well i was hoping MotU was going to be a lot bigger but when u can cap 2 toons and all of their destinies in about 2 weeks playing a few hours a day it's disappointing. I'm really looking forward to NWN and would love to sign up for a guild of old ddo peeps
This. Im from Cannith. Still playing. In polish guild.
And Im just bored to death because I know every piece and detail of that game.
I'd quit DDO back in november of 11' with several capped characters. Played on Argonessen/Orien. With the release of MoTU I came back for a little while to check it out, I only lasted a week. It felt nothing like DnD it was more grinding as quickly to cap for little to no reward, a joyless pit of grinding and they added a few destinies that felt really out of place.
I remember the glory days when the Sands of Menechtarun was a truly dangerous place, and the days when you could first travel to the plane of Shavarath.. that was the good old days, when DDO used to be fun.
I felt like I was a stranger in DDO when I tried playing some of MoTU and ended up turning it off and actually deleting my characters. Its a fitting end for my barbarian, wizard, cleric, and sorc who have conquered every challenge in multiple lives.
Now I'm just patiently waiting for NWO to come out so I can feel that adrenaline spike that only Dungeons and Dragons combat can give.
And it will be good to finally be back in the Forgotten Realms. No more stupid eberron robots and flying ships everywhere, just true classical fantasy with Drizzt and Elminster and the good ol' boys who make the experience go from good fantasy to a true adventure.
Its odd when you're middle aged and you still get those pesky butterflies in your stomach about videogames. I'm hoping that NWO will deliver what I desperately need in my life - some adventure. Mountain climbing and fishing doesn't cut it.
I always have RoM to tide me over until 2013 though, lol.
I feel old. Thinking back about all the games and experiences I've had and wanting to feel those glory days again. Ah well, hopefully some of us DDO'ers will get together and make some new fantastic adventures together. The joy of our first time clearing waterworks all over again.
ausdoerrtMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
I feel old. Thinking back about all the games and experiences I've had and wanting to feel those glory days again. Ah well, hopefully some of us DDO'ers will get together and make some new fantastic adventures together. The joy of our first time clearing waterworks all over again.
Heh, I'm not old, but I've played through TOEE the CRPG at least 50 times since release. If you wanna feel the glory days, fire the game up and feel the nostalgia b:laugh
I'm still active on DDO and still like it quite a bit. Here in recent months though it has gotten bad with the bugs and such. I've been following Neverwinter since I first heard about it over a year ago. I'm hoping that it turns out to be a good alternative to ddo because the DnD universe needs a change of pace. Just waiting for the release.
Foundry Designs: Once a Dungeon Master, always a Dungeon Master.
Still playing on Khyber but not too much. I never really got into the game. I started playing 3 years ago, spent some money on adventure packs and stopped playing after a few months. I just soloed with hirelings, never past level 10. Just a few months ago I decided see what it was like. It was nice I still had all of my stuff from when I quit 3 years ago. Fun, but still really not getting into the game. Have a friend who I played NWN with years ago playing with me. Having some fun with him but both of us are anxious for this to come out.
Einstein - "We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them." "Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the the universe."
justyntimeMember, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 5Arc User
edited September 2012
Played on Thelanis. Started with Headstart (between Beta and Mass release) and played until about 9 months ago. Quit to be more active met my weight loss goal and am thinking about playing again if I can keep a balance and not gain a bunch of weight back. DDO was getting to be a grind and I did not feel like going back and playing catch up after so long away. So I am looking forward to trying this new D&D game.
Mostly ran with IFV, but I played with other guilds a lot and PUG's.
Ran as Leviathin, Hava, Pek, Justyn and like 7 other names, was a little alt crazy.
Think I saw Cow post on here???
ijukahlMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 4Arc User
Italian only DDO&NW endgame guild.
PM or contact us for enter.
shaolaolintMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 6Arc User
edited September 2012
LOL, seeing some Cannith peeps here. Shaolo/Nicodemuss here. I just hope Neverwinter has some good character customization thru the feats and the gear. I also hope they release it soon (but not too soon so as to be buggier than a Turbine first release).
yea i still play ddo to this day every so often, its a pretty good game to me, but right now im looking at so many other online games
jhozamMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 44
edited September 2012
Hi all,
ex-DDo player here! Jhozam from Cannith
i hope to see in this game my old friends
Jhozam, DDO player since March 2006 (2006-2009 on Devourer server, 2009-2012 on Cannith server)
Proud Officer of Ordo Draconis, DDO Italian Elite Guild
now up on Neverwinter Online, member of Ordo Obscuri Domini, Italian Guild
We are just bored and angry to death on Cannith due the "new epic (fail) uberbugged expansion"...
We need a REAL Faerun content, we need NWO!!!
To be honest with you, I liked the quests, but there's only so many of them. The bugs tho, I'm swearin everyday, they are terrible. Turbine needs to stop developing the game and take 4-6 months to fix bugs. It will never happen, but at this time, I think the DDO community would rally around them with far more fervor than another release of say... 4 more quests and 40 more bugs
I'm Juffus from Cannith and i'm looking for guild.
jhozamMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 44
edited September 2012
We will found the Italian guild Ordo Draconis when the official servers will be up, for those who want information: http://www.ordodraconis.shivtr.com/
or send me PM
See ya in game!
Jhozam, DDO player since March 2006 (2006-2009 on Devourer server, 2009-2012 on Cannith server)
Proud Officer of Ordo Draconis, DDO Italian Elite Guild
now up on Neverwinter Online, member of Ordo Obscuri Domini, Italian Guild
ijukahlMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 4Arc User
To be honest with you, I liked the quests, but there's only so many of them. The bugs tho, I'm swearin everyday, they are terrible. Turbine needs to stop developing the game and take 4-6 months to fix bugs. It will never happen, but at this time, I think the DDO community would rally around them with far more fervor than another release of say... 4 more quests and 40 more bugs
Well, u're right about some funny new quests. But the point is: is better to have 10 more "meh" quests and 50 new bugs or 4 new quest, some fix and (maybe) a few new bugs? I think is normal hope the second, instead at Turbine seems they're thinking only to make money and not to fix the game... i'm talking even the dam ladder bug that exist from Devourer... or the new bugs about some sorcs spells that cant fill the right caster level...
And the community had noticed that, had report that from the beta server but seems Turbine dont care about, seems they closed their ears for the old endgame community (the paying community via VIP or Premium) and open it only for new casual gamers...
I HOPE that Cryptic (i've never played their games), is different, even in that, from Turbine!!
That the devolpers answers both endgame (and "pro" gamers) and casual players.
Sorry for the outburst.
I see some nicks from Cannith I know Part of Ordo and Jhozam.
I really hope nvn will take my interest just like ddo did some time ago.
Even if I miss my fvs... It seems like Cannith is almost dead :P At least on end game.
ranncoreMember, Moderators, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 2,508
edited October 2012
ex DDO-er from Argo here too Looking forward to a good DnD game... I hope this is it.
I also left DDO recently because of bugs and a ****ty end-game.
So I hope they take the time to really polish this game before release and it's looking like they are doing exactly that... even though waiting is hard I'd rather have a great product at launch than say... like MOTU... 4 months into it and still bugs everywhere... but enough about that.
Really skeptical of any game with an in-game store since my experiences with DDO... I hope the Cryptic guys have some people looking over the DDO forums and checking out that game to see what NOT to do...
Seems kind of early to be recruiting for guilds since NWO is still in pre-alpha tho :P
I see some nicks from Cannith I know Part of Ordo and Jhozam.
I really hope nvn will take my interest just like ddo did some time ago.
Even if I miss my fvs... It seems like Cannith is almost dead :P At least on end game.
What was the name of your main char, mate?
Jhozam, DDO player since March 2006 (2006-2009 on Devourer server, 2009-2012 on Cannith server)
Proud Officer of Ordo Draconis, DDO Italian Elite Guild
now up on Neverwinter Online, member of Ordo Obscuri Domini, Italian Guild
Well since mine is an archived post, I guess another presentation of myself again should be done. Hello everyone, I come from Khyber and still play DDO as an officer of Cavalieri dei Draghi. Probably going to split my time between it and NVO, even though DDO is getting quite dull recently in my opinion.
jhozamMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 44
Well since mine is an archived post, I guess another presentation of myself again should be done. Hello everyone, I come from Khyber and still play DDO as an officer of Cavalieri dei Draghi. Probably going to split my time between it and NVO, even though DDO is getting quite dull recently in my opinion.
Welcome here Dail, Ordo Draconis will be an Italian Guild when the game is up, maybe you will be interested to know us see you soon
Jhozam, DDO player since March 2006 (2006-2009 on Devourer server, 2009-2012 on Cannith server)
Proud Officer of Ordo Draconis, DDO Italian Elite Guild
now up on Neverwinter Online, member of Ordo Obscuri Domini, Italian Guild
Well me you may not remember.... : P
Im from DDOpl guild - Kasyane, Kasyene, Kasyana, Kasyena
M 2 main characters are fvs and monk : P.
Used to play a lot with Shadow Thieves of Amn.
Tho I uxsed to play with Ordo and Greeks some time ago. Ryiu (or whatever how this nick is written.... :P) and Rottenbone should remmeber me. Others ... oh well Not sure .
Played DDO for about 3 years now. Had some very good times. Addar, Qangan, Mistoffelees were some of my character names. In college now and really don't have the time to do the endless grinding that DDO has for their end game content. Was VIP for a long time till I bought their Forgotten Realms expansion, after that went Premium and bought everything I needed. From Platinum Knights, some of those original members are from Argo if that counts.
nazath3Member, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 4Arc User
edited November 2012
Hello all!
Another pesky Cannith refugee here
Played DDO since 2009 but started to fizzle out on it due to the bugs/grind/most of the people I had played with had left. Some of you may remember me as Nazath, Nazul, Nazty, Lorrad, Warchanter and other various Naz'(insert ending).
I was part of Spellbinders/Loot/Hella Pro. Anyone from Cannith who can remember me don't be afraid to hit me up and add me once the game eventually does come out! Seems like it is going to be pretty good so far from the footage I've seen.
Well me you may not remember.... : P
Im from DDOpl guild - Kasyane, Kasyene, Kasyana, Kasyena
M 2 main characters are fvs and monk : P.
Used to play a lot with Shadow Thieves of Amn.
Tho I uxsed to play with Ordo and Greeks some time ago. Ryiu (or whatever how this nick is written.... :P) and Rottenbone should remmeber me. Others ... oh well Not sure .
I remember u! im Ragnahrr(healer)/Ragnarrock(bard), still Ordo officer
This. Im from Cannith. Still playing. In polish guild.
And Im just bored to death because I know every piece and detail of that game.
I remember the glory days when the Sands of Menechtarun was a truly dangerous place, and the days when you could first travel to the plane of Shavarath.. that was the good old days, when DDO used to be fun.
I felt like I was a stranger in DDO when I tried playing some of MoTU and ended up turning it off and actually deleting my characters. Its a fitting end for my barbarian, wizard, cleric, and sorc who have conquered every challenge in multiple lives.
Now I'm just patiently waiting for NWO to come out so I can feel that adrenaline spike that only Dungeons and Dragons combat can give.
And it will be good to finally be back in the Forgotten Realms. No more stupid eberron robots and flying ships everywhere, just true classical fantasy with Drizzt and Elminster and the good ol' boys who make the experience go from good fantasy to a true adventure.
Its odd when you're middle aged and you still get those pesky butterflies in your stomach about videogames. I'm hoping that NWO will deliver what I desperately need in my life - some adventure. Mountain climbing and fishing doesn't cut it.
I always have RoM to tide me over until 2013 though, lol.
I feel old. Thinking back about all the games and experiences I've had and wanting to feel those glory days again. Ah well, hopefully some of us DDO'ers will get together and make some new fantastic adventures together. The joy of our first time clearing waterworks all over again.
Heh, I'm not old, but I've played through TOEE the CRPG at least 50 times since release. If you wanna feel the glory days, fire the game up and feel the nostalgia b:laugh
"Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the the universe."
Mostly ran with IFV, but I played with other guilds a lot and PUG's.
Ran as Leviathin, Hava, Pek, Justyn and like 7 other names, was a little alt crazy.
Think I saw Cow post on here???
Another from Cannith here, i still play a bit but DDO is quite boring atm...
Italian only DDO&NW endgame guild.
PM or contact us for enter.
Any Sarlona peeps about?
ex-DDo player here! Jhozam from Cannith
i hope to see in this game my old friends
Proud Officer of Ordo Draconis, DDO Italian Elite Guild
now up on Neverwinter Online, member of Ordo Obscuri Domini, Italian Guild
Welcome to the Soon(r)-to-be-released Neverwinter
TYRS PALADIUM - A Premier Neverwinter Online Guild
No Drama. Camaraderie. TEAM Focus. That's the TYRS way. If that's your style, come join us!
Research our Guild here: Read our official Recruitment thread | Sign up here: Tyrs Guild Website! | NEVERWINTER GUILD LEADERS: Join the Fellowship!
We are just bored and angry to death on Cannith due the "new epic (fail) uberbugged expansion"...
We need a REAL Faerun content, we need NWO!!!
Italian only DDO&NW endgame guild.
PM or contact us for enter.
To be honest with you, I liked the quests, but there's only so many of them. The bugs tho, I'm swearin everyday, they are terrible. Turbine needs to stop developing the game and take 4-6 months to fix bugs. It will never happen, but at this time, I think the DDO community would rally around them with far more fervor than another release of say... 4 more quests and 40 more bugs
TYRS PALADIUM - A Premier Neverwinter Online Guild
No Drama. Camaraderie. TEAM Focus. That's the TYRS way. If that's your style, come join us!
Research our Guild here: Read our official Recruitment thread | Sign up here: Tyrs Guild Website! | NEVERWINTER GUILD LEADERS: Join the Fellowship!
or send me PM
See ya in game!
Proud Officer of Ordo Draconis, DDO Italian Elite Guild
now up on Neverwinter Online, member of Ordo Obscuri Domini, Italian Guild
Well, u're right about some funny new quests. But the point is: is better to have 10 more "meh" quests and 50 new bugs or 4 new quest, some fix and (maybe) a few new bugs? I think is normal hope the second, instead at Turbine seems they're thinking only to make money and not to fix the game... i'm talking even the dam ladder bug that exist from Devourer... or the new bugs about some sorcs spells that cant fill the right caster level...
And the community had noticed that, had report that from the beta server but seems Turbine dont care about, seems they closed their ears for the old endgame community (the paying community via VIP or Premium) and open it only for new casual gamers...
I HOPE that Cryptic (i've never played their games), is different, even in that, from Turbine!!
That the devolpers answers both endgame (and "pro" gamers) and casual players.
Sorry for the outburst.
Italian only DDO&NW endgame guild.
PM or contact us for enter.
I really hope nvn will take my interest just like ddo did some time ago.
Even if I miss my fvs... It seems like Cannith is almost dead :P At least on end game.
I also left DDO recently because of bugs and a ****ty end-game.
So I hope they take the time to really polish this game before release and it's looking like they are doing exactly that... even though waiting is hard I'd rather have a great product at launch than say... like MOTU... 4 months into it and still bugs everywhere... but enough about that.
Really skeptical of any game with an in-game store since my experiences with DDO... I hope the Cryptic guys have some people looking over the DDO forums and checking out that game to see what NOT to do...
Seems kind of early to be recruiting for guilds since NWO is still in pre-alpha tho :P
Anyone on there want's to run a bit PM me your toon name.
still play on on occasion with friends but I find the whole grind grind grind..........very boring
What was the name of your main char, mate?
Proud Officer of Ordo Draconis, DDO Italian Elite Guild
now up on Neverwinter Online, member of Ordo Obscuri Domini, Italian Guild
Welcome here Dail, Ordo Draconis will be an Italian Guild when the game is up, maybe you will be interested to know us
Proud Officer of Ordo Draconis, DDO Italian Elite Guild
now up on Neverwinter Online, member of Ordo Obscuri Domini, Italian Guild
Im from DDOpl guild - Kasyane, Kasyene, Kasyana, Kasyena
M 2 main characters are fvs and monk : P.
Used to play a lot with Shadow Thieves of Amn.
Tho I uxsed to play with Ordo and Greeks some time ago. Ryiu (or whatever how this nick is written.... :P) and Rottenbone should remmeber me. Others ... oh well
Another pesky Cannith refugee here
Played DDO since 2009 but started to fizzle out on it due to the bugs/grind/most of the people I had played with had left. Some of you may remember me as Nazath, Nazul, Nazty, Lorrad, Warchanter and other various Naz'(insert ending).
I was part of Spellbinders/Loot/Hella Pro. Anyone from Cannith who can remember me don't be afraid to hit me up and add me once the game eventually does come out! Seems like it is going to be pretty good so far from the footage I've seen.
I'm on Argonnesson (just logged off). I'm very interested in Neverwinter just because I want to play a fun game.
I remember u! im Ragnahrr(healer)/Ragnarrock(bard), still Ordo officer
Italian only DDO&NW endgame guild.
PM or contact us for enter.