I believe I am seeing the same white launcher that you guys are seeing. From what I've looked at the neverwinter launcher is either incompatible with the display devices inherent in windows 7 and 8 or that it having issues with the display from google chrome or both. I was able to turn off the rounded corners and things like that from windows 7 and am able to login but cannot display the button to start up the game. I dunno if this helps anyone but I was at least able to get rid of the blank white screen by dumbing down my display settings.
I'm not sure if it means anything but the symbol "$" in the launcher's code seems to be broken as well.
Or the login server is broken and causing the web-based launcher to not load correctly. Nothing to do with graphics drivers, nice try though. :rolleyes:
We're on it still. Hold tight. We want to ensure that it will remain smooth for today and beyond. Thanks again, Neverwinter fans. You'll be able to play soon!
relentlesssMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited April 2013
hi there any update on the launcher login problems please
People I even paid for my account and still can not get in so they are not blocking anyone on purpose. chill and give them a bit
Same here, complaining gets you nowhere. Besides don't be that guy who whines about not be able to play a game thats free. Be better than that. Even us that paid for it are being patient. We will all get to play in due time, just let them fix it.
We're on it still. Hold tight. We want to ensure that it will remain smooth for today and beyond. Thanks again, Neverwinter fans. You'll be able to play soon!
hehe well... this stuff tends to happen with a game going OB there usually are loads of more players then CB testers, so i kinda saw this one coming... ah well i can wait :cool:
adima25Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 9Arc User
edited April 2013
Well, when the client crashed again my script editor popped-up
and i saw this in the coding..
"app_pingback(); //dont need anymore yay, LIES!! No more lies. LIES AGAIN, MY HEART CANNOT TAKE IT"
i like the humor of you coders ^_^
deepscytheMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 0Arc User
We're on it still. Hold tight. We want to ensure that it will remain smooth for today and beyond. Thanks again, Neverwinter fans. You'll be able to play soon!
What the HECK happened to the perfect world community!? Now I see mostly a whole lot of spoiled little whining brats! Going around basically saying "YOU FIX NAOW! WE WANT PLAY! YOU FIX NAOW! WE BROKE YOU FIX!" Seriously! GET YOUR HEAD STRAIGHT PEOPLE! god **** x.x the developers are working on it and NO ONE IS BLOCKED! Stop thinking it is some kind of sick and twisted conspiracy to get free to players to pay for the game! The launcher is not working for anyone so knock it off thinking it is you only due to you being "Blocked" I mean come on.. And some of the ones paying for the game should try and get a little bit of attitude adjustment.. Yes you did pay for the game but that does not mean we are supposed to praise the ground you are walking on. God.. Had to get that out of my system X.x
They are working on it. Stop whining like little brats.
i'm going to lay it out there, is this game pay to win and do i have to purchase something to get reach max level?
No and no. All items in the Zen store are purely optional, and do not give you any advantages that players who don't buy from the Zen store would have.
I still worry even after fixing the loggin issue. The servers are goin to be bogged down totally.
So far this has been the worst beta launch i been apart of.
i Still cant wait to play this but not gettin my hopes up to much
This is perhaps the best I've been in honestly. I played a game called Earth Eternal.
Now, there was a game that had a beta from the nine hells! It rubber banded to kingdom come for MONTHS after launch, it lagged, you commonly phased through the floor or the earth. You died constantly when a mob phased through the floor and attacked you, but you couldn't attack back.
So, yeah compared to that, this is nothing.
swaguitaristMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 8Arc User
edited April 2013
do not .. i repeat do not be THAT guy... cuz we all know THAT guy!
What the HECK happened to the perfect world community!? Now I see mostly a whole lot of spoiled little whining brats! Going around basically saying "YOU FIX NAOW! WE WANT PLAY! YOU FIX NAOW! WE BROKE YOU FIX!" Seriously! GET YOUR HEAD STRAIGHT PEOPLE! god **** x.x the developers are working on it and NO ONE IS BLOCKED! Stop thinking it is some kind of sick and twisted conspiracy to get free to players to pay for the game! The launcher is not working for anyone so knock it off thinking it is you only due to you being "Blocked" I mean come on.. And some of the ones paying for the game should try and get a little bit of attitude adjustment.. Yes you did pay for the game but that does not mean we are supposed to praise the ground you are walking on. God.. Had to get that out of my system X.x
They are working on it. Stop whining like little brats.
chrispybrownMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited April 2013
Occasionally it'll let me start to log on, but then it crashes and gives me a web page that doesn't load but references dns error.
We're on it still. Hold tight. We want to ensure that it will remain smooth for today and beyond. Thanks again, Neverwinter fans. You'll be able to play soon!
How about making it simple enough so everyone could login and play? We dont need fancy login screen ^^ white screen with account/password box and login button works too!
Or the login server is broken and causing the web-based launcher to not load correctly. Nothing to do with graphics drivers, nice try though. :rolleyes:
Same here, complaining gets you nowhere. Besides don't be that guy who whines about not be able to play a game thats free. Be better than that. Even us that paid for it are being patient.
and i saw this in the coding..
"app_pingback(); //dont need anymore yay, LIES!! No more lies. LIES AGAIN, MY HEART CANNOT TAKE IT"
i like the humor of you coders ^_^
admins updating by the minute
They are working on it. Stop whining like little brats.
No and no. All items in the Zen store are purely optional, and do not give you any advantages that players who don't buy from the Zen store would have.
Hahahaha good work men, defiance sucks XDDD
This is perhaps the best I've been in honestly. I played a game called Earth Eternal.
Now, there was a game that had a beta from the nine hells! It rubber banded to kingdom come for MONTHS after launch, it lagged, you commonly phased through the floor or the earth. You died constantly when a mob phased through the floor and attacked you, but you couldn't attack back.
So, yeah compared to that, this is nothing.
They are working on it. Stop whining like little brats.
How about making it simple enough so everyone could login and play? We dont need fancy login screen ^^ white screen with account/password box and login button works too!