The way I view Moontouched is... regardless of someone's max hp, it's going to heal that person for 25% of their bar, over 15 seconds, even if they don't get a single other heal.
Question, how are you staying alive when you pull aggro? Healing yourself as a cleric seems to be a huge joke. Even solo running with my tank companion, if i pull aggro the mobs tear me up and its mearly impossible to keep myself healed up with the stupid -40% less healing on self or whatever it is.
The problem with that video is that it's a t1 dungeon and we're clearing t2s now. I could almost run in a full dps spec for Cloak Tower lol
We were clearing the Pirate one last night, and it was all I could do on some bosses to get even 1 pip, there's a LOT of movement for me. I was using a 1/21/9 build, it seemed to satiate my need for divinity gain though, so after some more testing this weekend, I'll decide which one I like better, and probably just put both in the thread.
I ran T1 dungeons with full DPS spec as soon as I got the gear score and haven't had an issue. Spec is trivial compared to having people who keep adds under control if required. T2, however, I haven't yet tried.
Question, how are you staying alive when you pull aggro? Healing yourself as a cleric seems to be a huge joke. Even solo running with my tank companion, if i pull aggro the mobs tear me up and its mearly impossible to keep myself healed up with the stupid -40% less healing on self or whatever it is.
The ogre video has a good example of how I handle adds, but it's mostly just constantly moving around AS and kiting them through my party, who pulls them off of me. Good group members help even the best build
The ogre video has a good example of how I handle adds, but it's mostly just constantly moving around AS and kiting them through my party, who pulls them off of me. Good group members help even the best build
Thank's yea i'm going to have to do more kiting for sure thanks
I'll be real honest, I haven't PvP much at all, been working on dungeons. I'd assume you'd be able to heal pretty well, but the fact is, with a -40% heal debuff on you, you will get bursted down. It's going to happen. Now... 2 clerics with this build that can heal each other and 3 rogues, that's a different story.
lanmytheMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 2Arc User
edited May 2013
It may have been covered already, but I can't seem to find it (googling "Neverwinter" returns almost exclusively NWN2 content) - is it possible at all to change your base stats? I went Human and assumed that Wisdom was going to be the most important, and started with 20. I'm 35 now, and would rather not reroll if possible.
Thanks for all your contributions! Makes me look forward to end-game with my DC!
Unfortunately, there's no way to reroll your beginning stats without rerolling your character
lanmytheMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 2Arc User
edited May 2013
Is a 20 WIS, 18 CHA (I think, might be 16 base), 13 STR starting setup going to be really detrimental? Or will I just perform slightly below an ideal setup?
russadirMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 7Arc User
edited May 2013
we need image of your build :S pleasee,and cleric crit is good for pvp?
Unfortunately, there's no way to reroll your beginning stats without rerolling your character
Would you recommend I start with the 16Str+2/16Wis/12Cha even after you have respecced your character? or is there a better start, I plan on sticking with the cleric (Hence the @Handle) so I just want to make sure I'm getting off on the right foot I can't play until sunday evening anyways so i'm making sure I get off on the right foot in the meantime
I didn't max cleanse because I feel that the first point proc enough. I put my points somewhere else I felt is important. We're gonna be healing tick by tick so figured the group will get cleansed easily enough without maxing it. Thoughts on this?
For the most part I do have a similar build to OP but wis and str (the highest points as can be I think started with 18+2 and 16) as priority instead of cha. So gear wise I've been looking at power and crit together but interesting though as I do understand the need for recovery. I am figuring this is something you can gear up easily enough?
Anyone? Just curious for those that have done upper level stuff. I'm most likely will respec but I don't want to have to do it a million times. Was wondering which feats are "fixable" with gear since a lot of talk have been in "must have" and obviously cannot pick all of it.
jgfuMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 19Arc User
edited May 2013
Ok, Wanted to know if Any one tried the bottom tree deeper then the first four?
I was plan on testing it but then this maintenance happen. I went as far as putting one point at end. I went for basic in the start with going for Stun for flame strike and getting most of anything that had to do with healing. I'll put official feats and stuff later. I was kind of on a Amp craziness and lack of sleep so can't remember exactly what I put, lol
Just wondering if any one else tried.
altum1Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 2Arc User
edited May 2013
I just hit 60 a few hours ago and wanted your opinion on a few things. I ran a few tier 1 dungeons and imo it was a joke. With my current build (not yet polished) my party’s health bars rarely drop below 90%. I have been going with a recharge type build focusing on very low cooldowns and damage reduction.
Low cooldowns give me quantity healing rather than quality which allows fast divine power building and combined with damage reduction you have little to heal anyway. I am a little too tired to post a full build as I have just got done my 60 grind and dungeon running for the day but I will post some basics.
All my ability points went towards CHA and INT for the recharge and I go Recovery>Power>Crit for stats.
At-Will: Sacred Flame/Astral Seal
Class: Soothe/Foresight
Encounter: Sun Burst/Astral Shield/Break the Spirit (switch out for situational purposes)
Daily: Hallowed Ground/Flame Strike (also switched out for situational purposes)
My feat build currently isn’t polished and is definitely not yet optimal but is very similar to yours with the foresight talent taken.
With foresight and astral shield it gives roughly 31% reduced damage to party plus what hallowed ground gives which I have seen come up roughly every 30 seconds. It is very viable from what I can see. Foresight stays up on my targets almost 100% of the time due to sunburst and astral seal spam. Right now my rogue buddy thinks it will take the fun out of the game because he can stand in fire and get beat on by adds without seeing his health bar go down.
The questions I have for you are 1. Do you think this build is going to be fine for tier 2 dungeons and beyond or will I run into a road block where bigger heals are needed? 2. HW seems like it is very easy to miss fire do you have any problems with that or does it get easier to hit the right target over time? 3. Why crit over damage reduction?
This wasn’t a Post to slam your build or anything its actually to get your opinion on the build as I just hit 60 and don’t want to go the way I’m going if it is not going to work for the harder dungeons. Also sorry for any miss spellings or poor grammar I have been awake for far too long but had to get a post in.
Anyone? Just curious for those that have done upper level stuff. I'm most likely will respec but I don't want to have to do it a million times. Was wondering which feats are "fixable" with gear since a lot of talk have been in "must have" and obviously cannot pick all of it.
The way I look at it is... there's only 1 person who can cure people, and that's you. There's only one way you can do that, so why not do it as much as possible, just in case?
The questions I have for you are 1. Do you think this build is going to be fine for tier 2 dungeons and beyond or will I run into a road block where bigger heals are needed? 2. HW seems like it is very easy to miss fire do you have any problems with that or does it get easier to hit the right target over time? 3. Why crit over damage reduction?
1. I think you'll have problems building divinity in that build, if I'm being honest.
2. HW is more for the regen on yourself, and the AP/D gain rather than the heal, you can't really misfire
3. Repurpose Soul plays a big role in the crit scheme, but honestly, I have yet to find a dungeon where I'd need more DR and less healing. Maybe I just like big green numbers :P
altum1Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 2Arc User
1. I think you'll have problems building divinity in that build, if I'm being honest.
3. Repurpose Soul plays a big role in the crit scheme, but honestly, I have yet to find a dungeon where I'd need more DR and less healing. Maybe I just like big green numbers :P
I do see a slight issue with divinity if I start casting anything more than astral shield on cooldown. For example if I start using FF for a fight I have issues because obviously im only building with At-wills and sun burst. But if its just astral shield I have a surplus. I think I will be sitting down and move some talents around to try and keep my setup but increase my divinity building. I must admit I like LOTS of numbers too your videos do look awesome.
Where divinity building really helps is when you have to move around a lot (every boss fight ever in this game). Having to cast AS and not having a pip devastates me :P
I ran T1 dungeons with full DPS spec as soon as I got the gear score and haven't had an issue. Spec is trivial compared to having people who keep adds under control if required. T2, however, I haven't yet tried.
The ogre video has a good example of how I handle adds, but it's mostly just constantly moving around AS and kiting them through my party, who pulls them off of me. Good group members help even the best build
Thank's yea i'm going to have to do more kiting for sure
Thanks for all your contributions! Makes me look forward to end-game with my DC!
^This x1000
Wow, really? Talk about lazy...
Would you recommend I start with the 16Str+2/16Wis/12Cha even after you have respecced your character? or is there a better start, I plan on sticking with the cleric (Hence the @Handle) so I just want to make sure I'm getting off on the right foot
Thanks for the info!
Anyone? Just curious for those that have done upper level stuff. I'm most likely will respec but I don't want to have to do it a million times. Was wondering which feats are "fixable" with gear since a lot of talk have been in "must have" and obviously cannot pick all of it.
I was plan on testing it but then this maintenance happen. I went as far as putting one point at end. I went for basic in the start with going for Stun for flame strike and getting most of anything that had to do with healing. I'll put official feats and stuff later. I was kind of on a Amp craziness and lack of sleep so can't remember exactly what I put, lol
Just wondering if any one else tried.
Low cooldowns give me quantity healing rather than quality which allows fast divine power building and combined with damage reduction you have little to heal anyway. I am a little too tired to post a full build as I have just got done my 60 grind and dungeon running for the day but I will post some basics.
All my ability points went towards CHA and INT for the recharge and I go Recovery>Power>Crit for stats.
At-Will: Sacred Flame/Astral Seal
Class: Soothe/Foresight
Encounter: Sun Burst/Astral Shield/Break the Spirit (switch out for situational purposes)
Daily: Hallowed Ground/Flame Strike (also switched out for situational purposes)
My feat build currently isn’t polished and is definitely not yet optimal but is very similar to yours with the foresight talent taken.
With foresight and astral shield it gives roughly 31% reduced damage to party plus what hallowed ground gives which I have seen come up roughly every 30 seconds. It is very viable from what I can see. Foresight stays up on my targets almost 100% of the time due to sunburst and astral seal spam. Right now my rogue buddy thinks it will take the fun out of the game because he can stand in fire and get beat on by adds without seeing his health bar go down.
The questions I have for you are 1. Do you think this build is going to be fine for tier 2 dungeons and beyond or will I run into a road block where bigger heals are needed? 2. HW seems like it is very easy to miss fire do you have any problems with that or does it get easier to hit the right target over time? 3. Why crit over damage reduction?
This wasn’t a Post to slam your build or anything its actually to get your opinion on the build as I just hit 60 and don’t want to go the way I’m going if it is not going to work for the harder dungeons. Also sorry for any miss spellings or poor grammar I have been awake for far too long but had to get a post in.
The way I look at it is... there's only 1 person who can cure people, and that's you. There's only one way you can do that, so why not do it as much as possible, just in case?
1. I think you'll have problems building divinity in that build, if I'm being honest.
2. HW is more for the regen on yourself, and the AP/D gain rather than the heal, you can't really misfire
3. Repurpose Soul plays a big role in the crit scheme, but honestly, I have yet to find a dungeon where I'd need more DR and less healing. Maybe I just like big green numbers :P
I do see a slight issue with divinity if I start casting anything more than astral shield on cooldown. For example if I start using FF for a fight I have issues because obviously im only building with At-wills and sun burst. But if its just astral shield I have a surplus. I think I will be sitting down and move some talents around to try and keep my setup but increase my divinity building. I must admit I like LOTS of numbers too your videos do look awesome.