how do you fix this stupid bug and not things like: the search for level in the seller, the doungeon idris does not complete the quest and not reward after 2 hours waiting for the doungeon and 2 to do it and then not get anything .. and ... the team does not include the tank half the time .... etc omfg
liberteeneMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
My character, with an apostrophe in the name, is still not able to be used with the Gateway, following the maintenance today. Fail!
cookiocapraMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
I got this for patch .16 Please help!
Patch: Got command DO_BUTTON_ACTION Night:Neverwinter
startPatch, current root C:/Program Files (x86)/Cryptic Studios/Neverwinter/Live
new Night:Neverwinter
Connecting with root C:/Program Files (x86)/Cryptic Studios/Neverwinter/Live
PatchClientLib: connecting to
Requesting SOCKS4 connection
SOCKS connection active
PatchClientLib: redirecting to
Requesting SOCKS4 connection
SOCKS connection active
PatchClientLib: skipping unneeded autoupdate CrypticLauncherNNO
PatchClientLib: successfully connected
PatchClientLib: Using HTTP patching: server port
80 prefix Night
Loading manifest: C:/Program Files (x86)/Cryptic Studios/Neverwinter/Live/.patch
Loading hoggs...done. (0.07)
Deleting files...done (0 deleted). (0.00)
Deleting rogue files...done (0 deleted). (0.00)
Examining hoggs...done. (0.21)
PatchClientLib Error: The patchclientlib is internally recording error code : 36
A file was locked that could not be open for writing - Could not rename file tha
t could not be overwritten (C:/Program Files (x86)/Cryptic Studios/Neverwinter/L
PatchClientLib Error: The patchclientlib is returning error code : 36
A file was locked that could not be open for writing
Error 36: A file was locked that could not be open for writing. Restart in 10.
Error 36: A file was locked that could not be open for writing. Restart in 9.
Error 36: A file was locked that could not be open for writing. Restart in 8.
My character, with an apostrophe in the name, is still not able to be used with the Gateway, following the maintenance today. Fail!
Actually I noticed the gateway doesn't like Chrome in particular. Firefox and IE work properly. Chrome still doesn't like the apostrophes and mine hasn't been happy about switching characters keeps prompting me to login when I do.
Characters with apostrophes in their name can now be loaded.
Nope not fixed just tried (Uncle'Nerdie)
P.S i still dont have my Founder title on here
hsinrogMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
While I understand the desire to nerf Foundry missions xp. The xp and loot drop nerfs in conjunction with one another have created an atmosphere where I no longer want to do Foundry missions. On my main CW toon, who is 22, I enjoyed doing Foundry missions as a side thing while I waited for my friends, to do story missions together. Now, the time it takes vs reward from a normal adventure foundry mission is a complete waste of my time.
I understand that some people were using them to farm xp and level more quickly, but many of us were enjoying foundry missions as a viable alternative to the storyline. Especially, after 1 toon has already been leveled through those particular story missions. So far every mission that I have attempted (and most were Daily Quest ones) has yielded almost no loot or xp.
So I will still be unable to DISCARD the nightmare ripoff boxes? I will still be forced to have them added to my inventory until i run out of space in both my bank and my bag and be forced to spend 1000 zen on another bag so that it too can be filled up with non discardable ripoff boxes?
Wonderful, ya keep up the good work on the scamming.
BTW, when are you going to fix the mail system? When are you going to fix the Great Weapon fighters and quit listening to the people claiming it is not broke at 60 who apparently have no clue what they are talking about or never rolled a rogue? When are you going to lower the ZEN store prices so that they are on par with other games like STO?
Please tell us..
List them on auction house for 1 crystal for a whole stack. I guarentee they will sell. There is always someone that wants them so its no where near the issue that you think it is now if they made it untradeable then yes... that would be a mistake.
ves1986Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 1Arc User
edited May 2013
Yay.. No point doing any foundry missions now..
liberteeneMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
Actually I noticed the gateway doesn't like Chrome in particular. Firefox and IE work properly. Chrome still doesn't like the apostrophes and mine hasn't been happy about switching characters keeps prompting me to login when I do., it's a Chrome compatibility thing, eh? That seems like something that should have been addressed. I'm not switching browsers, that's for sure.
waydezillaMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
And I still have 31 AC on my GF when I should have 35 with Shield Defense feat...
It's too bad you had to go and cripple the Foundry XP. Your quest system is 99% kill/collect and even then there are moments you gain a level rapidly, then are starving for quests because the next zone outlevels you. It's just a grind by a different name. I'd rather just kill 50 ogres at a time. Furthermore it affects no one but the players who did it, you could've just reduced droprates to prevent inflation.
What you've done now hurts the imaginative Foundry creators. A mob kill is a mob kill and a quest complete is a quest complete so the players expect it to at least be 1:1 relative to the actual quest system.
Now combine forcing people into boring quest content with 3 hour long queues for dungeons, utterly broken PvP and insane cashgrab moves and you have a recipe for a very dead game.
People praise you for the constant little blurts of non-information. I call that the social media syndrome. How about not just listing the little patch notes but also the long term design goals?
necronomniconMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
It's too bad you had to go and cripple the Foundry XP. Your quest system is 99% kill/collect and even then there are moments you gain a level rapidly, then are starving for quests because the next zone outlevels you. It's just a grind by a different name. I'd rather just kill 50 ogres at a time. Furthermore it affects no one but the players who did it, you could've just reduced droprates to prevent inflation.
What you've done now hurts the imaginative Foundry creators. A mob kill is a mob kill and a quest complete is a quest complete so the players expect it to at least be 1:1 relative to the actual quest system.
Now combine forcing people into boring quest content with 3 hour long queues for dungeons, utterly broken PvP and insane cashgrab moves and you have a recipe for a very dead game.
People praise you for the constant little blurts of non-information. I call that the social media syndrome. How about not just listing the little patch notes but also the long term design goals?
+1 for you. Well said.
Also, I would like a breakdown on exactly what they did to the foundry. And if the exp bar is locked, I wanted a visual on it. I don
kyros37Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
Players may now report Terms of Service violations when dropping a Foundry quest.
Foundry experience has been tweaked for balancing purposes.
What precisely constitutes a ToS violation for foundry quests, aside from the obvious? (profanity, etc)
fullmetalpopeBanned Users, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
So you basically just killed the main seller of your game. I just completed a Foundry mission and got a absolute HAMSTER amount of exp for a reward (and this was done during the Foundry bonus hour). I will NEVER do another foundry mission again. I know it is harsh to say this and it makes it look like I am punishing all of the very talented authors out there that have completed content but there is absolutely no point in leveling my rog alt doing Foundry missions now. I wanted to level a Rogue like this because I have already leveled my main to 60 doing the in game quest lines.
Why did you not ban all of these exploiters that took advantage of the AoE grind fests? Why can you not limit each person to doing each Foundry run one time per day to eliminate this ridiculous farming method of resetting. What a bone headed move.
How about reworking 28 of the bosses (not including Castle Never) in your heroics to do something more creative then rushing wave after wave after wave of adds to increase the difficulty of the game as well. You gave us plenty of max level content which was great, unfortunately it is all garbage excluding the Charlifax and Yshiggol fights.
..actually balancing xp prob just means a more balanced rate from over all mobs. Like Ogres giving more before (maybe now its just slightly more.) Thing is the mob needs to be worth its rate. Do not hate on farming foundries... It is awesome and fun for lots of people. Many people like grinding or doing non stop quests in particular favorites.
The problem is that someone makes a dungeon full of ogres (thats 100% iin itself fair and fun) But Its using traps to lock them in place or kill boxes (Dropping mobs into a pit or blocking them by walls so you can sit their and exploit them.) Lowering the XP overall will have zero effect on farming groups and shouldn't. The only issue was no ones gotten banned for making exploited foundry where mobs cant fight back. Some of them are more fun in a group then some of the dungeons in game.
This is the best step they could have taken. By banning users who build exploited content it will fix a good chunk of the issue.
Part of the problem with them finding the exploited content is that there is so many foundries being made. (But they have done a good job; they have been actively deleting them in clusters.) Now with this report feature they can see a pattern and immediately go check the foundry and remove it if it is a violation.
My problem is players dont understand its the exploiting thats bad. Even placing tons of mobs in one spot is fair. As long as they can fight back. One guy has a room with like 20 melee dudes in a circle but mixed in with them is another 15 archers lol. Trying to even get to the melee ones is hard because w/o a group the archers will take you down before reaching them. Its fun.... there needs to be more flavor, even ones designed for xp building for classes. Just no intentional exploiting. The foundry over all is amazing. I have 1 toon I lvled through the vanilla map and another im lvling now mostly in foundry and never touching the vanilla map. Its fun... There is more incentive to do the foundry lvling up then after you hit 60. It doesn't distract from the game its meant to be PART of the game world. People treat it like its some kind of curse (i mean even outside the exploiting) and thats just fail - you completely miss the point of it then. Its amazing and has many players checking out the game just because of that.
I didn't even care about the foundry exploiting QQ... Im in a guild with an active 500 players (not alts) and many of them got 60 in 1d +10-20 hours. The foundry would be no diff grinding in it... Even the exploited ones take a lil over half that time or even still that time and most required a CW. Just play the game people... It effects you in no way...
Just ran a Foundry quest I do for my dailies. XP was about 25% what it used to be and the loot was pretty sad as well.
..well wow. Common guys... Your just ruined one of your best mechanics in this game. People will not have an incentive to even use the foundry for anything... It was fun for solo and duo and was a HUGE incentive for group building...
Loot and xp was FINE. It was exploiting with traps and killboxes that was not fair.
What are you thinking... any content designed no matter how good will now be not worth the time.
I can go to a low pop channel and grab every mob in sight and burn them down all the same; and they will pop right back up 30 sec later. Dont listen to tards that feel they were being cheated...
They were not.
And must have been clueless that 50% of ogre content was exploited maps. Thats all that needed to be fixed.
Don't ruin this game
Sad day...
It is no longer beta when they are accepting RMT. Don't drink the marketing department kool aid.
+1 to this for me as well.
Patch: Got command DO_BUTTON_ACTION Night:Neverwinter
startPatch, current root C:/Program Files (x86)/Cryptic Studios/Neverwinter/Live
new Night:Neverwinter
Connecting with root C:/Program Files (x86)/Cryptic Studios/Neverwinter/Live
PatchClientLib: connecting to
Requesting SOCKS4 connection
SOCKS connection active
PatchClientLib: redirecting to
Requesting SOCKS4 connection
SOCKS connection active
PatchClientLib: skipping unneeded autoupdate CrypticLauncherNNO
PatchClientLib: successfully connected
PatchClientLib: Using HTTP patching: server port
80 prefix Night
Loading manifest: C:/Program Files (x86)/Cryptic Studios/Neverwinter/Live/.patch
Loading hoggs...done. (0.07)
Deleting files...done (0 deleted). (0.00)
Deleting rogue files...done (0 deleted). (0.00)
Examining hoggs...done. (0.21)
PatchClientLib Error: The patchclientlib is internally recording error code : 36
A file was locked that could not be open for writing - Could not rename file tha
t could not be overwritten (C:/Program Files (x86)/Cryptic Studios/Neverwinter/L
PatchClientLib Error: The patchclientlib is returning error code : 36
A file was locked that could not be open for writing
Error 36: A file was locked that could not be open for writing. Restart in 10.
Error 36: A file was locked that could not be open for writing. Restart in 9.
Error 36: A file was locked that could not be open for writing. Restart in 8.
Actually I noticed the gateway doesn't like Chrome in particular. Firefox and IE work properly. Chrome still doesn't like the apostrophes and mine hasn't been happy about switching characters keeps prompting me to login when I do.
Characters with apostrophes in their name can now be loaded.
Nope not fixed just tried (Uncle'Nerdie)
P.S i still dont have my Founder title on here
I understand that some people were using them to farm xp and level more quickly, but many of us were enjoying foundry missions as a viable alternative to the storyline. Especially, after 1 toon has already been leveled through those particular story missions. So far every mission that I have attempted (and most were Daily Quest ones) has yielded almost no loot or xp.
List them on auction house for 1 crystal for a whole stack. I guarentee they will sell. There is always someone that wants them so its no where near the issue that you think it is now if they made it untradeable then yes... that would be a mistake., it's a Chrome compatibility thing, eh? That seems like something that should have been addressed.
+1 for you.
What you've done now hurts the imaginative Foundry creators. A mob kill is a mob kill and a quest complete is a quest complete so the players expect it to at least be 1:1 relative to the actual quest system.
Now combine forcing people into boring quest content with 3 hour long queues for dungeons, utterly broken PvP and insane cashgrab moves and you have a recipe for a very dead game.
People praise you for the constant little blurts of non-information. I call that the social media syndrome. How about not just listing the little patch notes but also the long term design goals?
Farewell remorse; all good to me is lost.
Evil, be thou my good.
+1 for you. Well said.
Also, I would like a breakdown on exactly what they did to the foundry. And if the exp bar is locked, I wanted a visual on it. I don
What precisely constitutes a ToS violation for foundry quests, aside from the obvious? (profanity, etc)
Why did you not ban all of these exploiters that took advantage of the AoE grind fests? Why can you not limit each person to doing each Foundry run one time per day to eliminate this ridiculous farming method of resetting. What a bone headed move.
How about reworking 28 of the bosses (not including Castle Never) in your heroics to do something more creative then rushing wave after wave after wave of adds to increase the difficulty of the game as well. You gave us plenty of max level content which was great, unfortunately it is all garbage excluding the Charlifax and Yshiggol fights.
Just ran a Foundry quest I do for my dailies. XP was about 25% what it used to be and the loot was pretty sad as well.
Still Don't work
The problem is that someone makes a dungeon full of ogres (thats 100% iin itself fair and fun) But Its using traps to lock them in place or kill boxes (Dropping mobs into a pit or blocking them by walls so you can sit their and exploit them.) Lowering the XP overall will have zero effect on farming groups and shouldn't. The only issue was no ones gotten banned for making exploited foundry where mobs cant fight back. Some of them are more fun in a group then some of the dungeons in game.
This is the best step they could have taken. By banning users who build exploited content it will fix a good chunk of the issue.
Part of the problem with them finding the exploited content is that there is so many foundries being made. (But they have done a good job; they have been actively deleting them in clusters.) Now with this report feature they can see a pattern and immediately go check the foundry and remove it if it is a violation.
My problem is players dont understand its the exploiting thats bad. Even placing tons of mobs in one spot is fair. As long as they can fight back. One guy has a room with like 20 melee dudes in a circle but mixed in with them is another 15 archers lol. Trying to even get to the melee ones is hard because w/o a group the archers will take you down before reaching them. Its fun.... there needs to be more flavor, even ones designed for xp building for classes. Just no intentional exploiting. The foundry over all is amazing. I have 1 toon I lvled through the vanilla map and another im lvling now mostly in foundry and never touching the vanilla map. Its fun... There is more incentive to do the foundry lvling up then after you hit 60. It doesn't distract from the game its meant to be PART of the game world. People treat it like its some kind of curse (i mean even outside the exploiting) and thats just fail - you completely miss the point of it then. Its amazing and has many players checking out the game just because of that.
I didn't even care about the foundry exploiting QQ... Im in a guild with an active 500 players (not alts) and many of them got 60 in 1d +10-20 hours. The foundry would be no diff grinding in it... Even the exploited ones take a lil over half that time or even still that time and most required a CW. Just play the game people... It effects you in no way...
..well wow. Common guys... Your just ruined one of your best mechanics in this game. People will not have an incentive to even use the foundry for anything... It was fun for solo and duo and was a HUGE incentive for group building...
Loot and xp was FINE. It was exploiting with traps and killboxes that was not fair.
What are you thinking... any content designed no matter how good will now be not worth the time.
I can go to a low pop channel and grab every mob in sight and burn them down all the same; and they will pop right back up 30 sec later. Dont listen to tards that feel they were being cheated...
They were not.
And must have been clueless that 50% of ogre content was exploited maps. Thats all that needed to be fixed.
Don't ruin this game
Sad day...