The Reaper's Mark is max 1 per day per account. It is a reward for beating the daily challenge.
Currently private and public queue item level requirements are the same.
Mmmm that's not quite the same thing. We've seen events before where you can earn something with an account limit but the token is not considered applicable to all characters.
We know you can only earn one per acct but if I have a token on my first toon, does it register as spendable on my second? (like Zen would).
That would mean you can earn three tokens on three different toons and your inventory would show 3 tokens available on every toon - or not.
Please Do Not Feed The Trolls
Xael De Armadeon: DC
Xane De Armadeon: CW
Zen De Armadeon: OP
Zohar De Armadeon: TR
Chrion De Armadeon: SW
Gosti Big Belly: GWF
Barney McRustbucket: GF
Lt. Thackeray: HR
Lucius De Armadeon: BD
For all the people asking for there to be insignias added to the store, there already is. You take the trade bars and buy insignias from the trade bar store.
Epic Collar Choice Pack and Shards of Empowerment will be added to the store
Will Shards of Greater Empowerment be also included? I'm asking because regular purple shards are already very easy to get, they cost less than 200 ad on PC auction house.
Epic Collar Choice Pack and Shards of Empowerment will be added to the store
Shards of Empowerment (epic), is this only going to be added from the store? This item is very much easy to loot from the mobs everywhere, and that is why it is very much cheap on AH costs 200 Astral Diamond each and very limited of use. We are hoping to get from the NPC is the Shards of Greater Empowerment (legendary) which only from the dungeon or trial chests can be obtained. If not, make it enable to upgrade the epic Shards of Empowerment to legendary version -Shards of Greater Empowerment for even a rate of 3000 epic shard = 1 legendary shard.
While most matches will be 50k item level, there will be occasional matches that require 40k or 30k.
Epic Collar Choice Pack and Shards of Empowerment will be added to the store
Mob health will be increased
We will get the marks added to the shared bank
Someone asked if we would do a perma-death version. Probably not, or at least not for a while. We want to make sure we keep the challenge more accessible than that. But a max number of lives is a modifier we've considered.
Nice. Hope it's the Greater Shards though. The normal ones are not an issue.
The Reaper's Mark is max 1 per day per account. It is a reward for beating the daily challenge.
Currently private and public queue item level requirements are the same.
Mmmm that's not quite the same thing. We've seen events before where you can earn something with an account limit but the token is not considered applicable to all characters.
We know you can only earn one per acct but if I have a token on my first toon, does it register as spendable on my second? (like Zen would).
That would mean you can earn three tokens on three different toons and your inventory would show 3 tokens available on every toon - or not.
That also has already been addressed by Noworries. The marks will have a shared bank account spot so you'll be able to spend it on whichever character you want.
The Reaper's Mark is max 1 per day per account. It is a reward for beating the daily challenge.
Currently private and public queue item level requirements are the same.
Mmmm that's not quite the same thing. We've seen events before where you can earn something with an account limit but the token is not considered applicable to all characters.
We know you can only earn one per acct but if I have a token on my first toon, does it register as spendable on my second? (like Zen would).
That would mean you can earn three tokens on three different toons and your inventory would show 3 tokens available on every toon - or not.
That's exactly right. My question was if currency is shared between all characters on account so I could spend it on character who never completed „The Reapers Challenge".
Better to feed the troll than listen to the idiot .
At a first glance, the rewards are lacklustre considering the majority of hardcore/endgame players have VIP and they use their VIP keys to gain comparable if not better "rewards" from them. Seeing these items, for rewards of a "challenging content" don't seem worthwhile. Considering the target audience is endgame players (~50K IL) the rewards simply are not attractive enough to dedicate such time and effort on a daily basis. Looking at all the rewards (save titles) there is nothing that interests me that I don't already have, so I am unsure as to what exactly I'd do with those tokens (same thing with the challenge tokens, but that's a separate issue).
My suggestions would be:
1) Ensure the loot is account bound, we do not need more senseless farming for AD. 2) Give us exclusive skins to show off our prowess (transmutes). Capes/Fashion/Weapon & Armor etc. 3) Give us a larger variety of titles, that's a wonderful step forward. 4) Give us exclusive/skinned/themed mounts. 5) Give us end-game materials that most seek to improve their gear with, not some low-tier rewards many of us have in complete abundance. To echo the others; Insignia Powder / Legendary & Mythic Collar Choice Packs / Greater Shards of Empowerment (I hope the Epic ones was a typo as many of us have hundreds if not thousands due to mob drops). 6) Consider adding weapon/armor enchantment choice packs. 7) Can we get an event food choice pack, for those of us who run/need to maintain buffs? Put all event foods in there, from Mochi to Fizzy Brew etc. 8) Add more exclusive consumables or perhaps a new tier of "potions" a la Overloads that can only be earned from this store that gives various bonuses (not rating) to your % stats. 9) A few HAMSTER thrones to assert dominance over the minions. 10) Some emotes that reflect the mood/theme of this challenge. 11) Add a buff/effect to the player that lasts 2-3 hours after completing a challenge that persists through death. 12) A system whereby you can apply randomised effects to one piece of your gear each time you clear a challenge. 13) Add in a battle pass/season pass system whereby if you clear x challenges in a week/month you unlock epic rewards. 14) Add a loyalty/streak system whereby if you don't miss more than 2 days in a week, you can earn up to 2x the currency.
To reiterate: Please give us rewards that we cannot earn elsewhere, especially considering events/lockboxes that have the majority of these "rewards" already. Something we can be excited to grind towards, that will be a true reflection of the challenge and achievement. Imagine grinding for a month straight to finally earn a mythic collar of your choice, or 2 weeks for a mythic insignia... That'd be something worthwhile in my opinion.
As a side note, if you can make the actual dungeons we get put in more varied/randomised that'd keep replayability up. Please consider adding random mutations to the mob spawns themselves, for instance some mobs are super fast, some explode on death causing AoE damage, some freeze/stun you, some can heal others in the group, etc. Have a healthy list of these that get randomly applied each day so we never know what to expect and to enjoy the chaos that ensues.
I believe there are many players above 50k who will make this content, especially those who invest in more than one character and are f2p. For example, I will be available to do it every day, since I still plan to evolve my OP and my DC and there are items purchased from this currency that will make my life much easier, even more so now that it will likely have Shards of Greater Empowerment.
One concern brought up is people leaving to use consumables or using food consumables before entering. We will be looking into/considering dispelling consumable buffs when inside the dungeon.
Custom rewards - fashion, transmutes, visual types of rewards take longer to make due to the art aspect. While we did plan to add these types of rewards in the future, to get this feature live we started with existing rewards.
Feedback: - At 50k Item Level the dungeon doesn't reflect the difficulty in regards to the item level - Health of bosses need to be increased. I say this because with this being considered a "challenge" there's no challenge if you can still blow through the entire dungeon in less than 10 minutes skipping mechanics. I think in order for the "challenge" aspect to be persevered and highlighted in the dungeon, the health of the bosses should be increases to reflect this 50k Item Level Challenge
Other Things I Noticed: - With no health Regen, healing companions, armor enchant and weapon enchants that heal bypass this. Is this intended? - With no Revives, Soulforge works. Is this intended? - Is there a higher chance at getting premium rewards in Reapers Challenge since its "more difficult" ?
Just because it wasn't a challenge for your group doesn't mean that it's not going to be a challenge for the majority of players.
Look at Demogorgon, you have groups clearing it in >5 mins meanwhile when I use the public queue 2/3 times I am put into empty Demogorgon's that wasted 20 peoples time. Those people weren't having fun, trust me. (and plenty of pre formed fail as well)
Not everything has to be a struggle bus where fewer people are having fun than are having fun.
arazith07Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,719Arc User
Feedback: - At 50k Item Level the dungeon doesn't reflect the difficulty in regards to the item level - Health of bosses need to be increased. I say this because with this being considered a "challenge" there's no challenge if you can still blow through the entire dungeon in less than 10 minutes skipping mechanics. I think in order for the "challenge" aspect to be persevered and highlighted in the dungeon, the health of the bosses should be increases to reflect this 50k Item Level Challenge
Other Things I Noticed: - With no health Regen, healing companions, armor enchant and weapon enchants that heal bypass this. Is this intended? - With no Revives, Soulforge works. Is this intended? - Is there a higher chance at getting premium rewards in Reapers Challenge since its "more difficult" ?
Just because it wasn't a challenge for your group doesn't mean that it's not going to be a challenge for the majority of players.
Look at Demogorgon, you have groups clearing it in >5 mins meanwhile when I use the public queue 2/3 times I am put into empty Demogorgon's that wasted 20 peoples time. Those people weren't having fun, trust me. (and plenty of pre formed fail as well)
Not everything has to be a struggle bus where fewer people are having fun than are having fun.
Did you have trouble with the dungeon in question (Pirate King's Retreat)?
You really can't compare dungeons with each other based only on item level. Otherwise ToMM and ZC would be in the random trial queue. Knowing the communities track record with Pirate King Retreat, I am not surprised that it is on the easy side when scaled up to 50k. Each dungeon is going to need some adjusting to get the right feel.
Generally feedback Mobs are scaled to 50k IL, but the dungeon was INCREDIBLE EASY. Speedrun, with an endgame group. No problem in every place of dungeon. If that was intedend, then ok. If not intendend, then increase the dmg and the HP for mobs and bosses at least by 50%
Last boss have 4milion hp, and in the video you can see how we literally burn him. If want that dungeon will be more harder, than you know what it needs.
Generally Feedback This dungeon is perfect balance for this queue. Mobs are hitting right, bosses a little bit to much (but I think its good that a boss can oneshot a dps).
clear run, only some troubles at second boss but they could be avoided with some more focus.
I actually disagree with you on many points. I'm and endgamer as well (54k IL), but honestly I would not run the content if rewards are like you suggested (BtA, Titles and capes). I'm sick of BtA or BtC rewards from anything. Being endgame and keep being endgame has a cost of time, effort and resources. Also, RNG in NW is insanely bad and if you aren't lucky you are nowhere near to get what you need. With this being said, I do agree that rewards need an improvement but, from my point of view, many things you suggested are a bit nosense to be in rewards table. Titles? To do what?
However, I like the idea of adding to the rewards table also Event Consumables, Capes, Enchantment Choice Pack (Armor and Weapon), as example. Moreover, I would like to see a wider choice in terms of pets in the pets pack. For the ones of us who plays multiple characters is a help to improve them all and make viable for more advanced contents. Also, the chance of getting from a shop with currency you can earn by playing stuff you weren't lucky to get because of RNG is nice and I think rewards in this way have much more sense than just run again and again and hope you'll get what you are looking for.
I actually disagree with you on many points. I'm and endgamer as well (54k IL), but honestly I would not run the content if rewards are like you suggested (BtA, Titles and capes). I'm sick of BtA or BtC rewards from anything. Being endgame and keep being endgame has a cost of time, effort and resources. Also, RNG in NW is insanely bad and if you aren't lucky you are nowhere near to get what you need. With this being said, I do agree that rewards need an improvement but, from my point of view, many things you suggested are a bit nosense to be in rewards table. Titles? To do what?
However, I like the idea of adding to the rewards table also Event Consumables, Capes, Enchantment Choice Pack (Armor and Weapon), as example. Moreover, I would like to see a wider choice in terms of pets in the pets pack. For the ones of us who plays multiple characters is a help to improve them all and make viable for more advanced contents. Also, the chance of getting from a shop with currency you can earn by playing stuff you weren't lucky to get because of RNG is nice and I think rewards in this way have much more sense than just run again and again and hope you'll get what you are looking for.
I think you are still missing some more of items to max out. I believe most of the end gamer out there is sitting on 60k~63k IL, and that they don't really need anything much but achievements and challenges in the game. I don't think making the items on NPC unbound is a good idea, for it just going to be some another AD pool for possible abuse or exploit in the future, and could destroy the market, just like the enchantments and bondings from the PVP season rewards. Everyone's line "unlucky RNG", if you feel that, then perhaps you're not farming well enough, you need to do more. And that unbound items should really be coming from the chests, at any trials or dungeons even it is a featured one of Reaper's Challenge.
I think you are still missing some more of items to max out. I believe most of the end gamer out there is sitting on 60k~63k IL, and that they don't really need anything much but achievements and challenges in the game. I don't think making the items on NPC unbound is a good idea, for it just going to be some another AD pool for possible abuse or exploit in the future, and could destroy the market, just like the enchantments and bondings from the PVP season rewards. Everyone's line "unlucky RNG", if you feel that, then perhaps you're not farming well enough, you need to do more. And that unbound items should really be coming from the chests, at any trials or dungeons even it is a featured one of Reaper's Challenge.
If you think that most end game players are sitting between 60-63kil you're delusional. Most players can't get or have the money to buy the insignia powder or Greater Shards to get their Mount Collars and Insignias to Mythic Level. Heck most of us can't even get most of our Collars to Legendary because of the Greater Shards. They don't drop enough and there's no easy way to get the 2500 Insignia powder necessary to get 15 Insignias to Mythic. If you wanna know why majority of us are sitting between 54-58kil it's because of those. @noworries#8859 look into making those easier to get and you'll have more players more interested.
One concern brought up is people leaving to use consumables or using food consumables before entering. We will be looking into/considering dispelling consumable buffs when inside the dungeon.
Custom rewards - fashion, transmutes, visual types of rewards take longer to make due to the art aspect. While we did plan to add these types of rewards in the future, to get this feature live we started with existing rewards.
Please don't look into this. Almost no one in my alliance is going to be able to do this in the first place because of the 50k il heck I lost half of the players available to do RTQ when the requirement got raised to 40k. Which is sad because it was the best way for lower ilevel players get AD and Seals because they were being helped by the higher ilevel players and we can't do that anymore. And even worse is the only reason it was raised was because Demogorgon became harder and drops one better set while the other three trials still drop their worthless gear or in the case of Svardborg three chests with special MoP noone uses anymore. All rewards should have been made better to justify the higher IL not just one of them. Before I hear hardcore players talk about "Get Good" not everything has to be "Darks Souls" levels of difficulty. This is an MMO and most people play this for the purpose of connecting with friends and playing with them. And if it becomes impossible to play because it becomes too hard for the purpose of playing with friends unless everyone is hardcore you'll have majority of your player base just ignore the Reaper Challenge.
arazith07Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,719Arc User
I think you are still missing some more of items to max out. I believe most of the end gamer out there is sitting on 60k~63k IL, and that they don't really need anything much but achievements and challenges in the game. I don't think making the items on NPC unbound is a good idea, for it just going to be some another AD pool for possible abuse or exploit in the future, and could destroy the market, just like the enchantments and bondings from the PVP season rewards. Everyone's line "unlucky RNG", if you feel that, then perhaps you're not farming well enough, you need to do more. And that unbound items should really be coming from the chests, at any trials or dungeons even it is a featured one of Reaper's Challenge.
If you think that most end game players are sitting between 60-63kil you're delusional. Most players can't get or have the money to buy the insignia powder or Greater Shards to get their Mount Collars and Insignias to Mythic Level. Heck most of us can't even get most of our Collars to Legendary because of the Greater Shards. They don't drop enough and there's no easy way to get the 2500 Insignia powder necessary to get 15 Insignias to Mythic. If you wanna know why majority of us are sitting between 54-58kil it's because of those. @noworries#8859 look into making those easier to get and you'll have more players more interested.
One concern brought up is people leaving to use consumables or using food consumables before entering. We will be looking into/considering dispelling consumable buffs when inside the dungeon.
Custom rewards - fashion, transmutes, visual types of rewards take longer to make due to the art aspect. While we did plan to add these types of rewards in the future, to get this feature live we started with existing rewards.
Please don't look into this. Almost no one in my alliance is going to be able to do this in the first place because of the 50k il heck I lost half of the players available to do RTQ when the requirement got raised to 40k. Which is sad because it was the best way for lower ilevel players get AD and Seals because they were being helped by the higher ilevel players and we can't do that anymore. And even worse is the only reason it was raised was because Demogorgon became harder and drops one better set while the other three trials still drop their worthless gear or in the case of Svardborg three chests with special MoP noone uses anymore. All rewards should have been made better to justify the higher IL not just one of them. Before I hear hardcore players talk about "Get Good" not everything has to be "Darks Souls" levels of difficulty. This is an MMO and most people play this for the purpose of connecting with friends and playing with them. And if it becomes impossible to play because it becomes too hard for the purpose of playing with friends unless everyone is hardcore you'll have majority of your player base just ignore the Reaper Challenge.
This game at "hardcore" is easy mode for any other MMO. NOTHING in the game even comes close to "Dark Souls level of difficulty". This community is really bad about anything that is more difficult than a simple Tank and Spank and raises a loud commotion and gives up on a single wipe.
Just because something has a high item level requirement, doesn't mean it's for hardcore only. It's the same level of difficulty and the base dungeon, just with more HP and damage and some minor debuffs or limitation on powers/items that players in the normal dungeons hardly ever use anyways. This is just content for players who have played the game for more than a year or two, and gives rewards that is mostly useful for alts.
Don't run content that's not fun for you / content you cannot do due to lack of time, lack of motivation, or other restrictions. It's as simple as that. Not everything has to be casual friendly (and I say that as a filthy casual myself) but that does not mean you cannot have fun. The problem is that there is just not MUCH new content at all - so if you wait for a long time for M15, people that want something like M17 would be disappointed and opposite around... simply because the wait is long and you want something new. So... collect your NW friends in a discord and go play something else if they don't release something you want to play.
I for one have no interest in this event at this time. A few reasons:
1 Rewards, they are very lackluster for me, and I still have several toons that need gear, and mounts and comps, but to spend 30 days to get one leggy mount, or one leggy comp, even if account wide unlock, is too high a price IMHO. I personally don't give a rats rear end about titles, transmutes or any other "intangible" just for bragging rights trash. I want something useful, weapon enchants, greater shards, mythic collars, insignia powder, mythic collars. Things I can't get fast by farming ad. I expect something that is going to be this challenging to get me a mythic insignia, in less time than I can farm ad to just buy it. I also will say this again as I have said many times before: All drops from all content should be 100% UNBOUND on pick up, and then when equipped ACCOUNT BOUND at worst. I loved the fact that within 2 weeks of TOMM being released I could get at least 2-3 decent rings for a few AD. I still have not been able to do even one TOMM completion. Those of us that can't get into content like TOMM, or MZ, or HC VOS, would like a way to get this stuff. Also the RNG needs to be way better, I get tired of constantly grinding content, such as bounties in New Sharandar, and never getting even 1 epic comp piece. I also really liked ho we used to be able to buy weapons form the trade bar store, even if they were 2 mods old. It helped my alts out immensely.
2 Echoes has turned out to be pretty much trash so far. Rewards renegged on, and content surpremely boring, The only redeeming quality is that the currency is account wide. So I can do it on my best dps, and claim the rewards on all my other toons. I think it was a terrible idea to go back and claim that the reroll tokens and coal wards weren't supposed to be account wide unlocks.
3 Disconnects, redirects, the game plain just not functioning. The last 2 days on console I have barely been able to log in to do invocations on my toons, let alone to be able to play for any amount of time. If this kind of stuff keeps on happening, I see this new challenge being terrible....
I think you are still missing some more of items to max out. I believe most of the end gamer out there is sitting on 60k~63k IL, and that they don't really need anything much but achievements and challenges in the game. I don't think making the items on NPC unbound is a good idea, for it just going to be some another AD pool for possible abuse or exploit in the future, and could destroy the market, just like the enchantments and bondings from the PVP season rewards. Everyone's line "unlucky RNG", if you feel that, then perhaps you're not farming well enough, you need to do more. And that unbound items should really be coming from the chests, at any trials or dungeons even it is a featured one of Reaper's Challenge.
If you think that most end game players are sitting between 60-63kil you're delusional. Most players can't get or have the money to buy the insignia powder or Greater Shards to get their Mount Collars and Insignias to Mythic Level. Heck most of us can't even get most of our Collars to Legendary because of the Greater Shards. They don't drop enough and there's no easy way to get the 2500 Insignia powder necessary to get 15 Insignias to Mythic. If you wanna know why majority of us are sitting between 54-58kil it's because of those. @noworries#8859 look into making those easier to get and you'll have more players more interested.
One concern brought up is people leaving to use consumables or using food consumables before entering. We will be looking into/considering dispelling consumable buffs when inside the dungeon.
Custom rewards - fashion, transmutes, visual types of rewards take longer to make due to the art aspect. While we did plan to add these types of rewards in the future, to get this feature live we started with existing rewards.
Please don't look into this. Almost no one in my alliance is going to be able to do this in the first place because of the 50k il heck I lost half of the players available to do RTQ when the requirement got raised to 40k. Which is sad because it was the best way for lower ilevel players get AD and Seals because they were being helped by the higher ilevel players and we can't do that anymore. And even worse is the only reason it was raised was because Demogorgon became harder and drops one better set while the other three trials still drop their worthless gear or in the case of Svardborg three chests with special MoP noone uses anymore. All rewards should have been made better to justify the higher IL not just one of them. Before I hear hardcore players talk about "Get Good" not everything has to be "Darks Souls" levels of difficulty. This is an MMO and most people play this for the purpose of connecting with friends and playing with them. And if it becomes impossible to play because it becomes too hard for the purpose of playing with friends unless everyone is hardcore you'll have majority of your player base just ignore the Reaper Challenge.
This game at "hardcore" is easy mode for any other MMO. NOTHING in the game even comes close to "Dark Souls level of difficulty". This community is really bad about anything that is more difficult than a simple Tank and Spank and raises a loud commotion and gives up on a single wipe.
Just because something has a high item level requirement, doesn't mean it's for hardcore only. It's the same level of difficulty and the base dungeon, just with more HP and damage and some minor debuffs or limitation on powers/items that players in the normal dungeons hardly ever use anyways. This is just content for players who have played the game for more than a year or two, and gives rewards that is mostly useful for alts.
Typical "me only" reply.
If there is more HP, Damage, Debuffs, ect. it's clearly not the same level of difficulty at all. Why make rewards only for people who by your own admission don't even need them? Item level has become little more than a gate to keep people who actually need things from being able to get them.
Curious as to why in the most recent Preview patch, the shards of empowerment and greater shards of empowerment cost the same?
I second this, wondering why the currency requirement is just the same. Imagine the epic shard costs 200 AD or free on the ground vs legendary shard costs 160k-180k AD on Auction House.
micky1p00Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 3,594Arc User
I actually disagree with you on many points. I'm and endgamer as well (54k IL), but honestly I would not run the content if rewards are like you suggested (BtA, Titles and capes). I'm sick of BtA or BtC rewards from anything. Being endgame and keep being endgame has a cost of time, effort and resources. Also, RNG in NW is insanely bad and if you aren't lucky you are nowhere near to get what you need. With this being said, I do agree that rewards need an improvement but, from my point of view, many things you suggested are a bit nosense to be in rewards table. Titles? To do what?
However, I like the idea of adding to the rewards table also Event Consumables, Capes, Enchantment Choice Pack (Armor and Weapon), as example. Moreover, I would like to see a wider choice in terms of pets in the pets pack. For the ones of us who plays multiple characters is a help to improve them all and make viable for more advanced contents. Also, the chance of getting from a shop with currency you can earn by playing stuff you weren't lucky to get because of RNG is nice and I think rewards in this way have much more sense than just run again and again and hope you'll get what you are looking for.
I think you are still missing some more of items to max out. I believe most of the end gamer out there is sitting on 60k~63k IL, and that they don't really need anything much but achievements and challenges in the game. I don't think making the items on NPC unbound is a good idea, for it just going to be some another AD pool for possible abuse or exploit in the future, and could destroy the market, just like the enchantments and bondings from the PVP season rewards. Everyone's line "unlucky RNG", if you feel that, then perhaps you're not farming well enough, you need to do more. And that unbound items should really be coming from the chests, at any trials or dungeons even it is a featured one of Reaper's Challenge.
1. End-game and BiS are not equivalent, one can do all end-game and not be maxed out. In many cases maxed out is not really worth the time, since the cost is not linear.
2. To have working economy, people with Zen need something to buy for AD. Historically those were unbound items, usually gear. So regardless of where it comes from, while there is always a risk of abuse that should be mitigated, unbound items play large part in balancing the ZAX which state we can see now..
arcanjo86Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,093Arc User
please check taroka card description for some ideas for modifiers:
- such as tank have 100% more aggro radius, - enemies damage applie poison to you, - when player uses damage with at-will they take some damage, - theres a chance werewolfs packs will hunt you, - chance when killing enemies ghosts will spawn, - when player dies they spawn as ghost for few secs and then respawns at campfire(no res possible), - enemies have +100% more hp, - enemies deal +100% more damage, - when using daily power player is stunned for 3 secs, - encounter powers cooldown is doubled, - mounts combat power cooldown doubled, - active artifact cooldown doubled, - players power and defense decreased by 10%
I do love what you have put in the shop, even if I don't understand why epic and legendary shards have the same value... These rewards will allow people to upgrade their characters and alts more easily . For more currencies (30?), you could consider adding a coalescent ward to the shop.
There is just one thing that puzzles me: the usual gear score requirement will be 50K+ and only a few dungeons will have a lesser requirement. I would suggest to increase a bit the frequency of the lesser gs requirement, so that non-endgame players, i.e the ones that are really struggling to upgrade basically everything on their toons, can have a better chance to progress and keep their motivation to play. Being able to play together more often (endgame and mid-game players) will also avoid the feeling of discrimination.
Post edited by werdandi#8366 on
arazith07Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,719Arc User
I think you are still missing some more of items to max out. I believe most of the end gamer out there is sitting on 60k~63k IL, and that they don't really need anything much but achievements and challenges in the game. I don't think making the items on NPC unbound is a good idea, for it just going to be some another AD pool for possible abuse or exploit in the future, and could destroy the market, just like the enchantments and bondings from the PVP season rewards. Everyone's line "unlucky RNG", if you feel that, then perhaps you're not farming well enough, you need to do more. And that unbound items should really be coming from the chests, at any trials or dungeons even it is a featured one of Reaper's Challenge.
If you think that most end game players are sitting between 60-63kil you're delusional. Most players can't get or have the money to buy the insignia powder or Greater Shards to get their Mount Collars and Insignias to Mythic Level. Heck most of us can't even get most of our Collars to Legendary because of the Greater Shards. They don't drop enough and there's no easy way to get the 2500 Insignia powder necessary to get 15 Insignias to Mythic. If you wanna know why majority of us are sitting between 54-58kil it's because of those. @noworries#8859 look into making those easier to get and you'll have more players more interested.
One concern brought up is people leaving to use consumables or using food consumables before entering. We will be looking into/considering dispelling consumable buffs when inside the dungeon.
Custom rewards - fashion, transmutes, visual types of rewards take longer to make due to the art aspect. While we did plan to add these types of rewards in the future, to get this feature live we started with existing rewards.
Please don't look into this. Almost no one in my alliance is going to be able to do this in the first place because of the 50k il heck I lost half of the players available to do RTQ when the requirement got raised to 40k. Which is sad because it was the best way for lower ilevel players get AD and Seals because they were being helped by the higher ilevel players and we can't do that anymore. And even worse is the only reason it was raised was because Demogorgon became harder and drops one better set while the other three trials still drop their worthless gear or in the case of Svardborg three chests with special MoP noone uses anymore. All rewards should have been made better to justify the higher IL not just one of them. Before I hear hardcore players talk about "Get Good" not everything has to be "Darks Souls" levels of difficulty. This is an MMO and most people play this for the purpose of connecting with friends and playing with them. And if it becomes impossible to play because it becomes too hard for the purpose of playing with friends unless everyone is hardcore you'll have majority of your player base just ignore the Reaper Challenge.
This game at "hardcore" is easy mode for any other MMO. NOTHING in the game even comes close to "Dark Souls level of difficulty". This community is really bad about anything that is more difficult than a simple Tank and Spank and raises a loud commotion and gives up on a single wipe.
Just because something has a high item level requirement, doesn't mean it's for hardcore only. It's the same level of difficulty and the base dungeon, just with more HP and damage and some minor debuffs or limitation on powers/items that players in the normal dungeons hardly ever use anyways. This is just content for players who have played the game for more than a year or two, and gives rewards that is mostly useful for alts.
Typical "me only" reply.
If there is more HP, Damage, Debuffs, ect. it's clearly not the same level of difficulty at all. Why make rewards only for people who by your own admission don't even need them? Item level has become little more than a gate to keep people who actually need things from being able to get them.
Seriously? This is no where near being a "me only" reply. What is wrong with having content that is meant for players that are actually in the endgame? This game is always lacking content for the top 1/3 or 1/4 of the available gear level.
You having levelling content that brings you to 20k and Random Dungeons, then you add in Random skirmishes, and the majority of all the campaign maps, the rest of the adventurer paths, events and most trials. 30k opens up Random Advanced Dungeons, Avernus maps, ToMM, Baby ZC 35K ZC 40K Sharandar and Random Trials 45k VoS So what is there for those who reach 50k-65k item level? That is a HUGE gap of content! Yet there are a ton of people claiming that everything is aimed at BiS/elite/hardcore/endgame players.
For the record, I am not BiS or hardcore. I am simply a casual player (50k iL) who loves the Forgotten Realms setting.
You having levelling content that brings you to 20k and Random Dungeons, then you add in Random skirmishes, and the majority of all the campaign maps, the rest of the adventurer paths, events and most trials. 30k opens up Random Advanced Dungeons, Avernus maps, ToMM (Have you ever done Tomm to think a 30k gs can even survive or carry his weight here??), Baby ZC 35K ZC (35k gs is a dead weight in master ZC) 40K Sharandar and Random Trials 45k VoS So what is there for those who reach 50k-65k item level? That is a HUGE gap of content! . (lol not really: once you reach 50k, you are suitable for everything)
For the record, I am not BiS or hardcore. I am simply a casual player (50k iL) who loves the Forgotten Realms setting Bold">(don't pretend to know the truth then, you have upgraded before the last rtq change, so easy diamonds). s
Actually the current most important difficulty for upgrading is more between 35k to 45k gs. After, you will be of course less efficient than a maxed-out player, but you can do the job (even if yes, it will take long before you reach the super maxed out status). So definitely players between 30k and 50k need to be taken into account because they are at a critical stage. And of course other endgame players can keep on maxing out their characters with fancy items.
Co-Guild Leader
Ghost Templars L20
Alliance: Tyrs Paladium
Main: Cleric (Heals|DPS)
Alt: Warlock
We know you can only earn one per acct but if I have a token on my first toon, does it register as spendable on my second? (like Zen would).
That would mean you can earn three tokens on three different toons and your inventory would show 3 tokens available on every toon - or not.
Xael De Armadeon: DC
Xane De Armadeon: CW
Zen De Armadeon: OP
Zohar De Armadeon: TR
Chrion De Armadeon: SW
Gosti Big Belly: GWF
Barney McRustbucket: GF
Lt. Thackeray: HR
Lucius De Armadeon: BD
Member of Casual Dailies - XBox
My suggestions would be:
1) Ensure the loot is account bound, we do not need more senseless farming for AD.
2) Give us exclusive skins to show off our prowess (transmutes). Capes/Fashion/Weapon & Armor etc.
3) Give us a larger variety of titles, that's a wonderful step forward.
4) Give us exclusive/skinned/themed mounts.
5) Give us end-game materials that most seek to improve their gear with, not some low-tier rewards many of us have in complete abundance. To echo the others; Insignia Powder / Legendary & Mythic Collar Choice Packs / Greater Shards of Empowerment (I hope the Epic ones was a typo as many of us have hundreds if not thousands due to mob drops).
6) Consider adding weapon/armor enchantment choice packs.
7) Can we get an event food choice pack, for those of us who run/need to maintain buffs? Put all event foods in there, from Mochi to Fizzy Brew etc.
8) Add more exclusive consumables or perhaps a new tier of "potions" a la Overloads that can only be earned from this store that gives various bonuses (not rating) to your % stats.
9) A few HAMSTER thrones to assert dominance over the minions.
10) Some emotes that reflect the mood/theme of this challenge.
11) Add a buff/effect to the player that lasts 2-3 hours after completing a challenge that persists through death.
12) A system whereby you can apply randomised effects to one piece of your gear each time you clear a challenge.
13) Add in a battle pass/season pass system whereby if you clear x challenges in a week/month you unlock epic rewards.
14) Add a loyalty/streak system whereby if you don't miss more than 2 days in a week, you can earn up to 2x the currency.
To reiterate: Please give us rewards that we cannot earn elsewhere, especially considering events/lockboxes that have the majority of these "rewards" already. Something we can be excited to grind towards, that will be a true reflection of the challenge and achievement. Imagine grinding for a month straight to finally earn a mythic collar of your choice, or 2 weeks for a mythic insignia... That'd be something worthwhile in my opinion.
As a side note, if you can make the actual dungeons we get put in more varied/randomised that'd keep replayability up. Please consider adding random mutations to the mob spawns themselves, for instance some mobs are super fast, some explode on death causing AoE damage, some freeze/stun you, some can heal others in the group, etc. Have a healthy list of these that get randomly applied each day so we never know what to expect and to enjoy the chaos that ensues.
Custom rewards - fashion, transmutes, visual types of rewards take longer to make due to the art aspect. While we did plan to add these types of rewards in the future, to get this feature live we started with existing rewards.
- Master of Magic
- Master of Fate
- Master of the Savage Wild
- etc.
from the old class booster packs
Just because it wasn't a challenge for your group doesn't mean that it's not going to be a challenge for the majority of players.
Look at Demogorgon, you have groups clearing it in >5 mins meanwhile when I use the public queue 2/3 times I am put into empty Demogorgon's that wasted 20 peoples time. Those people weren't having fun, trust me. (and plenty of pre formed fail as well)
Not everything has to be a struggle bus where fewer people are having fun than are having fun.
You really can't compare dungeons with each other based only on item level. Otherwise ToMM and ZC would be in the random trial queue. Knowing the communities track record with Pirate King Retreat, I am not surprised that it is on the easy side when scaled up to 50k. Each dungeon is going to need some adjusting to get the right feel.
A new little report about second, third and fourth dungeon of this new challenge.
2° DUNGEON - Pirate King's Retreat
Here the record of the dungeon by NOVA
Generally feedback
Mobs are scaled to 50k IL, but the dungeon was INCREDIBLE EASY. Speedrun, with an endgame group. No problem in every place of dungeon.
If that was intedend, then ok. If not intendend, then increase the dmg and the HP for mobs and bosses at least by 50%
Last boss have 4milion hp, and in the video you can see how we literally burn him.
If want that dungeon will be more harder, than you know what it needs.
3° DUNGEON - Spellplague Caverns
Here the record of the dungeon
Generally Feedback
This dungeon is perfect balance for this queue. Mobs are hitting right, bosses a little bit to much (but I think its good that a boss can oneshot a dps).
clear run, only some troubles at second boss but they could be avoided with some more focus.
No feedback.
4° DUNGEON - Temple of the spider
Here the record of the dungeon
Like Pirate Kings Retreat, it was really so easy.
No problem for all the runs, even if someone us died but we had the condition of no revives.
As Pirate Kings Retreat, you should buff hp bosses and mobs by 50% , and mobs and bosses dmg at least by 30%.
I'm sick of BtA or BtC rewards from anything. Being endgame and keep being endgame has a cost of time, effort and resources. Also, RNG in NW is insanely bad and if you aren't lucky you are nowhere near to get what you need.
With this being said, I do agree that rewards need an improvement but, from my point of view, many things you suggested are a bit nosense to be in rewards table. Titles? To do what?
However, I like the idea of adding to the rewards table also Event Consumables, Capes, Enchantment Choice Pack (Armor and Weapon), as example. Moreover, I would like to see a wider choice in terms of pets in the pets pack.
For the ones of us who plays multiple characters is a help to improve them all and make viable for more advanced contents.
Also, the chance of getting from a shop with currency you can earn by playing stuff you weren't lucky to get because of RNG is nice and I think rewards in this way have much more sense than just run again and again and hope you'll get what you are looking for.
Please don't look into this. Almost no one in my alliance is going to be able to do this in the first place because of the 50k il heck I lost half of the players available to do RTQ when the requirement got raised to 40k. Which is sad because it was the best way for lower ilevel players get AD and Seals because they were being helped by the higher ilevel players and we can't do that anymore. And even worse is the only reason it was raised was because Demogorgon became harder and drops one better set while the other three trials still drop their worthless gear or in the case of Svardborg three chests with special MoP noone uses anymore. All rewards should have been made better to justify the higher IL not just one of them. Before I hear hardcore players talk about "Get Good" not everything has to be "Darks Souls" levels of difficulty. This is an MMO and most people play this for the purpose of connecting with friends and playing with them. And if it becomes impossible to play because it becomes too hard for the purpose of playing with friends unless everyone is hardcore you'll have majority of your player base just ignore the Reaper Challenge.
Just because something has a high item level requirement, doesn't mean it's for hardcore only. It's the same level of difficulty and the base dungeon, just with more HP and damage and some minor debuffs or limitation on powers/items that players in the normal dungeons hardly ever use anyways. This is just content for players who have played the game for more than a year or two, and gives rewards that is mostly useful for alts.
It's as simple as that. Not everything has to be casual friendly (and I say that as a filthy casual myself) but that does not mean you cannot have fun.
The problem is that there is just not MUCH new content at all - so if you wait for a long time for M15, people that want something like M17 would be disappointed and opposite around... simply because the wait is long and you want something new. So... collect your NW friends in a discord and go play something else if they don't release something you want to play.
Bardtholomew - Minstrel Bard
Mariah Carries - Devout Cleric
Darth Bane - Thaumaturge Wizard on Xbox
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1 Rewards, they are very lackluster for me, and I still have several toons that need gear, and mounts and comps, but to spend 30 days to get one leggy mount, or one leggy comp, even if account wide unlock, is too high a price IMHO. I personally don't give a rats rear end about titles, transmutes or any other "intangible" just for bragging rights trash. I want something useful, weapon enchants, greater shards, mythic collars, insignia powder, mythic collars. Things I can't get fast by farming ad. I expect something that is going to be this challenging to get me a mythic insignia, in less time than I can farm ad to just buy it. I also will say this again as I have said many times before: All drops from all content should be 100% UNBOUND on pick up, and then when equipped ACCOUNT BOUND at worst. I loved the fact that within 2 weeks of TOMM being released I could get at least 2-3 decent rings for a few AD. I still have not been able to do even one TOMM completion. Those of us that can't get into content like TOMM, or MZ, or HC VOS, would like a way to get this stuff. Also the RNG needs to be way better, I get tired of constantly grinding content, such as bounties in New Sharandar, and never getting even 1 epic comp piece. I also really liked ho we used to be able to buy weapons form the trade bar store, even if they were 2 mods old. It helped my alts out immensely.
2 Echoes has turned out to be pretty much trash so far. Rewards renegged on, and content surpremely boring, The only redeeming quality is that the currency is account wide. So I can do it on my best dps, and claim the rewards on all my other toons. I think it was a terrible idea to go back and claim that the reroll tokens and coal wards weren't supposed to be account wide unlocks.
3 Disconnects, redirects, the game plain just not functioning. The last 2 days on console I have barely been able to log in to do invocations on my toons, let alone to be able to play for any amount of time. If this kind of stuff keeps on happening, I see this new challenge being terrible....
If there is more HP, Damage, Debuffs, ect. it's clearly not the same level of difficulty at all. Why make rewards only for people who by your own admission don't even need them? Item level has become little more than a gate to keep people who actually need things from being able to get them.
2. To have working economy, people with Zen need something to buy for AD. Historically those were unbound items, usually gear. So regardless of where it comes from, while there is always a risk of abuse that should be mitigated, unbound items play large part in balancing the ZAX which state we can see now..
please check taroka card description for some ideas for modifiers:
- such as tank have 100% more aggro radius,
- enemies damage applie poison to you,
- when player uses damage with at-will they take some damage,
- theres a chance werewolfs packs will hunt you,
- chance when killing enemies ghosts will spawn,
- when player dies they spawn as ghost for few secs and then respawns at campfire(no res possible),
- enemies have +100% more hp,
- enemies deal +100% more damage,
- when using daily power player is stunned for 3 secs,
- encounter powers cooldown is doubled,
- mounts combat power cooldown doubled,
- active artifact cooldown doubled,
- players power and defense decreased by 10%
These rewards will allow people to upgrade their characters and alts more easily .
For more currencies (30?), you could consider adding a coalescent ward to the shop.
There is just one thing that puzzles me: the usual gear score requirement will be 50K+ and only a few dungeons will have a lesser requirement. I would suggest to increase a bit the frequency of the lesser gs requirement, so that non-endgame players, i.e the ones that are really struggling to upgrade basically everything on their toons, can have a better chance to progress and keep their motivation to play.
Being able to play together more often (endgame and mid-game players) will also avoid the feeling of discrimination.
You having levelling content that brings you to 20k and Random Dungeons, then you add in Random skirmishes, and the majority of all the campaign maps, the rest of the adventurer paths, events and most trials.
30k opens up Random Advanced Dungeons, Avernus maps, ToMM, Baby ZC
35K ZC
40K Sharandar and Random Trials
45k VoS
So what is there for those who reach 50k-65k item level? That is a HUGE gap of content! Yet there are a ton of people claiming that everything is aimed at BiS/elite/hardcore/endgame players.
For the record, I am not BiS or hardcore. I am simply a casual player (50k iL) who loves the Forgotten Realms setting.
So definitely players between 30k and 50k need to be taken into account because they are at a critical stage.
And of course other endgame players can keep on maxing out their characters with fancy items.