Idle timeout is marking away from keyboard after 5 minutes, down from 10 minutes.
This may not be a bug, upon further testing, it seems there are 2 warnings. First @ 5 mins idle, second @ 10 mins idle, then DC at 15 mins. I don't remember seeing 2 warnings prior to today.
Acquisitions Incorporated: Players can now create tokens (Bind to Account) to give alternate characters discounted progress in this campaign.
That just does not work. I mean you can create the token that works fine but i can not use it on twink because campain already finished (???) i did it anyway now its gone without any discounted progress
P.S.: I also created and support ticket regarding that issue if that is easier to track for you
EDIT: Oh on other twinks created last year it seems functional (not finished campain) this issue seems to be only on my last twink created last year from recruiting event
I have uninstalled and reinstalled Neverwinter from ARC and STEAM multiple times in the last several hours. Run elevated commands to see if I have any conflicting programs running - with no issue on my end. I have cleared cache files, restarted my computer, and the same problem occurs:
The Neverwinter launcher, regardless if launched from ARC or Steam (in and out of admin mode) will not patch. The launcher simply stops responding. Is this a widely experienced problem? Am I doing something wrong? Is this a known issue with a simple fix?
any idea when the game will be back up? cannot get past character selection menu before it crashes
I get exactly the same problem. I tried several times now in the last 8 hours but I always crash and get the message "GameClient.exe has stopped working" This means, I cannot log in this day, I will loose my daily VIP bonuses, and I'm less and less interested in the Craptyc game
And you even have the courage to strike through your own comment on the fact that after the patch the Client is messed up! Well done!
Random Trial Queue does not give seals of the fallen on first run (it gives seals of the deep when I got into demo), but Random Epic Dungeon Queue gives seals of the fallen of the first run.
I also have problem with AI patronage token that does not reduce cost of tasks on alts.
And again, after patch cannot log in... "Unable to authenticate: Connection to the account server timed out" is it going to be a new tradition, not to be able to log in to some players after patch?
Why is not possible to enter to the game? The server is green, there is no information about maintenance, and I can see only: "Unable to authenticate: Connection to the account server timed out". WHY?
The game has just been made a maintenance and now I have an expired connection problem, I can't enter the game just ridiculous. solve this once and for all, after all it is having a lot of maintenance and not solving the problems and bugs.
I'm getting a lot of choppiness (framerate loss I think) when inspecting someone in another zone. Ex. When inspecting a guildmate who is in a different instance, the whole UI slows down considerably, as if too much information or a conflict in programming. This does not happen when inspecting people who are in the same instance. Started after 18 went live.
Why do I have to log out, log in, chat for a few minutes and get kicked from the chat server again? Without communications, I will have to postpone my weekend contest to next month! I know better than to host an event on Superbowl Sunday. I will remain optimistic that the chat server is a priority and will be repaired by Friday.
Meanwhile I need to know if there is anything I can do on my end to help correct this error?
Not sure if that was mentioned, but since the new mod dropped whenever I try to inspect someone game freeze for like 2 seconds only to drop my FPS to 3 (down from ~30) until I close inspection window. Inspecting ppl from friendlist also make that problem happen. Didn't change graphic settings, they are the same as they were before. One thing that could be helpful is when doing LoMM in REDQ today, I could inspect ppl in my party without FPS drop.
Nightmare wizardry wizard feat has a weird behavior when it triggers the buff doesn't apply, but it does when it isn't procced, so there isn't a way to test the number of times it occurs, which apparently is minimal. Does it have an internal CD?
I'm reporting this based on hearsay comments in alliance voice chat, I have not personally been in the new Mod area ...
1) Several users have reported frustration when doing HEs that require the killing of 12 enemies of a certain type (Fiends I think). It seems only 11 spawn, then the HE ends.
2) Several alliance players have formed parties to help each other explore and do quests in the new mod area. When they go to the same group of quest givers on the same instance and take all quests available at the same time, they discover that they do not have the same quests. This is their first time in an area, so they have not done any of the quests before. The frustration is centered around the fact that they are playing an MMO which is suppose to encourage teaming and group play ... yet they cannot get the same list of tasks so all participants benefit from the activity. I believe the players last night were Cleric and Rogue class.
As a wizard, my shield power doesn't stay on any longer. It doesn't show the special effects for the shield, either. Has anyone else found this to be a problem?
plasticbatMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 12,516Arc User
As a wizard, my shield power doesn't stay on any longer. It doesn't show the special effects for the shield, either. Has anyone else found this to be a problem?
I think the patch says wizard gets a blue bar for shield.
*** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
"If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
Clingy Leather Coat stuns (doesn't pull) for 5 seconds in PvP. For PvP only, stun duration has to be significantly reduced, or at least the icd needs to be significantly incrased.
Maybe someone has seen this problem too: the first time a player runs Skirmish RQ, it gives 60 seals of the deep and the Dungeon RQ gives 45. Right?
BUT... if I complete -for example- the Skirmish RQ the first time, I can obtain those 60 seals of the deep but inmediately the Dungeon RQ reward says it gives 15 seals of the deep and NOT 45... but I have NOT run that yet.
If I complete the Dungeon RQ the first time -and I do it before runing the Skirmish RQ- I obtain 45 seals of the deep but the reward for the Skirmish RQ is then 20 seals of the deep (It should be 60). Should this work this way? I don't think so...
PS: English is not my native language, but I hope to make myself clear.
This has been reported in the normal Bug forum, I add it here for reference
"All character-bound bags from the Zen Market in players' inventories have been converted to account-bound instead."
The statement implies that it would only affect bags that were bound/equipped to the player/character prior to the mod release. When it was implemented, it also converted the *unbound* bags (the ones that could be sold on the AH or traded to other players (prizes) or accounts) to Account Bound
***and change them from unequipped to equipped***
If this was not the intention (!), could you please revert the bags that were not equipped (yet) to their unequipped/tradable state? I have no problem with changing the binding once equipped, but forcing the equipped state was a bit surprising (re:unfair).
Note: Text revised to differentiate between the term 'bound' and 'equipped'
This may not be a bug, upon further testing, it seems there are 2 warnings. First @ 5 mins idle, second @ 10 mins idle, then DC at 15 mins. I don't remember seeing 2 warnings prior to today.
That just does not work. I mean you can create the token that works fine but i can not use it on twink because campain already finished (???) i did it anyway now its gone without any discounted progress
P.S.: I also created and support ticket regarding that issue if that is easier to track for you
EDIT: Oh on other twinks created last year it seems functional (not finished campain) this issue seems to be only on my last twink created last year from recruiting event
And filing a bug report crashed the client.
Children of the Fey (RELEASED) - NW-DKSSAPFPF
Buried Under Blacklake (WIP) - NW-DEDV2PAEP
The Redcap Rebels (WIP) - NW-DO23AFHFH
My Foundry playthrough channel:
I have uninstalled and reinstalled Neverwinter from ARC and STEAM multiple times in the last several hours. Run elevated commands to see if I have any conflicting programs running - with no issue on my end. I have cleared cache files, restarted my computer, and the same problem occurs:
The Neverwinter launcher, regardless if launched from ARC or Steam (in and out of admin mode) will not patch. The launcher simply stops responding. Is this a widely experienced problem? Am I doing something wrong? Is this a known issue with a simple fix?
This means, I cannot log in this day, I will loose my daily VIP bonuses, and I'm less and less interested in the Craptyc game
And you even have the courage to strike through your own comment on the fact that after the patch the Client is messed up! Well done!
I also have problem with AI patronage token that does not reduce cost of tasks on alts.
Guild Leader
Neverwinter SOLO Alliance
This is my biggest issue at present.
Why do I have to log out, log in, chat for a few minutes and get kicked from the chat server again? Without communications, I will have to postpone my weekend contest to next month! I know better than to host an event on Superbowl Sunday. I will remain optimistic that the chat server is a priority and will be repaired by Friday.
Meanwhile I need to know if there is anything I can do on my end to help correct this error?
One thing that could be helpful is when doing LoMM in REDQ today, I could inspect ppl in my party without FPS drop.
1) Several users have reported frustration when doing HEs that require the killing of 12 enemies of a certain type (Fiends I think). It seems only 11 spawn, then the HE ends.
2) Several alliance players have formed parties to help each other explore and do quests in the new mod area. When they go to the same group of quest givers on the same instance and take all quests available at the same time, they discover that they do not have the same quests. This is their first time in an area, so they have not done any of the quests before. The frustration is centered around the fact that they are playing an MMO which is suppose to encourage teaming and group play ... yet they cannot get the same list of tasks so all participants benefit from the activity. I believe the players last night were Cleric and Rogue class.
It also prevents bag sorting.
A little help would be helpful.
p.s. - "at all, is it playable"
BUT... if I complete -for example- the Skirmish RQ the first time, I can obtain those 60 seals of the deep but inmediately the Dungeon RQ reward says it gives 15 seals of the deep and NOT 45... but I have NOT run that yet.
If I complete the Dungeon RQ the first time -and I do it before runing the Skirmish RQ- I obtain 45 seals of the deep but the reward for the Skirmish RQ is then 20 seals of the deep (It should be 60). Should this work this way? I don't think so...
PS: English is not my native language, but I hope to make myself clear.
"All character-bound bags from the Zen Market in players' inventories have been converted to account-bound instead."
The statement implies that it would only affect bags that were bound/equipped to the player/character prior to the mod release. When it was implemented, it also converted the *unbound* bags (the ones that could be sold on the AH or traded to other players (prizes) or accounts) to Account Bound
***and change them from unequipped to equipped***
.If this was not the intention (!), could you please revert the bags that were not equipped (yet) to their unequipped/tradable state? I have no problem with changing the binding once equipped, but forcing the equipped state was a bit surprising (re:unfair).
Note: Text revised to differentiate between the term 'bound' and 'equipped'