You may be seeing a bunch of new faces around here this week, as players from STO and Champions are linking their accounts to Perfect World accounts. With this, they'll be able to find friends in other games more easily.
If you've already got a Perfect World account -- great! You're fine, you don't have to do a thing, except to welcome all the new players from our sister games.
If you're coming over from a Cryptic account and want to get linked, read through the FAQs below to get all the benefits of linking your Cryptic and PWE accounts.
How do I link my accounts?
Navigate to, and login. This will take you through the linking flow. Be sure to select the correct radio button for your account type.
Why are we linking accounts?
By linking your Perfect World Entertainment and Cryptic accounts, you will enjoy a more streamlined process in accessing your information and logging into your favorite games. Doing so will also allow the friends you play with to find you more easily in other titles.
How do I purchase ZEN?
Navigate to our billing page You'll be able to purchase ZEN in a number of ways, including prepaid ZEN cards, credit cards and PayPal.
How do I transfer ZEN to a server?
When you buy ZEN, it gets added to your wallet, which you can view at From there, you'll be able to select which game, then which server you want to transfer ZEN to.
What if I don't want to link?
Account linking will soon be non-optional. If you have a Cryptic account and link now, you can claim a special item in Star Trek Online. Also, the sooner you link, the better chance you have of getting your preferred account name and display name.
What about my Cryptic Points?
Cryptic points currently on your account will remain on your account - you won't lose them, but you can only use them in Star Trek Online or Champions Online. Once you've linked your account, you can take advantage of the many payment options to purchase Zen.
What if I don't have a PWE account?
The linking flow will walk you through creating one. Chances are, we've even reserved your account name and
What if I don't have a Cryptic account?
That's okay. When you login to the Star Trek Online or Champions Online website with your PWE account, we'll grant your account the proper credentials to play all Cryptic games. You won't have to do anything except maybe choose an
Why are the boxes red? It won't let me have my account name/@handle!
Couple things to check:
1. You can't have the same acount name and display name in the PWE system. If yours are the same, decide if you'd rather it be your login or your public name, and pick something else for the one you care less about.
2. If they're not the same, it's possible that one or the other is already taken in the PWE system, and you'll need to select something else.
It won't let me have my email address!
If it says your email address is already in the system, try recovering your PW login name and password here: are the Privacy and Data Protection Policies?
The protection of your privacy and personal information is very important to us. Please visit our Privacy Policy page to learn more about how we safeguard your account information.
But I only get 80 CP for every 100 Zen!
The Zen to CP conversion rate is the the same as the cash to CP conversion rate. Zen is $1 : 100 Zen. CP is $1 : 80 CP. You'll receive the same number of CP you always did for the same dollar price.
When i go to STO webpage im already logged to perfectworld with this acc.
We are the Neverwinter community. I'm here to play Neverwinter. I dont give butkis about any other game you make at this point.
TYRS PALADIUM - A Premier Neverwinter Online Guild
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What the heck are you talking about? This account merger affects all of Perfect World games, including Neverwinter.
Is this about the sto account link? If so, for goodness sakes... did you stop to consider that mayhaps that was an omission of editing an did you even try at all?
Sure, they should have edited it to include Neverwinter in their naming of the affected C-Store MMOs. Considering NWO isn't even out yet and as thus, doesn't have a C-Store, I see no problems with their statements about STO and CO.
Did you consider it was an omission of editing? No? Just decided to flip out instead, hmm? Now that's indicative of MMO Community, for sure. I am sorry but it urks me to see such undue bad-mouthing.
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I wouldn't put it like aandre did, but it would be nice for them to fix the forums and start paying attention to the community.
Mad? Not at all. Shaking my head that Im reading more marketing tie-ins instead of reading responses to specific questions that we've been posing and have been sitting on this site for months... check.
I am tired of hearing about other games on the NEVERWINTER FORUM. I want to see devs comment about Neverwinter. I want to see them work on THIS SITE. Talk TO us, not try to sell us stuff we do not want.
Am I frustrated at PW/Cryptic for blindly hawking "Zen" and selling Torchlight II and ignoring questions about this game and community? Of course.
For those of you that have been playing PW games all along, this post is probably good news. But quite frankly, I 'm here to play an official D&D product. Period.
TYRS PALADIUM - A Premier Neverwinter Online Guild
No Drama. Camaraderie. TEAM Focus. That's the TYRS way. If that's your style, come join us!
Research our Guild here: Read our official Recruitment thread | Sign up here: Tyrs Guild Website! | NEVERWINTER GUILD LEADERS: Join the Fellowship!
Zeb, the word NEVERWINTER doesnt even appear in his OP. In that entire wall of text, not a single mention of NEVERWINTER.
Im truly not mad, Im just shocked at the lack of professionalism. Has trailturtle even introduced himself yet?
Id look in the Dev Tracker but..........
I foresee that I will remain more positive than negative this summer. What I am interested is reading what devs have to say about THIS GAME... and the answers to questions/requests left unanswered.
TYRS PALADIUM - A Premier Neverwinter Online Guild
No Drama. Camaraderie. TEAM Focus. That's the TYRS way. If that's your style, come join us!
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TYRS PALADIUM - A Premier Neverwinter Online Guild
No Drama. Camaraderie. TEAM Focus. That's the TYRS way. If that's your style, come join us!
Research our Guild here: Read our official Recruitment thread | Sign up here: Tyrs Guild Website! | NEVERWINTER GUILD LEADERS: Join the Fellowship!
However, I do understand AAndre that this seems to be interpreted as telling everybdy to link to PWE and gives members rewards who are on OTHER GAMES and has nothing to do with Neverwinter. I'd rather have new members visit here AFTER this site has more polish ESPECIALLY a working Dev Tracker. Does STO have its tracker working again after its update? Yes. I don't think it's too much to ask to have that Tracker update (that we HAD WORKING before OUR update) as well as the other requests made, especially in this thread.
So if you're going to sticky a link on a NEVERWINTER DISCUSSION area, it has been requested that we please make sure it mentions Neverwinter at least somewhere, thank you.
Maybe in the future you can just get rid of the Cryptic accounts and only have one login. I hope at least that you just get rid of cryptic points and use zen and make your stores use zen. It can be hard to calculate how much I'm spending and how much things cost with the 80:1 point cost ratio.
Also, I think many users will appreciate if we can have a working dev tracker like STO - who never actually lost the dev tracker unlike us.
Why can't we put people on ignore?
Why can't we report spammers and trolls?
Why do you insist on killing what little community you have by refusing to communicate with us other than having Stormshade show up and promise big things soon every few months?
And melanderi
Why would you set up system like this to people to only smack them on the nose?
Is the Neverwinter community here such a pain in the rear that we just don't matter because the game isn't out yet? We were forced to make this new account and then later the PR staff come running in and sprout other non-related stuff about the other forums and how good they are. What about us? I'm not mad nor waving a stick here but I agree with big guy, aandrethegiant, that some real work needs to be done here.
If the other forums are up and running right then why isn't this place up to par then? If the other accounts are working right and those members have their original names then why don't and can't we have the same as them?
We can wait for the game. Lords know we don't want a half baked full of bugs game to be played. Doesn't matter if it's free or not. But at least respect us, the community here, a lot better than what you have done.
There will be many people here who do not care about $CORE Connect. Many wont care about 10s of millions of mostly kids (who never heard of and do not care about D&D) playing games we have zero interest in.
I see this as a huge distraction for the RPG player, especially the NWN veteran, taking his/her 1st jump at an MMO only because its an official D&D product. And a complete turnoff.
TYRS PALADIUM - A Premier Neverwinter Online Guild
No Drama. Camaraderie. TEAM Focus. That's the TYRS way. If that's your style, come join us!
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Is this all over a display name? ._.
Instead of looking at all of this negatively, we could see that maybe this time they used STO as the test subject- they were able to successfully get the dev tracker working, so I expect that they'll be able to get it working for us too. Considering the dev tracker isn't something that is a) on any of the PWE forums or b)standard to vbulletin (it's kinda like a "hack" to add the dev tracker in), it might be that they didn't know if it would just break things more.
Further, while our community is pretty awesome, the STO community is larger (not BETTER, there's just more people- the game has had more time to build a community: THIS IS NOT A DISS ON THE NW COMMUNITY) and as far as their account linking is going... well things be broke. So it might be some time before their web team has time to take what they learned from STO to fix up our forums here.
I know, it seems that all we ever do is wait, but we're a smart community of dedicated users and we are not easily defeated. We'll get our fixes, I'm sure of it- Stormshade seems at least as passionate about this game as we are (keep in mind that not only is he working on TWO games, but the job of a CM extends beyond the forums) and he won't just let us wither here. He knows what he's doing, so let's give him some credit, cut him some slack, and continue being the awesome community that we've been for a long time. We don't need this hate.
From where I see it, its not hate. Just a series of uncomfortable questions. And a little bit of resentment over getting no answers at all.
And these questions are not just about games.
Previously, my forum name of "aavarius" had been taken somehow on the PWE system. Considering it's a word I made up out of nothing I figured that was unlikely, so up until now I had been gritting my teeth and using the forum name "aavarius1."
I'm a STO Lifetime Subscriber, so after the website change I figured it was time to link my accounts since Neverwinter was surely going to require a PWE account anyway. Up until now I have been maintaining 2 accounts: a Cryptic one and a PWE one for here on this forum. After hemming and hawing over if I wanted to use my new "aavarius1" PWE account for CO, STO, and NW, on a whim I checked the availability of "aavarius" as a forum name and to my surprise it was free! A part of me now wonders if its previous unavailability had something to do with some of Cryptic's games' websites not being completely in step with the PWE system. That's only speculation on my part, though.
So at this point my solution was to create a new account, and in doing, claim my newly freed up forum name. Since I've never used a PWE account to do anything but post on this forum, sacrificing my old PWE account was no major loss. If you're a big PWE game player, then naturally you probably wouldn't do this part.
Another problem came up, though. PWE requires a unique email address and both my Cryptic account and my PWE account I was about to stop using (with "Aavarius1") I used the same email address. So far as I can tell, having the same email address is the only similarity your Cryptic and PWE accounts have to have. Fortunately, the fix was pretty easy: I logged in to CORE Connect with my old PWE account and found account options there to change my email address. I changed it to a dummy address I have. That freed up my desired email address in the PWE system.
A few seconds after that, I keyed in the information to create my new PWE account with the proper email address and the proper forum name. Submit, then done. The linking of accounts part was even quicker. I navigated to the log in page of a Cryptic site (in this case I used the new STO site). A message asked if I was using a Cryptic account, and then a moment later if I wanted to link it. Upon confirming that the system noticed that I already had an email address associated with a PWE account (the one I just made!). I gave it the go-ahead to associate the two together using the interface provided.
That was it!
Now, I had some issues in all that above that you may not have, but you can see the process of how linking works in there with it. Here's the end result:
1.) Sauron
2.) aavarius
3.) @Aavarius
1.) I now have One Account To Rule Them All. Naturally, I shouldn't share it for security purposes, so we'll call it "Sauron" for this example. I punch "Sauron" into PWE and Cryptic game clients and websites to log into them from now on. "Sauron" has two sub-names associated with it (2 and 3 below). Nobody except PWE and myself will ever see "Sauron" unless I tell them about it.
2.) "aavarius" is the forum handle you'll see me as on any Cryptic or PWE forum from now on.
3.) "@Aavarius" is the Cryptic @Handle I used formerly before linking. I got to keep it because, as far as I can tell, the @Handle is still an inherent part of how Cryptic's games work. I tested it on CO today and I still show up as @Aavarius there just like I always have.
Note: I've chosen to have these account names be the same, but you're free to have them all be different if you want. PWE doesn't allow our actual account name ("Sauron" in this example) to match our public handles as a security measure, but I could have appeared as "gollum" on the forum and "@Smeagol" in Cryptic games if I wanted.
Now, this sounds like a long process. It's not. Putting aside my wanting to create a new account and changing emails (nit picky things that only I cared about), the actual linking process takes about 60 seconds of work. In that regard it's pretty painless. If you're like me and your Cryptic account was inexplicably taken on the PWE system, I encourage you to check again.
If you're already the proud owner of a PWE account and already play their other games, you can ignore all this linking stuff entirely.
If you're anticipating the release of Neverwinter, and haven't played any Cryptic of PWE games before, you can also ignore this linking stuff entirely. Make yourself a PWE account you like and don't sweat it.
If you're like me and are an already established Cryptic account holder only, go ahead and just accept that you're going to have to use the PWE account system eventually. We knew it was coming. Your options are to get mad and leave or accept and keep playing.
I hope this helps clear up some questions. I can't say that I know everything about the process but I can certainly speak from my experience with it. Hopefully my tale will prove useful to the rest of you.
P.S. Pour a little for my old PWE account out there collecting Internet dust. It's going to live a long, lonely life of neglect.
I also don't see any hate in this thread or forum. What I do see is frustration. Its not hate, its not excitement because the game is so near. Its resentment for the way this community a year PLUS strong, is being categorically ignored. How is the game being handled? WHO THE HELL KNOWS? Thats the problem. It's like we are a complete unknown... like a rolling stone.
Almost all the Cryptic community are gone (or at least not talking.) The few of us that stuck it out this long are beaten down with boredom and frustration. Say what you will Vin, but you cant deny that the only game so far PW/Cryptic has perfected, is the waiting game...
See the thing is Vin, most arent as patient as me or you Vin, they will just LEAVE and go to another game. A company has to treat its clients with common courtesy, and that has not been shown here. If they werent going to properly support this site, it should not have been created until they were ready to do it right. (look at this copy/paste necro thread from another forum. Dude just CTRL-Vs and jets. No hello, No replys. GONE.)
TYRS PALADIUM - A Premier Neverwinter Online Guild
No Drama. Camaraderie. TEAM Focus. That's the TYRS way. If that's your style, come join us!
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Until a few days ago, there were absolutely NO links to support except ONE archived post from a PWE/Cryptic employee. No sticky, no ongoing issues thread and no company polling of feedback for issues like this and the ongoing issues we listed about the forum (like the ongoing dev tracker issue not up at the time of this post.)
Respectfully, the only compilation was what users like me put in their new users thread or other users posted on their forum replies or what melanderi later referred to for a tech support forum a month and a half LATER after this merge.
So, effectively, we were the test subject for this conversion/update.
Now, Cryptic's Star Trek Online gets an update they keep their names, and their tracker is fixed, and THEY get a nice summarized walkthrough, which then almost two months after the Neverwinter fact is posted here too little too late with nothing to do with Neverwinter.
I'm sure it can now be seen why many of us are frustrated at this appearance of neglect, (alpha, beta or whatever state the game is in,) with a request for any game discussion it being silent for almost two months on this and the last major "discussion" from a Cryptic member is a conversion issue now not related to us and badly executed two months ago and efectively irreversable with identification on forums (and caused a large amount of previous member drop-off.)
So far not impressed, especially considering that the new Crypitc acts like it just doesn't care I certainly won't be trusting PWE with any credit card information.
I Log-In with my Perfect World account, head into the Neverwinter webpage, click on "Acces Beta" a window asks if I already have a Cryptic account, i click "no", when asked for a display name, no matter what, I always recieve the error "Display Name Conflict" even when typing in random letters and numbers, even if I follow the conditions that the name must have and use whatever letters and numbers, I'm allways prompted with the same massage.
I'd recommend you sent a support ticket to PWE on that. It should ask you if you have a PWE account and port that over, but maybe it the Cryptic steps are different when you have a PWE one (I went the Cryptic to PWE myself.)
If you do not have a Cryptic account, which by you stating that you're clicking "no" makes me presume that you do not, then you do not need to do anything. You cannot make a Cryptic account anymore. The merger is for those who had/have Cryptic accounts and need to merge them with a PWE account, as they are doing away with Cryptic accounts since they are now owned by PWE.
Just by being a registered PWE member, you are in the lot to receive a beta key. Whether you'll be selected and/or when, that is not something we know. The only way, at this time, to garauntee beta access is to have a key and right now, there are only three ways to ensure that you get a key. Those are the Torchlight II pre-order through the PWE website (not through Steam), Life-Time Membership with Star Trek Online, or Life-Time Membership with Champions Online.
The only Beta Keys that are out there right now are the ones given away at the recent conventions. They have not yet sent out beta keys to those who qualify for them. It has been stated that they will send those out once beta begins and when they are selected to enter beta, as all qualifying beta participants will be phased in, they won't all be granted access on day one. Even with those keys, no one is "in" Beta at the moment because the game is still in Alpha and alpha is closed to only special invite.
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And if you wish really hard...nope, still not starting beta right now