funny how when ppl cant win, they always cry someone is over powered . most of them provide no proof, besides general statements like .. everyone knows, or. we all know. blah blah.
Don't usually jump into these kind of threads, but being a class that I've played my entire life, I really wouldn't say that the Rogue is an OP class.
I'm only Level 21 at the moment, and so obviously can't speak for the higher levels of gameplay, but what I have experienced so far is that the only reason that I'm topping DPS metres is all about 1) Positioning and 2) The fact that the rest of the party seems too HAMSTER to stand BEHIND the mob.
The whole point of a Rogue is that they are single target players, yes they have some AoE, but nothing ground-breaking. They are supposed to jump into a fight, do as much damage to a target as possible, then get out of there. Having played a little PvP, I've come to the realisation that if a player actually knows how to play their class, then it is very easy to evade a TR. I personally feel like I know how to play my class pretty well (skill combo's, positioning etc), yet when any of the other classes use their dodge / block skills effectively and don't just try to faceroll the keyboard, quite a fair fight ensues.
So yeah, at the moment it may seem like TR's may be a little OP, but if people actually properly learn how to play the other classes, you'll find that this isn't the case.
odinsfist1Member, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
part of the problem is that they were balanced at max level, and for some reason that has caused some odd problems at lower levels. I think they need to retune their balancing to accomidate lower levels. look at the GWF very low damage at lower levels but once you get up near max a much more robust play. though this is just my speculation i could be completely wrong LOL
If brute force didn't work, you didn't use enough brute force!
Well, we know this game will have class balance, because there will be a minimum of 2 threads per week where people are complaining about the class they didnt roll and how its OP in PVP.
First of all, are you a little slow ?
Do you understand anything I have said ?
You claim I don't know my class, but you do not even know what class I am. You claim I have CC, but as a cleric my only "cc" is a knockback which is on a rather long cooldown seeing as how it is only viable with tab/divinity.
As for you only having 1 cc which can easily be avoided, again talking out of your HAMSTER. Rogues have dazing strike, deft strike, bloodbath, impact shot, and a couple others.
And by the way I never claimed to be 1 shot by a rogue, I claimed to have been stunned and reduced to 0 hitpoints from full before the stun wore off.
And as for practicing my class, I have played nothing but a cleric since I started, and I pvp alot which is why I am so angry at the mechanics currently.
Deft Strike 60 Range 14s CD Teleport behind your enemy and deliver a painful stab.
Bonus: During Stealth, range increased to 80' and allow you to teleport to friendly targets.
[Sarcasm] Oh yeah this, so much CC holy $#^&. Can't believe it wtf, check out that stun duration.. nice [Sarcasm]
If you are going to talk about me and claim I know nothing, at least try and figure out the skills before you spew your bull****.
Bloodbath 30 Range (Daily) Flash around the battlefield, jumping from target to target. As you pass through an enemy, they are Slowed and are open to Combat Advantage.
Oh yeah, a Daily skill that does 0 damage and slows for 2 seconds. But hey at least this time you mentioned something with an actual CC. Which just to clarify is what I would refer to as CROWD CONTROL.
Impact Shot 40 Range (3 Charges) Attack your opponent from a medium range, Pushing them slightly.
This skill has 3 encounter charges. Stealthed: Briefly Stuns the target, and cost no charges.
I can't believe you are actually considering this as a CC, all it does is push them backwards and it works
of charges. Granted while in stealth it does stun, but who would waste stealth on a 0.5 second stun.
But congrats on finding this other "overpowered" CC.
Now, you said I did not know your class, so thank you for letting me know which one you play.
Since you are spewing BS I figured I might as well clarify a few things. First up is the amount of CC
available to anyone who plays a Cleric.
The skills are as follows:
Break the spirit 80 Range 10s CD The agonizing radiance of your deity saps your target's strength, Weakening them while dealing damage over time and lowering your threat.
Divinity: Break their spirit completely, briefly Stunning them, and then Slowing for a short duration.
Cool down is 10 seconds, which is pretty short imo. Btw, did you read the part where it has a stun?
(Sure it's for your TAB, but since you added stealth CC I figured I'd drop this here).
Righteous Flames Flame Strike now Stuns target for 0.1/0.2/0.3/0.4/0.5 seconds.
Hey look, you can spec for Stun in your feats. And it's a whopping 0.5 seconds! (Hey sounds a lot like
that OP Impact Shot to me).
Flame Strike Raise a column of holy fire that knocks targets upwards, and then splashes down in a wider area.
That's a knock up which is basically CC, and as previously stated you can even add a little stun to it.
Sun Burst 25 Range 13s CD Invoke a blast of radiant light that burns foes around you and Heals yourself and allies.
Divinity: Now Knocks enemies away and Heals for more.
Oh wait, so you can knock me away and AOE heal at the same time? And it's on a 13 second CD?? GG WP.
Forgemaster's Flame 80 Range 14s CD Ignite your target with Astral Fire, Slowing them while they burn.
Divinity: The flames will now Heal you and your allies near the target.
So a slow for cleric is not a CC, but when the Rogue has a slow then it's a CC? Your logic is awesome and totally not biased
The trickster rogue may have a few more stuff such as Shadow strike (Daze from stealth), and a daily which slows.
But in the end a Cleric has way more range available to spam his/her skills and has a few heals which if used properly can actually save you. Now I'm not sure if you noticed the Cooldowns (CD) since I'm pretty sure you just rushed trough this whole post anyway,
let me just say that I'm pretty sure clerics can pull off more CC than a rogue at any given time. Since they have shorter CD's and
do not need to waste AP to CC a target, all they have to do is use an encounter.
Don't usually jump into these kind of threads, but being a class that I've played my entire life, I really wouldn't say that the Rogue is an OP class.
So yeah, at the moment it may seem like TR's may be a little OP, but if people actually properly learn how to play the other classes, you'll find that this isn't the case.
I am not sure about it being, at least at pre-endgame, merely a matter of learning how to play. While leveling in Dungeons or Skirmishes i have always beaten every other class on my TR (once got beaten by another TR though ), while on my CW I have invariably come top or second (again only ever beaten by TRs) while on my GWF, well lets say, I have only ever managed to beat any other class twice (I have beaten all the other GWFs I have played with though).
So sure - it could just be that I happen to be amazing good playing a TR, great at playing a CW and pretty dire playing a GWF, but this does seem unlikely. Maybe this all balances at end-game - my highest character is only 45 or 46, but up until then this really does seem to be a class rather than a player issue.
There are also several posts claiming Control Wizards are OP. So if 80% are rogues the rest must be CW. Do you have some official source for this 80% claim?
I have never done a 35,000 crit on anyone with my Control Wizard :P But a Rogue has hit me that hard, and 28k, 21k, etc.
The daily is a one shot wonder.
Take out the one hit kill and I am good with the OP... as annoying as it is. :P
Rogues will need a buff in pvp long before they need a nerf.
30+ rogues will vanish under the current mechanics.
They are devastated by chain CC, and hp/defense gear.
Melee being forced to stand still to attack in this game, gives ranged attackers a HUGE bonus. When they can stand in place 30' out and focus fire. 30+ when players start to learn their class, and get a full range of CC moves, the ability for a rogue to even land a hit starts dropping.
Pub stomping vs newbies in greens that can get 1 shot, with your daily up out of stealth. great. that wont win you matches though.
And certainly wont help vs someone in blues or better.
Lurkers assault needs to be adjusted down. and the rest of the dailys need to be adjusted up. Lurkers completely destroys every other rogue daily. Even considering using any of the others is a mistake. 90% of rogue complaints are probably lurkers assault related.
Rogues mobility and CC breaking needs to be adjusted up. and/or slight faster attack time or increased hit range on melee at wills.
Break the spirit 80 Range 10s CD The agonizing radiance of your deity saps your target's strength, Weakening them while dealing damage over time and lowering your threat.
Divinity: Break their spirit completely, briefly Stunning them, and then Slowing for a short duration.
Cool down is 10 seconds, which is pretty short imo. Btw, did you read the part where it has a stun?
(Sure it's for your TAB, but since you added stealth CC I figured I'd drop this here).
Check any cleric build and showme who is the one that get that usseles skill. U need burn divinity power for stun and slow... for a ridiculous damage and 0.5 stun. Usseles.
Righteous Flames Flame Strike now Stuns target for 0.1/0.2/0.3/0.4/0.5 seconds.
Hey look, you can spec for Stun in your feats. And it's a whopping 0.5 seconds! (Hey sounds a lot like
that OP Impact Shot to me).
Wow a tier 4 feat. U need burn all your point in Righteous paragon feats for get an stupid 0.5s stun. WOHOOO. I only can say: OP. Nerf tha feat god.
Flame Strike Raise a column of holy fire that knocks targets upwards, and then splashes down in a wider area.
That's a knock up which is basically CC, and as previously stated you can even add a little stun to it.
Yes... a daily skill. GG.
Sun Burst 25 Range 13s CD Invoke a blast of radiant light that burns foes around you and Heals yourself and allies.
Divinity: Now Knocks enemies away and Heals for more.
Oh wait, so you can knock me away and AOE heal at the same time? And it's on a 13 second CD?? GG WP.
The save ***... defensive skill thats all, zero damage and poor range, only for pull back a melee from u. 500 damage and 300 heal... wow now clerics can heal 300HP!. Wow a cleric can mitigate that 8.000 crit hit from rogues with a 300hp heal every 13s!!!! phantastic.
Forgemaster's Flame 80 Range 14s CD Ignite your target with Astral Fire, Slowing them while they burn.
Divinity: The flames will now Heal you and your allies near the target.
So a slow for cleric is not a CC, but when the Rogue has a slow then it's a CC? Your logic is awesome and totally not biased
Good skill but poor damage. Is a dot, and is good... but u cant kite nothing with that skill. The point for getforgemaster is the heal in divinity mode, thats all. And i need to say a cleric get himself 500HP
A cleric cant kite a rogue. (a rogue need around 2-3 seconds for delete... daze=delete a cleric 99% of time). anyway... the only that a cleric can do is heal 900. Around 2000 if crit... but clerics have a phantastic balance skill:
rightteousness: -40% heal himself. So a cleric isnt able for heal himself. Thats not a problem... clerics rol is for heal and shield+add dots... but actually the heal is absolute pathetic and if u burn skill in dots, u cant shield+heal... the only viable way is DPS an as DPS the cleric suck.
A cleric cant kite a rogue. (a rogue need around 2-3 seconds for delete... daze=delete a cleric 99% of time). anyway... the only that a cleric can do is heal 900. Around 2000 if crit... but clerics have a phantastic balance skill:
rightteousness: -40% heal himself. So a cleric isnt able for heal himself. Thats not a problem... clerics rol is for heal and shield+add dots... but actually the heal is absolute pathetic and if u burn skill in dots, u cant shield+heal... the only viable way is DPS an as DPS the cleric suck.
Anyone can kite a rogue. just walk in circles. hell, "I" do it to other rogues, when they jump me and I'm low on health, stamina.
I run in a circle, throwing blades of steel every time I get a step on them, due to them trying to melee or use an encounter that makes them stop and attack in a canned animation, which can easily just be walked out of, to avoid. If that rogue did not take blades of steel ranged at will, or impact shot ranged encounter power. They CAN NOT KILL me. They cant even HIT me.
Worst case scenario you buy 5 minutes as the rogue tries to chase you down all day, and your team arrives. Anyone can deny a rogue for 2-5 minutes doing this.
its a serious problem. Rogues can not finish off a competent player. All they have to do is walk away.
pvp pots really favor this as well. given they are hp over time. This favors kiting.
Anyone can kite a rogue. just walk in circles. hell, "I" do it to other rogues, when they jump me and I'm low on health, stamina.
I run in a circle, throwing blades of steel every time I get a step on them, due to them trying to melee or use an encounter that makes them stop and attack in a canned animation, which can easily just be walked out of, to avoid. If that rogue did not take blades of steel ranged at will, or impact shot ranged encounter power. They CAN NOT KILL me. They cant even HIT me.
Worst case scenario you buy 5 minutes as the rogue tries to chase you down all day, and your team arrives. Anyone can deny a rogue for 2-5 minutes doing this.
its a serious problem. Rogues can not finish off a competent player. All they have to do is walk away.
pvp pots really favor this as well. given they are hp over time. This favors kiting.
Rol a cleric, engage a rogue and showme the video. Thats all.ewq
A cleric cant kite a rogue. (a rogue need around 2-3 seconds for delete... daze=delete a cleric 99% of time). anyway... the only that a cleric can do is heal 900. Around 2000 if crit... but clerics have a phantastic balance skill:
rightteousness: -40% heal himself. So a cleric isnt able for heal himself. Thats not a problem... clerics rol is for heal and shield+add dots... but actually the heal is absolute pathetic and if u burn skill in dots, u cant shield+heal... the only viable way is DPS an as DPS the cleric suck.
Obviously you do not understand sarcasm, and I doubt you even understand what you yourself are saying. The amount of spelling mistakes aside, I can hardly understand what point you are trying to make here other than the fact that you do not know how to pvp?
Its normal at pvp 29lv Rogues deals 4k crit dmg to clerics (me)?
This is more than half of my health.
Is it normal to get chained CC for over 10 seconds, not being able to move or use any skills and go 100-0 during that time?
Have you played lvl 60 PvP? And do you honestly believe a cleric should out dps a rogue? The only Striker this game has?
stanleypain007Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 20Arc User
edited May 2013
As a rogue there are only a few players I fear. Those players are CWs and Clerics that know how to kite. If I don't get them with my opening "rotation" and if my daily is not up, I'm probably not getting the kill.
Just did a pvp game, we had no rogues, First rogue we encounter, Able to outdamage both a warrior and a healer, killing them both without struggle, both healer and warrior did all they could but they could not do much against the damage of the rogue, dealing 500dmg per hit when the rogue was receiving 100 dmg per hit + he could dodge tons of attacks. How come a team of 1 healer and 4 rogue will win any match. Healers dont have good heals. The companion got better heals than them. Lvl 35 new heal for the Healer with 20+ second cd, whats more it only heal of 500-600. Epicly strong when any hits from rogue deal the same damage. What do you say about
Seriously i got a rogue and i get owned everytime i see a CW in front of me (that can shift) he shift out my dazing strike, ice me for a while then push me away again and can kill me easily when i can barely touch it....
my point is, every class as its enemy, find it, work with it.
Founder back a week ago, already pissed by cryptic ''no roll back'' decision
Just did a pvp game, we had no rogues, First rogue we encounter, Able to outdamage both a warrior and a healer, killing them both without struggle, both healer and warrior did all they could but they could not do much against the damage of the rogue, dealing 500dmg per hit when the rogue was receiving 100 dmg per hit + he could dodge tons of attacks. How come a team of 1 healer and 4 rogue will win any match. Healers dont have good heals. The companion got better heals than them. Lvl 35 new heal for the Healer with 20+ second cd, whats more it only heal of 500-600. Epicly strong when any hits from rogue deal the same damage. What do you say about
teach your healer how to build and use his healing skill
Founder back a week ago, already pissed by cryptic ''no roll back'' decision
Just did a pvp game, we had no rogues, First rogue we encounter, Able to outdamage both a warrior and a healer, killing them both without struggle, both healer and warrior did all they could but they could not do much against the damage of the rogue, dealing 500dmg per hit when the rogue was receiving 100 dmg per hit + he could dodge tons of attacks. How come a team of 1 healer and 4 rogue will win any match. Healers dont have good heals. The companion got better heals than them. Lvl 35 new heal for the Healer with 20+ second cd, whats more it only heal of 500-600. Epicly strong when any hits from rogue deal the same damage. What do you say about
Maybe ur just not very good? its always someone else's fault that you dont win. I bet when u where growing up, even if your team lost, you all got 1st place awards cause no one wanted to make you feel bad. ?
its been said often. provide proof (which no one actually has) or LTP your class. i die often when someone knows how to play their class. life happens..
OP - The problem is you've created a thread suggesting nerfing a class you admittedly point out 80% of the people are currently playing. I wouldn't expect a lot of support for this. Just saying
And just for kicks, I'll admit not creating a rogue just for that fact. I've always enjoyed an uphill battle, and tend to take the least common path. Even if it's just to stand out in a crowd. Sure, I could easily jump on the rogue bandwagon and clone myself, blend in with everyone else, do the stabbity stab because it's easy pvp... but I prefer a challenge any day.
Obviously you do not understand sarcasm, and I doubt you even understand what you yourself are saying. The amount of spelling mistakes aside, I can hardly understand what point you are trying to make here other than the fact that you do not know how to pvp?
U have a perfect reply to your mistakes in cleric skills. If u have any problem use bing or just find a brain.
Maybe ur just not very good? its always someone else's fault that you dont win. I bet when u where growing up, even if your team lost, you all got 1st place awards cause no one wanted to make you feel bad. ?
its been said often. provide proof (which no one actually has) or LTP your class. i die often when someone knows how to play their class. life happens..
I am always at the top of every match, I feel it frustrating that when there is no rogue in our team or no CW we lose. Both those classes are the strongest for PvP, I find it amusing how you think I am bad after you dindt get you *** handed over since you are playing one. It is stupid that, having builded healing, someone is outdamaging both my heal and damage, since I am using all the healing skills there is to survive. Plus the CC, even the link (even though you dont know what it is, since you know nothing of the Cleric in this game.
Feel free to prove contrary, doubting you could in anyway.
Oh yeah, how come each time I have a rogue as ally(which I support, knowing he is OP) get 20 kills+ 1 death, and few assits, on the other hand every other classes, get 5-7 kills. and tons of assists?
Next time, instead of saying, I suck or every other player suck prove it ****er.
Should not I add, that having both those classes against you at one time means 100% death, you cant do anything since first one, come silence for 3secs from rogue, then come every stuns from mage (wont go in the details) then you get stun for 2 sec for each speal (theres 2 ) and then another stun coming from the rogue, 2 sec. So if you think you are still alive after 10 seconds of being unable to cast any spells. Because theres nothing you can do except hope that the heal you did on yourself before hand happen to Cleanse one of those debuff. Tell me how you got to survive those cc when the other classes try to kill them but cant do ****.
OH wait, I only heal myself for 60% of the healing I can normally do to others, thats so OP. When one of the rogues can do half my health in one hit if he crit.
Where did you get these made up numbers? Oh wait they are made up.
funny how when ppl cant win, they always cry someone is over powered . most of them provide no proof, besides general statements like .. everyone knows, or. we all know. blah blah.
just give it a rest!
I'm only Level 21 at the moment, and so obviously can't speak for the higher levels of gameplay, but what I have experienced so far is that the only reason that I'm topping DPS metres is all about 1) Positioning and 2) The fact that the rest of the party seems too HAMSTER to stand BEHIND the mob.
The whole point of a Rogue is that they are single target players, yes they have some AoE, but nothing ground-breaking. They are supposed to jump into a fight, do as much damage to a target as possible, then get out of there. Having played a little PvP, I've come to the realisation that if a player actually knows how to play their class, then it is very easy to evade a TR. I personally feel like I know how to play my class pretty well (skill combo's, positioning etc), yet when any of the other classes use their dodge / block skills effectively and don't just try to faceroll the keyboard, quite a fair fight ensues.
So yeah, at the moment it may seem like TR's may be a little OP, but if people actually properly learn how to play the other classes, you'll find that this isn't the case.
Deft Strike 60 Range 14s CD
Teleport behind your enemy and deliver a painful stab.
Bonus: During Stealth, range increased to 80' and allow you to teleport to friendly targets.
[Sarcasm] Oh yeah this, so much CC holy $#^&. Can't believe it wtf, check out that stun duration.. nice [Sarcasm]
If you are going to talk about me and claim I know nothing, at least try and figure out the skills before you spew your bull****.
Bloodbath 30 Range (Daily)
Flash around the battlefield, jumping from target to target. As you pass through an enemy, they are Slowed and are open to Combat Advantage.
Oh yeah, a Daily skill that does 0 damage and slows for 2 seconds. But hey at least this time you mentioned something with an actual CC. Which just to clarify is what I would refer to as CROWD CONTROL.
Impact Shot 40 Range (3 Charges)
Attack your opponent from a medium range, Pushing them slightly.
This skill has 3 encounter charges. Stealthed: Briefly Stuns the target, and cost no charges.
I can't believe you are actually considering this as a CC, all it does is push them backwards and it works
of charges. Granted while in stealth it does stun, but who would waste stealth on a 0.5 second stun.
But congrats on finding this other "overpowered" CC.
Now, you said I did not know your class, so thank you for letting me know which one you play.
Since you are spewing BS I figured I might as well clarify a few things. First up is the amount of CC
available to anyone who plays a Cleric.
The skills are as follows:
Break the spirit 80 Range 10s CD
The agonizing radiance of your deity saps your target's strength, Weakening them while dealing damage over time and lowering your threat.
Divinity: Break their spirit completely, briefly Stunning them, and then Slowing for a short duration.
Cool down is 10 seconds, which is pretty short imo. Btw, did you read the part where it has a stun?
(Sure it's for your TAB, but since you added stealth CC I figured I'd drop this here).
Righteous Flames
Flame Strike now Stuns target for 0.1/0.2/0.3/0.4/0.5 seconds.
Hey look, you can spec for Stun in your feats. And it's a whopping 0.5 seconds! (Hey sounds a lot like
that OP Impact Shot to me).
Flame Strike
Raise a column of holy fire that knocks targets upwards, and then splashes down in a wider area.
That's a knock up which is basically CC, and as previously stated you can even add a little stun to it.
Sun Burst 25 Range 13s CD
Invoke a blast of radiant light that burns foes around you and Heals yourself and allies.
Divinity: Now Knocks enemies away and Heals for more.
Oh wait, so you can knock me away and AOE heal at the same time? And it's on a 13 second CD?? GG WP.
Forgemaster's Flame 80 Range 14s CD
Ignite your target with Astral Fire, Slowing them while they burn.
Divinity: The flames will now Heal you and your allies near the target.
So a slow for cleric is not a CC, but when the Rogue has a slow then it's a CC? Your logic is awesome and totally not biased
The trickster rogue may have a few more stuff such as Shadow strike (Daze from stealth), and a daily which slows.
But in the end a Cleric has way more range available to spam his/her skills and has a few heals which if used properly can actually save you. Now I'm not sure if you noticed the Cooldowns (CD) since I'm pretty sure you just rushed trough this whole post anyway,
let me just say that I'm pretty sure clerics can pull off more CC than a rogue at any given time. Since they have shorter CD's and
do not need to waste AP to CC a target, all they have to do is use an encounter.
As always, carry on lil troll....
I am not sure about it being, at least at pre-endgame, merely a matter of learning how to play. While leveling in Dungeons or Skirmishes i have always beaten every other class on my TR (once got beaten by another TR though
So sure - it could just be that I happen to be amazing good playing a TR, great at playing a CW and pretty dire playing a GWF, but this does seem unlikely. Maybe this all balances at end-game - my highest character is only 45 or 46, but up until then this really does seem to be a class rather than a player issue.
And as for PvP at lower levels ......
I have never done a 35,000 crit on anyone with my Control Wizard :P But a Rogue has hit me that hard, and 28k, 21k, etc.
The daily is a one shot wonder.
Take out the one hit kill and I am good with the OP... as annoying as it is. :P
When you want to break the mold
BETA Tips and Tricks
Never saw Pants in beta?
30+ rogues will vanish under the current mechanics.
They are devastated by chain CC, and hp/defense gear.
Melee being forced to stand still to attack in this game, gives ranged attackers a HUGE bonus. When they can stand in place 30' out and focus fire. 30+ when players start to learn their class, and get a full range of CC moves, the ability for a rogue to even land a hit starts dropping.
Pub stomping vs newbies in greens that can get 1 shot, with your daily up out of stealth. great. that wont win you matches though.
And certainly wont help vs someone in blues or better.
Lurkers assault needs to be adjusted down. and the rest of the dailys need to be adjusted up. Lurkers completely destroys every other rogue daily. Even considering using any of the others is a mistake. 90% of rogue complaints are probably lurkers assault related.
Rogues mobility and CC breaking needs to be adjusted up. and/or slight faster attack time or increased hit range on melee at wills.
Wow a tier 4 feat. U need burn all your point in Righteous paragon feats for get an stupid 0.5s stun. WOHOOO. I only can say: OP. Nerf tha feat god. Yes... a daily skill. GG.
The save ***... defensive skill thats all, zero damage and poor range, only for pull back a melee from u. 500 damage and 300 heal... wow now clerics can heal 300HP!. Wow a cleric can mitigate that 8.000 crit hit from rogues with a 300hp heal every 13s!!!! phantastic.
Good skill but poor damage. Is a dot, and is good... but u cant kite nothing with that skill. The point for getforgemaster is the heal in divinity mode, thats all. And i need to say a cleric get himself 500HP
A cleric cant kite a rogue. (a rogue need around 2-3 seconds for delete... daze=delete a cleric 99% of time). anyway... the only that a cleric can do is heal 900. Around 2000 if crit... but clerics have a phantastic balance skill:
rightteousness: -40% heal himself. So a cleric isnt able for heal himself. Thats not a problem... clerics rol is for heal and shield+add dots... but actually the heal is absolute pathetic and if u burn skill in dots, u cant shield+heal... the only viable way is DPS an as DPS the cleric suck.
Lol yup. can solo the whole game. NERF PL0X
Anyone can kite a rogue. just walk in circles. hell, "I" do it to other rogues, when they jump me and I'm low on health, stamina.
I run in a circle, throwing blades of steel every time I get a step on them, due to them trying to melee or use an encounter that makes them stop and attack in a canned animation, which can easily just be walked out of, to avoid. If that rogue did not take blades of steel ranged at will, or impact shot ranged encounter power. They CAN NOT KILL me. They cant even HIT me.
Worst case scenario you buy 5 minutes as the rogue tries to chase you down all day, and your team arrives. Anyone can deny a rogue for 2-5 minutes doing this.
its a serious problem. Rogues can not finish off a competent player. All they have to do is walk away.
pvp pots really favor this as well. given they are hp over time. This favors kiting.
This is more than half of my health.
I didn't even read the thread because it ended with this post here, on the first page.
it's a criticall hit of daily skill.
Rol a cleric, engage a rogue and showme the video. Thats all.ewq
Obviously you do not understand sarcasm, and I doubt you even understand what you yourself are saying. The amount of spelling mistakes aside, I can hardly understand what point you are trying to make here other than the fact that you do not know how to pvp?
Is it normal to get chained CC for over 10 seconds, not being able to move or use any skills and go 100-0 during that time?
Have you played lvl 60 PvP? And do you honestly believe a cleric should out dps a rogue? The only Striker this game has?
my point is, every class as its enemy, find it, work with it.
teach your healer how to build and use his healing skill
Maybe ur just not very good? its always someone else's fault that you dont win. I bet when u where growing up, even if your team lost, you all got 1st place awards cause no one wanted to make you feel bad. ?
its been said often. provide proof (which no one actually has) or LTP your class. i die often when someone knows how to play their class. life happens..
And just for kicks, I'll admit not creating a rogue just for that fact. I've always enjoyed an uphill battle, and tend to take the least common path. Even if it's just to stand out in a crowd. Sure, I could easily jump on the rogue bandwagon and clone myself, blend in with everyone else, do the stabbity stab because it's easy pvp... but I prefer a challenge any day.
A bit of nostalgia for the old timers.
PVP guide - Keeping it fun with the basics.
U have a perfect reply to your mistakes in cleric skills. If u have any problem use bing or just find a brain.
Feel free to prove contrary, doubting you could in anyway.
Oh yeah, how come each time I have a rogue as ally(which I support, knowing he is OP) get 20 kills+ 1 death, and few assits, on the other hand every other classes, get 5-7 kills. and tons of assists?
Next time, instead of saying, I suck or every other player suck prove it ****er.