Critical bugs weren't fixed yet, when the patch goes live next week!!!
Players still can't use "upgrade until success" feature (upgrade process interrupts after first attempt), upgrade attempt waste 3 wards instead of 1, all combat enchantmets are broken and there are no combat enchant for healers, old enchantments exchange is unfair, which makes all old enchants useless (3x rank 15 enchants = 2.4M AD (cost to buy) = 1x coalescent ward), all weapon enchantment illusions missing their visual effects on attacks on all classes, all weapon modifications disappear.
Once new mod hits live, are we getting multiple account-bound enchantment claims or is it going to stay as it is on preview now limited to 1?
Here it was stated you guys were working on a way to be able to claim as many enchantments to fill all slots... does it still stand?
It is limited to 1 per how many you exchanged. The enchants that can only go in a single slot are limited to 1 exchange. The ones that can go in multiple slots (offense/defense/utility) are limited to 9 exchanges. So if you exchange 9 of one of those types of enchantments, you can claim 9 of those on all of your characters.
I'm sorry, but I couldn't understand with NoWorries' wording.
Does this mean a Jade enchantment could be reclaimed once but for every character and that the Poisoned Thorn can be reclaimed only once on a single alt character?
I'm also not understanding how it really is. I have 6 R15 runestones, can I exchange them for 1 R5 or 6 (I don't even know the new max) for the new companion runestone and redeem on all alts? Or because I only have one utility I can only claim 1x?
OK, so.. I just hopped on Preview to take a look and test. Combat/bonus enchants (Thorn, Burn, +movement, etc...) you can turn in and claim ONCE per toon of each type (so, if I turn in a Fort, Burn, and Thorn, every toon on my account can claim *ONE* each of those).
Stat & util enchants: You can claim 1:1 on each toon for however many R5's of that type you turn in. So if you turn in 5 R5 Garnets, and 3 R5 Jades - you can claim, PER TOON, 5 R5 Garnets and 3 R5 Jades.
If that is True why would we exchange ? It's a loss in Value of the bound ones enchants are nerfed in the future. Now there is No Cost to Remove and Transfer It o Other Character I don't miss Spending 2 to 3 Minutes of time in Swapping Enchants
It's a Scam. I would Not Recommend Exchanging Mythical for Getting 1 character bound enchantment
plasticbatMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 12,516Arc User
Once new mod hits live, are we getting multiple account-bound enchantment claims or is it going to stay as it is on preview now limited to 1?
Here it was stated you guys were working on a way to be able to claim as many enchantments to fill all slots... does it still stand?
It is limited to 1 per how many you exchanged. The enchants that can only go in a single slot are limited to 1 exchange. The ones that can go in multiple slots (offense/defense/utility) are limited to 9 exchanges. So if you exchange 9 of one of those types of enchantments, you can claim 9 of those on all of your characters.
I'm sorry, but I couldn't understand with NoWorries' wording.
Does this mean a Jade enchantment could be reclaimed once but for every character and that the Poisoned Thorn can be reclaimed only once on a single alt character?
I'm also not understanding how it really is. I have 6 R15 runestones, can I exchange them for 1 R5 or 6 (I don't even know the new max) for the new companion runestone and redeem on all alts? Or because I only have one utility I can only claim 1x?
OK, so.. I just hopped on Preview to take a look and test. Combat/bonus enchants (Thorn, Burn, +movement, etc...) you can turn in and claim ONCE per toon of each type (so, if I turn in a Fort, Burn, and Thorn, every toon on my account can claim *ONE* each of those).
Stat & util enchants: You can claim 1:1 on each toon for however many R5's of that type you turn in. So if you turn in 5 R5 Garnets, and 3 R5 Jades - you can claim, PER TOON, 5 R5 Garnets and 3 R5 Jades.
If that is True why would we exchange ? It's a loss in Value of the bound ones enchants are nerfed in the future. Now there is No Cost to Remove and Transfer It o Other Character I don't miss Spending 2 to 3 Minutes of time in Swapping Enchants
It's a Scam. I would Not Recommend Exchanging Mythical for Getting 1 character bound enchantment
Then, you don't and spend 2 to 3 minutes in swapping enchantments. I personally do not even want to spend 15 seconds to swap enchantment each time.
*** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
"If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
If that is True why would we exchange ? It's a loss in Value of the bound ones enchants are nerfed in the future. Now there is No Cost to Remove and Transfer It o Other Character I don't miss Spending 2 to 3 Minutes of time in Swapping Enchants
It's a Scam. I would Not Recommend Exchanging Mythical for Getting 1 character bound enchantment
Play how you want to play. I'll be exchanging because I don't want to be bothered moving enchants. You can move your enchants. We can both be happy.
Froger - Barbarian - Original Main - The Freak Core - Xbone Jade - Cleric - Healer Main - The Freak Core - Xbone Magnus - Fighter - Tank for queues - The Freak Core - Xbone Loverboy - Ranger - Alt - 9 3/4 Unbuffed - Xbone Nomnomnommm - Wizard - Alt - Droppin Crits on Fools - Xbone I Am The Wall - Paladin - Alt - Droppin Crits on Fools - Xbone Xeros - Rogue - Alt - 9 3/4 Unbuffed - Xbone RIP bad name - Warlock - Alt - 9 3/4 Unbuffed - Xbone Bardholomew - Bard - Alt - 9 3/4 Unbuffed - Xbone Sirona - Cleric - Alt - 9 3/4 Unbuffed - Xbone
I believe the unbound to bound exchange is great as is, only wish I could trade-in lower ranks so I could choose to buy 1 set of rank 1s for my alts and be done with it.
I won't be trading in offensive/defensive enchants, however there is no reason not to trade in 1 of each combat enchant and the companion one.
Scaling removes any reason to really bind stat enchants, just move around some companion gear and your stats on alts are fixed.
Ok , so after our old enchantments are exchanged , and I have like 20,000 medallions . I am buying the combat ones ( old armour n weapon enchantment) Rank 4 . Than upgrading each using new resources and coal wards to rank 5 ( highest rank) Than I am account bounding each one ( any cost ? ) After bound , all my characters can grab 1 copy of each one I bound ?
Now the gem stone enchantments. I can only purchase a Rank 2 ? That now needs to be upgraded 3x to rank 5 ? And I need to do this 9x ? Using coal wards each upgrade ? Than , I can bound these ( any cost ? ) , and claim each one I bound on every character? If yes , than basically I’ll have like a huge amount of medallion left over . What do you do with these ? Ah ? Buy motes ?
I was under the impression we would be able to buy rank 4 new enchantments/ gem stone enchantments. But after reading , it appears gemstones can only be purchased at rank 2 . I’ve already done all this upgrading on so many toons using so many resources and coal wards and now to get highest rank , I’ll need to upgrade a rank 1/2 to rank 5 and use another 3/4 coal wards ? And do this 9x over ? If so , just shoot me now . Hopefully I’m wrong in my comprehension of the this exchange Cause it looks like if I want to max my gemstones and weapon n armour enchantment, it going to cost me 30 plus coal wards ? God knows how many/much of the other resources.
plasticbatMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 12,516Arc User
edited January 2022
I believe, to upgrade from R1 to R5, the cost is:
With VIP: 675000 + cost of the R1 + 4 c-mote (c-mote is new c-ward) Without VIP: 900000 + cost of the R1 + 4 c-mote. --- this can be lower because VIP players will put that to AH to earn the marginal profit.
It can be lower if there is AD store sale on top of VIP discount (if one can wait for it).
normal R1: 100000 AD from Sage shop combat R1: 250000 AD from Sage shop
Glyph of Potency costs 50000 AD in AD store without discount. Need 3 to upgrade from R1 to R2. Need 4 to upgrade from R2 to R3. Need 5 to upgrade from R3 to R4. Need 6 to upgrade from R4 to R5. Total 18 GoP to upgrade from R1 to R5.
Need 1 c-mote per upgrade. c-wards are converted to c-mote automatically.
Other stuff needed for upgrade are RP and Gold.
Post edited by plasticbat on
*** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
"If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
I just don’t understand why , if we have enough medallion, we aren’t able to buy the rank 5 new enchantment version and skip all the bs upgrading ? I’d rather just buy my rank 4’s for what was it , 120 medallion? And than have to upgrade the nine gem enchantment and however of the weapon/armour/comp I want to rank 5 , lock em to account and done . All alts ready , no ?
I will have 1000s of medallions left after exchange. What are we supposed to do with them? I would like to trade x medallions for c motes. This is a needed change and not a cash grab, am I right?
plasticbatMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 12,516Arc User
I will have 1000s of medallions left after exchange. What are we supposed to do with them? I would like to trade x medallions for c motes. This is a needed change and not a cash grab, am I right?
"What are we supposed to do with them?" 1. Keep them for getting future enchantment 2. Buy enchantment and sell them in AH. 3. If you have many alts and don't want to use the same enchantment combination for all of them (such as one combination for 4 characters and another combination for another 3 characters), you may want to have more. 4. ....
"This is a needed change and not a cash grab, am I right?" Hmmm! Well, ...
*** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
"If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
plasticbatMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 12,516Arc User
I just don’t understand why , if we have enough medallion, we aren’t able to buy the rank 5 new enchantment version and skip all the bs upgrading ? I’d rather just buy my rank 4’s for what was it , 120 medallion? And than have to upgrade the nine gem enchantment and however of the weapon/armour/comp I want to rank 5 , lock em to account and done . All alts ready , no ?
There is no weapon/armour enchantment anymore.
There are 4 offense slot for stat enchantments, 4 defense slot for stat enchantment, one utility slot for stat enchantment. Total 9 slots for stat enchantment.
There is one combat enchantment slot. There is one bonus enchantment slot. There is one companion enchantment slot (actually, the slot has the name "runestone" but it takes "companion enchantment").
There are 2 overload enchantment slots for the timer based enchantment like those in live server.
You may want more combination for the alts. Hence, you may want more than just the same 9 stat enchantment (or same combat, etc) for all alts.
*** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
"If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
> @plasticbat said: > There is no weapon/armour enchantment anymore. > > There are 4 offense slot for stat enchantments, 4 defense slot for stat enchantment, one utility slot for stat enchantment. Total 9 slots for stat enchantment. > > There is one combat enchantment slot. > There is one bonus enchantment slot. > There is one companion enchantment slot (actually, the slot has the name "runestone" but it takes "companion enchantment"). > > There are 2 overload enchantment slots for the timer based enchantment like those in live server. > > You may want more combination for the alts. Hence, you may want more than just the same 9 stat enchantment (or same combat, etc) for all alts.
Ty for the clarification. I am so happy pc gets this first and want to thank all of you on pc for doing the testing etc . Maybe , just maybe, they’ll get it right , and fair before it hits console 😎
FEEDBACK: I'm not sure if this is on purpose or a bug but the illusions you get for the old Weapon/Armor enchantments make too much noise. Like the Barkshield makes a constant earth crumbling sound and someone's illusion near me was making a "ching" sound sort of like a sound power up. Now if a person could only hear their own illusions this wouldn't be a big deal but you can everyone that you're near. I can't just MUTE the entire game because sometimes there's things I want to hear and listen to. And I bring this up as a Sound Sensitive Autistic Person. So it's an accessibility thing as well. I know I'm bringing this up a little late but until I stood next to someone in PE I thought you could only hear your own illusions. @noworries#8859 Thanks so much!
I just don’t understand why , if we have enough medallion, we aren’t able to buy the rank 5 new enchantment version and skip all the bs upgrading ? I’d rather just buy my rank 4’s for what was it , 120 medallion? And than have to upgrade the nine gem enchantment and however of the weapon/armour/comp I want to rank 5 , lock em to account and done . All alts ready , no ?
Because that benefits people with material wealth (items) and those with financial wealth (AD) over other players and the long goal is to over time force those players to expend some of it rather than allowing them to amass more.
If you could just buy the R5 outright, you skip all the costs to upgrade it and that means the largest whales could instantly get dozens if not hundreds of them and sell them off with no dent to their resources.
Let's presume R5s cost 240 Medals to obtain, I know at least one person who could easily obtain several thousand of them with his current stock of enchants.
2 Weapon/Armor enchants each in cost, he has hundreds upon hundreds of stacks of each.
Also the max Rank available to buy roughly matches the max currently available in strength.
arazith07Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,719Arc User
I just don’t understand why , if we have enough medallion, we aren’t able to buy the rank 5 new enchantment version and skip all the bs upgrading ? I’d rather just buy my rank 4’s for what was it , 120 medallion? And than have to upgrade the nine gem enchantment and however of the weapon/armour/comp I want to rank 5 , lock em to account and done . All alts ready , no ?
That would be like, if players could just exchange their way into Rank 18 enchantments on live now instead of putting work in to get them from 15->18. For companion and combat, rank 4 is about what we have on live now, with only rank 5 as an upgrade, everything else is rank 2.
I just don’t understand why , if we have enough medallion, we aren’t able to buy the rank 5 new enchantment version and skip all the bs upgrading ? I’d rather just buy my rank 4’s for what was it , 120 medallion? And than have to upgrade the nine gem enchantment and however of the weapon/armour/comp I want to rank 5 , lock em to account and done . All alts ready , no ?
Because that benefits people with material wealth (items) and those with financial wealth (AD) over other players and the long goal is to over time force those players to expend some of it rather than allowing them to amass more.
If you could just buy the R5 outright, you skip all the costs to upgrade it and that means the largest whales could instantly get dozens if not hundreds of them and sell them off with no dent to their resources.
Let's presume R5s cost 240 Medals to obtain, I know at least one person who could easily obtain several thousand of them with his current stock of enchants.
2 Weapon/Armor enchants each in cost, he has hundreds upon hundreds of stacks of each.
Also the max Rank available to buy roughly matches the max currently available in strength.
You've brought up material wealth many times, as a justification to players that have put in time or money, having no options and deal with it. Seems like you don't have material wealth, and think it's OK to tell the player base that has put in the time, deal with it, it doesn't hurt YOU. As you just said, someone you know has thousands of medallions. Why should the entire community have to go against that person on the AH to get some AD back? I think most players would be OK as long as they could get motes for the next upgrade process, or even a fraction of the AD they spent on the enchantments they've built or acquired. But the only option we have is medallion turnin. The rank 4 packs will be difficult to sell, as most players will get 2(combat and comp runestone). That leaves the rank 2 enchantment pack that players will be forced to sell, against whales(like the person you know). So your suggestion, is to keep it this way, so people are forced to spend. OK. So the players spend, and then what, sit on the medallions because they can't do anything with them, after 900 for a set of 11 enchant rank 2 packs and 2 rank 4 packs.
plasticbatMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 12,516Arc User
So the players spend, and then what, sit on the medallions because they can't do anything with them, after 900 for a set of 11 enchant rank 2 packs and 2 rank 4 packs.
For the players who still have a lot of medallions left over after the first "set", it usually mean those players have a quite a few active characters. One "basic set" of 11 stat enchantment + 2 non-stat enchantment may not cover the desire builds of different classes. At least, I don't expect it will. I expect those players (who covers many classes) will need more variety of combat enchantment and bonus enchantment.
*** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
"If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
So the players spend, and then what, sit on the medallions because they can't do anything with them, after 900 for a set of 11 enchant rank 2 packs and 2 rank 4 packs.
For the players who still have a lot of medallions left over after the first "set", it usually mean those players have a quite a few active characters. One "basic set" of 11 stat enchantment + 2 non-stat enchantment may not cover the desire builds of different classes. At least, I don't expect it will. I expect those players (who covers many classes) will need more variety of combat enchantment and bonus enchantment.
Every player will need 1 rank 4 pack for comp runestone for entire account. There's 1 choice and people will upgrade and make account wide. That leaves the combat enchant out of the lvl 4 pack. How many will people need? 1-2 if multiple dps? 0 if heal? 1-2 if tank? So basically, players will need multiple of only the rank 2 enchantment boxes. If someone has 3k medallions, that's 50 of the rank 2 boxes, with nothing else to buy, besides 1 rank 4 box(120 medallions) for comp runestone for entire account. Same with the combat enchant, even if they get 2-3(say 3, and 4 total rank 4 boxes =480 medallions), that still leaves people with nothing to buy with extra medallions, except more rank 2 boxes to sell on AH.
I have not seen addressed if character bound enchantments will give the same currency as unbound, or even account bound. Doesn't seem right that people that didn't bind enchantments, get the same value, as someone who did neverwinter incentives for example, and got 2 free rank 15 char bound on each toon they did it.
As the cheapest item in the exchange shop cost 30 medallions could be an idea to add overload enchantments costing 1 medallion to the shop (would be annoying to have 15 medallions in the end )
Noticed a major bug on preview today when comparing stats on a lower toon.
The stats given by companions seem to be completely broken. I dismissed my companion and it did not change anything but my item level.
Is your companion augment type? If not, it won't give your character any stat.
*** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
"If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
Noticed a major bug on preview today when comparing stats on a lower toon.
The stats given by companions seem to be completely broken. I dismissed my companion and it did not change anything but my item level.
Is your companion augment type? If not, it won't give your character any stat.
It does on live. You get iL and Combined rating from your companion (iirc it was 85% of your companion iL was given as combined rating, the other 15% is companion damage or augment stats).
Just in case that had changed (intentionally or accidentally) I tested with both combat and augment on live and preview. At first I thought it was just a broken Companion enchant, as I noticed my stats did not change on equipping an the enchant with an augment.
plasticbatMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 12,516Arc User
edited January 2022
*** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
"If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
I'm REALLY hoping they're paying attention and applying fixes for all the reported issues because if this goes live with any of them still intact, no-one should do anything until they are.
We already know that anything wrong with the initial release; even if fixed over several patches; will be somehow several times worse in the console release, a format that is even harder for them to fix due to verification requirements on patches and will contain none of the fixes.
Found another bug specific to enchants, as well as an update on my other one.
BUG 2: I tried to replace a R1 garnet from the Sage Shop with a R5 Bound Garnet from a trade-in that this character just made, using the drop-down on the enchant slot. It would not replace it. I went to the inventory and found the R5 (as a stack of 3) and dragged the stack to the slot. When I dropped it, they did not split off one, but took my whole stack. When I remove the enchant to my inventory, it is still a stack of 3. The same thing happens on this toon when I try to replace other R1s (like an amethyst R1) with the R5s. I can move the stack over an empty space and it drops in just one as it should. When I am down to one Bound R5 in a stack, I cannot drag it onto a spot with another enchant in it. I can, however, select the single R5 and replace an enchant using the drop-down menu. It also appears that this is true with stacked R1s.
Update to BUG 1 (companion stats) : My bard gets nothing from a companion at all, aside from the iL. I have tried this with augments and combat, with and without companion equipment, with and without companion enchant. When I test this on my rogue I get the standard 85% of combined rating from companions, but no augment stats. Also, in all cases when I dismiss the companion I seem to be keeping the iL of the companion enchant, which should not be the case. Since the companion enchant buffs the companion its iL should only apply when the companion is summoned.
Players still can't use "upgrade until success" feature (upgrade process interrupts after first attempt), upgrade attempt waste 3 wards instead of 1, all combat enchantmets are broken and there are no combat enchant for healers, old enchantments exchange is unfair, which makes all old enchants useless (3x rank 15 enchants = 2.4M AD (cost to buy) = 1x coalescent ward), all weapon enchantment illusions missing their visual effects on attacks on all classes, all weapon modifications disappear.
It's a Scam. I would Not Recommend Exchanging Mythical for Getting 1 character bound enchantment
Jade - Cleric - Healer Main - The Freak Core - Xbone
Magnus - Fighter - Tank for queues - The Freak Core - Xbone
Loverboy - Ranger - Alt - 9 3/4 Unbuffed - Xbone
Nomnomnommm - Wizard - Alt - Droppin Crits on Fools - Xbone
I Am The Wall - Paladin - Alt - Droppin Crits on Fools - Xbone
Xeros - Rogue - Alt - 9 3/4 Unbuffed - Xbone
RIP bad name - Warlock - Alt - 9 3/4 Unbuffed - Xbone
Bardholomew - Bard - Alt - 9 3/4 Unbuffed - Xbone
Sirona - Cleric - Alt - 9 3/4 Unbuffed - Xbone
Jade - DC - Shadows of Gauntlgrym - PC
I won't be trading in offensive/defensive enchants, however there is no reason not to trade in 1 of each combat enchant and the companion one.
Scaling removes any reason to really bind stat enchants, just move around some companion gear and your stats on alts are fixed.
I am buying the combat ones ( old armour n weapon enchantment) Rank 4 . Than upgrading each using new resources and coal wards to rank 5 ( highest rank)
Than I am account bounding each one ( any cost ? )
After bound , all my characters can grab 1 copy of each one I bound ?
Now the gem stone enchantments.
I can only purchase a Rank 2 ?
That now needs to be upgraded 3x to rank 5 ? And I need to do this 9x ? Using coal wards each upgrade ? Than , I can bound these ( any cost ? ) , and claim each one I bound on every character?
If yes , than basically I’ll have like a huge amount of medallion left over . What do you do with these ? Ah ? Buy motes ?
I was under the impression we would be able to buy rank 4 new enchantments/ gem stone enchantments. But after reading , it appears gemstones can only be purchased at rank 2 . I’ve already done all this upgrading on so many toons using so many resources and coal wards and now to get highest rank , I’ll need to upgrade a rank 1/2 to rank 5 and use another 3/4 coal wards ? And do this 9x over ? If so , just shoot me now .
Hopefully I’m wrong in my comprehension of the this exchange
Cause it looks like if I want to max my gemstones and weapon n armour enchantment, it going to cost me 30 plus coal wards ? God knows how many/much of the other resources.
With VIP: 675000 + cost of the R1 + 4 c-mote (c-mote is new c-ward)
Without VIP: 900000 + cost of the R1 + 4 c-mote. --- this can be lower because VIP players will put that to AH to earn the marginal profit.
It can be lower if there is AD store sale on top of VIP discount (if one can wait for it).
normal R1: 100000 AD from Sage shop
combat R1: 250000 AD from Sage shop
Glyph of Potency costs 50000 AD in AD store without discount.
Need 3 to upgrade from R1 to R2.
Need 4 to upgrade from R2 to R3.
Need 5 to upgrade from R3 to R4.
Need 6 to upgrade from R4 to R5.
Total 18 GoP to upgrade from R1 to R5.
Need 1 c-mote per upgrade. c-wards are converted to c-mote automatically.
Other stuff needed for upgrade are RP and Gold.
I just don’t understand why , if we have enough medallion, we aren’t able to buy the rank 5 new enchantment version and skip all the bs upgrading ? I’d rather just buy my rank 4’s for what was it , 120 medallion? And than have to upgrade the nine gem enchantment and however of the weapon/armour/comp I want to rank 5 , lock em to account and done . All alts ready , no ?
1. Keep them for getting future enchantment
2. Buy enchantment and sell them in AH.
3. If you have many alts and don't want to use the same enchantment combination for all of them (such as one combination for 4 characters and another combination for another 3 characters), you may want to have more.
4. ....
"This is a needed change and not a cash grab, am I right?"
Hmmm! Well, ...
There are 4 offense slot for stat enchantments, 4 defense slot for stat enchantment, one utility slot for stat enchantment. Total 9 slots for stat enchantment.
There is one combat enchantment slot.
There is one bonus enchantment slot.
There is one companion enchantment slot (actually, the slot has the name "runestone" but it takes "companion enchantment").
There are 2 overload enchantment slots for the timer based enchantment like those in live server.
You may want more combination for the alts. Hence, you may want more than just the same 9 stat enchantment (or same combat, etc) for all alts.
> There is no weapon/armour enchantment anymore.
> There are 4 offense slot for stat enchantments, 4 defense slot for stat enchantment, one utility slot for stat enchantment. Total 9 slots for stat enchantment.
> There is one combat enchantment slot.
> There is one bonus enchantment slot.
> There is one companion enchantment slot (actually, the slot has the name "runestone" but it takes "companion enchantment").
> There are 2 overload enchantment slots for the timer based enchantment like those in live server.
> You may want more combination for the alts. Hence, you may want more than just the same 9 stat enchantment (or same combat, etc) for all alts.
Ty for the clarification.
I am so happy pc gets this first and want to thank all of you on pc for doing the testing etc . Maybe , just maybe, they’ll get it right , and fair before it hits console 😎
If you could just buy the R5 outright, you skip all the costs to upgrade it and that means the largest whales could instantly get dozens if not hundreds of them and sell them off with no dent to their resources.
Let's presume R5s cost 240 Medals to obtain, I know at least one person who could easily obtain several thousand of them with his current stock of enchants.
2 Weapon/Armor enchants each in cost, he has hundreds upon hundreds of stacks of each.
Also the max Rank available to buy roughly matches the max currently available in strength.
> @noworries#8859 Are all enchantment types and ranks intended to have a native 0% chance of success?
Yes. You need a mote to give you a % chance.
Jade - Cleric - Healer Main - The Freak Core - Xbone
Magnus - Fighter - Tank for queues - The Freak Core - Xbone
Loverboy - Ranger - Alt - 9 3/4 Unbuffed - Xbone
Nomnomnommm - Wizard - Alt - Droppin Crits on Fools - Xbone
I Am The Wall - Paladin - Alt - Droppin Crits on Fools - Xbone
Xeros - Rogue - Alt - 9 3/4 Unbuffed - Xbone
RIP bad name - Warlock - Alt - 9 3/4 Unbuffed - Xbone
Bardholomew - Bard - Alt - 9 3/4 Unbuffed - Xbone
Sirona - Cleric - Alt - 9 3/4 Unbuffed - Xbone
Jade - DC - Shadows of Gauntlgrym - PC
(would be annoying to have 15 medallions in the end )
The stats given by companions seem to be completely broken. I dismissed my companion and it did not change anything but my item level.
Just in case that had changed (intentionally or accidentally) I tested with both combat and augment on live and preview. At first I thought it was just a broken Companion enchant, as I noticed my stats did not change on equipping an the enchant with an augment.
We already know that anything wrong with the initial release; even if fixed over several patches; will be somehow several times worse in the console release, a format that is even harder for them to fix due to verification requirements on patches and will contain none of the fixes.
BUG 2: I tried to replace a R1 garnet from the Sage Shop with a R5 Bound Garnet from a trade-in that this character just made, using the drop-down on the enchant slot. It would not replace it. I went to the inventory and found the R5 (as a stack of 3) and dragged the stack to the slot. When I dropped it, they did not split off one, but took my whole stack. When I remove the enchant to my inventory, it is still a stack of 3. The same thing happens on this toon when I try to replace other R1s (like an amethyst R1) with the R5s. I can move the stack over an empty space and it drops in just one as it should. When I am down to one Bound R5 in a stack, I cannot drag it onto a spot with another enchant in it. I can, however, select the single R5 and replace an enchant using the drop-down menu. It also appears that this is true with stacked R1s.
Update to BUG 1 (companion stats) :
My bard gets nothing from a companion at all, aside from the iL. I have tried this with augments and combat, with and without companion equipment, with and without companion enchant. When I test this on my rogue I get the standard 85% of combined rating from companions, but no augment stats. Also, in all cases when I dismiss the companion I seem to be keeping the iL of the companion enchant, which should not be the case. Since the companion enchant buffs the companion its iL should only apply when the companion is summoned.