so gg all, that was fun, to Cryptic, great game, nice one, send me an email when (if ever) there is something going on @ pvp and I can use my gear for something useful
aandiin02Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 22Arc User
edited May 2013
If i met you in RL, i would smile and nod and pat you one the head, like i do with that "special" kid down the road.
This was never going to be a pvp game. it would have pvp, yes, but the main focus was and will always be pve.
don't get me wrong, pvp is fun, but at this stage with so few classes, and those classes all being archtypes (exept gwf) no diminishing return on cc and Gauntlgrym still a few weeks away...i don't see the point other than get some glory when bored and you don't feel like doing a dungeon.
If i met you in RL, i would smile and nod and pat you one the head, like i do with that "special" kid down the road.
This was never going to be a pvp game. it would have pvp, yes, but the main focus was and will always be pve.
don't get me wrong, pvp is fun, but at this stage with so few classes, and those classes all being archtypes (exept gwf) no diminishing return on cc and Gauntlgrym still a few weeks away...i don't see the point other than get some glory when bored and you don't feel like doing a dungeon.
vitadrink469Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
Wait.... you call yourself a PvPer and actually quit when you got all your gears? Wtf is this, some kid thinking PvP = PvE?
Dude PvE i can understand where you do the dungeon and you got all your max gears and you cannot improve on anything at all, no point in playing anymore PvE unless to help friends get gears.
PvP... You got all your gear.... so what? Just because you have all your gear doesn't mean you're good at PvP... Hell from what i know this game's PvP gear can easily be obtainable with you being blind folded for 3 hours and when you take off the blind fold you'll have all the pieces.
PvP is about fighting another player, PvP is always a different game at every match-its just literally never the same match.
Its like playing FPS or League of Legends... You got all your guns and/or champions and you decide you beat the game, its time to quit... Lol that makes no sense at all. That is totally a PvE's mindset, or at the very least a hard core wanna-be PvPer.
Please don't make it sound like you're some hardcore PvPer, you are a disgrace to us hardcore PvPers. Just don't talk. In-fact yes, please leave this game.
P.S. I have all my PvP gear + I've geared a few of my friends to full PvP gear and i have over 20k+ glory... I don't see a point you're making. You obviously are not a PvPer. Please don't even think you are. You're pathetic
Oh and end game for a TRUE PVPer is continue to PvP... Hur dur, bet you didn't figure that one out.
More PvP content is planned, but in the meantime, you could perfection your skill. Why not write down your highest score at the end of a match and try to beat it? join as solo player for an added challenge.
There is also at least one PvP achievement -- I recall getting one for having slain x number of players. Not sure how high that goes.
Why do people think gear = skill? So what if you have all of your gear. You can buy 1k Zen and have all your gear buying from the AH if you really wanted.
Pvp is about fighting other players. The gear is just so you don't die and can actually hurt them. But wait, nvm, people will soon match your gear and then you won't win as much. Maybe that's why you're taking this way out....
*nods* I don't think they even want getting PvP gear to be a long grind (has never been fun in any MMORPG PvP I played), which is why it is relatively cheap and you even get 350+ glory when you lose. Getting PvE gear takes considerably longer, if you farm it yourself.
Please don't make it sound like you're some hardcore PvPer, you are a disgrace to us hardcore PvPers. Just don't talk. In-fact yes, please leave this game.
(lol if you only knew)
erm cough ok mate
as to other posts :
there are no stats
Not that I'm a ratio ***** or stat ***** far from it, but I really can't see a point in pvping?
Glory buys me what?
No competition, nothing to gain from it...
If I want mindless pew pew, I'll play PS2 in fact yeah, gona do that hah
Why not make level other classes to 60 and get that PvP set as well?
hah well I'd do that, and I've done that in other mmos, but there really doesn't seem to be any point in pvping in this game (I'm not trolling / trash talking or whatever, simple truth) apart from 2 map of minigame whether your level 10 or 60.
Wait.... you call yourself a PvPer and actually quit when you got all your gears? Wtf is this, some kid thinking PvP = PvE?
Dude PvE i can understand where you do the dungeon and you got all your max gears and you cannot improve on anything at all, no point in playing anymore PvE unless to help friends get gears.
PvP... You got all your gear.... so what? Just because you have all your gear doesn't mean you're good at PvP... Hell from what i know this game's PvP gear can easily be obtainable with you being blind folded for 3 hours and when you take off the blind fold you'll have all the pieces.
PvP is about fighting another player, PvP is always a different game at every match-its just literally never the same match.
Its like playing FPS or League of Legends... You got all your guns and/or champions and you decide you beat the game, its time to quit... Lol that makes no sense at all. That is totally a PvE's mindset, or at the very least a hard core wanna-be PvPer.
Please don't make it sound like you're some hardcore PvPer, you are a disgrace to us hardcore PvPers. Just don't talk. In-fact yes, please leave this game.
P.S. I have all my PvP gear + I've geared a few of my friends to full PvP gear and i have over 20k+ glory... I don't see a point you're making. You obviously are not a PvPer. Please don't even think you are. You're pathetic
Oh and end game for a TRUE PVPer is continue to PvP... Hur dur, bet you didn't figure that one out.
nemesis788450Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
so gg all, that was fun, to Cryptic, great game, nice one, send me an email when (if ever) there is something going on @ pvp and I can use my gear for something useful
since pvp was implemented late and is kinda "small", i strongly assume they will expand on that... I would love to see things like sieging, open world/zone pvp, RvsR etc.. something like the border regions from age of conan...where you can also conquer your own castle etc... AND of course later on, players being able to build pvp / RvsR much potential
amuze12Member, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 4Arc User
edited May 2013
The goal is to have fun. If you play just to unlock gear then play some CoD. Once upon a time......
carbon3dMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 5Arc User
so gg all, that was fun, to Cryptic, great game, nice one, send me an email when (if ever) there is something going on @ pvp and I can use my gear for something useful
You do realize this is a BETA.... .. . ... right? Different specs to choose from coming... More PvP maps, and game types in the future... Who knows... maybe some arenas? Cool glowy stuff?!
Until Gauntlegrym comes out yes, you've 'won' all the content they have for you if all you're interested is in PvP.
This is kinda part of the reason people have been saying D&D is really more of a PvE world - since with the foundry the content is pretty endless. People that play this game just for the PvP are probably going to quit within a few weeks.
I'm not really torn up about that :P
carbon3dMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 5Arc User
ahkronnemesisMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
For someone that claims not liking pve, you play pvp with a very pve mindset.
PvP is not about gearing. It's about.. PvP. Go figure. You don't really have progression on pvp by gearing, but rather by Playing.
A PvE that quits when his/her progression got to the maximum (meaning, all dungeons are done and all gear is obtained) is understandable, but a PvP player quiting because he/she got all gear is at least, ridiculous.
[Campaign] Into the Heart of Time (NWS-DLSK763NH) by @ahkronnemesis
Chapter I - The Cult of Kairos (NW-DJFINX9KB)
Chapter II - The Halls of Mortality (NW-DOE3ZC671)
Chapter III - Paradox ( Soon )
Not all PvPers are Killers, some are Achievers who simply prefer variation of opponents, rather than maps. I understand what the OP is saying, as I've faced the same problem in many MMOs.
I like to focus on a bigger goal than one match at a time. Leveling, gear, some rank.
Not all PvPers are Killers, some are Achievers who simply prefer variation of opponents, rather than maps. I understand what the OP is saying, as I've faced the same problem in many MMOs.
I like to focus on a bigger goal than one match at a time. Leveling, gear, some rank.
Wait.... you call yourself a PvPer and actually quit when you got all your gears? Wtf is this, some kid thinking PvP = PvE?
Dude PvE i can understand where you do the dungeon and you got all your max gears and you cannot improve on anything at all, no point in playing anymore PvE unless to help friends get gears.
PvP... You got all your gear.... so what? Just because you have all your gear doesn't mean you're good at PvP... Hell from what i know this game's PvP gear can easily be obtainable with you being blind folded for 3 hours and when you take off the blind fold you'll have all the pieces.
PvP is about fighting another player, PvP is always a different game at every match-its just literally never the same match.
Its like playing FPS or League of Legends... You got all your guns and/or champions and you decide you beat the game, its time to quit... Lol that makes no sense at all. That is totally a PvE's mindset, or at the very least a hard core wanna-be PvPer.
Please don't make it sound like you're some hardcore PvPer, you are a disgrace to us hardcore PvPers. Just don't talk. In-fact yes, please leave this game.
P.S. I have all my PvP gear + I've geared a few of my friends to full PvP gear and i have over 20k+ glory... I don't see a point you're making. You obviously are not a PvPer. Please don't even think you are. You're pathetic
Oh and end game for a TRUE PVPer is continue to PvP... Hur dur, bet you didn't figure that one out.
While I agree with some of your points, being "hardcore" is an over exaggerated idea. I don't agree with sticking around 1 mmo to become a hardcore pvper. I personally switch between league, this game, blacklight, (yes wow rarely) aion, and a lesser known game called s4 league. I suppose everything I do is pvp related. However I am not hardcore because I spent my nights bashing my head into a boring pvp system to be the best. I'm not going to turn around and tell you what TRUE PVPers are, because ENJOYING the pvp is whats important. I am assuming he feels accomplished after pvping enough to get all the gear, and is tired of the same maps. If he is bored then it is his choice to play another game, that's that.
I normally come around 2nd or 3rd, and I'm ok with that if I'm 1st I'm happy for 10 minutes. I don't let it inflate my ego, because I know if I try too hard either I'll A turn into people like you, or become frustrated by people like OP.
TL;DR F*ck your hardcore. These are still games, and if your not having fun then whats the point?
P.S. To everyone, stop calling everyone who does not agree with you kids! It is childish! This is why we can't have good sportsmanship.
azhrarn80Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 18Arc User
Running around while rogues chase me in pvp prepared me well for the fight!
so gg all, that was fun, to Cryptic, great game, nice one, send me an email when (if ever) there is something going on @ pvp and I can use my gear for something useful
This was never going to be a pvp game. it would have pvp, yes, but the main focus was and will always be pve.
don't get me wrong, pvp is fun, but at this stage with so few classes, and those classes all being archtypes (exept gwf) no diminishing return on cc and Gauntlgrym still a few weeks away...i don't see the point other than get some glory when bored and you don't feel like doing a dungeon.
that's the first time I read that before hah
PVPer rocking it Solo queue style since the dawn of Neverwinter
Dude PvE i can understand where you do the dungeon and you got all your max gears and you cannot improve on anything at all, no point in playing anymore PvE unless to help friends get gears.
PvP... You got all your gear.... so what? Just because you have all your gear doesn't mean you're good at PvP... Hell from what i know this game's PvP gear can easily be obtainable with you being blind folded for 3 hours and when you take off the blind fold you'll have all the pieces.
PvP is about fighting another player, PvP is always a different game at every match-its just literally never the same match.
Its like playing FPS or League of Legends... You got all your guns and/or champions and you decide you beat the game, its time to quit... Lol that makes no sense at all. That is totally a PvE's mindset, or at the very least a hard core wanna-be PvPer.
Please don't make it sound like you're some hardcore PvPer, you are a disgrace to us hardcore PvPers. Just don't talk. In-fact yes, please leave this game.
P.S. I have all my PvP gear + I've geared a few of my friends to full PvP gear and i have over 20k+ glory... I don't see a point you're making. You obviously are not a PvPer. Please don't even think you are. You're pathetic
Oh and end game for a TRUE PVPer is continue to PvP... Hur dur, bet you didn't figure that one out.
Not always obvious, she's to the left once you go in, and the gear is on the third tab. First tab is potions.
There is also at least one PvP achievement -- I recall getting one for having slain x number of players. Not sure how high that goes.
Pvp is about fighting other players. The gear is just so you don't die and can actually hurt them. But wait, nvm, people will soon match your gear and then you won't win as much. Maybe that's why you're taking this way out....
(lol if you only knew)
erm cough ok mate
as to other posts :
there are no stats
Not that I'm a ratio ***** or stat ***** far from it, but I really can't see a point in pvping?
Glory buys me what?
No competition, nothing to gain from it...
If I want mindless pew pew, I'll play PS2
Maybe your confused post is an attempt to request a ladder system or some other recognition for your PvP exploits?
no no, I'm out of here, sorry to have confused you >.>
**** scrubs.
Can't wait for that to be fixed and all these hacks who depend on the bug to get wins will start losing the games they're supposed to lose.
PVPer rocking it Solo queue style since the dawn of Neverwinter
hah well I'd do that, and I've done that in other mmos, but there really doesn't seem to be any point in pvping in this game (I'm not trolling / trash talking or whatever, simple truth) apart from 2 map of minigame whether your level 10 or 60.
Actually, gona play GW2
since pvp was implemented late and is kinda "small", i strongly assume they will expand on that... I would love to see things like sieging, open world/zone pvp, RvsR etc.. something like the border regions from age of conan...where you can also conquer your own castle etc... AND of course later on, players being able to build pvp / RvsR much potential
You do realize this is a BETA.... .. . ... right? Different specs to choose from coming... More PvP maps, and game types in the future... Who knows... maybe some arenas? Cool glowy stuff?!
This is kinda part of the reason people have been saying D&D is really more of a PvE world - since with the foundry the content is pretty endless. People that play this game just for the PvP are probably going to quit within a few weeks.
I'm not really torn up about that :P
indeed. a +1 from me as well. Spot on.
For someone that claims not liking pve, you play pvp with a very pve mindset.
PvP is not about gearing. It's about.. PvP. Go figure. You don't really have progression on pvp by gearing, but rather by Playing.
A PvE that quits when his/her progression got to the maximum (meaning, all dungeons are done and all gear is obtained) is understandable, but a PvP player quiting because he/she got all gear is at least, ridiculous.
Chapter I - The Cult of Kairos (NW-DJFINX9KB)
Chapter II - The Halls of Mortality (NW-DOE3ZC671)
Chapter III - Paradox ( Soon )
I like to focus on a bigger goal than one match at a time. Leveling, gear, some rank.
or at least stats oO
While I agree with some of your points, being "hardcore" is an over exaggerated idea. I don't agree with sticking around 1 mmo to become a hardcore pvper. I personally switch between league, this game, blacklight, (yes wow rarely) aion, and a lesser known game called s4 league. I suppose everything I do is pvp related. However I am not hardcore because I spent my nights bashing my head into a boring pvp system to be the best. I'm not going to turn around and tell you what TRUE PVPers are, because ENJOYING the pvp is whats important. I am assuming he feels accomplished after pvping enough to get all the gear, and is tired of the same maps. If he is bored then it is his choice to play another game, that's that.
I normally come around 2nd or 3rd, and I'm ok with that if I'm 1st I'm happy for 10 minutes. I don't let it inflate my ego, because I know if I try too hard either I'll A turn into people like you, or become frustrated by people like OP.
TL;DR F*ck your hardcore. These are still games, and if your not having fun then whats the point?
P.S. To everyone, stop calling everyone who does not agree with you kids! It is childish! This is why we can't have good sportsmanship.
last msg from the Dev Tracker forum stated that they fixed the crash caused by smoke bomb or too many dazes.