this game, is a Cleric, I do have a 13 rogue but that doesnt mean ****. So as far as how other class's feel about the T2 content, and there difficulty, I have no frame of referance, I am strictly speaking from a Healing Clerics PoV. T2's are no ****ing joke. Everyone I have done has been difficult, did I say impossible? Of course not, but I am definately going to say the epic T2's are called "epic" for a reason. I want to believe, that if you really think T2's are insanely easy and a face-roll, that its only because you have a kick-*** cleric, and I guarantee any good cleric isnt going to say this ****s easy. We are constantly moving, moving 98% of the time, aggro seems to be 100% fixated on the cleric, generally the cleric is being chased by the boss(if hes doing his job putting seal/ff on him), as well as almost every add that spawns. My first actual healer, was in Rift. I played Raid heals and tank heals for end-game content, and healing in this game is un-like any other game I have ever encountered. Its an absolute mind-**** getting used to NOT being able to F1, etc to your party members for direct heals, as well as going from the standard stand in one place, avoid bad **** on the ground cast heals to raid cleric.
I have been raiding for over 15 years, I'm talking about clearing trash for 6 hours to get to the first boss, 15 hour raids on some nights, more on others in EQ 1, all the end-game in WoW up until the last expansion..what I'm getting at is I've killed a ****-load of end-game content, and I have not had this much fun in an MMO since I killed the Avatar of War in EQ1 yeaaaaars ago. I have never been on the edge of my seat so much during a boss fight, like I have when fighting the mad dragon(red) in the T2(cant remember the name). I think I died like 6 times or more,..Lack of knowledge of the boss? Yah, but mostly because it is just that ****ing hard. I did it solo healing with no other cleric, and ..Seriously, I cant ****ing believe how much fun that fight was, and when that sob died I literally jumped out of my chair, scared the **** outta my wife and yelled "**** Yah"!! This is the kind of **** that keeps me coming back to games. I've done him quite a fiew times since then, has it gotten any easier? Not really....I have yet to not die atleast once in that fight, not for lack of encounter exp, just because of the difficulty on that fight as a cleric. All the other T2's equally have there intense moments as hard, and some pulls even harder, for a minute or two anyway. Thankfully I have had very good groups most of the time, and it seems sometimes the dude pulling for us is just trying to see how much he can actually pull without getting all of us killed because thus far we've done great, then again lots of the T2 trash pulls are just plain rediculous.
Currently I am sitting at just over 10kGS, I feel very skilled as a cleric, but in no means am I even remotely saying I am the best, I am always wanting to learn, and improve myself, and will always help out another if I am able to answer a question.
If people still say T2's are a face-roll, please post a video. I would love to see it. I feel at this point in my gear, and depending on the group, I am putting out my max that my character can possibly do. For example, my last Cavern fight we fought the spider ***** straight up, had 2 clerics. At the end, I put out 4.5mildmg, and almost 6mil healing. I was 2.5mil healing over the other cleric, and 1.5mil more damage.
Things I would like to see changed/fixed.
Auction House - Why cant you chose which lvl gear to see? as in, 50-52 rare for example, it posts everything, total annoyance.
Threat - If it is intended to be like this, fine, I am learning and becoming better as a healer anyway, other then that, it definately needs fixing.
Gear Models - There dont seem to be very many, I would love to see more differant looking armor, when I kill end-game content and get the gear, I want everyone to **** there pants when they see me at how awesome my gear looks. As of now, most people at 60 generally look the same, minus color dyes if the people purchased them.
Weapons - I would LOVE, the option to carry a differant weapon, a giant bad *** looking Staff, or a Mace and a shield, I'm you guys have the same opinion on this matter.
General Fixing of some bugged quests and zones, pathing issues of mobs and LoS, and zone environment not correct in certain areas.
Astral Diamonds - Seeings how AD is "the" currency in the game, they need to allow it to be transfered among players, when I sell someone an item for 1million, it costs me 100k to post that **** on the AH, its total
Bags - I am ok with the Zen shop, nothing at all in there will make you OP, unless you actually buy the rank 9 enchants but at that point, more power to you if you wanna spend the money. But bags, bags should be player made, period. Its a ****ty thing to put on the Zen imo. Add more cosmetics, add some very bad *** unique gear models, but not bags..
Content - Please oh please please please, continue making hard content, I love it, and I want more, I WANT to fail on new content, bring that **** on, and for the love of all things holy and awesome, PLEASE work on atleast 10 man raids. Or 12 man, I care 2 ****s about anything larger, it usually becomes a joke, people cry on vent, and its a total ****show most of the time. Rift had one thing right at the end for me, and it was the 10 man content. Absolutely amazing.
I'm at work and kinda all over the place, if you've managed to read all the way through, I appreciate you taking the time, any comments appreciated, not really interested in flames but if thats how you feel then bring it on, I always like a good laugh.
Other than that, I absolutely LOVE this game, and I will be playing for months, and hopefully years to come. My constant struggle to find a new MMO is finally over, and I am home. Thank you Cryptic!
msg me in game if you needing a healer, or just wanna talk ****

Barabus The Gray "Resist"
60 Devoted Cleric
This is an intended feature included to keep people from buying items that are slightly under value (i.e. the seller wanted to throw a good deal out there) and reselling them at face value to make a marginal profit.
Their marginal profit will be eaten up in auction fees, so it's not worth it to ninja some item you don't need off the AH just to sell it at a higher price.
Otherwise you'd have people buying MASS (and I mean MASS) amounts of some item worth 10 AD when they saw it for sale at 9 AD, just so they could relist them all and force 10 AD as the new "lowest" price. :P
It's penny profits, but if you have millions of AD to start, penny profits can turn into millions of more AD.
Also, if you can trade AD between players, the next thing we'll see is AD RMT websites shoot up, and they will just slightly undercut how much PW sells AD for, and instead of the developer getting money it'll be going to the chinese gold farmers.
Absolutely agree, I love encounters with multiple stages. What I DONT want to see, and hopefully they wont ever allow it. Is the gawdawful boss timers and tool tips. Its complete HAMSTER and it breeds ****ty players. Watching people play WoW nowadays its just disgusting to me all the add ons they have that tell them EVERYTHING exactly when its going to happen.
In EQ1, we had some 70+ people in lots of raids. A tank rotation of 8 tanks, a 10 man Complete Heal rotation on the #1clerics watch, as well as many other specific tasks. Not one add-on to tell you to move out of boss's bad ****. I really really, hate boss addons.
-Remove the "rooting" of players while using an insta-cast ability.
-Change the "F" inspect player key
-Allow players to interact with objects while in combat
-Add more detail/specifics to the tooltips
-Add BAGS that can be purchased with gold or earned via timesinks
I also started with Everquest (not beta) and just fell in love with the genre ever since.
Im a TR 59 almost 3/4ths to 60 now with a full set of PVP gea rin stash ill probably start doing end-game runs tonite laong with ofc PVP.
Only difference for me was, from lvl 12-59 I soley pvpd for leveling. Did a few dungeons, bought gear off the AH and just kept it moving.
Id say aside from the beautiful art work the lower level dungeons etc are just boring to me.. Because ive been there done that 1000x times and theres really no reason to do that content much when you can outlevel it so fast.
I play around 6-9 hours per day, and started on open beta day, im just now hitting 60 (no foundry BS or xp glitching).
I must say im loving my TR, can't wait to see what end-game dungeons bring, its been a while.
There, I said it.
But seriously - thank you for your time and dedication to being an awesome gamer. The gaming community needs more people like you, and maybe you will influence people to be better gamers. Interesting thought, but it is true. There aren't many role models, or people to aspire towards. With the gaming community, people often act like butthats, and there is no reason for them not to. We need heroes as much as our games do. Huzzah! Huzzah! Huzzah!
I am an old EQ player myself and I still actually play it now. What gets me about the WoW boss mods is that some people still can't do the right thing during the raid. I have no clue how they would have made it in the EQ days. They would not have is the answer.
Best boss is for sure Chartilfax in the Mad Dragon dungeon, it feels polished and finished, one of the best encounters i have played and i have been playing mmo's for over 15 year!
I do hope i will have things to do in this game for month to come!
^This. I just started doing T2 dungeons on my cleric and I really feel like I have the hardest job. Bosses and adds are going after you almost everytime unless you have a real good tank that knows how to keep them away from you. You are constantly moving and dodging, the same time you have to build up divinity to drop astral shield. From what I experienced so far its freaking hard for a cleric in endgame. Clerics should never generate so much threat, it's ridiculous.
What Class Are You?
To the new and young players, I encourage you to keep playing, I have been playing MMO's for half my life, and I have seen the rise and fall of the Greatest most Epic games ever in the MMO genre, and I feel this game is already on a winning streak heading forward. What you have to realize guys and gals is the game is brand new. Of course there are going to be faults, nothing is perfect, but thankfully you have skilled people Cryptic working on things. They may not be working on things "you" feel are important, but I have complete confidence they will get to everything just as soon as they can.
Also, please remember, that it is US, the players. That is generally the downfall of a good game. What do you mean Barabus you say? Take Rift for example, I LOOOOOOVED this game when it came out, the pvp, the end game, the questing, it was all amazing. Then the thread flamers and whiny cry-babie players, like many of you(not meant to be negative)started blowing up the threads about all the HAMSTER they wanted changed. Unfortunately the makers of Rift listened to them all, and that game took an absolute **** in about 2 months. If you played Rift then you know exactly what I am talking about. Keep in mind this is THERE game, THERE vision, yes they need to accomodate to the players to an extent, because obviously we are the majority playing, and providing $$ to keep them working. But all in all, I hope they dont listen to everything. In due time is all I can say, just play...learn to deal with things, if it gets to much for you, I guess it may be time for you to find another game to complain about.
Patience young-grasshopper
Rose - Control Wizard
I agree, utility is the only reason for a purchase. And since it's free to play I'll probably buy $15 of ZEN each month just to support the game.
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The Beauty of Neverwinter Online Part 1
pve in this game requires 10 / 20 man raid instance with Casual/Advanced/Elite level... In raid instances Advanced and Elite level should drop same gear, casuals can get their gear from advanced, real gamers can play the elite ..
<---10k+GS, and I have a pretty good idea what I'm doing /smile
Not doubting you, but I would love to see your face-roll Video so that I may learn more.
Love your idea of Elite level, disagree however of it dropping same gear. Harder content should always in any game = better/best gear
I haven't played this game enough to know anything about the instances you talked about, but I just wanted to say that I don't necessarily think the games you've played in the past make you great at this one.
i'd like to know if anyone got any strategy for the frozen boss. i forgot what the map called since we only played it once and got wiped like 10x lol. the one with the Giant ogre boss that summon ice spikes that almost or instant kill anyone got hit by it. the adds are overwhelming for me as a healer.
we've tried many methods but ended in failure and give up but would like to try again once we get some kind of ideas that might work.