The newest pic I could find on me on this computer, Thumbs up! :cool:
icanbankai92Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 2Arc User
edited May 2013
Me and my Son! Adorable isnt he?
Me not hiding behind me Son
piklenMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 1Arc User
edited May 2013
Nice wall decorations.
zzgundam64Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 4Arc User
edited May 2013
Hello to everyone!
Another old gamer here. My name is Chris and I'll be 50 in January. My dad worked for IBM 35 years ago as a Senior Project Manager in FL in the control room for shuttle launches (my HS had 'Shuttle Day' where you could skip school and see the shuttle launch). I had a IBM PC Jr. and I played the Gold Box editions of D&D and Dragonlance. Played games since then and most MMOs like UO, Dark Age of Camelot, EVE, Warhammer, STO, City of Heroes, TERA, WoW, D&DO, and now Neverwinter. I've played other, but forget the names. I'm also into anime and manga. My favorite this year is Sword Art Online. Love the music in it as well.
zombiewafflezMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
Bah, silly server crash... guess while they get the hamsters running in the wheels again i'll show off me:P
my pets love getting as close as possible to snuggle and don't let my jacket fool you, Murmur (the gentleman in my coat) is 15 pounds, this is no easy cuddle feat.
that was right before I kinda stopped putting in my face metal everyday, got waaaaay too lazy.
this how I be now:
and if kitties aren't your thing...
can you spot the bunny?:D
Anywho... I lurk on Beholder as a lvl 16? cleric (Briar). I need to hit the dungeons and skirmishes more often seems like everyone is almost hitting 40 and beyond
I feel so left behind
sadgfhMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 1Arc User
Let's pretend like my account name isn't just a random string of characters I got by punching my keyboard.
lucidp2kBanned Users, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
In the Dominican Republic there are men on the beach with coconuts, machetes, and rum. You pour out as much coconut milk as you want replaced with rum... they are $3 USD.
...I drank a lot of them. ( yes that is totally the wife's purse strap across my chest... )
Spend less time complaining about shop prices and more time improving your salary.
sadgfhMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 1Arc User
edited May 2013
So..what your saying is they had a lovely bunch of coconuts? O.o
Let's pretend like my account name isn't just a random string of characters I got by punching my keyboard.
No wonder she cheated on you, you have no respect. :rolleyes:
Me too, here's a fake picture I just took.
The newest pic I could find on me on this computer, Thumbs up! :cool:
Me not hiding behind me Son
Another old gamer here. My name is Chris and I'll be 50 in January. My dad worked for IBM 35 years ago as a Senior Project Manager in FL in the control room for shuttle launches (my HS had 'Shuttle Day' where you could skip school and see the shuttle launch). I had a IBM PC Jr. and I played the Gold Box editions of D&D and Dragonlance. Played games since then and most MMOs like UO, Dark Age of Camelot, EVE, Warhammer, STO, City of Heroes, TERA, WoW, D&DO, and now Neverwinter. I've played other, but forget the names. I'm also into anime and manga. My favorite this year is Sword Art Online. Love the music in it as well.
And so you know what I look like:
Ingame I am Christoff Obarskyr. Blackgate Company, Dragon Server.
Hope to have fun for you all.
new truck
and 3 dogs.. but i'm at work. I'll find those pictures later.
I'd deliver your bedroom set....
so...what i'm hearing is that your EX girlfriend is now single...
meeeee one on the left derp derp
my pets love getting as close as possible to snuggle and don't let my jacket fool you, Murmur (the gentleman in my coat) is 15 pounds, this is no easy cuddle feat.
that was right before I kinda stopped putting in my face metal everyday, got waaaaay too lazy.
this how I be now:
and if kitties aren't your thing...
can you spot the bunny?:D
Anywho... I lurk on Beholder as a lvl 16? cleric (Briar). I need to hit the dungeons and skirmishes more often
I feel so left behind
Is it the black oriental looking mask?
you sir, get my gold star
and Dublin the Weener Dog
Don't have any cool Cosplay pics, just me and my Comeatmebro Shirt
Nothing better to do with the servers down
may as well.
Hi all.
me enjoing the last day of school
free screen capture
i like this pic alot so i put this one too:) it was made for a class album
I swear it was a cigaret!
By "gold star" what do you mean exactly...?
In the Dominican Republic there are men on the beach with coconuts, machetes, and rum. You pour out as much coconut milk as you want replaced with rum... they are $3 USD.
...I drank a lot of them. ( yes that is totally the wife's purse strap across my chest... )