Your payment is being reviewed by either your payment processor or Perfect World. If 30 minutes elapse and your status does not update, Contact Us by using the link below.
LOL. BS BS talked to paypal and they told me it can take up to 24hrs for pendings to be complet for fraud stuff. Sooooo why post this PW, not so perfect are you?
"Freaks All Week"
ambisinisterrMember, Neverwinter ModeratorPosts: 10,462Community Moderator
The Support Team whose hours are Mon-Fri, conveniently not during the first part of the early-access of the open beta? There are a lot of people who still cannot log on, even though they paid money for early access and whose tickets will not even be looked at until tomorrow (48 hours AFTER they were supposed to be able to play). I fall within that group. $60 (confirmed paid by both my bank and PayPal) for a 3-day early access so that I can look at an email saying that my problem will be looked at within the next 3-4 working days...
The support team is in and chugging through the reports as fast as they can.
The support team is in and chugging through the reports as fast as they can.
Really? I completely misunderstood that, then, and I owe them an apology. Thank you for the update.
ambisinisterrMember, Neverwinter ModeratorPosts: 10,462Community Moderator
edited April 2013
Normally they do not work on the weekends but exceptions are made. Obviously it wouldn't be fair to you guys if they didn't work during this crucial time and get you guys in game. That being said it does take time to resolve any off the wall issues and there are always a huge surplus of support tickets sent during the Closed Beta Weekends and the headstart is no different.
But they are taking care of them all as we speak as fast as they can.
Your best guess. Is the pending paypal thing and no emails PW or paypal issue?
"Freaks All Week"
ambisinisterrMember, Neverwinter ModeratorPosts: 10,462Community Moderator
edited April 2013
I don't have a guess.
I sent in a bunch of posts today for them to investigate the problem. Not everybody who bought one is having it, some people have bought them and gotten right in according to a few posts.
There's obviously something going on and they are looking into it but sadly that is as far as my knowledge goes. I won't know anything more until the issue is resolved but please do send in a support ticket as well as posting in this thread.
i brought the guardian pack it says ive payed but i get absolute nothing saying anything, installed game fine but cannot play yet my account says nothing all i have is receipt email from paypal thats it
i brought the guardian pack it says ive payed but i get absolute nothing saying anything, installed game fine but cannot play yet my account says nothing all i have is receipt email from paypal thats it
They're starting to get around to these. Just got a response to my support email requesting additional information. Check your inbox periodically
i am been at it for the last hour or so i was so hyped to play this straight away but as usual if your looking forward to somthing theres always a hiccup -_-, i swear almost every game i think ive installed thats a new release i end up having to wait or fix somthing but oh well back to watching my email )b
jtangoMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 1Arc User
edited April 2013
I never received my dire wolf or armored horse mount =/
rkoperMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 9Arc User
edited April 2013
I haven't received my in game stuff. Checked the mail courier and the founder agent. No luck.
jadejedi2Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited April 2013
I bought the Guardian pack for the game. I have received my AD, My forums title, and my inital pack that gave me some kits and stuff. I have not received the Armored horse mount, Unique Direwolf Companion, Gold moonstone regalia mask, Ring of the violet Continual light, bottle of levity, or anything else.
I have opened 4 tickets now, all closed with the same message to complete tutorial, talk to knox, finish rags to riches, talk to courier, and the Founders merchant. I have done all that on two toons and still nothing. To top if off I cannot find a number to call for support.
i have not recived most of my founders items wolf/mount/robe/ring i have checked mail and checked founder merchant no go i am lvl 21.
jbabelMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 1Arc User
edited April 2013
I am having the same issues as above. Done all the questing and merchant stuff. No diamonds, companion, mount or anything.
chaoticracerMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 13Arc User
edited April 2013
I opened a ticket, but they gave me the generic response to check mail and founders agent(which I already did), so I'm going to post here as well. I haven't gotten any of the founders stuff except for the diamonds and the adventurer's helper pack.
"Wars do not determine who is right, only who is left."
dicehoundMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 11Arc User
I bought the Guardian pack for the game. I have received my AD, My forums title, and my inital pack that gave me some kits and stuff. I have not received the Armored horse mount, Unique Direwolf Companion, Gold moonstone regalia mask, Ring of the violet Continual light, bottle of levity, or anything else.
I have opened 4 tickets now, all closed with the same message to complete tutorial, talk to knox, finish rags to riches, talk to courier, and the Founders merchant. I have done all that on two toons and still nothing. To top if off I cannot find a number to call for support.
Please help.....
You got a response? I've opened tickets and when I go to "my tickets" they all disappear after a bit with no answer. This seems to be a very common problem with us Guardian folks. And yes, I did put in the tickets that I've already done the quest and checked with the founder's agent. Hey DEVs, you wanna fix this? Sort of the whole reason I shelled out $60 was for the companion and mount (all the other stuff didn't really matter).
jadejedi2Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited April 2013
Ya, my first ticket went away as well. I really really hope there is a blue post on this soon, because it is a real issue.
suparstarxMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited April 2013
I'm missing things from my $60 founder's pack: Mount, direwolf, mask, ring, greycloak of legacy. I was only able to redeem astral diamonds and helper boxes. Nothing in mailbox for anything else.
tyskothMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 1Arc User
I'm missing things from my $60 founder's pack: Mount, direwolf, mask, ring, greycloak of legacy. I was only able to redeem astral diamonds and helper boxes. Nothing in mailbox for anything else.
Exactly the same issue than above .
I'm missing those items despite the fact that I did everything I should to get them. And moreover, the ingame ticket are closed really quick without a real answer and I am not able to post on the website support system.
Hope it will be fixed soon...
nakir78Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 1Arc User
edited April 2013
I have the Guardian pack but missing astral diamonds, mount, direwolf, mask, ring and greycloak of legacy
the other stuf i got in my mailbox.
adarian21Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
The support team is in and chugging through the reports as fast as they can.
With all due respect, any form of 'support' related to this issue consists of:
Thank you for taking the time to contact support.
In order to claim your items in game, please make sure that you do the following:
1) Complete the first part of the tutorial to reach Protector's Enclave.
2) Speak to Sergeant Knox when you arrive in Protector's Enclave.
3) Take and Complete the quest Rags to Riches.
4) Locate the Postal Courier after completing the Rags to Riches quest to claim your Founder's Pack items.
After that, you should have all your items!
You may also visit the Founders Merchant on the opposite side of the Hall of justice from Sergeant Knox. He is located in a small booth near Sergeant Quinn.
I clearly state I have already performed those steps, but despite this; that is the only response I have got from them which isn't particularly helpful considering a LOT of people spent money on things they are yet to receive.
Additionally, that automated message they send us is even related to Founders and not Guardians..
joebaeMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 40
edited April 2013
Didn't get the guardian box in mail one of my characters
In game tickets seem to be closed upon logout too...
astriellionheartMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited April 2013
Still no email received for mount etc... of the guardina pack...
Quest done and PNJ (founder or courrier) give nothing at all...
astriellionheartMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
For redirect issues, you can always email our Support Team by emailing from your account's registered email address. They'll assist you there. We apologize for that inconvenience.
Assist ??? The support in game delete tickets without answer and on the website, it doesn't work a t all (infinite redirection)... Yes, assist...
rkoperMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 9Arc User
edited April 2013
Thi s issue still isn't resolved. Can us poor guardians get a dev update to let us know it's being addressed please?
papabear27Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 5Arc User
edited April 2013
I purchased a Hero of the North Founder package. Having fun so far, but my package is missing the Spider Mount and the Astral Diamonds. Please reply. Thanks.
ftwarmswarriorMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 1Arc User
edited April 2013
Hello there, so yesterday I made a few characters on the server Dragon and received my package without any problems.
But now it seems that my friends play on the server Beholder. So i remade my characters but i didn't receive any of the Guardian packages even after completing the quest 'Rag And Riches'.
I hope there will be a fix soon since the rest of my friends will start their adventures on Beholder tomorrow.
ceesedMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited April 2013
I was testing the different shard thing today as well. I made a new character on Beholder and was able to get the founder pack on Beholder. I did also take welcome item pack off the mail before completing the rags quest too (should have only tested one thing at a time). After I completed the quest I got the mail finally. Unfortunately I claimed diamonds on one of my previous characters on Mindflayer(where none of the characters I tried could get the items) though so its not like I can just remake them to get around what ever problem this is.
So frustrating... but at least I saw the items finally.
Edit: Also is there a setting to have Guardian show under my name or should that do it automatically? If the latter that is bugged for me as well...
Your payment is being reviewed by either your payment processor or Perfect World. If 30 minutes elapse and your status does not update, Contact Us by using the link below.
LOL. BS BS talked to paypal and they told me it can take up to 24hrs for pendings to be complet for fraud stuff. Sooooo why post this PW, not so perfect are you?
The support team is in and chugging through the reports as fast as they can.
Really? I completely misunderstood that, then, and I owe them an apology. Thank you for the update.
But they are taking care of them all as we speak as fast as they can.
I sent in a bunch of posts today for them to investigate the problem. Not everybody who bought one is having it, some people have bought them and gotten right in according to a few posts.
There's obviously something going on and they are looking into it but sadly that is as far as my knowledge goes. I won't know anything more until the issue is resolved but please do send in a support ticket as well as posting in this thread.
They're starting to get around to these. Just got a response to my support email requesting additional information. Check your inbox periodically
I have opened 4 tickets now, all closed with the same message to complete tutorial, talk to knox, finish rags to riches, talk to courier, and the Founders merchant. I have done all that on two toons and still nothing. To top if off I cannot find a number to call for support.
Please help.....
Exactly the same issue than above
I'm missing those items despite the fact that I did everything I should to get them. And moreover, the ingame ticket are closed really quick without a real answer and I am not able to post on the website support system.
Hope it will be fixed soon...
the other stuf i got in my mailbox.
With all due respect, any form of 'support' related to this issue consists of:
I clearly state I have already performed those steps, but despite this; that is the only response I have got from them which isn't particularly helpful considering a LOT of people spent money on things they are yet to receive.
Additionally, that automated message they send us is even related to Founders and not Guardians..
In game tickets seem to be closed upon logout too...
Quest done and PNJ (founder or courrier) give nothing at all...
Assist ??? The support in game delete tickets without answer and on the website, it doesn't work a t all (infinite redirection)... Yes, assist...
But now it seems that my friends play on the server Beholder. So i remade my characters but i didn't receive any of the Guardian packages even after completing the quest 'Rag And Riches'.
I hope there will be a fix soon since the rest of my friends will start their adventures on Beholder tomorrow.
So frustrating... but at least I saw the items finally.
Edit: Also is there a setting to have Guardian show under my name or should that do it automatically? If the latter that is bugged for me as well...
There is an 8 page thread about it here: