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Barbarians are useless!



  • pherrowpherrow Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 421 Arc User
    mwk said:

    Actually your behavior is going to get you lost. Just fair warning. I just reported you. I'm sorry. Just report this player (original poster), because he/she needs to learn to respect the forums. I tried to help you and others might offer too, if you stopped your bickering. Everyone is stating they have no problems with barbarian DPS, yet here you are complaining. Thinking no one is endgame and all that, when you don't know; makes you foolish. Reality no one cares about your dps as long you know the mechanics and are decent. You have no will to learn and improve. People will actually explain why they choose a certain feat, skill, and what not. Forums are made to help each other, not to bicker over and over on a class. Bickering doesn't solve anything and for the meantime you have to adjust what is set out for you. Sorry and enjoy the game. Otherwise just leave, because I will tell you the truth. No one cares about your rants. We observed your concerns and people mentioned they have no problem building rage. So what does that mean for you? You're missing something with your class. Don't be embarrassed, because we actually want to help you, yet your bickering makes people not wanting to help you. You call me stupid/dumb/bot and you call people 60 year old ape. How is that working for you? You call the developers incompetent, which is another mistake all together for them not to even take your suggestions. So your forum thread is absolutely useless. Way to go, my friend. If you want to be top #1 dps all the time, that's being entitled and being really immature. I don't expect to be top DPS all the time. I just enjoy the game and build my character up. If you can get through a dungeon, why does it matter how you play? It's just a game! Lets see how many people concur on this valid post.

    It's like...you didn't even read what has been written in this thread. In fact "everyone" is not telling him they build rage adequately. There are clearly people in this very thread that agree with nbeast. He hasn't said he wants to be #1 dps every time. And his point hasn't ever been about getting through a dungeon "just fine".

    But anyways, I don't bother with endgame myself but maybe you could help me in game?? We would have to run little epics and stuff. We could saddle up on our GWFs and run some stuffs together?

    You say you want to help so give me a hand. What do you say? @pherrow

  • arc769#7103 arc769 Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    mwk said:

    Actually your behavior is going to get you lost. Just fair warning. I just reported you. I'm sorry. Just report this player (original poster), because he/she needs to learn to respect the forums. I tried to help you and others might offer too, if you stopped your bickering. Everyone is stating they have no problems with barbarian DPS, yet here you are complaining. Thinking no one is endgame and all that, when you don't know; makes you foolish. Reality no one cares about your dps as long you know the mechanics and are decent. You have no will to learn and improve. People will actually explain why they choose a certain feat, skill, and what not. Forums are made to help each other, not to bicker over and over on a class. Bickering doesn't solve anything and for the meantime you have to adjust what is set out for you. Sorry and enjoy the game. Otherwise just leave, because I will tell you the truth. No one cares about your rants. We observed your concerns and people mentioned they have no problem building rage. So what does that mean for you? You're missing something with your class. Don't be embarrassed, because we actually want to help you, yet your bickering makes people not wanting to help you. You call me stupid/dumb/bot and you call people 60 year old ape. How is that working for you? You call the developers incompetent, which is another mistake all together for them not to even take your suggestions. So your forum thread is absolutely useless. Way to go, my friend. If you want to be top #1 dps all the time, that's being entitled and being really immature. I don't expect to be top DPS all the time. I just enjoy the game and build my character up. If you can get through a dungeon, why does it matter how you play? It's just a game! Lets see how many people concur on this valid post.

    I don't think he needs help, and he probably does four times the damage you do. For real, you're not aware how stupid you sound. Why are you here when you don't know how things work? All you need is skilled 96k CW or SW, and every endgame 100k+ barb will cry.

    As far as I know, the fun in this game died the day Foss became leader.
  • mwkmwk Member Posts: 427 Arc User
    edited October 2024
    You did the damage yourself. You're calling the developers and everyone else dumb. The developers aren't going to anything for you. Just keep ranting. I'M DONE! You keep stating you can out dps me and everyone else yet you're complaining about your dps, which doesn't make any sense. This forum is just a rant show. Learn from advice from others in game or just rant. I see many barbarians doing just fine everyday, without complaining.
  • arc769#7103 arc769 Member Posts: 3 Arc User

    The person in charge of the Barbarians is incompetent and should be fired. Are you aware that Barbarians are probably the worst DPS class in the game? Every "God" barbie player is giving up! I'm not talking about players who don't know the mechanics and how things work. Any skilled barbie either quits or switches to TR or Bard. My pug TR and HR destroy 90-100k barbies.

    I've been playing a GWF since the first day of the game's release. I simply cannot understand why the incompetent individuals responsible for combat destruction are forcing me to switch to TR or HR? I am someone who uses a combat tracker consistently while I'm in the game. Simply, what you have envisioned is not good in practice. You can't benchmark things on a training dummy!

    Single Target:

    Escalating Rage is useless even if you combine it with "Steady Rage," as you can't compete against good players; you have no chance to compete on a single target. You're simply not hitting enough in a short time because other classes have simplified rotations and they will do damage in less time and cause the boss to do stupid mechanics and move or become immune, so you lose all your stacks.

    Relentless Slash is too slow. I don't know why that is the main damage ability. That's the main reason why we can't build rage quickly enough.


    On multi-target, we can't use "Escalating Rage" because obviously TR, CW, and Bard will wipe everything before we even get to the mobs. We don't have enough speed to get to the mobs before them due to the poor stamina regeneration, and even when we get there, we don't have enough stamina to get to the next group, even if we use movement speed enhancement, mount power, boons, and movement speed collar. If we get to the mobs before they do, we will probably get one-shotted cuz we are paper.

    Axestorm is garbage due to its lengthy animation, and during that time TR, Bard, HR, and CW will wipe out all the mobs!

    Brash Strike is also garbage; it's slow, and the mobs move around a lot, so you don't get a chance to hit them many times. TR and HR will wipe out everything before you get to another group of mobs. If I were a developer, I would allow movement while using "Brash Strike" or increase the range. Also, the feats on multi-target are not worth mentioning because they are simply useless for competing against TR, Bard, CW, and HR.

    Also, the animation system is definitely garbage and should be polished.



    It's a switch meta! You still have plenty of time to make Warlock. I would rather eat uranium with a spoon than play that dead class.

    Building Escalating Rage takes forever and it's useless on mobs.

    Trample is also trash. You lose it most of the time on moving bosses like Mtic and the last boss in MLMD. A decent buff would be if they moved 5% of Trample's damage to Escalating Rage (30% total) and let you build rage faster, so you could use Escalating Rage on mobs, and not being late to the artifact calls on single target. I'm still not sure if it will be enough damage, but stamina regen and movement speed are also needed. Like I said, its a switch meta, so you should have all classes. I'm main TR and I'm switching to Warlock since the nerf announcemets. I'm just lucky that I have everything.

    If I were a new Rouge or Barbarian player, I would quit the game for sure.
  • mwkmwk Member Posts: 427 Arc User
    edited October 2024
    I'm not using what your using. I use mightier leap as a feat. Why? Because it only takes a few seconds to do 600 or is it 720 magnitude I think? Something like that. Considering that is a lot of damage for a barbarian. It helps me clear large groups quite well as others are fighting them off. If you're not using feats or class features that increase your rage even more then that's another mistake. Avalanche of Steel, there is a feat called Steel Slam I believe. I helped and I'm not helping anymore if this ranting continues. The problem is that you're complaining and realizing you might be doing something wrong, because I see thousands of barbarians doing just fine with no complaining. This isn't an insult. I'm just trying to assess your issues.

    Trample? I don't even use it.
    Post edited by mwk on
  • mwkmwk Member Posts: 427 Arc User
    edited October 2024
    Clearly what are you even using on your barbarian dps? Show your build character sheet. Because honestly this isn't going anywhere. You're complaining about dps, yet you're stating you're better than everyone else? That doesn't even make any sense! This forum is just rant and toxic. Never solving problems. The most mistake of this forum is calling the developers incompetent or dumb, therefore they will do nothing for you on your suggestions. Just explain everything you're using on your build and give suggestions. Also you might be doing something wrong that doesn't help you. Who knows? Just ranting doesn't get you anywhere! I can say execution feat on rogue has a low threshold and it needs to be like 35% or 45% on enemy health; just an example. Honestly both last feats lack luster on rogue. The fact is you're ranting about it, rather than suggestions. The post is just horrid to read because all I see is complaining rant. The game is about learning what's best to use, yet whatever you're using it's not helping you. I see 100K item level barbarians with other 100K item level classes every single day. I look at the damage dealt board and that 100K barbarian outperformed. So what's your issue? Tell me! All I see is complaining about barbarian dps. What are you even expecting to do? The real logic is again ranting isn't going to solve your problems.
    Post edited by mwk on
  • nbeast#6167 nbeast Member Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited October 2024
    mwk said:

    I'm not using what your using. I use mightier leap as a feat. Why? Because it only takes a few seconds to do 600 or is it 720 magnitude I think? Something like that. Considering that is a lot of damage for a barbarian. It helps me clear large groups quite well as others are fighting them off. If you're not using feats or class features that increase your rage even more then that's another mistake. Avalanche of Steel, there is a feat called Steel Slam I believe. I helped and I'm not helping anymore if this ranting continues. The problem is that you're complaining and realizing you might be doing something wrong, because I see thousands of barbarians doing just fine with no complaining. This isn't an insult. I'm just trying to assess your issues.

    Trample? I don't even use it.

    I'm sorry, but at this point you will simply get ignored. Watching pugragons video doesn't make you smart at all.

    This is a build that everyone should be using, otherwise they are incompetent dogcans.



    Mighty Leap and Axestorm will never work because the animations are slow asf and they have long cooldowns, so with the pugragons build you will deal 2x less damage.
  • pherrowpherrow Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 421 Arc User
    mwk said:

    Clearly what are you even using on your barbarian dps? Show your build character sheet. Because honestly this isn't going anywhere. You're complaining about dps, yet you're stating you're better than everyone else? That doesn't even make any sense! This forum is just rant and toxic. Never solving problems.

    So I first said it was like you didn't even read what was in this thread. Now I'm more sure that you just... don't understand words. You seem to be going on not even knowing who is saying what in particular, all in some weird azz hysterical way. Like some kind of weird meltdown journey you are undertaking all by yourself. Even with the back and forth here, most people are sittin' at about a 5 on the intensity scale (at most). You've built yer stacks up to about 11 all by yourself, all the while not even understanding what da hellz even goin on around you.

    Impressive really

  • mwkmwk Member Posts: 427 Arc User
    edited October 2024
    I know exactly what is going on. My lengthy posts, well I'm trying to help. So far this forum thread isn't going anywhere at all. So here we go....

    Go ahead and show what you're using on your character sheet, because again you might realize something. People will start giving you suggestions to help you. You might see another 100K item level barbarian dps show his/her damage and build. This forum is here to help. I don't know why you keep complaining rather than learn? People explaining why they use a certain skill, feat, or what not is beneficial isn't it? Relating with each other will solve your problems. It might make you decide to try something different. Trying is everything right? If you keep laughing, then no one will care. The damage is done. Redeem yourself or get ignored. Calling people stupid or dumb and of course the developers isn't going get your points across to anyone. I'm seriously about to grab some popcorn and sit on the sidelines if this toxic rant and calling people dumb continues. Explain what you're using on your build and give suggestions. It's that simple. I see something you're probably are missing and we are trying to assess your problems. This aggorance isn't going to help you. This is the most common sense logic of how forums work, so use it properly or get ignored and perhaps banned forever from game.

    I apologize for the harsh of calling you tantrum childs, but for the record that's how I feel trying to help you and understand where you're coming from. I can't seem to wrap myself in your own mind because you're not being relatable of what you're using fully with your build. All I see is not getting enough escalated rage and animations are lengthy slow. Something about Thomas Foss should be fired, which is for sure going to make developers ignore you. Okay and? Really pointless rant. This forum thread is becoming even more useless based on the approach of attitude towards developers and everyone. I will tell you I don't even use the skills you're using. Though I need to evaluate that if you just show me your character sheet powers tab.

    I actually see Galactic Underwear, Aragon, and many others give their advice; yeah they are really high item level. Sure some things I might not agree with, yet some things I realized actually helps me. It's about being relatable with each other. No one is going to help if you continue to bicker.
    Post edited by mwk on
  • mwkmwk Member Posts: 427 Arc User
    edited October 2024
    > @nbeast#6167 said:
    > I'm sorry, but at this point you will simply get ignored. Watching pugragons video doesn't make you smart at all.
    > This is a build that everyone should be using, otherwise they are incompetent dogcans.
    > AOE:
    > ST:
    > Mighty Leap and Axestorm will never work because the animations are slow asf and they have long cooldowns, so with the pugragons build you will deal 2x less damage.

    Let me evaluate that. I recommend you use indomitable rage feat, not bloodspiller. By the way mightier leap feat is in fact 780 magnitude from normal 380 magnitude. Not so fast is just 300 magnitude with a 15% chance to use again with relentless speed feat. Not so effective at all. It takes two seconds to do 780 magnitude with mightier leap.
    Post edited by mwk on
  • pherrowpherrow Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 421 Arc User
    It's odd that you're on a quest here that OP never asked for. Unless I missed something, dude wasn't asking for help. The other odd angle is you're proceeding with the self imagined quest from a perspective in which you are a superior performer on the GWF...
  • nbeast#6167 nbeast Member Posts: 33 Arc User
    pherrow said:

    It's odd that you're on a quest here that OP never asked for. Unless I missed something, dude wasn't asking for help. The other odd angle is you're proceeding with the self imagined quest from a perspective in which you are a superior performer on the GWF...

    She has no idea what she's talking about. Even if she plays Barbie, with her advice, she is dealing damage per minute, not per second. 

  • mwkmwk Member Posts: 427 Arc User
    edited October 2024
    You complain about barbarian dps. So what the heck do you want? This forum is absolutely useless, just because of calling the developers and everyone else stupid constantly. No one is going to care. This forum is absolutely just rant! I'm going with mightier leap just because it's 780 magnitude and the other just 15% chance for no so fast to happen again with 300 magnitude. If you don't see the flaw, then I'm sorry. Mightier leap is more instant 780 magnitude damage if used correctly. I actually concur that I like the old feat system much better, yet I adjusted. If you don't like it, play another game. Right now I don't care what you do. Just rant for all I care.
  • nbeast#6167 nbeast Member Posts: 33 Arc User

    The person in charge of the Barbarians is incompetent and should be fired. Are you aware that Barbarians are probably the worst DPS class in the game? Every "God" barbie player is giving up! I'm not talking about players who don't know the mechanics and how things work. Any skilled barbie either quits or switches to TR or Bard. My pug TR and HR destroy 90-100k barbies.

    I've been playing a GWF since the first day of the game's release. I simply cannot understand why the incompetent individuals responsible for combat destruction are forcing me to switch to TR or HR? I am someone who uses a combat tracker consistently while I'm in the game. Simply, what you have envisioned is not good in practice. You can't benchmark things on a training dummy!

    Single Target:

    Escalating Rage is useless even if you combine it with "Steady Rage," as you can't compete against good players; you have no chance to compete on a single target. You're simply not hitting enough in a short time because other classes have simplified rotations and they will do damage in less time and cause the boss to do stupid mechanics and move or become immune, so you lose all your stacks.

    Relentless Slash is too slow. I don't know why that is the main damage ability. That's the main reason why we can't build rage quickly enough.


    On multi-target, we can't use "Escalating Rage" because obviously TR, CW, and Bard will wipe everything before we even get to the mobs. We don't have enough speed to get to the mobs before them due to the poor stamina regeneration, and even when we get there, we don't have enough stamina to get to the next group, even if we use movement speed enhancement, mount power, boons, and movement speed collar. If we get to the mobs before they do, we will probably get one-shotted cuz we are paper.

    Axestorm is garbage due to its lengthy animation, and during that time TR, Bard, HR, and CW will wipe out all the mobs!

    Brash Strike is also garbage; it's slow, and the mobs move around a lot, so you don't get a chance to hit them many times. TR and HR will wipe out everything before you get to another group of mobs. If I were a developer, I would allow movement while using "Brash Strike" or increase the range. Also, the feats on multi-target are not worth mentioning because they are simply useless for competing against TR, Bard, CW, and HR.

    Also, the animation system is definitely garbage and should be polished.



    It's a switch meta! You still have plenty of time to make Warlock. I would rather eat uranium with a spoon than play that dead class.

    Building Escalating Rage takes forever and it's useless on mobs.

    Trample is also trash. You lose it most of the time on moving bosses like Mtic and the last boss in MLMD. A decent buff would be if they moved 5% of Trample's damage to Escalating Rage (30% total) and let you build rage faster, so you could use Escalating Rage on mobs, and not being late to the artifact calls on single target. I'm still not sure if it will be enough damage, but stamina regen and movement speed are also needed. Like I said, its a switch meta, so you should have all classes. I'm main TR and I'm switching to Warlock since the nerf announcemets. I'm just lucky that I have everything.

    If I were a new Rouge or Barbarian player, I would quit the game for sure.
    If they make rage generation faster, then you could abuse it and have it permanently with Sure Strike. They don't need to do any of that. They just need to buff Sure Strike and get rid of this Trample nonsense, moving those 5% to Raging Strikes or something else. But yeah, movement speed and stamina regeneration are definitely needed.

  • mwkmwk Member Posts: 427 Arc User
    edited October 2024
    Whatever....I'm done. Grabbing popcorn now with garlic salt. Better yet I don't have the care. Bye. Just keep ranting about the game. I don't have to watch this horrid toxic forum thread unfold. Laughing about it, I won't care either.
    Post edited by mwk on
  • johnalansimmonsjohnalansimmons Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 39 Arc User
    nbeast said, "This is a build that everyone should be using, otherwise they are incompetent dogcans."

    I looked at the AOE and ST builds nbeast posted and his builds are right on to maximize damage (although I prefer steel blitz over raging strikes for AOE). And while I don't think using a different setup makes someone a "dogcan" they will be doing less damage. I get it, he and others are pissed about the current condition of barbies, I also missed the days when GWF was 'king of the hill'
  • nbeast#6167 nbeast Member Posts: 33 Arc User

    nbeast said, "This is a build that everyone should be using, otherwise they are incompetent dogcans."

    I looked at the AOE and ST builds nbeast posted and his builds are right on to maximize damage (although I prefer steel blitz over raging strikes for AOE). And while I don't think using a different setup makes someone a "dogcan" they will be doing less damage. I get it, he and others are pissed about the current condition of barbies, I also missed the days when GWF was 'king of the hill'

    I said that about people who use Mighty Leap and Axestorm. You don't belong to that category. Steel Blitz is only good if you're playing with a bad group that struggles to kill mobs. My team in MLMD needs 5 seconds to clear the trash, so you lose a lot when playing with people who know what they're doing.

This discussion has been closed.