They say to check the forums for next few weeks for announcement. Some kind of beta by jan - either open or closed.
ambisinisterrMember, Neverwinter ModeratorPosts: 10,462Community Moderator
edited November 2012
The cold hard truth is that nobody knows for sure.
Craig Z. stated in one of the promotional interviews that they planned to do Open Beta around new years but there hasn't been any news on that in some time. Cryptic has not and likely will not state a specific date that we should expect the Beta Tests to start.
I think by the time we can answer that question we wouldn't need to post the answer
Does anyone else read this thread title as the Beta Vent (Ventrilo) Thread? I just picture thousands of people trying to anxiously join a small 50-person vent server in hopes to chat with developers.
What is this strange "vehnreeloh" thou speaks of?
*The mage thumbs through a large tome curiously looking for answers trying not to vent frustration*
Some local human term for clariaudience I think. Not sure where these "URL" humans are from. Every time I ask they get caught in a Net or Web!
The kingdom of Url is far and away past the fens of Hypurtixt, beyond the spider infested barrens known as the Intyrwaebz, and locked behind a fiery wall guarded by a strong packet trading guild known as TCPIP (no one still living knows the true meaning of the acronym). They are indeed a strange people, trappers by culture, and fairly wary of outsiders.
This city promises death for the meek, glory for the bold, danger for all, and riches for Jade! Elven Trickster Rogue: Two-bladed elf, tons of stabby stabby and that sort of thing...
| R. A. Salvatore | My Minions | Forgotten Realms Wiki | Elven Translator |
bitterwinterMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited November 2012
I wish they would do some livestreams like Rift has been doing for Storm Legion...
Odd back during Pax in the interview the guys there said they expected this game to be in OB by dec/ with pvp released around jan+ >.< what happened! lol
Odd back during Pax in the interview the guys there said they expected this game to be in OB by dec/ with pvp released around jan+ >.< what happened! lol
Me wants OB nowz bugs and all :c
Well, the entire game was delayed for PvP and general polish at game launch. This means a delay of all release dates. And I believe he said early 2013, not January which is the game delay date. Sorry, but we have no more specifics at the time of my reply. Read my FAQ in my sig link for answers to your questions.
(But if this was a real request, as would everybody else. If you have questions on what is happening in Beta, you may read my FAQ, but we're not giving them out in any active promotion ATM, nor has Closed Beta started. Sorry.)
neowolfenMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 68
edited November 2012
I have 2 keys atm (one from Trochlight 2 preorder and the pending one for being a lifetimer in CO and STO) not that they are doing me a great deal of any benefit atm as beta access still isnt available yet
Without getting all RARRRGHH what time frame is cryptic having in mind for NWN's beta? because if the plan is still to launch at the start of 2013 (mere weeks away) then surely these beta keys have to start becoming USEFUL soon? lol
Or are Cryptic planning to go more for a (and going on CO and STO's beta this would be an awful idea) just try it out and see if you l;ike beta rather than a find issues and let us know so we can change them before release traditional beta?
Ser Alathor Crownguard, Cwelenas Alenuath, Dwarin Stonefist, Danaerys Hellborn
I have 2 keys atm (one from Trochlight 2 preorder and the pending one for being a lifetimer in CO and STO) not that they are doing me a great deal of any benefit atm as beta access still isnt available yet
Without getting all RARRRGHH what time frame is cryptic having in mind for NWN's beta? because if the plan is still to launch at the start of 2013 (mere weeks away) then surely these beta keys have to start becoming USEFUL soon? lol
Or are Cryptic planning to go more for a (and going on CO and STO's beta this would be an awful idea) just try it out and see if you l;ike beta rather than a find issues and let us know so we can change them before release traditional beta?
Beta won't be until 2013 sir. With launch being "1st quarter". So yea, keys are useless until next year. Sorry to let ya down Neo, but honestly having a bit more updated beta date just means you can do other things and look forward to a shinier game when this releases. Plus, I would imagine they'll start giving us more info and gameplay now that it's getting close to they're "release date". And hey, WHO KNOWS, maybe they'll shock everyone and start beta early? (I would pray, but all the fun gods are dead).
iamtruthseekerMember, Moonstars, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
Beta won't be until 2013 sir. With launch being "1st quarter". So yea, keys are useless until next year. Sorry to let ya down Neo, but honestly having a bit more updated beta date just means you can do other things and look forward to a shinier game when this releases. Plus, I would imagine they'll start giving us more info and gameplay now that it's getting close to they're "release date". And hey, WHO KNOWS, maybe they'll shock everyone and start beta early? (I would pray, but all the fun gods are dead).
We do know the game is planned to launch early 2013 and any specific dates mentioned have not been locked publicly as of yet. Whether we can get a progress on anything starting before that launch I cannot say. What I can say is a few days ago were were told to watch for something in a couple of weeks, but have absolutely no more details.
You know just a reminder to the NW devs, my Birthday is Nov. 26... that would be a great day to have beta open up (as long as I'm invited that is) *hint, hint*
Craig Z. stated in one of the promotional interviews that they planned to do Open Beta around new years but there hasn't been any news on that in some time. Cryptic has not and likely will not state a specific date that we should expect the Beta Tests to start.
I think by the time we can answer that question we wouldn't need to post the answer
What is this strange "vehnreeloh" thou speaks of?
*The mage thumbs through a large tome curiously looking for answers trying not to vent frustration*
Some sort of spell, parhaps?
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Some local human term for clariaudience I think. Not sure where these "URL" humans are from. Every time I ask they get caught in a Net or Web!
Hahaha.. I see what you did there.
I like the way you think sometimes...
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The kingdom of Url is far and away past the fens of Hypurtixt, beyond the spider infested barrens known as the Intyrwaebz, and locked behind a fiery wall guarded by a strong packet trading guild known as TCPIP (no one still living knows the true meaning of the acronym). They are indeed a strange people, trappers by culture, and fairly wary of outsiders.
dark room... dark room... dark room...
This city promises death for the meek, glory for the bold, danger for all, and riches for Jade!
Elven Trickster Rogue: Two-bladed elf, tons of stabby stabby and that sort of thing...
| R. A. Salvatore | My Minions | Forgotten Realms Wiki | Elven Translator |
Me wants OB nowz bugs and all :c
lol. awesome
Himmelville - Are you easily frightened?
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On one side of the mountain, there were bones...
Well, the entire game was delayed for PvP and general polish at game launch. This means a delay of all release dates. And I believe he said early 2013, not January which is the game delay date. Sorry, but we have no more specifics at the time of my reply. Read my FAQ in my sig link for answers to your questions.
I hear ya.
(But if this was a real request, as would everybody else. If you have questions on what is happening in Beta, you may read my FAQ, but we're not giving them out in any active promotion ATM, nor has Closed Beta started. Sorry.)
Without getting all RARRRGHH what time frame is cryptic having in mind for NWN's beta? because if the plan is still to launch at the start of 2013 (mere weeks away) then surely these beta keys have to start becoming USEFUL soon? lol
Or are Cryptic planning to go more for a (and going on CO and STO's beta this would be an awful idea) just try it out and see if you l;ike beta rather than a find issues and let us know so we can change them before release traditional beta?
Beta won't be until 2013 sir. With launch being "1st quarter". So yea, keys are useless until next year.
We do know the game is planned to launch early 2013 and any specific dates mentioned have not been locked publicly as of yet. Whether we can get a progress on anything starting before that launch I cannot say. What I can say is a few days ago were were told to watch for something in a couple of weeks, but have absolutely no more details.
Oh yeah, I c4n HaZ beta latr??
they probably meant Santa lol
WAAAAGGHHH!!! Post more ork boyz! We need to reacha WAAAGHHH!!!
Run blaca run!
*holds of a mob of dark robed red lightsaber carrying people*