After some preliminary testing, I've found BotS and Astral Seal to be the best Divinity gain. Spam BotS the mobs you can, then use ASeal for the per cast gain. This is the highest D gain I've found so far.
suparstarxMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
I picked humans for looks. Seems like I didn't do wrong!
Quick question. I looked over this because I'm pretty sure I'm going to roll a Cleric. I was wondering what makes Human best for Min/Max. Dwarves and Half-Orcs can also select a str bonus, and would the 5% half-orc critical bonus benefit us at all? I really don't know a whole lot about the game yet so I'm curious.
The half orc bonus (if I interpret it correctly) is 5% critical severity, which I believe you can get from gear in-game. There is no gear that will give you extra feat points though, which makes humans strictly better for a lot of classes simply because you can fill up more than 1 tier 4 heroic feat.
The racials and extra stats of the other races are too situational for a cleric (Half-Orc also gives you +2 dex (2% aoe resistance and deflection), occasional runspeed boost and Dwarves give you +2 con (+4% hp) and dot damage resistance, compared to human's 3% defense)
Imo, I would gladly give up situational bonuses and stats that can be found on gear for the option of filling out another high tier feat
The half orc bonus (if I interpret it correctly) is 5% critical severity, which I believe you can get from gear in-game. There is no gear that will give you extra feat points though, which makes humans strictly better for a lot of classes simply because you can fill up more than 1 tier 4 heroic feat.
The racials and extra stats of the other races are too situational for a cleric (Half-Orc also gives you +2 dex (2% aoe resistance and deflection), occasional runspeed boost and Dwarves give you +2 con (+4% hp) and dot damage resistance, compared to human's 3% defense)
Imo, I would gladly give up situational bonuses and stats that can be found on gear for the option of filling out another high tier feat
Unfortunately you are right, the fact that Humans get the bonus 3 feat points is just too powerful to ignore. Sadly it makes the Humans the best choice for almost any class!!
Buuut in saying that, I still couldn't go past a good ol' Dorf.. 3 feat points or no, I just love being a midget with attitude...
I was trying to find a way to get the Cleric to work in spite of the crappy aim assist that makes you pick the wrong target. So I thought, "High AP regen = lots of AOE healing, that should do it". Then I find this guide. Yep, it's what I was looking for. Thanks very much!
I'm only 20 and therefor don't know how much power to expect to have at this level, but could it be beneficial to take Initiate of the faith over bountiful fortune, and put the two extra points from domain synergy and healing action in bountiful fortune? Leaving healing action, domain synergy, and bountiful fortune at 2 and initiate at 5? I'm not sure how much power to expect to have at that point even when not intentionally stacking it since I'm still a newb at the game.
Sorry for posting this again, but I was wondering if I could get a response to this?
Sorry for posting this again, but I was wondering if I could get a response to this?
The consensus is that Initiate of the Faith is fail. Lets say you have a 60 with 2000 power. 1% of that is 20. So your critical strike goes up by 20?? Waste of 5 points. Now if it adds a base 20% crit then its way way way OP and probably the best feat to trait to max but I doubt it. That would mean that Deistik would be running around with 65% crit and be somewhat god moded.
Test it out and let us know someone. I'm saving my free respec for 60.
Qutti'Debachi - Cleric <Rarely Sober> - Beholder
moseslkhMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
I would like to ask why would bountiful fortune be maxed?
Does it add +15% to the amount of divinity you have total or +15% to the amount of divinity gain you get?
Because skills in divinity uses 1 charge nonetheless of the amount you have, so it wouldn't be good to have maxed?
I'm looking at the possibility that it may/might mean more divinity storage for channeling skills like soothing or punishing light instead of similar to Divine Fortune class power
I would like to ask why would bountiful fortune be maxed?
Does it add +15% to the amount of divinity you have total or +15% to the amount of divinity gain you get?
Because skills in divinity uses 1 charge nonetheless of the amount you have, so it wouldn't be good to have maxed?
I'm looking at the possibility that it may/might mean more divinity storage for channeling skills like soothing or punishing light instead of similar to Divine Fortune class power
luckily, that's easy to test since we know 3 sunburst/searing light equate to ~ 1 pip. if u have significant excess it's +15% gain, if you have less it's +15% capacity
psydragon26Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
luckily, that's easy to test since we know 3 sunburst/searing light equate to ~ 1 pip. if u have significant excess it's +15% gain, if you have less it's +15% capacity
How many mobs are we talking about to test? I think Sunburst and Searing light both generate Divinity based on the amount of targets you hit.
At the very least, trying it out on the 5 packs of Imps in Helms deep, I got a bit over 1 pip after 2 Sunbursts from completely empty. This is with 5/5 BF.
kruxxyMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 3Arc User
luckily, that's easy to test since we know 3 sunburst/searing light equate to ~ 1 pip. if u have significant excess it's +15% gain, if you have less it's +15% capacity
Hope we can get some clarity on this. If it is divinity bar capacity for the channeled spells, that seems like it would be a big detriment since it would take more divinity per pip.
BTW great thread. Big fan.
I had another question about threat reduction, whether it's soothe or battlewise. How much of an impact are those points? If you were pulling boss aggro, then it would make sense, but the biggest threat issue seems to be new adds spawning where even reduced threat will still pull them to you. Would it make more sense to go with Foresight and accept you're gonna get hit?
How many mobs are we talking about to test? I think Sunburst and Searing light both generate Divinity based on the amount of targets you hit.
At the very least, trying it out on the 5 packs of Imps in Helms deep, I got a bit over 1 pip after 2 Sunbursts from completely empty. This is with 5/5 BF.
1 pip of Divinity is approximately equal to:
~ 15 lances of faith (~6.66666666... %)
~ 9 astral seals (~11.111..... %)
~ 3 searing light / sunburst (~33.333333.... %)
~ 2 blazing chains + 2 lances of faith (~43.3333... %)
You can try it with the target dummies in the trade of blades but if I remember correctly, sunburst is the only skill whose AP gain scales with the number of targets hit (I was told it was 5 max) while the divinity gain of either doesn't.
I run Soothe over Foresight to make it easier for my dps/tanks to pull adds off of me. I've accepted I will have to kite, and I will get hit, but there's a huge difference in how long it takes people to pull mobs off of me, with and without Soothe.
jasonda1Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
If at all possible, could you also screenshot your power page like you did with your feat page?
psydragon26Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
You can try it with the target dummies in the trade of blades but if I remember correctly, sunburst is the only skill whose AP gain scales with the number of targets hit (I was told it was 5 max) while the divinity gain of either doesn't.
So it looks like in the end BF will save you about one Encounter ability for the most part to gain a pip.
Nice work ! We can confirm that BF is indeed + 15% DP generation. Hm.. I wonder if ~ 3 encounters per pip is the norm across most encounter powers. With Righteous Rage of Tempus that's ~ 5 encounters per 2 pips instead of 6.
good Guide! I sort have been following your logic, except I put power and crit above all else in gear and feat etc. At the moment i am level 28 and I usually come in top 3 during PVP dungeon etc in DPS and always top for healing. Pretty impressive I gotta say.
bigredlunchboxMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
Nice build, thanks for taking the time to explain it in detail. I'm sure there are lots of clerics out there right now who are very pleased.
Added a video of Spellplague end boss, mainly for lols... but take note that I'm basically the ONLY person that has to use any kind of pot/stone. Yea, Righteousness sure is needed. Thanks, Cryptic.
I have a question, i'm lvl 35 and i have been getting gear focusing on power and crit, but now that i'm this levle i'm seeing more and more gear giving me recovery, deflection and losing power and crit. What gear should i be focusing on moving past 35?
Currently using the +400 crit set bonus, and I'd use the +400 recovery 2set if I could, the 4 sets are... underwhelming.
I also use the Divine Emissary set, though I quite like the +400 crit and +250 defense and deflect aura.
I've also recently learned there is a T2 set which gives a 4 piece bonus that your encounter power will heal nearby allies for 5% of their max HP. I hope to get this full set since that's a pretty huge bonus if it procs off abilities like Divine Glow. It would make ALL our encounters into heals.
Edit: I'm in the process of uploading a video that I talk about my opinions on gear and diminishing returns on stats in the second half, my current build is the first half (it will end up linked in my thread once it's up).
The half orc bonus (if I interpret it correctly) is 5% critical severity, which I believe you can get from gear in-game. There is no gear that will give you extra feat points though, which makes humans strictly better for a lot of classes simply because you can fill up more than 1 tier 4 heroic feat.
The racials and extra stats of the other races are too situational for a cleric (Half-Orc also gives you +2 dex (2% aoe resistance and deflection), occasional runspeed boost and Dwarves give you +2 con (+4% hp) and dot damage resistance, compared to human's 3% defense)
Imo, I would gladly give up situational bonuses and stats that can be found on gear for the option of filling out another high tier feat
Unfortunately you are right, the fact that Humans get the bonus 3 feat points is just too powerful to ignore. Sadly it makes the Humans the best choice for almost any class!!
Buuut in saying that, I still couldn't go past a good ol' Dorf.. 3 feat points or no, I just love being a midget with attitude...
What Class Are You?
Even there, you're better off using BotS, and then spamming ASeal, that's still going to be your max Divinity gain. I'm falling in love with BotS
Sorry for posting this again, but I was wondering if I could get a response to this?
The consensus is that Initiate of the Faith is fail. Lets say you have a 60 with 2000 power. 1% of that is 20. So your critical strike goes up by 20?? Waste of 5 points. Now if it adds a base 20% crit then its way way way OP and probably the best feat to trait to max but I doubt it. That would mean that Deistik would be running around with 65% crit and be somewhat god moded.
Test it out and let us know someone. I'm saving my free respec for 60.
<Rarely Sober> - Beholder
Does it add +15% to the amount of divinity you have total or +15% to the amount of divinity gain you get?
Because skills in divinity uses 1 charge nonetheless of the amount you have, so it wouldn't be good to have maxed?
I'm looking at the possibility that it may/might mean more divinity storage for channeling skills like soothing or punishing light instead of similar to Divine Fortune class power
luckily, that's easy to test since we know 3 sunburst/searing light equate to ~ 1 pip. if u have significant excess it's +15% gain, if you have less it's +15% capacity
How many mobs are we talking about to test? I think Sunburst and Searing light both generate Divinity based on the amount of targets you hit.
At the very least, trying it out on the 5 packs of Imps in Helms deep, I got a bit over 1 pip after 2 Sunbursts from completely empty. This is with 5/5 BF.
Hope we can get some clarity on this. If it is divinity bar capacity for the channeled spells, that seems like it would be a big detriment since it would take more divinity per pip.
BTW great thread. Big fan.
I had another question about threat reduction, whether it's soothe or battlewise. How much of an impact are those points? If you were pulling boss aggro, then it would make sense, but the biggest threat issue seems to be new adds spawning where even reduced threat will still pull them to you. Would it make more sense to go with Foresight and accept you're gonna get hit?
You can try it with the target dummies in the trade of blades but if I remember correctly, sunburst is the only skill whose AP gain scales with the number of targets hit (I was told it was 5 max) while the divinity gain of either doesn't.
Cool. With 5/5 BF here's what I got for ~1 pip.
Lance of Faith - 12
Astral Seals - 8
Sacred Flame - 9 (1.11 pips)
Searing Light - 3 (1.16 pips)
Blazing Chains - 2
Forgemaster's - 3 (1.16 pips)
So it looks like in the end BF will save you about one Encounter ability for the most part to gain a pip.
Nice work ! We can confirm that BF is indeed + 15% DP generation. Hm.. I wonder if ~ 3 encounters per pip is the norm across most encounter powers. With Righteous Rage of Tempus that's ~ 5 encounters per 2 pips instead of 6.
Can u upload a photo with ur skills? pls i dont know what up
I also use the Divine Emissary set, though I quite like the +400 crit and +250 defense and deflect aura.
I've also recently learned there is a T2 set which gives a 4 piece bonus that your encounter power will heal nearby allies for 5% of their max HP. I hope to get this full set since that's a pretty huge bonus if it procs off abilities like Divine Glow. It would make ALL our encounters into heals.
Edit: I'm in the process of uploading a video that I talk about my opinions on gear and diminishing returns on stats in the second half, my current build is the first half (it will end up linked in my thread once it's up).