Had a guild mate do this and it sounded to me like an exploit, but figured i'd come here and see what the Devs have to say.
Apparently there is a Leadership mission that grats 1600 xp, which is quite a large chunk. You can use your AD to speed this up. So while it does cost a fair amount of AD, it also allows for crazy fast leveling. He has leveled from 38 to 52 in well under an hour.
To me this sounds like a textbook exploit, but its possible that it is "Working as Intended" and would really like to know which it is.
To me, using any in game means to create gains that are obviously not as the game intended is an exploit. Now, this does cost AD, so perhaps its how they want it. Frankly I cant stand the thought of it as it cheapens the entire experience. Normally I dont care what other people do with their in game time/money, but since i am a guild leader, this really worries me. Dont want the guild to look bad because someone is doing this.
I feel if this is working as intended it is a huge downfall to pay your way to victory - unacceptable and a cash grab tactic. If it's a bug, it's unfortunate and needs to be fixed
not exploit. by design. for those that like to p2lvl.
be happy, those players pay for the game.
Be happy a dungeons and dragons RPG which is about leveling and dungeon running has a system in place where you can pay to level? This screams, 'our company will sell its soul and do anything for money'.
Many leaderships grant XP. If someone wants to dump that many AD to level up they can go ahead, not that different from using Zen to buy an XP boost or using AD to buy the best gear for your level
So, is there a difference between power-leveling your way to 60 in 28 hours straight and using Astral Diamonds to do the same thing? I don't think so. It affects me not at all.
I'm here to play the game; if someone else wants to use AD/zen/real money to get to 60 in a few hours, more power to them.
keep in mind that Pay To Win works only for PVP.They cant Pay To Win PVE.What for hes giving money doesnt have anything with u,if he lvl faster that doesnt have anything with u,he can only affect u in PVP and that whould make it Pay to Win.Also people doesnt get it that games are to have fun not to have competition with other players.Its ment to do dungeons,meet other players and have fun,not important who is higher lvl then u.If hes money affect PVP then in that case u can complain on Pay To Win
shampouMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited April 2013
i dunno man, i wouldn't do it as it sounds like such a money sink. but, as others have said, it's not like how he/she levels affects anyone else. as far as your guild's rep goes, that's up to you, but i don't see how other people would know he'd levelled that way unless he went around banging on about it in zone chat.
Another thing to note on this topic is the fact of the founders packs complementory AD. Yes in a very limited way this is pay to level but in essence all that is, is paying for convience anyway. You will be no better at your class at 60 and will have woefully in adiquete gear. But besides that point once the "First to 60" euphoria wears off and the people who do this run out of AD it will be a very controlable situation since even at level 60 you can only get 24000 AD in a day no matter what.
ranncoreMember, Moderators, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 2,508
edited April 2013
It takes all of a few days to get to max level. No idea why you would pay to make it go faster.
Be happy a dungeons and dragons RPG which is about leveling and dungeon running has a system in place where you can pay to level? This screams, 'our company will sell its soul and do anything for money'.
Typical perfect world experience.
Then why even bother to play if you feel that way?
Also you should play some other F2P games like Allods, RoM, or Vidictus, PWE games are benign comparatively.
I say be glad as well that person isn't effecting "your" game and he is throwing a HAMSTER ton at future devlopment, the reason Jade Dynasty and PWI have so many updates is because their cash shop is continually humming with peopel who just have to own every mount or blow through a huge stack of buffs, folks are complining about what a rip off Neverwinter is yet I have not spent a single Zen or gone through any of my allotted diamonds, yet I have the Firehawk companion, all the bags I need, decent wards and enchants and I can probably have a decent play experience for the rest of the year for free.
A rip off would be making me buy a repair hammer for Zen to fix my gear or charging me AD to enter a certain zone.
I know this has been said before, but with the AH as a means of getting Astral Diamonds every group I am in people just roll need on all blues/purples. Please in such a day and age add where if it is not for your class that you cannot roll need on it. Im so sick of watching upgrades go to other classes that cant use just to see them pop up on the AH later. Your economy system promotes this as essentially free AD for need rollers.
So we have a community of no talking need rolling greedy peeps essentially. All in the name of the mighty astral diamond.
This was posted on another topic. This explains one of the many problems of a pay 2 level or win system.
I don't see how someone dropping a lot of money on leveling up quicker is any different to someone taking a few days off life to power level through the content.
Neither is an exploit, neither is really how the developers would like you play, but it is your choice. At least the person who spends money to do it is contributing to the continued development of the game.
jnaathraMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited April 2013
Who really cares? All they are doing is leveling fast. What impact do this have on you? Zero, none, nada.
Being high lvl means nothing, accept that you are high level. PVP brackets are separated so no impact there. PVE dungeons are separated so no impact there.
So what exactly are you crying about people?
This is how f2p titles make money. Off the income of a few wealthy people instead of running a subscription. If they want to toss out hundreds of dollars in Zen/AD to lvl faster, let them.
Scout Tragold - "I haven't lived this long by being brave... it's just another word for stupid."
I feel if this is working as intended it is a huge downfall to pay your way to victory - unacceptable and a cash grab tactic. If it's a bug, it's unfortunate and needs to be fixed
Nonsense. If someone wants to pay to get to max level and skip the majority of what the game has to offer, then let them do this. Here, it benefits the game, in other games it just benefits third parties who sell power leveling. There is no prize for getting to 60. Pay your way to victory? What victory? The ability to wipe in epic dungeons a week before others do? You don't even learn the class if you skip the challenging level range.
This is just fine. It gives an option for those who do not want to level normally, and it gets ADs out of the economy and Zen into the pockets of those who try to earn them. There is no harm in this. I think it is short-sighted to do this, but it has no negative effect on me if people do it.
astaziaMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 51
edited April 2013
It bothers me that this exists, but at the same time I heard it costs like $1000 in AD to go from 10-60 with that method, so I kind of feel like it's worth it to leave in just for the satisfaction of knowing people are blowing that kind of money to save themselves only about 20 hours of leveling. I'll be happy if it's fixed, but I wont cry if it's not just because the people using it make me feel good about myself in a way I didn't think was possible.
I think some here are confusing leveling a profession with leveling a character. The OP is talking about leveling the Leadership profession and not the character.
Power leveling a profession with AD has nothing to do with the character's level, and it doesn't affect anyone else.
im completely fine with ppl paying to plvl. when they add in stuff that gives an advantage you have to buy, or the grind/purchase ratio becomes unresonable the game is dead.
any good cash shop focuses on cosmetics and conveniences, never underestimate what ppl will spend on vanity items.
astaziaMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 51
I think some here are confusing leveling a profession with leveling a character. The OP is talking about leveling the Leadership profession and not the character.
Power leveling a profession with AD has nothing to do with the character's level, and it doesn't affect anyone else.
Incorrect. Most of the leadership profession tasks award character exp as well as profession exp.
What's funny is these guys paying the company to get to 60 in a day are just helping the rest of us - they're giving the company money to develop content for people who will still be playing in a month+
I have nothing against people who want to power their way through to level 60 or to endgame content. How they choose to play or pay for anything is their business. But please don't complain a month, or two, or six months down the road after powering through the game that you are bored or this game sucks because there is no new content for you. I believe some of us have seen those complaints since we have played through several MMOs throughout the years.
I think some here are confusing leveling a profession with leveling a character. The OP is talking about leveling the Leadership profession and not the character.
Power leveling a profession with AD has nothing to do with the character's level, and it doesn't affect anyone else.
@Isya I believe you also get regular xp for leveling a profession? I am not positive though as I haven't got to 10 yet but I did professions in BW4. Also there was this post of a first level 60 who paid to level professions. There is a twitch feed too.
I feel if this is working as intended it is a huge downfall to pay your way to victory - unacceptable and a cash grab tactic. If it's a bug, it's unfortunate and needs to be fixed
it's crafting and a free game so im not bothered by it.
with free games my concern is always that if it is unplayable or badly playable for the free players & cryptic is IMHO the best at the free to play model
When we turn away from the darkness of
our past to take comfort in our peaceful lives, we
sometimes forget how dearly that peace was bought. But
there is much worth remembering in the darkness...
ranncoreMember, Moderators, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 2,508
edited April 2013
The silly thing about this is that if you power level yourself that way you're going to have terrible gear for your level.
This was posted on another topic. This explains one of the many problems of a pay 2 level or win system.
Because no one ever does that (needs all items they can) in a subscription game, like WoW. Can you hear my sarcasm? People are greedy no matter what the game, f2p or sub doesn't matter.
I just was in game, and looked at my leadership skills (at level 4), and the highest xp one i saw was 150. Not sure when this one you are talking about becomes common, but seeing as i'm level 41 now, it's been easier, quicker and cheaper to just do quests. I've paid AD to finish tailor quests early, but not for xp, just for trying to get where crafting anything close to level happens. My tailor skill is 8, and that took a LOT of AD to finish the long ones early. Not sure how long the leadership one is, but still.
Also, so what if people level fast? If it bothers you, and they are in your guild, boot them. Like others have said, leveling is fast in this game. Just doing quests gets you there fast enough, getting 60 is easy enough.
@Isya I believe you also get regular xp for leveling a profession? I am not positive though as I haven't got to 10 yet but I did professions in BW4. Also there was this post of a first level 60 who paid to level professions. There is a twitch feed too.
For what it's worth, at the launch of GW2 i hit max in days with the help of cooking before they nerfed it. I wasn't powerleveling, but wanted to do cooking, and at the time, all the mats you needed were easily gotten from karma or gold.
How else do you think people got level 60 in one to two days? Playing non-stop? It is not even mathematically possible if you do the maths on xp required + xp gain on the fastest burst based character running quests.
I am a little with this also and the fact that people are able to reach max level in less then 3 days after release is very sad. Not looking good at this point Perfect World.
I suggest you reroll anyone and everyone who participated in this and fix that recipe to be on a 24 hour timer.
be happy, those players pay for the game.
Be happy a dungeons and dragons RPG which is about leveling and dungeon running has a system in place where you can pay to level? This screams, 'our company will sell its soul and do anything for money'.
Typical perfect world experience.
I'm here to play the game; if someone else wants to use AD/zen/real money to get to 60 in a few hours, more power to them.
Then why even bother to play if you feel that way?
Also you should play some other F2P games like Allods, RoM, or Vidictus, PWE games are benign comparatively.
I say be glad as well that person isn't effecting "your" game and he is throwing a HAMSTER ton at future devlopment, the reason Jade Dynasty and PWI have so many updates is because their cash shop is continually humming with peopel who just have to own every mount or blow through a huge stack of buffs, folks are complining about what a rip off Neverwinter is yet I have not spent a single Zen or gone through any of my allotted diamonds, yet I have the Firehawk companion, all the bags I need, decent wards and enchants and I can probably have a decent play experience for the rest of the year for free.
A rip off would be making me buy a repair hammer for Zen to fix my gear or charging me AD to enter a certain zone.
This was posted on another topic. This explains one of the many problems of a pay 2 level or win system.
Neither is an exploit, neither is really how the developers would like you play, but it is your choice. At least the person who spends money to do it is contributing to the continued development of the game.
Being high lvl means nothing, accept that you are high level. PVP brackets are separated so no impact there. PVE dungeons are separated so no impact there.
So what exactly are you crying about people?
This is how f2p titles make money. Off the income of a few wealthy people instead of running a subscription. If they want to toss out hundreds of dollars in Zen/AD to lvl faster, let them.
Nonsense. If someone wants to pay to get to max level and skip the majority of what the game has to offer, then let them do this. Here, it benefits the game, in other games it just benefits third parties who sell power leveling. There is no prize for getting to 60. Pay your way to victory? What victory? The ability to wipe in epic dungeons a week before others do? You don't even learn the class if you skip the challenging level range.
This is just fine. It gives an option for those who do not want to level normally, and it gets ADs out of the economy and Zen into the pockets of those who try to earn them. There is no harm in this. I think it is short-sighted to do this, but it has no negative effect on me if people do it.
Power leveling a profession with AD has nothing to do with the character's level, and it doesn't affect anyone else.
any good cash shop focuses on cosmetics and conveniences, never underestimate what ppl will spend on vanity items.
Incorrect. Most of the leadership profession tasks award character exp as well as profession exp.
But enough points have been made i guess. It is what it is. Dosent mean i have to like it.
Really we should be thankful.
@Isya I believe you also get regular xp for leveling a profession? I am not positive though as I haven't got to 10 yet but I did professions in BW4. Also there was this post of a first level 60 who paid to level professions. There is a twitch feed too.
it's crafting and a free game so im not bothered by it.
with free games my concern is always that if it is unplayable or badly playable for the free players & cryptic is IMHO the best at the free to play model
our past to take comfort in our peaceful lives, we
sometimes forget how dearly that peace was bought. But
there is much worth remembering in the darkness...
Because no one ever does that (needs all items they can) in a subscription game, like WoW. Can you hear my sarcasm? People are greedy no matter what the game, f2p or sub doesn't matter.
I just was in game, and looked at my leadership skills (at level 4), and the highest xp one i saw was 150. Not sure when this one you are talking about becomes common, but seeing as i'm level 41 now, it's been easier, quicker and cheaper to just do quests. I've paid AD to finish tailor quests early, but not for xp, just for trying to get where crafting anything close to level happens. My tailor skill is 8, and that took a LOT of AD to finish the long ones early. Not sure how long the leadership one is, but still.
Also, so what if people level fast? If it bothers you, and they are in your guild, boot them. Like others have said, leveling is fast in this game. Just doing quests gets you there fast enough, getting 60 is easy enough.
For what it's worth, at the launch of GW2 i hit max in days with the help of cooking before they nerfed it. I wasn't powerleveling, but wanted to do cooking, and at the time, all the mats you needed were easily gotten from karma or gold.
I am a little
I suggest you reroll anyone and everyone who participated in this and fix that recipe to be on a 24 hour timer.