increase lumberyard, food, mine, quarry etc space to fill 24 hours worth of storage not 8 hours so it can be collected once a day not 3 times
ease of use
pros helps small guilds not miss out on time gated currency for guild
cons none
plasticbatMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 12,513Arc User
We are in phase 2:
Phase 2: Discussions (not arguments!) of proposed ideas from Phase 1
*** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
"If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
Wow, lots of great suggestions in Phase 1. Good work guys!
For my own benefit I'm just going to mangle condense down to the ones I really like/the ones that affect me and the order that I would prioritize:
1) Get rid of all BtC items (especially if BtA versions already exist). This includes making things like companions, mounts, reroll tokens, refinement points, keys, collections, currencies and the like accessible by all the characters on one account.
2) All guilds in an alliance should get equal discounts and it should be made easier to level up a stronghold. Remember, Strongholds was Module 7 in 2015. We are currently in Module 19.
3) When a player hovers over their own stats, please indicate how it would rate in the zone they are currently in. For example if I go to Sharandar my defense score could rank as "Very Good" and if I then went to Avernus the same score would rank as "Terrible". This would at least give an indication of what players should work towards. If you want to be more precise with suggested numbers displayed beside the ranking all the better.
4) Epic HE's in all zones should follow the example of the dragon encounters in the Tyranny of Dragons campaign. Either they appear without fail at a set time like in the Well of Dragons or there is a timer indicating how long before one appears, like in Icespire Peak, Neverdeath, etc.
5) A specific bag for quest items already exists (as a tab) but there are still many quest related things that don't go in there. See majority of the quests in Dread Ring or SKT for example: please rectify these. Perhaps hunt related gear could slot in here as well, provided they are still tradable. Hunt stuff should also be sellable on the AH.
Obviously I don't craft or RP with costumes, but if you think I should change the order of what I put here feel free to try change my mind... otherwise I already know what my top three are going to be.
So this is a minor request and it may be because I'm mainly a Console player but there needs to be easier access to VIP Benefits on PC. On Console I pull up the one tab and boom it's there. On PC I have to go through Items, VIPS INFO then benefits or hit something else that pauses the game and go to the VIP Icon at the top of the screen. Maybe add a VIP Benefit button shortcut like their is for Collections? Maybe make it Control-N?
There are already keybind scripts you can use to customize NW PC commands. You just have to enter the scripts in the chat window. . Example: /bind F1 gensendMessage Vipaction_Overworldmapteleport activate /bind F2 gensendMessage Vipaction_Mailbox activate /bind F3 gensendMessage Vipaction_Bankvendor activate /bind F4 gensendMessage Vipaction_Professionvendor activate /bind F5 gensendMessage Vipaction_Moonstonemaskteleport activate
You can change the "F1" to any keystroke, or string, you like.
This suggestion is more for those that are into fashion, so it might not be everyones cup of tea, but it has annoyed me for a very long time now. Currently the only way to change the color of your underwear is with the Primal Paints but those give you tattoos as well that sometimes cant be covered or altered to look really good. I would love a way to color the underwear without having to chase down the Primal Paints so that we could wear gear that shows off a bit of skin without having the default underwear screaming in our faces
Could maybe implement this with an AD cost like using dyes, only with a higher price tag? Maybe as a AD sink? Also maybe be able to buy/create custom color scheme presets on the fashion page, with a big AD price as an AD sink? Or at least color scheme presets that are savable.
So I was surprised to see this only mentioned barely in passing in the first list, and then not really in this list, but the UI needs a serious overall. I missed the chance to post with the first list and didn't want to miss the second round.
In most MMOs, nearly every element has the ability to be both relocated and resized to the player's choice and customization. In Neverwinter, you can move them, but you only have one slider that resizes EVERY element equally on a percentage base. So I have a choice between dealing with the fact that I can't read the name of the mobs I'm fighting and having to squint or try to recognize their clothes or memorize where they are, or blowing the entire UI up to insane proportions to be able to read. Don't get me started on trying to heal since I have to try to read players names since it's targeting and not tab-lock. I play on PC, so this is not a "console problem", although I'd imagine it's a problem on consoles as well. The UI needs to be able to have all elements individually able to be resized, and whether you want to call that a QoL issue or not I can sure tell you it heavily effects my QoL playing the game. I would be immensely surprised to find out I'm the only person who feels this way.
I used your list to summarize issues I support and would love to see discussed as a priority
My number one favorite suggestion -- rp shared with the bank. Happens with other character/account currencies I don't see how there could be any harm in this suggestion only a big benefit
I also like @Kiitiekat's suggestion this would make such a big difference and agree this is taken for granted in other games where this is possible it is hard to believe this isn't something already implemented in Neverwinter, to further expand and being able to break out specific buffs would also be a great addition
So I was surprised to see this only mentioned barely in passing in the first list, and then not really in this list, but the UI needs a serious overall. I missed the chance to post with the first list and didn't want to miss the second round.
In most MMOs, nearly every element has the ability to be both relocated and resized to the player's choice and customization. In Neverwinter, you can move them, but you only have one slider that resizes EVERY element equally on a percentage base. So I have a choice between dealing with the fact that I can't read the name of the mobs I'm fighting and having to squint or try to recognize their clothes or memorize where they are, or blowing the entire UI up to insane proportions to be able to read. Don't get me started on trying to heal since I have to try to read players names since it's targeting and not tab-lock. I play on PC, so this is not a "console problem", although I'd imagine it's a problem on consoles as well. The UI needs to be able to have all elements individually able to be resized, and whether you want to call that a QoL issue or not I can sure tell you it heavily effects my QoL playing the game. I would be immensely surprised to find out I'm the only person who feels this way.
Allow toon's to be like mounts. ie. let me equip metallic dragonborn as my core toon type but let me choose to look like a human. - I completely agree, I love my dragonborn but understand that a lot of people do not like the race as an appearance. Making 2 races the "best in slot" for min maxers making people play a racial appearance that they do not like nor enjoy feels detrimental to some peoples enjoyment of the game. Let's be honest even from an RP perspective some of the racial abilities don't quite align with the races in D&D ttrpg anyway. Having a system like the way mounts are handled would be a great quality of life for many players of the game. It could also help with sales of other race packs making them a more desirable appearance option for some people.
When switching load-outs automatically slotting enchants if in your inventory that were last equipped to your toon. I like this idea being able to have load-outs with different enchants such as a Single Target / AOE specific enchants. Expand this to cover artifact modification would be a great quality of life for players in particular healers who have very different artifact modification requirements and it can be quite time consuming to do this. Additional being able to keybind a load out switch would be great too. Having a confirmation dialogue box with the gold cost like it does for enchant switching would also make sense.
So I was surprised to see this only mentioned barely in passing in the first list, and then not really in this list, but the UI needs a serious overall. I missed the chance to post with the first list and didn't want to miss the second round.
In most MMOs, nearly every element has the ability to be both relocated and resized to the player's choice and customization. In Neverwinter, you can move them, but you only have one slider that resizes EVERY element equally on a percentage base. So I have a choice between dealing with the fact that I can't read the name of the mobs I'm fighting and having to squint or try to recognize their clothes or memorize where they are, or blowing the entire UI up to insane proportions to be able to read. Don't get me started on trying to heal since I have to try to read players names since it's targeting and not tab-lock. I play on PC, so this is not a "console problem", although I'd imagine it's a problem on consoles as well. The UI needs to be able to have all elements individually able to be resized, and whether you want to call that a QoL issue or not I can sure tell you it heavily effects my QoL playing the game. I would be immensely surprised to find out I'm the only person who feels this way.
This is such a great idea, I can't believe we haven't discussed it more!! Sliders and individual sizing of UI elements would help so many people out. Healers' marks could be clearly seen, I know a lot of people in my alliance and friends list that would love to have the ability to have a large icon visible next to the party list.
Hey folks - I'm staying more on the sidelines of the topic at hand because I'm focused on how the new CDP format is working. I agree this became a beast of a topic so I'd like to try this format with at least one more topic before making tweaks.
ETA: Thank you for comping that list @adinosii! That is extremely helpful and I was able to save it as a separate doc for internal distribution.
Thank you, @adinosii, for compiling the list. An excellent reference to use and go back to the original post if something piqued my interest. Lots of good ideas, and also some that were not so good. Here is at least three that I think would help my QoL (in no particular order or priority):
Brush up / addition / changes to dummies. As a relatively new player, it has been confusing that dummies have possibly different stats and HP in different locations. It would be nice to have a sign near them that state their stats, for example. It would be fair also to have dummies to test healing and damage mitigation. Especially now that healing had major changes. Healing dummies could be something like the casualties on the Vallenhas stronghold floor with a diabolical curse that will drain all healing cast to them. Hence, they would work about the same as damage dummies. Damage mitigation dummy could be a huge water wheel powered forge hammer that you could try to block and test different debuff combinations.
Shared RP through the bank. RP sharing would be a great idea. Especially now that insignia dust is there. Sure, you can transfer the enchantments to another toon for upgrade or move RP using gemstones for upgrading character bound artifacts. But this is QoL CDP after all.
Bigger / infinite professions bag. Bigger bag would make life easier especially if it hasn't been updated to accommodate +1 items. Other ways to fix this could be to enable sorting by resource item level. There are lower-level items in my bag I know I don't need, but it's currently pita to weed them out of the bag with alphabetical sorting. Account-wide professions bag may be difficult to justify without raising the argument that all bags should be shared account-wide.
Getting into this a bit late; tons of good suggestions. I did read over @adinosii 's list and wanted to put a few suggestions here:
Create "Apply all items to Loadout" option Today you have to do each item independently. The button could drop down to all loadouts, then give a confirmation "Are you sure you want to apply all items to *LOADOUT*?" Have Quest Tracker automatically display active quests for the zone you're in by default Quest Tracker doesn't always switch to current zone if quests are active. Would be a nice change to easily see what you're working on in the zone you're in. Create "Training" queue for Epic Dungeons/Trials Will be scaled down; meant to train groups in mechanics. Does not provide real rewards when completed. Perhaps a slider for HP/DMG% (40/60/80) so guilds can test their abilities outside of a real environment. Adding in mechanics explanations may also be viable here; on arriving at Boss show a window that covers phases/abilities. Training for a dungeon could be the last phase in unlocking, which would route all users to learn the mechanics before joining the random queues. Create "Swap Bar" with a few slots for gear so it can be more easily switched without having to open bag Being able to switch items on the fly without having to take up a Loadout slot would be very helpful in a Single Target vs AOE scenario. Create "Improved Skill Node" kit to allow for better items from skill nodes This kit would make every skill node reward relevant to character level. This would improve usefulness and interaction with skill nodes, especially in lower-level zones Remove BtC; make everything BtA Improves usefulness of items across multiple characters; encourages alt-play. May affect economy due to not needing to buy multiple copies of items. Change IL to view stats based on caps rather than raw numbers End-game stat balance can negatively impact IL in early stages. Rather than IL, something as "Stat Balance" could add a percentage to IL as stats reach cap. Multiple capped stats = higher IL. Upgrade mounts with Insignia Powder Provides a method for more toons to get Epic/Legendary mounts. Price could be fairly high, but do-able with a little dedication. Quest Item tab/Bag Create a tab or bag for Quest-related items to clear space in inventory. Option to "View Unscaled Stats" when scaled Currently you have to switch zones to view unscaled stats; a hover-over or button that shows unscaled stats would be nice. In-game GM events Have live human beings run events in certain zones for rewards. Could be Gods coming down and blessing adventurers, storytelling; the sky is the limit. NW has a great community, but involving the team in creating a more vibrant world could be something that really kicks it up to the next level. "Home" zone option during login Allow one zone to be considered "Home." During login, can either enter Home, Current Zone, and maybe a few other options (PE, Stronghold, Workshop) Add Stopwatch/Timer functionality For example, when Bel ends I could create a timer for 1 hour to alert me when Insurgency begins. This could be a hover element that either expires upon completion (putting an in-game alert on the screen) or could be repeatable. Adding the option to save these and activate at-will would be very nice as well. This could also be a list of events in a zone that can be checked to Alert when that event occurs; for example, in Valenhas, I could set a alert that displayed on-screen when an Ape spawns in my instance, or a Siege becomes available. Save Map Waypoints Create a custom list of waypoints that are highlighted on zone maps. For example, in Avernus or Chult I could mark all map locations. This could be a colored node on the map that allows me to easily select it and move my trail to it, or just a reminder via mini-map as I travel through zone. Should be labelable and perhaps even include a notes section to remind players of what they've marked and why. Apply Chat Settings across characters Would enable players to apply their chat channels/color settings to all or certain characters. Saves setup time.
I'm sure there are things I'm forgetting, but hopefully this sparks some conversation. I appreciate the time spent collecting all of these suggestions and hope we can have some major improvements in the near future.
micky1p00Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 3,594Arc User
edited August 2020
"Apply Chat Settings across characters Would enable players to apply their chat channels/color settings to all or certain characters. Saves setup time."
You can do it today. Either go to the menu->hud, on bottom right corner there is a button "Save UI", save on the char you have it set up, and same place there is also "Load UI", click that to load on the new chars.
You can also do the same in the command line by typing
/ui_save /ui_load
And you can save different settings in files, useful if you want for example a version with hidden names, or health bars, or hud locaions (it saves the entire UI setup)
/ui_save_file filename /ui_load_file filename
(writing the commands from memory, if doesn't work, PM me, and I'll verify)
Making anything, including RP, BtA has economic impacts. However this is dungeon and dragons and again, not an economic simulator. I understand people may literally want to keep the game "Free-to-play" for the 1% but the reality is that it isn't "Free-to-play". Without zen and/or some zen market items that someone has purchased, you can't really get to endgame. The economy is already in shambles on most systems as such. Thus, anything that affects the "economy" shouldn't be ignored just because it has a ripple effect. The game has already started moving to account bound legendary mounts which has economic impacts. So let's go ahead and keep the snowball rolling by making more things BtA and removing BtC.
Again, the size of the buffs/debuffs (font size) should be adjustable on console. UI would be the category it falls under so any other improvements would probably be welcomed also.
Those would be my 2 most wanted changes. The 1st would probably help the most with player retention but I'm honestly unsure if that matters to the developers/Management.
Hey folks - I'm staying more on the sidelines of the topic at hand because I'm focused on how the new CDP format is working. I agree this became a beast of a topic so I'd like to try this format with at least one more topic before making tweaks.
ETA: Thank you for comping that list @adinosii! That is extremely helpful and I was able to save it as a separate doc for internal distribution.
#1 No one in the previous pages took their time to provide details on their feedback for a sideline position. (Especially from our community manager)
#2 A discussion - the action or process of talking about something in order to reach a decision or to exchange ideas. This definition supports debate but to have a fruitful discourse, one must be very cautious about bias interjections when making points. (Especially when not following up with the one who posted the idea for more clarity on why did this person suggest this item, what experience did they have that would suggest such change...... etc.)
#3 The famous list being praised. As adinosii did a great job outlining the important points taken from the previous pages, I have to disagree that he did it tactfully as it left little to no room for very much of a "discussion". (Especially when it is about to mass produced and distributed to the devs) So, do our discussions afterwards really even matter.........)
An example of tactful outlining, Rainer's spreadsheet, graph, and very detailed log of all comments made in the previous CDP topic. (Especially when it is about to mass produced and distributed to the devs) He did not bash ideas he did not agree with in his documentation. If he did, I did not see them.
#4 Ask for Clarity on what you disagree with and do not bash someone's suggestion because they think differently. This game is A GAME! NOT A JOB, CAREER, OR OPERATION! Unlike PC, let me feel you in on FACTS for PS4. New games are dropping and a new system PS5 is on the horizon. Rumors are trending of new MMOs being ported and released in the future. Therefore, sit on the sideline if you want on Console. Games are asking for feedback INGAME NOW. LINKS to FORUMS ARE INGAME NOW. Surveys are done INGAME NOW. Was there a survey on how we were enjoying M19 INGAME? Was there a link to the post made in the forums about reporting bugs on Console made for them INGAME? Was there representation from the company to help us during the bugs, and horrible chats during M19 release? No. The straight answer is NO. A small number of Console players are even watching these forums and helping to try and diffuse the mayhem new mods are bring us.
M19 on PS4 had a record high of over 2,340 players in the new area along. However, there were No Game Reps in site. Players struggling..... No Game Rep in site. This was the player experience..... on Mod Release.... by the end of that same day that number dropped to a little over 500 players..... WHY? Bugs, Arguments over what we did not know (Garyx/Mog), the chat was so Toxic because we did not have any No Game Reps to help us. Quality of Life that!
Some Games are hitting over 340,000 VIEWS ON TWITCH during A REVEAL! Do we really need to Sit on the Sideline?
My suggestions and probably some others will be greatly misrepresented in adinosii post. Ask me why I made those suggestions? Ask others Why? or What did they experience that prompt such need for the suggested change.
Chris Whiteside suggested an Idea on stream about wanting to get to a point in the game were CAMPAIGNS can be removed, reworked, and reintroduced back into the game. THAT IS WHY I MADE my suggestion to remove the boon points and REDISTRIBUTED them to what matters for NEW PLAYERS. GET OVER IT VETS, WHY DO YOU WANT TO KEEP THE SAME THING OVER AND OVER? New players should not have to go through all those TIMEGATED CAMPAIGNS! We went through those zone when they were LIVE and players were in those areas. The state of the game now, some of those areas now are GHOST TOWNS! Quality of Life that!
So when you redistribute that list, make sure to quote me by my suggestion and not someone's bias comment on what I posted. Bad or Good suggestion, it is a feedback suggestion made out of my experience, my time and respect for watching your streams and playing Neverwinter. However, AGAIN, if this is the direction the CDP topics and forums are going. I will not make another suggestion. I am not here to argue about the validity of the economy in a virtual game. Establish Neverwinter with Great Progression Systems and a Thriving Culture. Not Constant Sales everyday! Quality of Life That!
I thank anyone who has taken the time to make a comment on this and previous CDP topics. Hopefully one day we can see the fruit of these suggestions GOOD OR BAD. @Adinosii, it was not your post that spark this fire in my response but it was the response made by our community manager who chose to sit on the sideline.
adinosiiMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,294Arc User
GOOD OR BAD. @Adinosii, it was not your post that spark this fire in my response but it was the response made by our community manager who chose to sit on the sideline.
Just to be clear...the purpose of my post was not to be an unbiased summary of the 300+ suggestions - only my opinion of them....nothing more...nothing less. I did not expect it to be distributed as such.
What I would actually have liked to see is something different...After the suggestion phase, I would have liked to see some of the devs post a message like:
"We have gone through the suggestions and here are 20 we think are realistic and doable. Please pick your favourite 3 and tell us why you like (or dislike) them so we can use your input to prioritize"
I applaud @adinosii for making the effort to go through 300+ suggestions to make a list. I have done something like that before in these CDPs and know it is a monumental task, especially when you consider not everyone used the agreed upon formatting and the fact that @adinosii is not an employee.
@adinosii stated it was opinion, but lacking any other list or feedback from the developers some CDP members have started to use that list instead of rereading the entire thread. There is no fault here , only a reinforcement of what many of us have said. We need the developers to help us narrow the topic by providing a list themselves.
The fact that Julia has decided to use this list for internal distribution is troubling because it is one members opinions of 300+ ideas not the original ideas themselves. Not only that, but many ideas were omitted from the list. @adinosii says so here: "Note that I am basically dismissing ideas that do not qualify as QoL ideas, like anything that only applies to Preview or would have a major effect on gameplay or the economy and so on (but some of those dismissed ideas are pretty good). I am also going to ignore console-only issues, as I cannot really evaluate them." I'm not trying to bash Julia, I know she is busy and doing her best in the situation we all find ourselves in. The point is that @adinosii 's list is not complete and is opinion as stated so it does not fully represent the ideas of the original authors.
I also applaud @kir4me8604#8436 for pointing out the failure of the staff in this CDP Topic. I agree with many points made by @kir4me8604#8436 and I am happy to see members from other platforms supporting the CDP even though they may not see the fruits of their feedback for many months.
Several times in this CDP posts were made asking for feedback from the developers. @nitocris83 was the only one to respond, and the response was a bit lacking. This topic is not well suited for judging how the new format and guidelines are working. Sorry Julia but this seems like an excuse not to participate to me. THIS particular topic requires input from the developers to help narrow the focus into ideas that are feasible. I have stated many times in prior CDP topics that we (CDP members) need developer input to help us refine the focus of discussion. Without that focus and feedback from the developers this entire process is a waste of time and effort on everyone's part. The C in CDP is for Collaborative. If @nitocris83 or @cwhitesidedev#9752 don't have the time to participate then we need to pause the CDP until they do. This is not a dig at Julia or Chris, I realize that things have changed and we are all operating in less than optimal working conditions. That being said I think we should pause if that is what is needed for everyone to catch up.
What @adinosii says "We have gone through the suggestions and here are 20 we think are realistic and doable. Please pick your favourite 3 and tell us why you like (or dislike) them so we can use your input to prioritize" would be the best case scenario in my opinion. Without at least this level of effort I see no point in participating in this CDP Topic.
IMO posts that do not use the format agreed upon in the CDP on CDPs should be ignored and moved. We spent weeks discussing this in its own CDP! There is no excuse for walls of text, and lack of format when presenting ideas. It makes it very hard for people to go back and review ideas when we reach phase 2, and almost impossible for anyone to condense without HOURS of work. ( @adinosii 's list could be an exception because of the nature of the post, but if it is to be taken as opinion and not a summary of the CDP then it should be formatted with spoiler tags.)
As for the CDP process in general I will still hold out hope for MOD 20 to make my final decision about participating further.
Once again, not trying to bash anyone or throw shade at the developers.
tbh I threw out things that would improve qol, but I lost any hope that we are really being listened to a number of months ago. this is just a way they can say but see we included you as they ignore everything you said and move on to their own agenda. as far as the formatting goes when you have a lot of talking points to cover doing one post per idea would make it even more unmanageable imo. the cdp for a cdp is a laugh imo. for something like this the way to go would have been to have an open spreadsheet that people can add to but not alter. with just a list of things. then they pass that list of things on to the devs and they say this is what we can do, this is what we can't do. for these over here we will keep in mind moving forward. beyond that... it can't be anything than a lost leader imo. (be very glad to be proved wrong here)
So I've gone through the ideas presented and cherry picked what ideas struck me as great QoL improvements (and maybe snuck in an idea or two of my own - shhhhh):
Crafting QoL:
Increase crafting bag space. Way too much stuff for the small amount of space give, especially if you are trying mastercrafting. Also really liked the idea of a account-wide crafting mat bag.
Allow you to upgrade normal crafting materials to +1 crafting materials – maybe a 5:1 or 10:1 ratio for upgrading.
There are many more crafting suggestions that I saw that were very good, but those should be for a crafting only CDP.
Guild/Alliance QoL:
Summoning guild mimic for VIPs
Alliance wide roster – love this idea!! Alliance-wide mail would be great too, although this would need to be restricted probably to guild leaders/possibly officers.
There were also many very good guild/stronghold/alliance ideas that really should be re-visited in a CDP directed solely for that topic.
Items/Inventory QoL:
Option to move items from inventory to char bank OR shared bank as one of the right click options – that click and drag for items to shared storage gets really buggy and quite the hassle if moving a lot of objects.
Make all items of the same stack-able – case in point Chult hunt lures.
Slider bars for all items that can be purchased in bulk – such as the scripts for onyx in the Dread Lair.
Make all vendors with multiple sale options have a “back” button or automatically go back to the last option screen instead of exiting. The Astral Exchange vendor does this really well, other vendors just close making you need to reopen the vendor completely just to see another option.
The remove protection option and the remove item options are far to close together – making it easy to click the wrong thing. Make these separated by another option. I can't tell you how many times I have unprotected my R15 Bondings just because I wanted to move them to another toon... making me need to click on it again to re-protect it.
Remove BtC items altogether. All items should be at worse BtA at drop, but preferably upon equip. A specific example as follows...
Making the UM companion gear unbound until equipped, then bound to account. As it is the RNG on that stuff is terrible, I have 10 of one type and never gotten 3 others (one of which I would have REALLY liked for stat balancing). At least if they are unbound and able to be sold/traded to other players then they may be obtainable. Alternatively make the drops be a selectable box of companion items – be it green, blue, or purple (and make ALL the gear available in that box – unlike the recent freebie one which did not have the one item I most wanted)
Have more things be account-wide: reroll tokens, RP, AD, RaD, most currencies (seriously, how often are most of these used by the end-level toon doing legacy campaigns? At least let them be used if we level an alt.)
Misc QoL ideas:
Make it so you can have any companion appearance regardless of what one you have active – like mounts are now. Make another box for active companion skill and let us chose whatever skin we want. In addition, make it so that companions can be unbound from a character (but still bound to account). There are many reasons a player may want to change to a different class for their main, please allow us to use the companions we spend a lot of time upgrading even if we swap main toons!
Ability to move players in trial queue to make groups sensible regardless of when added to queue group (tank, heals, 2 dps) – OR have the game automatically shuffle us.
Make swapping enchants easier – more like swapping gear and less clicky (yes it can still take gold, just make it less clicky). To be more clear, allow us to be able to right click on an equipped enchant and have a drop down appear that lists the other enchants we have in our inventory. Changing to a new one will still cost gold, but the whole process is less clicking (and have the pop-up that says that this will cost gold, be able to be disabled).
The suggestion of having character skins not necessarily be the underlying race. I love the look of my half-elf, but I would love the buffs of that metallic dragonborn. But dragonborns IMO look terrible and do not look good in most outfits...
Make collections mean something or remove them. At this time there is no real point to bother as you get nothing displayable for completing one. I like the ideas of a transmute item, title, or maybe even a cosmetic pet?
Make sounds turn-offable. One example is the noises of certain companions. This is a function that was put into place in another game I played and it's great! There is a filter tab under options. Under that is an option that will list all the sounds you are hearing, and you can slide those to either character or account muting. To reverse this you just go back into the filter tab and slide it back over. They actually allow you to filter loot and quests too, but my main focus here for NW is sounds.
Auto-delete Auction House mail once you detach the item(s). There is no reason at all for this mail to hang around waiting for the player to actively click on yet more things just to delete it. I have seen this function in other games and I loved it.
Have the Zen/AD exchange button highlight when a sale/purchase has gone through. This way I'm not compulsively checking the exchange to see if I might have some currency to use.
>Phase 2: Discussions (not arguments!) of proposed ideas from Phase 1
Account-wide sharing of crafting materials: how to implement?
Perhaps a "locker" in the Workshop. Hopefully on the main floor. Needs enough space for at least 50% of all available crafted/gathered (normal and +1) materials. Includes resources from Explorer's Maps. Does not include "final" items that go to inventory when crafted.
1st time commenter here and I’m sorry if I’m late in doing so but I feel this should get a mention. I feel that time gates on mods predating say... mod 16 should be removed. I believe this will greatly improve the new player experience buy allowing them to “catch up” to the current content much faster thus closing the gap between newer and veteran players. It would also make it much easier for players new and old to run alts... viable ones and to be honest I don’t really see a downside to that.
Today I realized that only 1 character gets the Daily Random Queue bonus; I think it a QoL improvement to have all characters capable of receiving this bonus. We are already locked to 100k RAD>AD every day per account, why restrict the amount of RAD I am able to get? If I were capable of making my Daily Random Queue bonus on multiple characters, it would inspire me to queue more and using different roles.
Improves: RAD intake, Queue Variety Downside: More RAD overall
I am probably late to add my suggestion(Missed phase 1. )
But I think it's till worth to mention.
Add in game wiki like page/documentation, how powers/items/mechanic should behave.
There is not good when there is no place to look for information about how powers/items/mechanics should behave, Also there is nothing worse than playerbase whos flooding support services with tickets, that x power/item work wrongly due confusing tooltip.
For bigger part of community whos are veteran players, it's no big deal to find information. But for new players is pain in certain body part.
Also there is no point to expand tooltips for each item/power/ etc. Let them have basic ones, while more detailed ones offload to in game wiki. There you could write explanation/details in any lengh you prefere.
There are weapon enchantments who reducing stats to enemies. Though there is no clarification how it should behave if there are multiple same type enchantments in group, either same or different rank.
Also lets take latest soulweaver changes and it's new shielding abilities. Current version override previously applied shield( paladins shield included). For new player there is no information that it should or should not work in this way..
We need to know how powers/mechanics/items should behave in first place, and then report if it work in other way.
======================================================================== “The masses have never thirsted after truth. Whoever can supply them with illusions is easily their master; whoever attempts to destroy their illusions is always their victim. Gustave Le Bon. ==================================================
plasticbatMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 12,513Arc User
>Phase 2: Discussions (not arguments!) of proposed ideas from Phase 1
Account-wide sharing of crafting materials: how to implement?
Perhaps a "locker" in the Workshop. Hopefully on the main floor. Needs enough space for at least 50% of all available crafted/gathered (normal and +1) materials. Includes resources from Explorer's Maps. Does not include "final" items that go to inventory when crafted.
FYI, Julie herself suggested this "locker" idea (the term she used was "work shelf") right after Workshop was first introduced. So, it is not something dev does not know. It is something they knew well.
*** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
"If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
Make new guilds just as important as level 20 guilds. The game is no longer as popular as it once was. Keeping players is a rotating door now the average. Once players see how end game really is, not many stick around. The grind is intense for to many players. Ranking up guilds is no longer as easy due to the lack of player base staying in newer guilds as they only care about the boons of rank 20 guilds. Sadly many rank 20 guilds tend not to care about these lower player groups and ignore them to fend for themselves as they already created their own cliques to run end game content. I know this, as I been told this story so many times. Think about making the guilds easier to build up due to the rotating door of in and out players. In short, the player base is not there to support the efforts needed for the old guild systems we have now, change this please. If done right this could give an incentive for newer players to join up together, form a guild of their own and grow together.
Create more healing options for healers. The tab mechanic is clunky and boring. Please add other neat abilities to each healing class tree to help them feel more unique. Spells such as revive (without sickeness), a totem that damages enemies while healing allies or just heals while standing near it, or even tanky temp toughness for a few seconds. Something to think about maybe when making each healing class interesting.
Description and Goal: reward Mastercrafters various perks or boons
-removal of enchants costs no gold -increased professions material storage -increased professions materials from adventuring -upgrade/educate/train crafters to higher tiers -various other possibilities
Area of Impact: crafting, Mastercrafting, overall economy
ease of storage
pros vip will 100% be a must for master crafters
no cons
ease of use
pros helps small guilds not miss out on time gated currency for guild
cons none
Phase 2: Discussions (not arguments!) of proposed ideas from Phase 1
Character transmog loadouts.
Going to see the King? Click, I am in my Finery. Land in FBI? Click, I am wearing my winter Woolies. Moonstone Mask? Where did I put my Fools costume?For my own benefit I'm just going to
manglecondense down to the ones I really like/the ones that affect me and the order that I would prioritize:1) Get rid of all BtC items (especially if BtA versions already exist). This includes making things like companions, mounts, reroll tokens, refinement points, keys, collections, currencies and the like accessible by all the characters on one account.
2) All guilds in an alliance should get equal discounts and it should be made easier to level up a stronghold. Remember, Strongholds was Module 7 in 2015. We are currently in Module 19.
3) When a player hovers over their own stats, please indicate how it would rate in the zone they are currently in. For example if I go to Sharandar my defense score could rank as "Very Good" and if I then went to Avernus the same score would rank as "Terrible". This would at least give an indication of what players should work towards. If you want to be more precise with suggested numbers displayed beside the ranking all the better.
4) Epic HE's in all zones should follow the example of the dragon encounters in the Tyranny of Dragons campaign. Either they appear without fail at a set time like in the Well of Dragons or there is a timer indicating how long before one appears, like in Icespire Peak, Neverdeath, etc.
5) A specific bag for quest items already exists (as a tab) but there are still many quest related things that don't go in there. See majority of the quests in Dread Ring or SKT for example: please rectify these. Perhaps hunt related gear could slot in here as well, provided they are still tradable. Hunt stuff should also be sellable on the AH.
Obviously I don't craft or RP with costumes, but if you think I should change the order of what I put here feel free to try change my mind... otherwise I already know what my top three are going to be.
. Example:
/bind F1 gensendMessage Vipaction_Overworldmapteleport activate
/bind F2 gensendMessage Vipaction_Mailbox activate
/bind F3 gensendMessage Vipaction_Bankvendor activate
/bind F4 gensendMessage Vipaction_Professionvendor activate
/bind F5 gensendMessage Vipaction_Moonstonemaskteleport activate
You can change the "F1" to any keystroke, or string, you like.
In most MMOs, nearly every element has the ability to be both relocated and resized to the player's choice and customization. In Neverwinter, you can move them, but you only have one slider that resizes EVERY element equally on a percentage base. So I have a choice between dealing with the fact that I can't read the name of the mobs I'm fighting and having to squint or try to recognize their clothes or memorize where they are, or blowing the entire UI up to insane proportions to be able to read. Don't get me started on trying to heal since I have to try to read players names since it's targeting and not tab-lock. I play on PC, so this is not a "console problem", although I'd imagine it's a problem on consoles as well. The UI needs to be able to have all elements individually able to be resized, and whether you want to call that a QoL issue or not I can sure tell you it heavily effects my QoL playing the game. I would be immensely surprised to find out I'm the only person who feels this way.
I used your list to summarize issues I support and would love to see discussed as a priority
My number one favorite suggestion -- rp shared with the bank. Happens with other character/account currencies I don't see how there could be any harm in this suggestion only a big benefit
I also like @Kiitiekat's suggestion this would make such a big difference and agree this is taken for granted in other games where this is possible it is hard to believe this isn't something already implemented in Neverwinter, to further expand and being able to break out specific buffs would also be a great addition
Allow toon's to be like mounts. ie. let me equip metallic dragonborn as my core toon type but let me choose to look like a human.
- I completely agree, I love my dragonborn but understand that a lot of people do not like the race as an appearance.
Making 2 races the "best in slot" for min maxers making people play a racial appearance that they do not like nor enjoy feels detrimental to some peoples enjoyment of the game. Let's be honest even from an RP perspective some of the racial abilities don't quite align with the races in D&D ttrpg anyway. Having a system like the way mounts are handled would be a great quality of life for many players of the game. It could also help with sales of other race packs making them a more desirable appearance option for some people.
When switching load-outs automatically slotting enchants if in your inventory that were last equipped to your toon. I like this idea being able to have load-outs with different enchants such as a Single Target / AOE specific enchants. Expand this to cover artifact modification would be a great quality of life for players in particular healers who have very different artifact modification requirements and it can be quite time consuming to do this. Additional being able to keybind a load out switch would be great too. Having a confirmation dialogue box with the gold cost like it does for enchant switching would also make sense.
ETA: Thank you for comping that list @adinosii! That is extremely helpful and I was able to save it as a separate doc for internal distribution.
Here is at least three that I think would help my QoL (in no particular order or priority):
Create "Apply all items to Loadout" option
Today you have to do each item independently. The button could drop down to all loadouts, then give a confirmation "Are you sure you want to apply all items to *LOADOUT*?"
Have Quest Tracker automatically display active quests for the zone you're in by default
Quest Tracker doesn't always switch to current zone if quests are active. Would be a nice change to easily see what you're working on in the zone you're in.
Create "Training" queue for Epic Dungeons/Trials
Will be scaled down; meant to train groups in mechanics. Does not provide real rewards when completed. Perhaps a slider for HP/DMG% (40/60/80) so guilds can test their abilities outside of a real environment. Adding in mechanics explanations may also be viable here; on arriving at Boss show a window that covers phases/abilities. Training for a dungeon could be the last phase in unlocking, which would route all users to learn the mechanics before joining the random queues.
Create "Swap Bar" with a few slots for gear so it can be more easily switched without having to open bag
Being able to switch items on the fly without having to take up a Loadout slot would be very helpful in a Single Target vs AOE scenario.
Create "Improved Skill Node" kit to allow for better items from skill nodes
This kit would make every skill node reward relevant to character level. This would improve usefulness and interaction with skill nodes, especially in lower-level zones
Remove BtC; make everything BtA
Improves usefulness of items across multiple characters; encourages alt-play. May affect economy due to not needing to buy multiple copies of items.
Change IL to view stats based on caps rather than raw numbers
End-game stat balance can negatively impact IL in early stages. Rather than IL, something as "Stat Balance" could add a percentage to IL as stats reach cap. Multiple capped stats = higher IL.
Upgrade mounts with Insignia Powder
Provides a method for more toons to get Epic/Legendary mounts. Price could be fairly high, but do-able with a little dedication.
Quest Item tab/Bag
Create a tab or bag for Quest-related items to clear space in inventory.
Option to "View Unscaled Stats" when scaled
Currently you have to switch zones to view unscaled stats; a hover-over or button that shows unscaled stats would be nice.
In-game GM events
Have live human beings run events in certain zones for rewards. Could be Gods coming down and blessing adventurers, storytelling; the sky is the limit. NW has a great community, but involving the team in creating a more vibrant world could be something that really kicks it up to the next level.
"Home" zone option during login
Allow one zone to be considered "Home." During login, can either enter Home, Current Zone, and maybe a few other options (PE, Stronghold, Workshop)
Add Stopwatch/Timer functionality
For example, when Bel ends I could create a timer for 1 hour to alert me when Insurgency begins. This could be a hover element that either expires upon completion (putting an in-game alert on the screen) or could be repeatable. Adding the option to save these and activate at-will would be very nice as well.
This could also be a list of events in a zone that can be checked to Alert when that event occurs; for example, in Valenhas, I could set a alert that displayed on-screen when an Ape spawns in my instance, or a Siege becomes available.
Save Map Waypoints
Create a custom list of waypoints that are highlighted on zone maps. For example, in Avernus or Chult I could mark all map locations. This could be a colored node on the map that allows me to easily select it and move my trail to it, or just a reminder via mini-map as I travel through zone. Should be labelable and perhaps even include a notes section to remind players of what they've marked and why.
Apply Chat Settings across characters
Would enable players to apply their chat channels/color settings to all or certain characters. Saves setup time.
I'm sure there are things I'm forgetting, but hopefully this sparks some conversation. I appreciate the time spent collecting all of these suggestions and hope we can have some major improvements in the near future.
Would enable players to apply their chat channels/color settings to all or certain characters. Saves setup time."
You can do it today. Either go to the menu->hud, on bottom right corner there is a button "Save UI", save on the char you have it set up, and same place there is also "Load UI", click that to load on the new chars.
You can also do the same in the command line by typing
And you can save different settings in files, useful if you want for example a version with hidden names, or health bars, or hud locaions (it saves the entire UI setup)
/ui_save_file filename
/ui_load_file filename
(writing the commands from memory, if doesn't work, PM me, and I'll verify)
Again, the size of the buffs/debuffs (font size) should be adjustable on console. UI would be the category it falls under so any other improvements would probably be welcomed also.
Those would be my 2 most wanted changes. The 1st would probably help the most with player retention but I'm honestly unsure if that matters to the developers/Management.
@nitocris83 quoted:
ETA: Thank you for comping that list @adinosii! That is extremely helpful and I was able to save it as a separate doc for internal distribution.
#1 No one in the previous pages took their time to provide details on their feedback for a sideline position. (Especially from our community manager)
#2 A discussion - the action or process of talking about something in order to reach a decision or to exchange ideas. This definition supports debate but to have a fruitful discourse, one must be very cautious about bias interjections when making points. (Especially when not following up with the one who posted the idea for more clarity on why did this person suggest this item, what experience did they have that would suggest such change...... etc.)
#3 The famous list being praised. As adinosii did a great job outlining the important points taken from the previous pages, I have to disagree that he did it tactfully as it left little to no room for very much of a "discussion". (Especially when it is about to mass produced and distributed to the devs) So, do our discussions afterwards really even matter.........)
An example of tactful outlining, Rainer's spreadsheet, graph, and very detailed log of all comments made in the previous CDP topic. (Especially when it is about to mass produced and distributed to the devs) He did not bash ideas he did not agree with in his documentation. If he did, I did not see them.
#4 Ask for Clarity on what you disagree with and do not bash someone's suggestion because they think differently. This game is A GAME! NOT A JOB, CAREER, OR OPERATION! Unlike PC, let me feel you in on FACTS for PS4. New games are dropping and a new system PS5 is on the horizon. Rumors are trending of new MMOs being ported and released in the future. Therefore, sit on the sideline if you want on Console. Games are asking for feedback INGAME NOW. LINKS to FORUMS ARE INGAME NOW. Surveys are done INGAME NOW. Was there a survey on how we were enjoying M19 INGAME? Was there a link to the post made in the forums about reporting bugs on Console made for them INGAME? Was there representation from the company to help us during the bugs, and horrible chats during M19 release? No. The straight answer is NO. A small number of Console players are even watching these forums and helping to try and diffuse the mayhem new mods are bring us.
M19 on PS4 had a record high of over 2,340 players in the new area along. However, there were No Game Reps in site. Players struggling..... No Game Rep in site. This was the player experience..... on Mod Release.... by the end of that same day that number dropped to a little over 500 players..... WHY? Bugs, Arguments over what we did not know (Garyx/Mog), the chat was so Toxic because we did not have any No Game Reps to help us. Quality of Life that!
Some Games are hitting over 340,000 VIEWS ON TWITCH during A REVEAL! Do we really need to Sit on the Sideline?
My suggestions and probably some others will be greatly misrepresented in adinosii post. Ask me why I made those suggestions? Ask others Why? or What did they experience that prompt such need for the suggested change.
Chris Whiteside suggested an Idea on stream about wanting to get to a point in the game were CAMPAIGNS can be removed, reworked, and reintroduced back into the game. THAT IS WHY I MADE my suggestion to remove the boon points and REDISTRIBUTED them to what matters for NEW PLAYERS. GET OVER IT VETS, WHY DO YOU WANT TO KEEP THE SAME THING OVER AND OVER? New players should not have to go through all those TIMEGATED CAMPAIGNS! We went through those zone when they were LIVE and players were in those areas. The state of the game now, some of those areas now are GHOST TOWNS! Quality of Life that!
So when you redistribute that list, make sure to quote me by my suggestion and not someone's bias comment on what I posted. Bad or Good suggestion, it is a feedback suggestion made out of my experience, my time and respect for watching your streams and playing Neverwinter. However, AGAIN, if this is the direction the CDP topics and forums are going. I will not make another suggestion. I am not here to argue about the validity of the economy in a virtual game. Establish Neverwinter with Great Progression Systems and a Thriving Culture. Not Constant Sales everyday! Quality of Life That!
I thank anyone who has taken the time to make a comment on this and previous CDP topics. Hopefully one day we can see the fruit of these suggestions GOOD OR BAD. @Adinosii, it was not your post that spark this fire in my response but it was the response made by our community manager who chose to sit on the sideline.
What I would actually have liked to see is something different...After the suggestion phase, I would have liked to see some of the devs post a message like:
"We have gone through the suggestions and here are 20 we think are realistic and doable. Please pick your favourite 3 and tell us why you like (or dislike) them so we can use your input to prioritize"
@adinosii stated it was opinion, but lacking any other list or feedback from the developers some CDP members have started to use that list instead of rereading the entire thread. There is no fault here , only a reinforcement of what many of us have said. We need the developers to help us narrow the topic by providing a list themselves.
The fact that Julia has decided to use this list for internal distribution is troubling because it is one members opinions of 300+ ideas not the original ideas themselves. Not only that, but many ideas were omitted from the list. @adinosii says so here: "Note that I am basically dismissing ideas that do not qualify as QoL ideas, like anything that only applies to Preview or would have a major effect on gameplay or the economy and so on (but some of those dismissed ideas are pretty good). I am also going to ignore console-only issues, as I cannot really evaluate them."
I'm not trying to bash Julia, I know she is busy and doing her best in the situation we all find ourselves in. The point is that @adinosii 's list is not complete and is opinion as stated so it does not fully represent the ideas of the original authors.
I also applaud @kir4me8604#8436 for pointing out the failure of the staff in this CDP Topic. I agree with many points made by @kir4me8604#8436 and I am happy to see members from other platforms supporting the CDP even though they may not see the fruits of their feedback for many months.
Several times in this CDP posts were made asking for feedback from the developers. @nitocris83 was the only one to respond, and the response was a bit lacking. This topic is not well suited for judging how the new format and guidelines are working. Sorry Julia but this seems like an excuse not to participate to me. THIS particular topic requires input from the developers to help narrow the focus into ideas that are feasible. I have stated many times in prior CDP topics that we (CDP members) need developer input to help us refine the focus of discussion. Without that focus and feedback from the developers this entire process is a waste of time and effort on everyone's part. The C in CDP is for Collaborative. If @nitocris83 or @cwhitesidedev#9752 don't have the time to participate then we need to pause the CDP until they do. This is not a dig at Julia or Chris, I realize that things have changed and we are all operating in less than optimal working conditions. That being said I think we should pause if that is what is needed for everyone to catch up.
What @adinosii says "We have gone through the suggestions and here are 20 we think are realistic and doable. Please pick your favourite 3 and tell us why you like (or dislike) them so we can use your input to prioritize" would be the best case scenario in my opinion. Without at least this level of effort I see no point in participating in this CDP Topic.
IMO posts that do not use the format agreed upon in the CDP on CDPs should be ignored and moved. We spent weeks discussing this in its own CDP! There is no excuse for walls of text, and lack of format when presenting ideas. It makes it very hard for people to go back and review ideas when we reach phase 2, and almost impossible for anyone to condense without HOURS of work. ( @adinosii 's list could be an exception because of the nature of the post, but if it is to be taken as opinion and not a summary of the CDP then it should be formatted with spoiler tags.)
As for the CDP process in general I will still hold out hope for MOD 20 to make my final decision about participating further.
Once again, not trying to bash anyone or throw shade at the developers.
Crafting QoL:
Increase crafting bag space. Way too much stuff for the small amount of space give, especially if you are trying mastercrafting. Also really liked the idea of a account-wide crafting mat bag.
Allow you to upgrade normal crafting materials to +1 crafting materials – maybe a 5:1 or 10:1 ratio for upgrading.
There are many more crafting suggestions that I saw that were very good, but those should be for a crafting only CDP.
Guild/Alliance QoL:
Summoning guild mimic for VIPs
Alliance wide roster – love this idea!! Alliance-wide mail would be great too, although this would need to be restricted probably to guild leaders/possibly officers.
There were also many very good guild/stronghold/alliance ideas that really should be re-visited in a CDP directed solely for that topic.
Items/Inventory QoL:
Option to move items from inventory to char bank OR shared bank as one of the right click options – that click and drag for items to shared storage gets really buggy and quite the hassle if moving a lot of objects.
Make all items of the same stack-able – case in point Chult hunt lures.
Slider bars for all items that can be purchased in bulk – such as the scripts for onyx in the Dread Lair.
Make all vendors with multiple sale options have a “back” button or automatically go back to the last option screen instead of exiting. The Astral Exchange vendor does this really well, other vendors just close making you need to reopen the vendor completely just to see another option.
The remove protection option and the remove item options are far to close together – making it easy to click the wrong thing. Make these separated by another option. I can't tell you how many times I have unprotected my R15 Bondings just because I wanted to move them to another toon... making me need to click on it again to re-protect it.
Remove BtC items altogether. All items should be at worse BtA at drop, but preferably upon equip. A specific example as follows...
Making the UM companion gear unbound until equipped, then bound to account. As it is the RNG on that stuff is terrible, I have 10 of one type and never gotten 3 others (one of which I would have REALLY liked for stat balancing). At least if they are unbound and able to be sold/traded to other players then they may be obtainable. Alternatively make the drops be a selectable box of companion items – be it green, blue, or purple (and make ALL the gear available in that box – unlike the recent freebie one which did not have the one item I most wanted)
Have more things be account-wide: reroll tokens, RP, AD, RaD, most currencies (seriously, how often are most of these used by the end-level toon doing legacy campaigns? At least let them be used if we level an alt.)
Misc QoL ideas:
Make it so you can have any companion appearance regardless of what one you have active – like mounts are now. Make another box for active companion skill and let us chose whatever skin we want. In addition, make it so that companions can be unbound from a character (but still bound to account). There are many reasons a player may want to change to a different class for their main, please allow us to use the companions we spend a lot of time upgrading even if we swap main toons!
Ability to move players in trial queue to make groups sensible regardless of when added to queue group (tank, heals, 2 dps) – OR have the game automatically shuffle us.
Make swapping enchants easier – more like swapping gear and less clicky (yes it can still take gold, just make it less clicky). To be more clear, allow us to be able to right click on an equipped enchant and have a drop down appear that lists the other enchants we have in our inventory. Changing to a new one will still cost gold, but the whole process is less clicking (and have the pop-up that says that this will cost gold, be able to be disabled).
The suggestion of having character skins not necessarily be the underlying race. I love the look of my half-elf, but I would love the buffs of that metallic dragonborn. But dragonborns IMO look terrible and do not look good in most outfits...
Make collections mean something or remove them. At this time there is no real point to bother as you get nothing displayable for completing one. I like the ideas of a transmute item, title, or maybe even a cosmetic pet?
Make sounds turn-offable. One example is the noises of certain companions. This is a function that was put into place in another game I played and it's great! There is a filter tab under options. Under that is an option that will list all the sounds you are hearing, and you can slide those to either character or account muting. To reverse this you just go back into the filter tab and slide it back over. They actually allow you to filter loot and quests too, but my main focus here for NW is sounds.
Auto-delete Auction House mail once you detach the item(s). There is no reason at all for this mail to hang around waiting for the player to actively click on yet more things just to delete it. I have seen this function in other games and I loved it.
Have the Zen/AD exchange button highlight when a sale/purchase has gone through. This way I'm not compulsively checking the exchange to see if I might have some currency to use.
Account-wide sharing of crafting materials: how to implement?
Perhaps a "locker" in the Workshop. Hopefully on the main floor. Needs enough space for at least 50% of all available crafted/gathered (normal and +1) materials. Includes resources from Explorer's Maps. Does not include "final" items that go to inventory when crafted.
I feel that time gates on mods predating say... mod 16 should be removed. I believe this will greatly improve the new player experience buy allowing them to “catch up” to the current content much faster thus closing the gap between newer and veteran players. It would also make it much easier for players new and old to run alts... viable ones and to be honest I don’t really see a downside to that.
Improves: RAD intake, Queue Variety
Downside: More RAD overall
I know it's a lot of work to start out but it definitely will move this forward so people stop posting new ideas... like myself.
Just saying.
But I think it's till worth to mention.
Add in game wiki like page/documentation, how powers/items/mechanic should behave.
There is not good when there is no place to look for information about how powers/items/mechanics should behave, Also there is nothing worse than playerbase whos flooding support services with tickets, that x power/item work wrongly due confusing tooltip.
For bigger part of community whos are veteran players, it's no big deal to find information. But for new players is pain in certain body part.
Also there is no point to expand tooltips for each item/power/ etc.
Let them have basic ones, while more detailed ones offload to in game wiki. There you could write explanation/details in any lengh you prefere.
There are weapon enchantments who reducing stats to enemies. Though there is no clarification how it should behave if there are multiple same type enchantments in group, either same or different rank.
Also lets take latest soulweaver changes and it's new shielding abilities. Current version override previously applied shield( paladins shield included). For new player there is no information that it should or should not work in this way..
We need to know how powers/mechanics/items should behave in first place, and then report if it work in other way.
“The masses have never thirsted after truth. Whoever can supply them with illusions is easily their master; whoever attempts to destroy their illusions is always their victim.
Gustave Le Bon.
-removal of enchants costs no gold
-increased professions material storage
-increased professions materials from adventuring
-upgrade/educate/train crafters to higher tiers
-various other possibilities
Area of Impact: crafting, Mastercrafting, overall economy
Risks & Concerns: None I'm aware of