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Okay, this is RIDICULOUS!

methuselasmethuselas Member Posts: 275 Arc User
Every SINGLE one of my toons is getting one-shotted by Gaurrundar the Vile. Every. Single. One. If it's not him, it's the Wyrmspeaker.

I thought the whole purpose of Mod 16 was "balance." This game is NOT balanced. I get it's a skirmish and supposed to be tough, but I'm watching people drop like flies and we're eating pots or stones every 18 seconds while doing HAMSTER poor damage.

I play this game, 'cos I enjoy the action combat. I'm not BiS as I'm *NOBODY'S* slave. No one is going to tell me how to play a game. Not elitist players. Not Cryptic.

No one.

But I'm running a respectable 20k TR, with purple insignias, a Legendary Augment Companion, Rank 10s, heal mounts, etc and I'm watching myself get one-shotted, even when I dodge in this skirmish. My 19k GF is losing 70% of his health, when he's blocking, 'cos my stamina is completely drained in a single hit.

Cryptic, let me spell a few things out:

1. Not everyone is BiS, so scaling a skirmish to Level 80 and then NERFING the item level by 2/3rds is insane.

2. Not everyone wants to group as a lot of end game players are HAMSTER and if you don't play the way they want you to, they'll kick you out of the dungeon/skirmish.

3. I was under the impression that the whole reason we had the changes in Mod 16 was to keep end game players from ROFLSTOMPING end game bosses, but it's okay to let the mobs ROFLSTOMP the casual players?

4. 10 -12 pots for a 3 minute skirmish is just wrong. This is *NOT* fun.



  • plasticbatplasticbat Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 12,524 Arc User
    It is just not scaled properly. This one has nothing to do with BiS players because they probably won't even participate this.
    *** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
    "If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
  • methuselasmethuselas Member Posts: 275 Arc User
    edited August 2019
    Damnit. The forums ate my response.


    I'm frustrated, but more so now with the elitist mentality of some of the player-base. I just had yet ANOTHER HAMSTER tell me how to play. "Go heals and help your party." I don't have a heal build for my SW. I don't play group content with this game, except for CTA, as I despise that mentality. We had a OP in our group. Why wasn't he going heals? Who was this guy to tell me how to play? Sure, he wants to win, so do I, but just let people enjoy the game. If you can't enjoy the game, unless you force other people to play the way you want them to, then maybe you shouldn't be playing.

    HAMSTER filter applied manually by moderator.
    Post edited by kreatyve on
  • methuselasmethuselas Member Posts: 275 Arc User

    You realize you're acting just like the people you're complaining about? You don't want to go heals but it's okay to say "why not the OP". Maybe because he was the only tank in there?

    No, Genius. He told me, in party chat to change my loadout. He didn't tell the OP to. It's that kind of entitlement, that pisses me off. Who is he, to tell me, much less ANYONE to change their play-style 'cos HE wants it?

  • plasticbatplasticbat Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 12,524 Arc User

    You realize you're acting just like the people you're complaining about? You don't want to go heals but it's okay to say "why not the OP". Maybe because he was the only tank in there?

    No, Genius. He told me, in party chat to change my loadout. He didn't tell the OP to. It's that kind of entitlement, that pisses me off. Who is he, to tell me, much less ANYONE to change their play-style 'cos HE wants it?

    Is there another tank? If the OP goes heal, who will do tank? Warlock?
    *** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
    "If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
  • methuselasmethuselas Member Posts: 275 Arc User

    I suggest you to quit any group content.

    Oh, I see now. Since I was in as DPS, I'm the one that has to change to heals, 'cos someone else tells me to. I get it. Yeah, that makes TOTAL sense. *rolls eyes*

  • plasticbatplasticbat Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 12,524 Arc User
    edited August 2019

    I suggest you to quit any group content.

    Oh, I see now. Since I was in as DPS, I'm the one that has to change to heals, 'cos someone else tells me to. I get it. Yeah, that makes TOTAL sense. *rolls eyes*

    No, nothing to do with that. Playing group content is not good for your health. I can see your raging blood pressure through the blinking red lines around the edge of my monitor.
    *** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
    "If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
  • methuselasmethuselas Member Posts: 275 Arc User
    greywynd said:

    No one should have to change their loadout to suit another player. EVER.


    I was 2nd in Damage Dealt, right behind the guy that's telling me to heal. It's on him to pot, just like I had to, if there was no healer. Expecting other people to change their play-style to benefit yourself is rude and disrespectful. He didn't ask me. He TOLD me. He just assumed I had a Soulweaver build, which I didn't. He just assumed the mantle of "party leader" and expected me to toe the line, just 'cos he said so.

  • methuselasmethuselas Member Posts: 275 Arc User

    No, nothing to do with that. Playing group content is not good for your health. I can see your raging blood pressure through the blinking red lines around the edge of my monitor.

    I play group content with my wife and son all the time. I played group content all the time with my guild when it was active. They never told me to do anything, but I can't count the number of times I've been kicked from a party, for not slotting a particular power, someone expected me to, or not running around in circles to keep the adds away or not using some exploit or some buff stack, 'cos some people expected me to.

  • fyrstigorfyrstigor Member Posts: 299 Arc User
    I just did the CTA solo on my 21.7k alt warlock who is no where near to BiS. It even have all blue insignias. I used health stone about 3 or 4 times, everything was pretty smooth. The adds hurt a little more than expected, but being solo its ok, and warlock having no CC i dont complain. The wyrm thing was easy enough, worst thing about that one was all the add spawns. The dragon was the same thing, took me forever to kill (i was in AoE mode) but he didnt really hurt me. The poison on the ground hit for 7-12 dmg. The knockback when he flies up did around 40k (about 25% of my HP). Only thing that hurt was his breath attack, but the charge up on that one is so long i had no issues just side stepping from it every time, besides the time i took it on purpose and died from it.

    I think this CTA is scaled pretty well. Like always those who doesnt fix their stats for lvl 80 content will most likely be having issues like they do with all scaling.

    I fully respect everyones right to play their toon how ever they want, and use what ever powers they want to. But fact just is most classes there is only 1 or 2 ways to chose feats and powers to be usefull. It would be nice if that wasnt the case, but it isnt, so u can either accept this, or play ur own way and expect to struggle doing lots of content.

    U have all these pretty words to say about elitists, about anyone who dare tell u there is a better way that what u are doing. Why do u think ur right to play how ever bad of a build u wanna play is just something a group should accept? What gives u the right to drag down a group on purpose with ur bad builds when ur fully aware u could do better, u just refuse to.

    Kicking someone because they dont play a certain way is over the line in my opinion. But if a group struggles and someone is given ideas or help how to do their part better and refuse, they should be kicked. When a persons right to "suck" becomes more important than working as a team and completing content, they should be kicked.
  • lardesonlardeson Member Posts: 374 Arc User

    Every SINGLE one of my toons is getting one-shotted by Gaurrundar the Vile. Every. Single. One. If it's not him, it's the Wyrmspeaker.

    I thought the whole purpose of Mod 16 was "balance." This game is NOT balanced. I get it's a skirmish and supposed to be tough, but I'm watching people drop like flies and we're eating pots or stones every 18 seconds while doing HAMSTER poor damage.

    I play this game, 'cos I enjoy the action combat. I'm not BiS as I'm *NOBODY'S* slave. No one is going to tell me how to play a game. Not elitist players. Not Cryptic.

    No one.

    But I'm running a respectable 20k TR, with purple insignias, a Legendary Augment Companion, Rank 10s, heal mounts, etc and I'm watching myself get one-shotted, even when I dodge in this skirmish. My 19k GF is losing 70% of his health, when he's blocking, 'cos my stamina is completely drained in a single hit.

    Cryptic, let me spell a few things out:

    1. Not everyone is BiS, so scaling a skirmish to Level 80 and then NERFING the item level by 2/3rds is insane.

    2. Not everyone wants to group as a lot of end game players are HAMSTER and if you don't play the way they want you to, they'll kick you out of the dungeon/skirmish.

    3. I was under the impression that the whole reason we had the changes in Mod 16 was to keep end game players from ROFLSTOMPING end game bosses, but it's okay to let the mobs ROFLSTOMP the casual players?

    4. 10 -12 pots for a 3 minute skirmish is just wrong. This is *NOT* fun.

    Mhmmm i did cta yesterday and just tried it again today to confirm. Purposely stood in the red for the whole run and dint see any big damage from any of the bosses, he dint kill me once, asked healer not to heal me, only used 2 health potions. So yh im not quite sure where, why or how u are getting one shot
    Lardeson CW not Mage. Where's my fireball and my thunderbolt?
  • thevampinatorthevampinator Member Posts: 307 Arc User
    edited August 2019
    The scaling and content just needs to be seriously overhualed or the new scaling system should just be removed from all forms of skirmishes and most dungeons. People I think prefer to be item level power houses over weaksauce under the line not very effective weaker then newbies. Which is what mod 16 has done not only has it driven players away. I think it was a big mistaken adding in this system the way that it was added.
    This is how bad the scaling is, low level character go into low level random and its IG. Basically get one shotted or killed so quicky after starting. Can't even do the content and just pretty much auto fail only saving grace for this is you still get the exp and dil rewards anyways. So that is why people still run it I think even though its basically a guaranteed fail. There is other places other queues that have similar problems for players they just can't do it or even complete because of the scaling issue and thus those queues I imagine wouldn't be selected because its not worth the hassle. So not only has it driven players away but discouraged them from running a lot of the content they could do before mod 16 which they cannot do post mod 16.
  • silverwolf#7884 silverwolf Member Posts: 187 Arc User
    I get where the devs were coming from when they wanted to scale players towards the current skirmish/dungeon to make it more of a challenge.
    Here's the thing ... I work to get better gear to make me stronger, hit harder, take less damage. If I fight against enemies that are much lower than me why should my gear be made weaker ?
    It shouldn't.
    If I was to sit down and arm wrestle Arnold Schwarzenneger he's not gonna be standing at the table with big bulging biceps and then by the time he sits down 85% of his muscles just disappear into thin air.

    Like I said, appreciate the idea, understand where they're coming from but completely negates the hard work of the player and the scaling really should be only used to scale-up newer players to help them in running some content, not nerfing more end-game players who have earned their ability to be so much better than the enemy in the current dungeon.
  • kangkeokkangkeok Member Posts: 1,123 Arc User
    edited August 2019
    With 110k power, 90k crit and 42% outgoing heal and my healing touch healed people for 2% of their health with normal heal, 5% with crit. Even pots heal more than my heals. Any healer out there experience the same?
  • wintersmokewintersmoke Member Posts: 1,641 Arc User
    fyrstigor said:

    I just did the CTA solo on my 21.7k alt warlock who is no where near to BiS. It even have all blue insignias. I used health stone about 3 or 4 times, everything was pretty smooth. The adds hurt a little more than expected, but being solo its ok, and warlock having no CC i dont complain. The wyrm thing was easy enough, worst thing about that one was all the add spawns. The dragon was the same thing, took me forever to kill (i was in AoE mode) but he didnt really hurt me. The poison on the ground hit for 7-12 dmg. The knockback when he flies up did around 40k (about 25% of my HP). Only thing that hurt was his breath attack, but the charge up on that one is so long i had no issues just side stepping from it every time, besides the time i took it on purpose and died from it.

    I think this CTA is scaled pretty well. Like always those who doesnt fix their stats for lvl 80 content will most likely be having issues like they do with all scaling.

    I fully respect everyones right to play their toon how ever they want, and use what ever powers they want to. But fact just is most classes there is only 1 or 2 ways to chose feats and powers to be usefull. It would be nice if that wasnt the case, but it isnt, so u can either accept this, or play ur own way and expect to struggle doing lots of content.

    U have all these pretty words to say about elitists, about anyone who dare tell u there is a better way that what u are doing. Why do u think ur right to play how ever bad of a build u wanna play is just something a group should accept? What gives u the right to drag down a group on purpose with ur bad builds when ur fully aware u could do better, u just refuse to.

    Kicking someone because they dont play a certain way is over the line in my opinion. But if a group struggles and someone is given ideas or help how to do their part better and refuse, they should be kicked. When a persons right to "suck" becomes more important than working as a team and completing content, they should be kicked.

    Not all level 6 players CAN fix their stats for level 80 content...
  • kangkeokkangkeok Member Posts: 1,123 Arc User
    edited August 2019

    Here's the thing ... I work to get better gear to make me stronger, hit harder, take less damage.

    Here is a quote that is most often neglect or over looked by BIS player that ask for challenging content and is mostly misunderstood by the developer which led to current messy scaling issue. BIS player tend forget that when they gear up so much, content gets easier. Yet they are complaining that end content is not challenging. Can't blame them, everyone has their own expectation when it comes to playing a game. Although what's to be blame here are the developer for misinterpreting the situation. When u have a situation when there are BIS player asking for challenge, it means your game lack of endgame stuff for player that has already achieved BIS. May it be by pay2win or they work their HAMSTER up 24/7, your game are being outpaced by your player. U should focus on creating more content for those group of player than trying to scale old content to make it challenging for that group of people while giving a rough time for those who are not asking for challenging stuff. The developer problem here is to put everyone in the same pot. Another thing here is the dev tend to nerf/scale something without considering the viability of certain game feature like healing. Seriously. U guys got no talent with scaling stuff so Please Stop.

  • frogwalloper#6494 frogwalloper Member Posts: 821 Arc User
    I think it's weird that players get scaled down in a DnD based game. Even a lousy DM knows to scale the content to the pcs, not the pcs to the content. But it doesn't bother me in this game. I'd rather struggle a little than breeze through something. I actually died a few times during the last cta which was a nice change of pace. But I did feel bad for some of the lower level characters that were getting curb-stomped whenever they tried to pitch in - but maybe that's nothing new.
  • fyrstigorfyrstigor Member Posts: 299 Arc User

    I get where the devs were coming from when they wanted to scale players towards the current skirmish/dungeon to make it more of a challenge.
    Here's the thing ... I work to get better gear to make me stronger, hit harder, take less damage. If I fight against enemies that are much lower than me why should my gear be made weaker ?
    It shouldn't.
    If I was to sit down and arm wrestle Arnold Schwarzenneger he's not gonna be standing at the table with big bulging biceps and then by the time he sits down 85% of his muscles just disappear into thin air.

    Like I said, appreciate the idea, understand where they're coming from but completely negates the hard work of the player and the scaling really should be only used to scale-up newer players to help them in running some content, not nerfing more end-game players who have earned their ability to be so much better than the enemy in the current dungeon.

    Scaling doesnt remove the reason to be strong, to get better gear to do upgrades. U wanna upgrade so u can be strong in newest content, this will also make u stronger than someone else who didnt do those upgrades in scaled content.

    And im not talking about having 200k power, no ones needs that. Im not talking about having all the % dmg gear, no one needs thats. Those things are good and nice to have, but they are not a must have for any content.

    But there is still a huge difference between someone who have capped stats for ToMM and someone who is 10k away from everything when they go back and do scaled content.

    I for one is happy that scaling is there. Im happy that i cant go back to older content and oneshot everything. When i do scaled content everything is still easier than it was in mod 15. But u still require a decent team and some level of coordination to beat the content. This is after all group content we are talking about.
  • fyrstigorfyrstigor Member Posts: 299 Arc User

    fyrstigor said:

    I just did the CTA solo on my 21.7k alt warlock who is no where near to BiS. It even have all blue insignias. I used health stone about 3 or 4 times, everything was pretty smooth. The adds hurt a little more than expected, but being solo its ok, and warlock having no CC i dont complain. The wyrm thing was easy enough, worst thing about that one was all the add spawns. The dragon was the same thing, took me forever to kill (i was in AoE mode) but he didnt really hurt me. The poison on the ground hit for 7-12 dmg. The knockback when he flies up did around 40k (about 25% of my HP). Only thing that hurt was his breath attack, but the charge up on that one is so long i had no issues just side stepping from it every time, besides the time i took it on purpose and died from it.

    I think this CTA is scaled pretty well. Like always those who doesnt fix their stats for lvl 80 content will most likely be having issues like they do with all scaling.

    I fully respect everyones right to play their toon how ever they want, and use what ever powers they want to. But fact just is most classes there is only 1 or 2 ways to chose feats and powers to be usefull. It would be nice if that wasnt the case, but it isnt, so u can either accept this, or play ur own way and expect to struggle doing lots of content.

    U have all these pretty words to say about elitists, about anyone who dare tell u there is a better way that what u are doing. Why do u think ur right to play how ever bad of a build u wanna play is just something a group should accept? What gives u the right to drag down a group on purpose with ur bad builds when ur fully aware u could do better, u just refuse to.

    Kicking someone because they dont play a certain way is over the line in my opinion. But if a group struggles and someone is given ideas or help how to do their part better and refuse, they should be kicked. When a persons right to "suck" becomes more important than working as a team and completing content, they should be kicked.

    Not all level 6 players CAN fix their stats for level 80 content...
    I think i remember reading or hearing on a stream somewhere that when they removed upscaling from strongholds, and changed the CTAs to lvl 40 that players under lvl 40 would be scaled up. I havnt tried with less that lvl 80 toons so im not sure if its working like this.

    I think of leveling 1-80 is just one long tutorial. Someone shouldnt struggle leveling, but how they scale in group content, how much the die in group content, i see as pretty irrelevant. The game doesnt really start until u are lvl 80, so they might as well just focus on that.
  • fyrstigorfyrstigor Member Posts: 299 Arc User
    kangkeok said:

    With 110k power, 90k crit and 42% outgoing heal and my healing touch healed people for 2% of their health with normal heal, 5% with crit. Even pots heal more than my heals. Any healer out there experience the same?

    I tried my cleric yester day in CTA as healing. I wasnt having much issues, but healing word was barely healing more than an insignia bonus does. I had to play like i do in endgame content as a healer, pray and heal 90% of the time.

    Im sure the low heals we do is because of the weapon dmg being scaled so badly.
  • plasticbatplasticbat Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 12,524 Arc User
    edited August 2019
    lardeson said:

    Every SINGLE one of my toons is getting one-shotted by Gaurrundar the Vile. Every. Single. One. If it's not him, it's the Wyrmspeaker.

    I thought the whole purpose of Mod 16 was "balance." This game is NOT balanced. I get it's a skirmish and supposed to be tough, but I'm watching people drop like flies and we're eating pots or stones every 18 seconds while doing HAMSTER poor damage.

    I play this game, 'cos I enjoy the action combat. I'm not BiS as I'm *NOBODY'S* slave. No one is going to tell me how to play a game. Not elitist players. Not Cryptic.

    No one.

    But I'm running a respectable 20k TR, with purple insignias, a Legendary Augment Companion, Rank 10s, heal mounts, etc and I'm watching myself get one-shotted, even when I dodge in this skirmish. My 19k GF is losing 70% of his health, when he's blocking, 'cos my stamina is completely drained in a single hit.

    Cryptic, let me spell a few things out:

    1. Not everyone is BiS, so scaling a skirmish to Level 80 and then NERFING the item level by 2/3rds is insane.

    2. Not everyone wants to group as a lot of end game players are HAMSTER and if you don't play the way they want you to, they'll kick you out of the dungeon/skirmish.

    3. I was under the impression that the whole reason we had the changes in Mod 16 was to keep end game players from ROFLSTOMPING end game bosses, but it's okay to let the mobs ROFLSTOMP the casual players?

    4. 10 -12 pots for a 3 minute skirmish is just wrong. This is *NOT* fun.

    Mhmmm i did cta yesterday and just tried it again today to confirm. Purposely stood in the red for the whole run and dint see any big damage from any of the bosses, he dint kill me once, asked healer not to heal me, only used 2 health potions. So yh im not quite sure where, why or how u are getting one shot
    I have not played that CTA for a long while. All my toon (they were not Bis) could kill the dragons in seconds mods ago.
    I was curious. Last night, I send my iL 20K TR to it SOLO (I did not want to bother others for my testing). He has one purple insignia. Epic companion. He was not one shot anywhere in the whole process. No shot took close to 30% of the TR's HP. It took forever to kill the dragon though.
    *** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
    "If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
  • greywyndgreywynd Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 7,174 Arc User
    fyrstigor said:

    I think i remember reading or hearing on a stream somewhere that when they removed upscaling from strongholds, and changed the CTAs to lvl 40 that players under lvl 40 would be scaled up. I havnt tried with less that lvl 80 toons so im not sure if its working like this.

    I think of leveling 1-80 is just one long tutorial. Someone shouldnt struggle leveling, but how they scale in group content, how much the die in group content, i see as pretty irrelevant. The game doesnt really start until u are lvl 80, so they might as well just focus on that.

    Pretty much been hearing in zone chat that those under level 40 can't even find the CTA queue to get in.
    I'm not looking for forgiveness, and I'm way past asking permission. Earth just lost her best defender, so we're here to fight. And if you want to stand in our way, we'll fight you too.
  • greenlionguard#4540 greenlionguard Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    This is sounding like a typical Balenceing issue with new content. while I can agree to adding new content all around I cant see why you would not make some small lower level tasks for the festival events, its a Improvement that I can see selling the game a little more. I am so far as I am aware happy with the games development I just wish this push by the "woke" culture vagrants would stop they are really toxic people in general and good games with a wide verity of PVE content are dropping like flies. (than they say we are only in Single Player games well we are in single player because we cant ever find multiplayer with PVE content anymore)

    this goes into an old saying, Build it and they will come... the bigest issues thou is player will for a small period of time have to throw the devs a bone on some things like Scaleing since such things are best done live with the player saying something like "hay look this Cleric character is far too weak after the recent nerfing and is in desprate need of rebalenceing" and explaining whats going on in the battle state for example the buffs don't effect the cleric as strong as they should or the cleric is takeing way too much damage even for a Squishy, they draw too much argo EXC... by specifying whats causing the issues it can help the staff Scale the difficulty more properly.

    on the other side the devs do need to be aware that a Squishy character still needs to be abel to stand alone outside dungeon, thou this the basic players need to actually be able to play the game type mentality. I think the devs here are well aware that its not a game of players can't play it.

    So I think there is a nice middle ground we can reach with the devs on this Players who are concerned about Balenceing issues can go into detail on said issue and Devs can decide how to better tone and refine the character in question. does this sound fair to you developers?
  • finalfantasyac7finalfantasyac7 Member Posts: 582 Arc User
    I agree with the op. No 1 should tell others how to play the game... unless you´re a HAMSTER dps cleric in a group full of real dps classes playing a dungeon such as ravenloft or any other hard dungeons.
    For many years they cried "the clerics" to have lifesteal removed from the game and now they don't give a HAMSTER about healing anymore. Sorry that was a bit off-topic.

    Warlock- Lv80. || Rogue - Lv80. || Wizard - Lv80. || Paladin - Lv80. || Cleric - Lv80. || Ranger - Lv70. || Barbarian - Lv70. || Fighter - Lv70.

    ¨˜ˆ”°¹~•-.„¸ρℓαуιиg иєνєяωιитєя ѕιи¢є 2015¸„.-•~¹°”ˆ˜¨

  • wintersmokewintersmoke Member Posts: 1,641 Arc User
    edited August 2019
    fyrstigor said:

    fyrstigor said:

    I just did the CTA solo on my 21.7k alt warlock who is no where near to BiS. It even have all blue insignias. I used health stone about 3 or 4 times, everything was pretty smooth. The adds hurt a little more than expected, but being solo its ok, and warlock having no CC i dont complain. The wyrm thing was easy enough, worst thing about that one was all the add spawns. The dragon was the same thing, took me forever to kill (i was in AoE mode) but he didnt really hurt me. The poison on the ground hit for 7-12 dmg. The knockback when he flies up did around 40k (about 25% of my HP). Only thing that hurt was his breath attack, but the charge up on that one is so long i had no issues just side stepping from it every time, besides the time i took it on purpose and died from it.

    I think this CTA is scaled pretty well. Like always those who doesnt fix their stats for lvl 80 content will most likely be having issues like they do with all scaling.

    I fully respect everyones right to play their toon how ever they want, and use what ever powers they want to. But fact just is most classes there is only 1 or 2 ways to chose feats and powers to be usefull. It would be nice if that wasnt the case, but it isnt, so u can either accept this, or play ur own way and expect to struggle doing lots of content.

    U have all these pretty words to say about elitists, about anyone who dare tell u there is a better way that what u are doing. Why do u think ur right to play how ever bad of a build u wanna play is just something a group should accept? What gives u the right to drag down a group on purpose with ur bad builds when ur fully aware u could do better, u just refuse to.

    Kicking someone because they dont play a certain way is over the line in my opinion. But if a group struggles and someone is given ideas or help how to do their part better and refuse, they should be kicked. When a persons right to "suck" becomes more important than working as a team and completing content, they should be kicked.

    Not all level 6 players CAN fix their stats for level 80 content...
    I think i remember reading or hearing on a stream somewhere that when they removed upscaling from strongholds, and changed the CTAs to lvl 40 that players under lvl 40 would be scaled up. I havnt tried with less that lvl 80 toons so im not sure if its working like this.

    I think of leveling 1-80 is just one long tutorial. Someone shouldnt struggle leveling, but how they scale in group content, how much the die in group content, i see as pretty irrelevant. The game doesnt really start until u are lvl 80, so they might as well just focus on that.
    That's all well and good... for content that only level 80's can get into. CTA are supposed to be for everybody. You cannot make content that will challenge BIS endgame players that leveling toons will even be able to survive.
  • kemnimtarkaskemnimtarkas Member Posts: 838 Arc User

    Who CARES if there's another tank in this skirmish? Who the HAMSTER is this guy to TELL me to change my play-style? You just don't get it. This is WHY I quit running dungeons. If you didn't play the way some elitist HAMSTER TELLS you, you're kicked from the party.

    I play the way *I* want to play. If YOU have a problem with that, drop party. Don't ever think you have the right to tell me what to do.

    The fact someone is whining about how you play in a CTA, no less, is more a reflection on their pissy a$$holeness than anything else. The best retort to unsolicited advice is complete indifference. Ignore them and play on as you want.
  • silverwolf#7884 silverwolf Member Posts: 187 Arc User
    Understand where you're coming from but at the same time it's not an elitist thing to ask people to work as a group.

    Here's some examples :

    You're all together and a low-level Wizard gearing up your toon, there's a 24k Ranger in the group with you. There's nothing wrong with being low-level and ranking up; we all started at the beginning.
    If you're using Repel on the enemy and pushing them away from the group but doing very little damage the Ranger who's just activating a big AoE suddenly hits nothing and has a 15 second cooldown.
    This just makes the run longer for everyone.

    You're a tank, you're doing ok, holding your own. The Rogue that's in there is doing some amazing DPS but if the Tank can't keep or regain aggro because they're using the wrong powers the Rogue is doing more running away and less fighting. This results in downs (and subsequent debuff) and slower runs. Scrolls cost money.

    You're a big Barbarian, you're used to playing Mod 15 style of run forward and lifesteal while you face tank all the mobs. It's mod 16 and the healer is having to run after you to keep you alive, they waste all their divinity kepping you alive and when the rest of the team join the fight the healer can't heal them up when they need it because they had to waste it on someone not working as a team.
    It happens again, this time the healer just leaves you to it and stays with the rest of the group then you scream and rage at the healer for not keeping you alive.

    These things can frustrate people and that's why people offer advice and say "Hey, any chance you can do X so we can do this faster/easier"

    Mod 16 requires people to work as a team, one unit working in coordination to get stuff done, more so for Mod 17.

    Take the emotion out of the situation for a moment and ask yourself - what would have happened if you'd folllowed the advice ?
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