jackybobMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited April 2013
Holy smokes! Launcher actually worked and is now patching (**** me for not having grabbed the patch before the launch). Still not in but this is a whole heck of a lot further than I was.
huh launcher is running but it keeps telling me wrong username and password....um if i dont know my username and password, how did i get on the forums?
Are you being serious? Do you know what that site is?
nope but anyone who blindly follows external links and logs in with details for other sites is asking for trouble. im open to being filled on what that site is though, if it is genuinely connected to this community then happy days i'll give it a look. oh and game is working now at last great work guys!
can someone tell me if theres any difference in shard/server locations? or are the 3 of them in the same location?
data314159Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 34
edited April 2013
Sorry no go here. Still getting patching error.
GWF Lvl 60
Dragon Shard
Try my newest Foundry MissionChallenge Invitational: Gauntlet NW-DHCDKY8UCCatapults and Zeppelins!
Try my Foundry Mission Challenge Invitational: Maze, NW-DMXDXKQGD
18-30 min.
Fighting, riddles, maze and dancing ogre's
xmeanseason305xMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 109Bounty Hunter
edited April 2013
i'm in!!!!...just close and restarted the launcher....after about 4 of those xml error code lists....finally worked...patched and i'm in game....see you all soon!
Client seems to launch okay - but when I but my details in, internet explorer launches and shows an error page 'the website declined to show this webpage' 'most likely cause, this website requires you to log in'
magusemperorMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 11Arc User
We are supposed to use the e-mail address as username right?
So ehm i am still one off those making your forum lag ...
Sry for that.
That looks rather familiar
still having issues...
"Trying to update the launcher" followed by "Unable to connect to patch server"
Same with me.
SAME HERE. Fix it admin!!!
really PW, your ****y launcher does NOT work at all!
Im getting this aswell
I am encountering the same issue.
same here!
nope but anyone who blindly follows external links and logs in with details for other sites is asking for trouble. im open to being filled on what that site is though, if it is genuinely connected to this community then happy days
can someone tell me if theres any difference in shard/server locations? or are the 3 of them in the same location?
GWF Lvl 60
Dragon Shard
Try my newest Foundry MissionChallenge Invitational: Gauntlet NW-DHCDKY8UCCatapults and Zeppelins!
Try my Foundry Mission Challenge Invitational: Maze, NW-DMXDXKQGD
18-30 min.
Fighting, riddles, maze and dancing ogre's
I got that message once, but the launcher loaded the second time around.