The Problem: PVP Mismatch makes PVP less enjoyable for everyone
Like in real life, its no fun pitting high level athletes to compete with amateur athletes, nobody has fun on either side, nobody would even want to watch that happen. Same problem we have with PVP
The Premise:
High Level PVP Players do not like playing with low item level players on their team because the low item level players will cost them the game by dying within 1 second all the time or not knowing how to cap
On the other hand, Low level players avoid PVP because... well... who wants to get smoked over and over again, with their team breathing down their necks calling them all manner of derogatory names.... and then kicking them out as soon as possible
So how to get everyone from low level to high level happy and into PVP?
My suggestion
Item Level Brackets. for example:
Then its 24,001 and up open
The Benefits:
Everyone can enter into PVP and move up as they learn and grow stronger while enjoying PVP with players around their same item level
Yule (Barb): 72k : Siren (TR): 78k : Torun (DC): 73k : Siren OP (OP): 76k : Siren SW (SW): 78k : Modern (F): 80k : Cherry1 (CW) : 68k Siren HR (HR): 78k
instead of matching the bracket to the player ..scale the player to the bracket ..
OMG lol so what if a new player Qs for Pvp in the lower brackets to "save money" at the "expense" of the population /participation increasing / completely disagree with the logic of that premise ..does that mean they wont spend any money ..? lol that is a falicy backed up by no facts and that is not how they work Pve here either .maybe they will buy cosmetics for thier pvp character maybe they will by more pack space to hold more items etc who knows ,,NOt al lpower is sold outright ..most/ alot of free Pvp games sell skins and cosmetics and not power / advantage and they do just fine ..
so with proposed item scalling / brackets is he/she not Queued up cause he feels its more/fair has a shot ? and that is not good for business or money ? or the games bottom line LOLZ
I already wrote entire threads how to monitze Pvp without selling power
however ..if a player is a whale they will spend money in pvp / pve regardless....
maybe this "cheap player that is trying to save money" will have a good experience and recommend/ play the game to someone who will spend money ??
also why your logic is flawed ..
The devs removed/disable pets from pvp.. Is that cause they wanted people to "save money"/ screw cryptic over for their bottom line .. LOLZ ? or they wanted it to be more fair/ accessible ?
furthermore ..already proposed/ in conjunction with this in the pvp forums the top bracket for the spending whale players would be unscalled anyways taking care of that objection that handing out free gear /item level means people wont pay to get better
..they already hand out free gear like candy for pve players to "catchup" ...does that mean that those players wont pay / contribute lol lolz? or is it to get thier beak wet so they can at least participate ..?
scalled or not you would still buy gear/ enchantment / items if you were into pvp
and for people that dont want to feel that they lost their investment /. still want to stomp players they can Q for unscalled
elite Q and meet similar players
Yule (Barb): 72k : Siren (TR): 78k : Torun (DC): 73k : Siren OP (OP): 76k : Siren SW (SW): 78k : Modern (F): 80k : Cherry1 (CW) : 68k Siren HR (HR): 78k
Winter Lily (CW) / Winter Rose (DC) / Winter Ivy (HR)
Pandora's Misfits Guild Leader
your logic is flawed
..item that are scale that proc effects still proc effects regardless if they are scaled or not (and will still be sought after ) /... and like i said there would be a no holds bared Elite Q to uses anything you want for the elite pros to spend money once they are already hooked ..or the pre made 5 v5 / 10 v 10 / 20v 20 custom Q that are already in the game ..
if there are no new players attracted because of perceived imbalance with the pay to win pvp wales Queue
no new people will spend money anyways to try a more balanced /scalled fair win loss elo Q if it does not exist ... ...chicken and egg ..
If they were willing to remove high level weapon and armor enchants from most PvE, they could do the same for PvP ....
Winter Lily (CW) / Winter Rose (DC) / Winter Ivy (HR)
Pandora's Misfits Guild Leader
There were/are no brackets/ matchmaking ... And these (so called bating gear removing people ) had better guild boons / and better regular overpowered boons(that have all been removed ) / and worked together on a mike/ and action point gain/ stamina was way over the top/ and were perhaps on an alt ... back then (mod 7-12 ) certain classes worked better and were cheaper to gear for pvp therefore needed less gear to perform (Tr cough cough)
Lets see some Elite Pvp player fight and Own /Trick people wearing no gear/ no boons in mod not going to happen
there is no Gaming the Pvp system by adjusting or lowering your items level / then swapping gear ..
Pvp did/ does not match by gear score/ item level .. so people are free to remove or not remove gear to change their item level to trick their opponents examining them as they see fit.. I dont really see how that matters in establishing balance
People can still read the opponents guild Tag and inspect name@Suffix and this low item level gear swapping deception does not last for long .
what does not work/ and would it work now / vs then ?
scaling players vs npcs/ on different level Pve content is not the same as scaling pvp players gear vs each other on the same level playing field ... are the "scaled " monsters getting the same gear/ enchantment as the players in pve ..? no ??
so then its a different scaling /balance we are talking about here then.
Making pvp players closer to each others item level wise via various means already listed below is the "scaling" I am referring to in this context ..
you are deliberately making a confusing and misleading statement that pve scaling of bugged enemies/ mobs / frequency and attacks (armor pen and counter stats ) and different areas vs just of scaling gear/enchantments/insignia /artifacts (for pvp ) to try making your point in order to shoot down ,mine ..
(currently companions /insignia and artifacts are not counted for and scaled properly in lower level pve content either)
... pve scaling and pvp scaling are not the same thing nor would pvp scaling need all the pve elements..
there is no bugged scaling NPCs / (critters as devs like to call them) .. attacking you in 5 v 5 pvp (or vice versa) ..thought with some new players may feel like you are attacking bots
everything was bugged in release of mod 16 whats your point they still went along with it and fixed it ..
I dont see what your link shows or proves or how it adds to the conversation
you just want to put "scaling" (and its early failure in mod 16 pve ) and blanket it for the whole game and areas into one jumbo word/ concept and have it do all the talking for ya in order to discredit my suggestion ..
lol thats not how it works when having discussion with me bro .// When the devs introduce new content it can be / is bugged at first however that not a valid reason not to implement / continue work on it . and dismiss pvp scaling outright
due to sloppy new mod 16 pve implementations / test runs / balancing
you are just salty that they removed the companion bonuses from pvp lol to "scale it better" lolz : D
and the devs did not listen to your misguided poor "advice"
P.s and all your "proof" / input is a link to a known bugged Pve Tiamat Queue that they fixed ..or Queue that pugs have trouble with mechanics/ or need a better tutorial /guide / lol omg ..its the dragon breath wiping people ( not taking the stones ) not the mobs ,.. how much do you want them to scale down a damm dragon breath to 1% of players health in damage lol ..
or perhaps your suggestions is they need a guide for pvp players just like tiamat should have one
what and excellent suggestion + 1
PvP and PVE are different? Really? Wow! Totally new concept. Herp de derp. You think that scaling against NPC enemies that have fixed stats and gear is going to be harder than scaling players, with large differences in gear and stats? Really?
If you meant balance, instead of "scaling" then you should have said so. This is why words are important.
If you are easily confused when comparing one thing with another thing, this is a not my problem situation.
The fact that scaling is broken, not only in end-game content, but also in leveling content does not exactly make you suggestion stronger.
The link shows that the problems in Tiamat are ongoing. This is not a thread from the beginning of mod
16. This is a thread from last week, just before the drop of Mod 17.
Yes, I do want to discredit your suggestion. Because scaling did not work in PVE. I don't want ideas that did not work to be used as the basis to try to fix PvP.
I am not salty, because I don't care if they removed companions from PvP. Companions never had a place in PvP (outside of Icewind Dale). In fact companions are generally assumed to be the reason why SH Seige died. Removing Comp stats would make scaling easier, because it would remove one more variable from the equation. That still doesn't make it a good idea. Side Note: Personally, I would like to see a Comp vs. Comp arena, because that would just be fun. But I can't say I really trust the Devs to implement it properly, so.... nevermind.
Again, this problem still existed last week. Not fixed. As for the stones, not all players load the instance before the dragon stones disappear. Even before Mod 16, it had been months since i was able to get one of those things. Another problem, was that the players that DID get the stones don't bother to use them, because they are beastly enuff not to be one shot by dragon breath. But these are problems with the mechanics. Not the scaling. The issue with the scaling is that even with the reduced number of clerics, it still takes too long to kill the attacking waves, and this will cause the timer to run out before Tiamat can be defeated.
Yes, a guide for both PvP and Tiamat (and Demogorgon, and bank vault, and...) would be an excellent idea. That doesn't mean that scaling is...
scaling in pve is broken because of complicated formulas .and whining players ..broken monsters etc
try this pvp "pseudo scaling formula" everyone gets rank 10s ..and no higher then blue artifacts and blue insignia /..
there is no pve "scaling/ balancing " to get wrong ..there are no bugs if everyone should have the same level of item enchantment ranked up or ranked down
"PvP and PVE are different? Really? Wow! Totally new concept. Herp de derp. You think that scaling against NPC enemies that have fixed stats and gear is going to be harder than scaling players, with large differences in gear and stats? Really? "
no it is the opposite bro it is easier to scale Pvp Characters and assign them the same level of enchants ,,... and have unscalled pro Q as Well for the big lockbox spenders / fully geared