Yeah, see the thing is, 50/50 chances are still RNG. But that's not what this situation is. Those that were present, won. Those that were not, lost. Rubbing salt in the wound is not helpful.
Though i mostly agree with the "unfair" part of being right there right at the good instant, i can't let you say something like that : Those that were present, won. Those that were not, lost. But honestly what did they loose ?
I usually play lottery once a week in real life (Euromillion), but didn't last week for some reasons. Some people won various amount last friday (and one won 100 millions). Did I loose something ? Should i ask "la Française des Jeux" to reroll the draw because I wasn't in ?
Your envy and jealousy about people who won doesn't mean you have lost anything. (ok, yep, you have missed an opportunity, but opportunity is not synonym with guarantee of winning)
edit : just you to know, i was not ingame during the lockbox bugged leg mount RNG. So i didn't get one ^^
Well, the solution here is rather simple, add another lockbox quest to the game for level 70 characters, one that will give everyone that legendary Stardock mount pack as bound to character reward. Hell, the Devs could even add some funky title to it as well for laughs.
Anyway, nothing new around here that a reported preview version bug wanders into the live version without being fixed, but for a change man or woman up and do the right thing after such a fudged up mess...
that woudl destroy the market far more than the extra couple hundred that made it into the world already.
I have a legendary mount sitting in my bank waiting for the "market" to recover for a while now, and i doubt it will even when they go into their favorite problem solving mode "sitting it out" again, so i'm screwed either way...
Beside, they could also introduce mythic mounts with module 19 lockboxes and everything would be back to "normal" until they fudge it up again during a following module release.
yes let's wait another 6 months to fix something !
... and? You make it sound like that would be something completely new around here.
And ? In case you didn't read other posts, people asked for rollback, or some kind of equity. That's not because something is wrong during for years that we should stop asking to correct it and accept it omg.
The point would be that they'll ignore all the player feedback here again, and then will do what they've allways done during these kind of crisis again - this legendary horse is headed straight for Silent City, and there's nothing the players can do about it.
Not to mention, with a rollback of the table, which probably also include any notion of removing those packs and/or mounts picked from them, what other options are left to actually "correct" this mess?
Give it to all VIPs or remove it from all. It's unfair to who was not online.
i would have to say no to that for how it would make a lame gift so why would you not want a legendary mount with vip feel it would make a better gift to the players and my self that didn't exploit the broken lockbox
It's kinda funny being banned for Barovia hunt exploit and not for this. It will affect market much more and was reported in forums. Maybe not all, but people opening old boxes like crazy instead the new ones knew exactly what they were doing.
Things like this shouldn't bring people bans, specially permanent, but it's clear to me that it's an unfair treatment between both cases. And yes, some people were caught into huntban cos they were in a party and still didn't know about any exploit.
There is not fair solution right now, I think. A rollback was the right thing to do, but it won't happens. It was a great opportunity to cement company credibility, but maybe that train passed long time ago.
If it was 99.9% it was not 100%. I am pretty sure thats all the numbers we will get on this. What does it matter if it was 30 or 300 or 3000 people, except for economy (which is only damaging to people that want to sell leg mounts. Oh my, the tears! Sorry, this was envy saying hello)? If there is one person in this pool of people that decided to "hey I wanna go and open STARDOCK lockbox now! What a cool idea!!" that would have had a good RNG originally, yeah, too sad. My good RNG was a leg alembic. I still believe what I said last night (or whenever this happened in your time) and I still don't think this changes anything for me personally (leg mount free account here) BUT I play lottery KNOWING that I won't get HAMSTER. If I wanted this in NW I would've opened the new lockbox while I knew others dropped all those leg mount boxes. I mean, you see all those stardock pop ups and still go "Oh, Undying will HAVE to give me my swarm now!!"? No. You think "ah well 10k power, gimme. Maybe sell a few in a some months"
On a more important note: (Yes, I'm kinda having fun) Before we talk about titles for this (I would love the stolen mount title if I had actually... well nevermind) I want my huntgate titles. "Survived the banwave" or "Cards? What cards?" or "I told them not to do it!" ?? How bout it? (Because we seem to have a different time understanding sarcasm and trolling here: This was a joke (kinda))
Well, the solution here is rather simple, add another lockbox quest to the game for level 70 characters, one that will give everyone that legendary Stardock mount pack as bound to character reward. Hell, the Devs could even add some funky title to it as well for laughs.
Anyway, nothing new around here that a reported preview version bug wanders into the live version without being fixed, but for a change man or woman up and do the right thing after such a fudged up mess...
that woudl destroy the market far more than the extra couple hundred that made it into the world already.
I have a legendary mount sitting in my bank waiting for the "market" to recover for a while now, and i doubt it will even when they go into their favorite problem solving mode "sitting it out" again, so i'm screwed either way...
Beside, they could also introduce mythic mounts with module 19 lockboxes and everything would be back to "normal" until they fudge it up again during a following module release.
yes let's wait another 6 months to fix something !
... and? You make it sound like that would be something completely new around here.
And ? In case you didn't read other posts, people asked for rollback, or some kind of equity. That's not because something is wrong during for years that we should stop asking to correct it and accept it omg.
The point would be that they'll ignore all the player feedback here again, and then will do what they've allways done during these kind of crisis again - this legendary horse is headed straight for Silent City, and there's nothing the players can do about it.
Not to mention, with a rollback of the table, which probably also include any notion of removing those packs and/or mounts picked from them, what other options are left to actually "correct" this mess?
Find in logs the players who gets mounts during this window and remove those mounts? If the mount had been sold, remove AD from the solder and give back AD to the buyer.
It doesn't looks like it's difficult when those things are monitored.
Yeah, see the thing is, 50/50 chances are still RNG. But that's not what this situation is. Those that were present, won. Those that were not, lost. Rubbing salt in the wound is not helpful.
Though i mostly agree with the "unfair" part of being right there right at the good instant, i can't let you say something like that : Those that were present, won. Those that were not, lost. But honestly what did they loose ?
I usually play lottery once a week in real life (Euromillion), but didn't last week for some reasons. Some people won various amount last friday (and one won 100 millions). Did I loose something ? Should i ask "la Française des Jeux" to reroll the draw because I wasn't in ?
Your envy and jealousy about people who won doesn't mean you have lost anything. (ok, yep, you have missed an opportunity, but opportunity is not synonym with guarantee of winning)
edit : just you to know, i was not ingame during the lockbox bugged leg mount RNG. So i didn't get one ^^
If I take your example, what about if the day you didn't play, every one who bought a ticket at 14H00 get automatically a winning ticket, is it fair ? Yes we lost nothing, it's cryptic who lost another chunck of our trust.
I don't see why some much hate mostly from people that didn't get any pack( I didn't got any if you ask) so what people got lucky chance was higher no one lost anything as they didn't had anything to begin with.
If devs said there be no rollback and they can keep it where is the problem. Only people that are selling and the one that didn't get any are furious.
All this year's people opened thousands and didn't get any no one said anythin.
And all people that are saying this will ruin market game . All are saying on other threads game is dying blabla so where is the problem.
I don't see why some much hate mostly from people that didn't get any pack( I didn't got any if you ask) so what people got lucky chance was higher no one lost anything as they didn't had anything to begin with.
If devs said there be no rollback and they can keep it where is the problem. Only people that are selling and the one that didn't get any are furious.
All this year's people opened thousands and didn't get any no one said anythin.
Where's the problem, really?
You don't see a problem when a rng-based lockbox gets rigged odds for everyone in a 5 minutes period of time before they shut down the server? You don't see a problem when, as you said perfectly, people open thousands of lockboxes during the year and don't get anything because of standard odds, then suddenly a few selected players get automatically a free legendary mount on their first key? You don't see a problem when there's literally more than 200.000€ worth of mounts dropped in 5 minutes to random people that were lucky to be connected in the 5 precious minutes? You don't see a problem for the community really, the fairness before odds doesn't ring a bell?
You have a very special conception of a game if you think that keeping a mount dropped by a bug is normal. And it's not a good one.
Yeah, see the thing is, 50/50 chances are still RNG. But that's not what this situation is. Those that were present, won. Those that were not, lost. Rubbing salt in the wound is not helpful.
Though i mostly agree with the "unfair" part of being right there right at the good instant, i can't let you say something like that : Those that were present, won. Those that were not, lost. But honestly what did they loose ?
I usually play lottery once a week in real life (Euromillion), but didn't last week for some reasons. Some people won various amount last friday (and one won 100 millions). Did I loose something ? Should i ask "la Française des Jeux" to reroll the draw because I wasn't in ?
Your envy and jealousy about people who won doesn't mean you have lost anything. (ok, yep, you have missed an opportunity, but opportunity is not synonym with guarantee of winning)
edit : just you to know, i was not ingame during the lockbox bugged leg mount RNG. So i didn't get one ^^
Seeing as I'm not riding around PE on my first Legendary mount... I'd say I lost about 1.3 mil AD
> @agilesto said: > (Quote) > Where's the problem, really? > > You don't see a problem when a rng-based lockbox gets rigged odds for everyone in a 5 minutes period of time before they shut down the server? You don't see a problem when, as you said perfectly, people open thousands of lockboxes during the year and don't get anything because of standard odds, then suddenly a few selected players get automatically a free legendary mount on their first key? You don't see a problem when there's literally more than 200.000€ worth of mounts dropped in 5 minutes to random people that were lucky to be connected in the 5 precious minutes? You don't see a problem for the community really, the fairness before odds doesn't ring a bell? > > You have a very special conception of a game if you think that keeping a mount dropped by a bug is normal. And it's not a good one.
I see only people that didn't get any mount and can't sell high theirs have problem . The other people are indifferent nw was like this all these years so what changed. Only if it is personal people get so excited 😁
well, the mount prices didnt drop dramatically, though there are a lot more in the AH, greed should ensure an extremely long posting time unless people drop the prices, then the rest of us can reap the benefits at less than they were selling for before the screw-up
Note: We will be providing more updates on this situation as we investigate further/learn more. Thank you everyone for your patience.
I want to know what happened, especially because of
@exgardian's post. I want to know what we can learn from this and if this handling of the situation is our new "lane" (use your blinkaaaaah) and we can expect this from now on. I just don't wanna suffer from concussion.
Another maintenance so thought I would look at this forum thread again. I wouldn't be surprised if Cryptic had a log of all mount rewards stashed away somewhere and has a team going through it at this very minute looking for unusual activity. If that is the case, then I think many people that did get the mount pack might have it removed in future and suffer some form of ban. If the rng was so screwed up on this to give so many packs in such a short time, what's to say the converse hasn't happened many times in the past where the lockboxes actually had a 0% chance of dropping the packs and people just haven't noticed? So do Cryptic change drop rates behind the scenes for their own nefarious purposes?
Just give up Leg mount packs and we'll call it even.
plasticbatMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 12,520Arc User
edited January 2020
This is what I think:
1. the bug was reported long time ago. It was allowed to exist in the life system. There is no excuse. They screwed up big time and sadly, this is not even the first time. Now, will this bug re-appear in the console release? Don't laugh. That may happen.
2. There is a group of people waiting to check if the bug would be fixed. Some were well prepare for this. Should this group of people be banned or punished in anyway? It is a big argument from both side of the fence. I am not going into that.
3. The aftermath, #1 was done (they screwed up and cannot go back in time to fix it). #2 was done and there is a group of non-innocent people and some truly innocent people. So, the management had a decision to make at that very moment.
Options: 1. rollback 2. find the bad apple and punish them. i.e. repeat the hunt gate. May hurt the innocent. 3. let them keep them. 4. let them keep 1.
Among these options, none of them are perfect. However, IMO, #4 is the best among them and they happened to make that decision quick too. They needed to make a quick decision and I think that was a good one. They could do more after that point.
Then, look at bright side, this may lower the legendary mount price in AH.
*** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
"If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
Ok I see most just automatically scroll to the end and put in their comments. YES they were aware of what happened on preview YES they did try to make it REPEAT so they COULD TRY TO FIX but they COULDN'T GET IT TO REPEAT. It is hard to fix something that they cant not reproduce!!
This is not just easy as 123 you know. Geesh. At the end of the day this is indeed a game. I know a lot are upset they did not receive a mount and I am sorry for this. My husband didn't get one but you know what, that's OK. Stop please being so angry this isn't something that they said, hey let's did this and upset part of the community and make them leave, meanwhile Chris is doing everything he can to fix things.
One negative thing happens and everyone forgets all the improvements that have been taking place. The communication improvements, the opening up more being more transparent and part of the community. Please I know some will respond with negativity to this post and I can only hope they try to see the positive side of everything that they are trying to do.
This only just happened. Give them time to evaluate the situation. They know this is an oops but they did try to find the cause when they were made aware on preview. So please STOP saying they did nothing. They DID try.
False, people are commenting that they disagree with the devs' decision of not doing anything.
dude there are literally people saying " we just want to know what the devs will do ", " why won't they tell us what they're going to do ". it's transparent that it's a " if we just ignore the content of the OP of the thread and pretend it doesn't exist, maybe they'll do what I want " thing.
they won't.
Person. Not people. 1 person. On page 5, if you want to go back to check. The rest of us are discussing the fall out. Or bitching about the unfairness of it all Discussing rather calmly, actually. There are only 3 posts in the lower depths, after all.
Even the premise you introduced that there was nothing lost was contradicted by the sentence you brought up at the end, in brackets: the people lost the opportunity to get a legendary mount.
So for you, missing an opportunity is equivalent to losing something. I supposed our points of view and "philosophy" are divergent. Fortunately, i'm not so depressed in life compared to how much i have "lost" because of missed opportunities.
If I take your example, what about if the day you didn't play, every one who bought a ticket at 14H00 get automatically a winning ticket, is it fair ? Yes we lost nothing, it's cryptic who lost another chunck of our trust.
It's fair, 100% of the winners had tried their luck, as always. But i agree it isn't really helping Cryptic reputation .
Firstly, it was not a lottery. No one knew "for sure" what was coming. The lockbox case was reported over a week ago on preview, who in their right mind have thought it would go live? It wasn't a scheduled, announced event.
You are a mom of 4 kids. You take 2 of them with you to go the supermarket, which open at 9am, because you need to go shopping for next week food. The 2 other kids stay home with their dad. While you are in the supermarket, paying the cashier, a super unexpected thing happens : you notice an employee is giving to any kid one free Action figurine or one Doll (depending on what they prefer). You recognize the employee, you know him, he was fired multiple time from multiple jobs because he wasn't working as intended (but you know, he is the son of the shopholder, so they always rehire him). Security guy suddenly evacuates the customers and closes the shop. Too late to react, your first kid has already took one GI Joe. Your 2nd kid, sly as a fox (and not very honnest), has managed to trick the employee and to get 5 GI Joe.
On your way back home, the radio announces a fun fact : an employee, name "the bug", has just been fired 15 min ago, caught giving away toys to kids without any agreement of the shop he was working for. Shop manager declares "it's ok, kids can keep what has already been distributed"
You are back home, and few minutes later your 3rd kid starts crying loudly. You enter the playroom where your 4 kids are. The 1st one is playing alone with his new GI Joe and is taunting your 3rd kid. The 2nd kid is sending texts to his friends, trying to trade his 5x GI Joe for some pricey transformer figurines. The 3rd one is screaming that life is unfair, he also wants a new action figurine and he hasn't got one so none of his brothers should have one. Your 4th is just playing with his "old" toys and doesn't really care about the drama, but you know he is teasing the others and droping oil on the fire.
As the mother or dad, what do you do ? (roundhousely slap everyone is not an option.)
I know it is too late (and I guess it was not possible to address and code shortly), but I would have suggested to make bta the pack obtained during the timeframe, and give in addition 10 vip keys to the people who won the leg pack.
I know it is too late (and I guess it was not possible to address and code shortly), but I would have suggested to make bta the pack obtained during the timeframe, and give in addition 10 vip keys to the people who won the leg pack.
So actually reward people that may have exploited this intentionally?
I play about two months. I read about the glitch on Preview Server Forum. I read about the MASS Bans with Ravenloft. That's why I decided to stay safe, don't risk a ban and play legit. I did'nt using the glitch. Now I feel like biggest HAMSTER knowing of this glitch and not using it. Do I have to enter a glitch group? Is it guaranteed in future not being banned for using glitches? I am totally confused. That was reward for free worth more than I earned in my two months of play, just on click in seconds. Fairplay = HAMSTER. That's what I get about that issue.
I know it is too late (and I guess it was not possible to address and code shortly), but I would have suggested to make bta the pack obtained during the timeframe, and give in addition 10 vip keys to the people who won the leg pack.
So actually reward people that may have exploited this intentionally?
Even the premise you introduced that there was nothing lost was contradicted by the sentence you brought up at the end, in brackets: the people lost the opportunity to get a legendary mount.
So for you, missing an opportunity is equivalent to losing something. I supposed our points of view and "philosophy" are divergent. Fortunately, i'm not so depressed in life compared to how much i have "lost" because of missed opportunities.
If I take your example, what about if the day you didn't play, every one who bought a ticket at 14H00 get automatically a winning ticket, is it fair ? Yes we lost nothing, it's cryptic who lost another chunck of our trust.
It's fair, 100% of the winners had tried their luck, as always. But i agree it isn't really helping Cryptic reputation .
Firstly, it was not a lottery. No one knew "for sure" what was coming. The lockbox case was reported over a week ago on preview, who in their right mind have thought it would go live? It wasn't a scheduled, announced event.
You are a mom of 4 kids. You take 2 of them with you to go the supermarket, which open at 9am, because you need to go shopping for next week food. The 2 other kids stay home with their dad. While you are in the supermarket, paying the cashier, a super unexpected thing happens : an employee gives to any kid one free Action figurine or one Doll (depending on what they prefer). You recognize the employee, you know him, he was fired multiple time from multiple jobs because he wasn't working as intended. But it's too late, your first kid has already take one GI Joe. Your 2nd kid, sly as a fox (and not very honnest), has already manage to trick the employee and to get 5 GI Joe. Security guy suddenly evacuates the customers and closes the shop.
On your way back home, the radio announces a fun fact : an employee, name "the bug", has just been fired 15 min ago, caught giving away toys to kids without any agreement of the shop he was working for. Shop manager declares "it's ok, kids can keep what has already been distributed"
You are back home, and few minutes later your 3rd kid starts crying loudly. You enter the playroom where your 4 kids are. The 1st one is playing alone with his new GI Joe and is taunting your 3rd kid. The 2nd kid is sending texts to his friends, trying to trade his 5x GI Joe for some pricey transformer figurines. The 3rd one is screaming that life is unfair, he also wants a new action figurine and he hasn't got one so none of his brothers should have one. Your 4th is just playing with his "old" toys and doesn't really care about the drama.
As the mother, what do you do ? (roundhousely slap everyone is not an option.)
Morality and ethics would dictate either 1. the responsible parent should have kept the child in check and only taken 1 toy... thus removing the consequences of the employee becoming unemployed and maybe even educating said employee in the wrongness of their action. 2. the responsible parent would educate their child in fairness and sharing ensuring all siblings were able to benefit with a free toy.
I can only assume your post intimates that those who abused the bug are irresponsible and selfish children.. and that the devs (the parents) are inattentive ... you are probably right.
plasticbatMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 12,520Arc User
I play about two months. I read about the glitch on Preview Server Forum. I read about the MASS Bans with Ravenloft. That's why I decided to stay safe, don't risk a ban and play legit. I did'nt using the glitch. Now I feel like biggest HAMSTER knowing of this glitch and not using it. Do I have to enter a glitch group? Is it guaranteed in future not being banned for using glitches? I am totally confused. That was reward for free worth more than I earned in my two months of play, just on click in seconds. Fairplay = HAMSTER. That's what I get about that issue.
What you get should be: you may be punished and you may be able to get away with it. The keyword is "may". The question to yourself is: Do you want to take the risk of losing of what you have built for? There is nothing to be confused about. You may be punished. Do you want to roll the dice to find out?
I did not start with morally if you should do it because it seems your priority is if you would be punished.
*** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
"If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
tassedethe13Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 806Arc User
You are a mom of 4 kids. You take 2 of them with you to go the supermarket, which open at 9am, because you need to go shopping for next week food. The 2 other kids stay home with their dad. While you are in the supermarket, paying the cashier, a super unexpected thing happens : an employee gives to any kid one free Action figurine or one Doll (depending on what they prefer). You recognize the employee, you know him, he was fired multiple time from multiple jobs because he wasn't working as intended. But it's too late, your first kid has already take one GI Joe. Your 2nd kid, sly as a fox (and not very honnest), has already manage to trick the employee and to get 5 GI Joe. Security guy suddenly evacuates the customers and closes the shop.
On your way back home, the radio announces a fun fact : an employee, name "the bug", has just been fired 15 min ago, caught giving away toys to kids without any agreement of the shop he was working for. Shop manager declares "it's ok, kids can keep what has already been distributed"
You are back home, and few minutes later your 3rd kid starts crying loudly. You enter the playroom where your 4 kids are. The 1st one is playing alone with his new GI Joe and is taunting your 3rd kid. The 2nd kid is sending texts to his friends, trying to trade his 5x GI Joe for some pricey transformer figurines. The 3rd one is screaming that life is unfair, he also wants a new action figurine and he hasn't got one so none of his brothers should have one. Your 4th is just playing with his "old" toys and doesn't really care about the drama.
As the mother, what do you do ? (roundhousely slap everyone is not an option.)
We can still answer to those kind of silly examples, but it would still be a personal opinion. If you are the mother, you have authority on your children right? You can let the 1st kid with the GI joe, but you can correct the second one and make him returning the 4 more GI joe he got by trickery. When home, you can tell to the one crying, that next time it will be his turn to get something instead of telling him "too bad you didn't came with me", that's still my personal thinking about this example.
I know it is too late (and I guess it was not possible to address and code shortly), but I would have suggested to make bta the pack obtained during the timeframe, and give in addition 10 vip keys to the people who won the leg pack.
So actually reward people that may have exploited this intentionally?
Unfortunately, "may" is the operative word...
Well if Cryptic have logs for the mounts given it will be pretty easy to distinguish between those that may have exploited this and those that definitely did.
Those that were present, won.
Those that were not, lost.
But honestly what did they loose ?
I usually play lottery once a week in real life (Euromillion), but didn't last week for some reasons. Some people won various amount last friday (and one won 100 millions).
Did I loose something ? Should i ask "la Française des Jeux" to reroll the draw because I wasn't in ?
Your envy and jealousy about people who won doesn't mean you have lost anything. (ok, yep, you have missed an opportunity, but opportunity is not synonym with guarantee of winning)
edit : just you to know, i was not ingame during the lockbox bugged leg mount RNG. So i didn't get one ^^
Not to mention, with a rollback of the table, which probably also include any notion of removing those packs and/or mounts picked from them, what other options are left to actually "correct" this mess?
Things like this shouldn't bring people bans, specially permanent, but it's clear to me that it's an unfair treatment between both cases. And yes, some people were caught into huntban cos they were in a party and still didn't know about any exploit.
There is not fair solution right now, I think. A rollback was the right thing to do, but it won't happens. It was a great opportunity to cement company credibility, but maybe that train passed long time ago.
What does it matter if it was 30 or 300 or 3000 people, except for economy (which is only damaging to people that want to sell leg mounts. Oh my, the tears! Sorry, this was envy saying hello)? If there is one person in this pool of people that decided to "hey I wanna go and open STARDOCK lockbox now! What a cool idea!!" that would have had a good RNG originally, yeah, too sad. My good RNG was a leg alembic.
I still believe what I said last night (or whenever this happened in your time) and I still don't think this changes anything for me personally (leg mount free account here) BUT I play lottery KNOWING that I won't get HAMSTER. If I wanted this in NW I would've opened the new lockbox while I knew others dropped all those leg mount boxes.
I mean, you see all those stardock pop ups and still go "Oh, Undying will HAVE to give me my swarm now!!"? No. You think "ah well 10k power, gimme. Maybe sell a few in a some months"
On a more important note: (Yes, I'm kinda having fun)
Before we talk about titles for this (I would love the stolen mount title if I had actually... well nevermind) I want my huntgate titles.
"Survived the banwave" or "Cards? What cards?" or "I told them not to do it!" ?? How bout it?
(Because we seem to have a different time understanding sarcasm and trolling here: This was a joke (kinda))
If the mount had been sold, remove AD from the solder and give back AD to the buyer.
It doesn't looks like it's difficult when those things are monitored.
If I take your example, what about if the day you didn't play, every one who bought a ticket at 14H00 get automatically a winning ticket, is it fair ? Yes we lost nothing, it's cryptic who lost another chunck of our trust.
If devs said there be no rollback and they can keep it where is the problem. Only people that are selling and the one that didn't get any are furious.
All this year's people opened thousands and didn't get any no one said anythin.
And all people that are saying this will ruin market game . All are saying on other threads game is dying blabla so where is the problem.
The imaginary Friends
Main Kingslayer.jr(barb)
You don't see a problem when a rng-based lockbox gets rigged odds for everyone in a 5 minutes period of time before they shut down the server? You don't see a problem when, as you said perfectly, people open thousands of lockboxes during the year and don't get anything because of standard odds, then suddenly a few selected players get automatically a free legendary mount on their first key? You don't see a problem when there's literally more than 200.000€ worth of mounts dropped in 5 minutes to random people that were lucky to be connected in the 5 precious minutes? You don't see a problem for the community really, the fairness before odds doesn't ring a bell?
You have a very special conception of a game if you think that keeping a mount dropped by a bug is normal. And it's not a good one.
There is yet to be an official statement on this.
> (Quote)
> Where's the problem, really?
> You don't see a problem when a rng-based lockbox gets rigged odds for everyone in a 5 minutes period of time before they shut down the server? You don't see a problem when, as you said perfectly, people open thousands of lockboxes during the year and don't get anything because of standard odds, then suddenly a few selected players get automatically a free legendary mount on their first key? You don't see a problem when there's literally more than 200.000€ worth of mounts dropped in 5 minutes to random people that were lucky to be connected in the 5 precious minutes? You don't see a problem for the community really, the fairness before odds doesn't ring a bell?
> You have a very special conception of a game if you think that keeping a mount dropped by a bug is normal. And it's not a good one.
I see only people that didn't get any mount and can't sell high theirs have problem . The other people are indifferent nw was like this all these years so what changed. Only if it is personal people get so excited 😁
The imaginary Friends
Main Kingslayer.jr(barb)
@exgardian's post. I want to know what we can learn from this and if this handling of the situation is our new "lane" (use your blinkaaaaah) and we can expect this from now on.
I just don't wanna suffer from concussion.
1. the bug was reported long time ago. It was allowed to exist in the life system. There is no excuse. They screwed up big time and sadly, this is not even the first time. Now, will this bug re-appear in the console release? Don't laugh. That may happen.
2. There is a group of people waiting to check if the bug would be fixed. Some were well prepare for this. Should this group of people be banned or punished in anyway? It is a big argument from both side of the fence. I am not going into that.
3. The aftermath, #1 was done (they screwed up and cannot go back in time to fix it). #2 was done and there is a group of non-innocent people and some truly innocent people. So, the management had a decision to make at that very moment.
1. rollback
2. find the bad apple and punish them. i.e. repeat the hunt gate. May hurt the innocent.
3. let them keep them.
4. let them keep 1.
Among these options, none of them are perfect. However, IMO, #4 is the best among them and they happened to make that decision quick too. They needed to make a quick decision and I think that was a good one. They could do more after that point.
Then, look at bright side, this may lower the legendary mount price in AH.
This is not just easy as 123 you know. Geesh. At the end of the day this is indeed a game. I know a lot are upset they did not receive a mount and I am sorry for this. My husband didn't get one but you know what, that's OK. Stop please being so angry this isn't something that they said, hey let's did this and upset part of the community and make them leave, meanwhile Chris is doing everything he can to fix things.
One negative thing happens and everyone forgets all the improvements that have been taking place. The communication improvements, the opening up more being more transparent and part of the community. Please I know some will respond with negativity to this post and I can only hope they try to see the positive side of everything that they are trying to do.
This only just happened. Give them time to evaluate the situation. They know this is an oops but they did try to find the cause when they were made aware on preview. So please STOP saying they did nothing. They DID try.
Thank you for your time.
While you are in the supermarket, paying the cashier, a super unexpected thing happens : you notice an employee is giving to any kid one free Action figurine or one Doll (depending on what they prefer). You recognize the employee, you know him, he was fired multiple time from multiple jobs because he wasn't working as intended (but you know, he is the son of the shopholder, so they always rehire him).
Security guy suddenly evacuates the customers and closes the shop.
Too late to react, your first kid has already took one GI Joe. Your 2nd kid, sly as a fox (and not very honnest), has managed to trick the employee and to get 5 GI Joe.
On your way back home, the radio announces a fun fact : an employee, name "the bug", has just been fired 15 min ago, caught giving away toys to kids without any agreement of the shop he was working for. Shop manager declares "it's ok, kids can keep what has already been distributed"
You are back home, and few minutes later your 3rd kid starts crying loudly. You enter the playroom where your 4 kids are. The 1st one is playing alone with his new GI Joe and is taunting your 3rd kid. The 2nd kid is sending texts to his friends, trying to trade his 5x GI Joe for some pricey transformer figurines. The 3rd one is screaming that life is unfair, he also wants a new action figurine and he hasn't got one so none of his brothers should have one. Your 4th is just playing with his "old" toys and doesn't really care about the drama, but you know he is teasing the others and droping oil on the fire.
As the mother or dad, what do you do ? (roundhousely slap everyone is not an option.)
[edit] bonus question : which kid am I ?
1. the responsible parent should have kept the child in check and only taken 1 toy... thus removing the consequences of the employee becoming unemployed and maybe even educating said employee in the wrongness of their action.
2. the responsible parent would educate their child in fairness and sharing ensuring all siblings were able to benefit with a free toy.
I can only assume your post intimates that those who abused the bug are irresponsible and selfish children.. and that the devs (the parents) are inattentive ... you are probably right.
The question to yourself is: Do you want to take the risk of losing of what you have built for?
There is nothing to be confused about. You may be punished. Do you want to roll the dice to find out?
I did not start with morally if you should do it because it seems your priority is if you would be punished.
If you are the mother, you have authority on your children right? You can let the 1st kid with the GI joe, but you can correct the second one and make him returning the 4 more GI joe he got by trickery.
When home, you can tell to the one crying, that next time it will be his turn to get something instead of telling him "too bad you didn't came with me", that's still my personal thinking about this example.