The lack of out-of-combat health regen is troubling me. It forces me to waste time running back and forth to fires or wasting money buying consumables. I suppose depending on the regen rate the time spent waiting for regen might be nearly equal, but at least it is a bit more relaxing than constantly running or constantly buying. I don't see much tactical value to either running back after every few battles or spending money on potions; it's just a frustration for me.
That annoyance combined with the exorbitant prices on things like bags are draining my desire to keep playing, and potentially keeping me from discovering greater value down the road in this game.
In lists of peoples' negatives, I don't see the lack of regen being mentioned much, so do most people not care about buying consumables? I assume that more people just load up on potions rather than running back to fires frequently, probably because potions can also be used in combat.
I think most people just use consumables or stack regeneration/life steal. You should be getting consumables at a rate near or quicker than you use them.
This is pretty classic in D&D, btw; the lack of health regen.
In lists of peoples' negatives, I don't see the lack of regen being mentioned much, so do most people not care about buying consumables? I assume that more people just load up on potions rather than running back to fires frequently, probably because potions can also be used in combat.
I don't think automatic health regen is a particularly D&D concept, so it might be out of place here. I am probably jinxing myself by typing this, but I have not had too many issues so far with health. Then again, I play Control Wizard and Devoted Cleric. On the one, I can heal myself and on the other it is rare for things to be able to hit me often.
That said, I have not found this game to shine in solo play. Having a group (specifically, a class-diverse group) seems much more fun. When I am not playing a Cleric, I hope to be in groups with one, so regen should not require tons of potions or constant returns to the fire.
bioshrikeMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,729Arc User
edited May 2013
Yeah.. I had a similar issue until I started equipping gear that gives +regen. Combined w/ gear that also gives +lifesteal, I'm in a pretty good place. The cleric companion is also a big help.
<::::::::::::::)xxxo <::::::::::::::)xxxo <::::::::::::)xxxxxxxx(:::::::::::> oxxx(::::::::::::::> oxxx(::::::::::::::> "Is it better to be feared or respected? I say, is it too much to ask for both?" -Tony Stark Official NW_Legit_Community Forums
The lack of health regen is kind of a throwback to tabletop Dungeons and Dragons, which (especially in the first 3 editions) was a game of resource management. You had (this many) hit points, (this many) potions, arrows, and other misc items to get you through an adventure, and after that you were scavanging from enemies or making due without. If you played a certain other D&D online game that I won't mention by name, you'll have noted a similar mechanic.
The short solution is to bring health potions (if you're not a healer), or group with somebody. Soloing can be (and is meant to be) dangerous. In Neverwinter, you get companion NPC's that can travel and adventure with you, as Salaman mentions above. The cleric companion will heal you - sounds like exactly what you need.
If you played a certain other D&D online game that I won't mention by name, you'll have noted a similar mechanic.
Nope, won't mention it at all.
I did not go for a cleric companion because in earlier betas the companion AI was such that it was always dead anyway. Not to say a companion wasn't useful at all, just that I went for the extra protection and damage over a few heals before the companion ate floorboards. Have they improved since?
The lack of out of combat regen has annoyed me as well. I started off with a Great weapon fighter and it just a pain. I could take down a group of baddies well enough. But id always be to damaged to tackle another group without topping off.
Chugging potions between fights just seemed...wrong. To much time being trained in other MMOs that pots are for "oh heck" moments. Rewiring my brain to adjust to how it is here has been difficult. And the constantly running back and forth from group to camp fire is got old quick.
I pretty much had to shelve my GWF. Ive tried Control wizard and been having a much easier time with her. Being able to do two or three groups between heals has helped my sanity. And after trying a Cleric im almost afraid to play anything else.
Every time I try a 2-handed fighter I get psychotically frustrated at it's overall weakness in the intro. I haven't played one to level 5 yet, because every other class handles the intro with ease, but my 2-hf always got to the boss with only a handful of hit points yet.
I'll let those that have gone the distance with them speak with their experiences, but I feared they might be a tad unfinished.
Just buy potions, jeeze, they are dirt cheap, it's what they are there for. Notice you don't have a recharge on them when out of combat? Yep. If i ever play a healer and people aren't poting themselves up between battles, they die. Seriously, get potions, heal up, profit.
Lifesteal is useless. Even when I was sticking in on every piece of equipment I had at lvl 40, It was only healing me for like 25 hp per strike. This is retardedly low when you have over 8000 health. It's just not worth it.
Do you even know whats in those things? Do we know how many calories they have? I for one know that chugging anything by the hundreds every day for years has GOT to cause some problems. Fat ankles, cancer, brain swelling, who knows. I mean really has anyone honestly tested these things long term?
So you'll have to excuse me If I refrain from trusting the little poison buggers.
Do you even know whats in those things? Do we know how many calories they have? I for one know that chugging anything by the hundreds every day for years has GOT to cause some problems. Fat ankles, cancer, brain swelling, who knows. I mean really has anyone honestly tested these things long term?
So you'll have to excuse me If I refrain from trusting the little poison buggers.
Spend enough zen they will make you all natural organic potions.....
The healer companion is pretty good. Its AI is nice, and on the whole it has kept my rogue topped up well. Myself on my rogue, and a friend on his GWF have had a blast taking on dungeon content with just the two of us, and a pair of healer NPCs. Which, coincidentally, is about the right level of challenge for a dungeon. Health regen goes on regen gear in D&D typically. As mentioned before, D&D tends to be about managing your resources, but by the first time I used a 2000 HP healing potion, I'd already found 81, so managing potions isn't much of an issue unless you're trying to go through a dungeon with only two people, and none of them an actual healer.
My CW is constantly buying health pots because I don't like to waste stats on my armor etc. I get alot of pots that drop and also what else you gonna spend gold on? He's a potO'holic... I know that doesn't sound good.
arti78Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 1Arc User
edited May 2013
You could always acquire some regen gear for between combat areas, or as someone said, use the portable altars to heal. They heal at a decent rate.
Cleric companions are useful for saving on potions, but sometimes it's nice having the extra dps one of the others put out.
Every stat has some use too, even regen, just depends on if you are building a glass cannon, or something that will survive long enough to deal more damage in bigger fights.
Do you even know whats in those things? Do we know how many calories they have? I for one know that chugging anything by the hundreds every day for years has GOT to cause some problems. Fat ankles, cancer, brain swelling, who knows. I mean really has anyone honestly tested these things long term?
So you'll have to excuse me If I refrain from trusting the little poison buggers.
I know what's in those health potions!
terradraconisMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 17Arc User
edited May 2013
Alters, I have almost 40 of the suckers in my inventory at level 24. campfires always at least 1 in any quest often more. Healing potions. Cleric companion.
Thank you for starting this thread. I completely agree with you, the lack of Health Regen out of combat is my single biggest complaint with this game.
My first character was a Guardian, and I have to say, it was the hardest, most frustrating experience I've ever had in a game. I'm a solo player, and it was so awful that it almost made me quit playing altogether.
Now I'm playing a Cleric and the difference is like night and day. Normally, I like to try every class in a game, but the lack of Health Regen for the other classes just leaves me cold. I can't bear the thought of going through that again.
There is a simple way to fix this though, just add a generous 'Regeneration' stat to all non-cleric gear. I say 'generous' because my Guardian found a belt with the Regen stat, but it was so pitifully low that it only healed me for like 3 hp at a time, which was all but useless.
As for the Cleric companion, she's not really of much use. I spent more time trying to keep her alive than I did myself.
Anyway, I'm just glad to see I'm not the only one who's bothered by the lack of Health Regeneration in Neverwinter.
For those who wonder why this bothers me, I might mention that I only have two level 5 characters in this game. So I haven't gotten far and I haven't gotten any companions and don't feel confident about my in-game currency income. I've played plenty of other MMOs, almost all of which had some kind of regen between battles at the very least.
Right now I feel like I'm being pushed into the cleric class because my other one had to keep going back to fires in the dungeon I ran at level 4. Granted, my cleric took time to use the cooldown heal between a couple big battles, which took as long as running back, but the healing during battles made it better between most battles.
I'm old school , I know how powerful in basic D&D a ring of regeneration was . This game just stack regen and you will heal up between fights . The secret ? You regen faster at low health . So don't drink a potion when the battle ends , wait till you are 1,2, or 4k away from max then drink the potion .
For those who wonder why this bothers me, I might mention that I only have two level 5 characters in this game. So I haven't gotten far and I haven't gotten any companions and don't feel confident about my in-game currency income. I've played plenty of other MMOs, almost all of which had some kind of regen between battles at the very least.
Right now I feel like I'm being pushed into the cleric class because my other one had to keep going back to fires in the dungeon I ran at level 4. Granted, my cleric took time to use the cooldown heal between a couple big battles, which took as long as running back, but the healing during battles made it better between most battles.
Really give it some time and use the pots. There are countless threads about good being useless and quite a few posts about need for health regen. The answer to both is to use pots. They are the primary gold sink and should have no issue at all having enough gold to get them after you get your mount. Levelling is so fast that even with only using dropped/quest reward potions u til you get your mount you should be fine.
For those who wonder why this bothers me, I might mention that I only have two level 5 characters in this game. So I haven't gotten far and I haven't gotten any companions and don't feel confident about my in-game currency income. I've played plenty of other MMOs, almost all of which had some kind of regen between battles at the very least.
Right now I feel like I'm being pushed into the cleric class because my other one had to keep going back to fires in the dungeon I ran at level 4. Granted, my cleric took time to use the cooldown heal between a couple big battles, which took as long as running back, but the healing during battles made it better between most battles.
Um. Perhaps get a bit better at defending? Even on my most fragile character (great weapon fighter), I had enough potions through the low levels. In the teens on the GWF I was starting to get worried that I'd be spending everything on pots, but then I got the cleric companion @ lv16. (Meanwhile, the rogue w/cleric is proving to be ridiculously survivable. The 2nd tier potions that drop as loot have expanded into a second stack, because I haven't even used the bound potions I got from the adventurer's chest.)
(And I don't think cleric's going to do it for you - the initial heal abilities aren't quite the "poof! you're better!" that they are in some other games. You still need to dodge stuff.)
bpphantomMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
Buying... pots? What? My GWF doesn't even have a pot issue at this point (still only 16 with my Dire Wolf). Leave campfire after getting quests, do quests, come back and use campfire if necessary.
Anyway, some people might have a problem, so use the Cleric companion or a friend. Maybe just spend some coppers on pots.
- bpphantom
Grace, Tiefling Devoted Cleric
"Do what you can, with what you have, where you are. Then leave the rest to Batman."
This is pretty classic in D&D, btw; the lack of health regen.
I don't think automatic health regen is a particularly D&D concept, so it might be out of place here. I am probably jinxing myself by typing this, but I have not had too many issues so far with health. Then again, I play Control Wizard and Devoted Cleric. On the one, I can heal myself and on the other it is rare for things to be able to hit me often.
That said, I have not found this game to shine in solo play. Having a group (specifically, a class-diverse group) seems much more fun. When I am not playing a Cleric, I hope to be in groups with one, so regen should not require tons of potions or constant returns to the fire.
"Is it better to be feared or respected? I say, is it too much to ask for both?" -Tony Stark
Official NW_Legit_Community Forums
The short solution is to bring health potions (if you're not a healer), or group with somebody. Soloing can be (and is meant to be) dangerous. In Neverwinter, you get companion NPC's that can travel and adventure with you, as Salaman mentions above. The cleric companion will heal you - sounds like exactly what you need.
Nope, won't mention it at all.
I did not go for a cleric companion because in earlier betas the companion AI was such that it was always dead anyway. Not to say a companion wasn't useful at all, just that I went for the extra protection and damage over a few heals before the companion ate floorboards. Have they improved since?
Chugging potions between fights just seemed...wrong. To much time being trained in other MMOs that pots are for "oh heck" moments. Rewiring my brain to adjust to how it is here has been difficult. And the constantly running back and forth from group to camp fire is got old quick.
I pretty much had to shelve my GWF. Ive tried Control wizard and been having a much easier time with her. Being able to do two or three groups between heals has helped my sanity. And after trying a Cleric im almost afraid to play anything else.
I'll let those that have gone the distance with them speak with their experiences, but I feared they might be a tad unfinished.
Do you even know whats in those things? Do we know how many calories they have? I for one know that chugging anything by the hundreds every day for years has GOT to cause some problems. Fat ankles, cancer, brain swelling, who knows. I mean really has anyone honestly tested these things long term?
So you'll have to excuse me If I refrain from trusting the little poison buggers.
Spend enough zen they will make you all natural organic potions.....
Cleric companions are useful for saving on potions, but sometimes it's nice having the extra dps one of the others put out.
Every stat has some use too, even regen, just depends on if you are building a glass cannon, or something that will survive long enough to deal more damage in bigger fights.
I know what's in those health potions!
What on Faerȗn are you talking about?
My first character was a Guardian, and I have to say, it was the hardest, most frustrating experience I've ever had in a game. I'm a solo player, and it was so awful that it almost made me quit playing altogether.
Now I'm playing a Cleric and the difference is like night and day. Normally, I like to try every class in a game, but the lack of Health Regen for the other classes just leaves me cold. I can't bear the thought of going through that again.
There is a simple way to fix this though, just add a generous 'Regeneration' stat to all non-cleric gear. I say 'generous' because my Guardian found a belt with the Regen stat, but it was so pitifully low that it only healed me for like 3 hp at a time, which was all but useless.
As for the Cleric companion, she's not really of much use. I spent more time trying to keep her alive than I did myself.
Anyway, I'm just glad to see I'm not the only one who's bothered by the lack of Health Regeneration in Neverwinter.
Right now I feel like I'm being pushed into the cleric class because my other one had to keep going back to fires in the dungeon I ran at level 4. Granted, my cleric took time to use the cooldown heal between a couple big battles, which took as long as running back, but the healing during battles made it better between most battles.
Really give it some time and use the pots. There are countless threads about good being useless and quite a few posts about need for health regen. The answer to both is to use pots. They are the primary gold sink and should have no issue at all having enough gold to get them after you get your mount. Levelling is so fast that even with only using dropped/quest reward potions u til you get your mount you should be fine.
A valid point.
Um. Perhaps get a bit better at defending?
(And I don't think cleric's going to do it for you - the initial heal abilities aren't quite the "poof! you're better!" that they are in some other games. You still need to dodge stuff.)
Anyway, some people might have a problem, so use the Cleric companion or a friend. Maybe just spend some coppers on pots.
Grace, Tiefling Devoted Cleric
"Do what you can, with what you have, where you are. Then leave the rest to Batman."